The Turner Diaries are coming! Pay no attention to people claiming this is a false-flag. These are people who hope and pray that the White Nation Liberation War will never happen. This will say any violence against the ZOG is just a conspiracy. This was predicted by the Great Dr. William Luther Pierce himself. To quote him:
>Of all the segments of the population from which we had hoped to draw new members, the "conservatives" and "right wingers" have been the biggest disappointment. They are the world's worst conspiracy-mongers - and also the world's greatest cowards. In fact, their cowardice is exceeded only by their stupidity.
>The current conspiracy theory being circulated among conservatives is that the Organization is actually in the pay of the System. We are hired provocateurs whose job is to raise enough hell to justify the repressive counterrevolutionary and anti-racist measures the System is taking. If we would just stop rocking the boat, things would be easier on everyone. Whether they believe that theory or not, it gives them an excuse for not joining us.
This incident has proven, Zig Forums holds great power. The ideology propagated on this board, has the potential to radicalize young white men to wage war against the enemies of our people. But we are still in our infancy in terms of the ideological battle. We should have been prepared to give our soldier Brenton Tarrant better ideas. We should have transformed his desire to go out in a blaze of glory with a single incident into a string of incidents with better targets. 49 dead Muslims isn't going to hurt the System, and he could have killed nearly as many, along with robbing them, to help finance his own war against the ZOG along the way.
For young white men like Brenton Tarrant, clearly a very smart and clever young man, though not college educated, we need to be put more and better fiction like the Turner Diaries in his hand. We need a website, devoted explicitly to short works of fiction, to inspire young white men to battle the ZOG, in the most efficient way possible. I have prepared a couple such stories, please read them here.
Remember, Zig Forums, this is just the beginning of the war against international Kikery. While there may be much to criticize about our brave soldier's heroic act of defiance, we most not lose site of this very important fact: we have the power to inspire young white men to war, and we must not squander it. For those of us who are not yet prepared to pick up our own weapons, we must be prepared to fight our ideological enemies, and to contribute to a violent resistance in any capacity we are able, so long as we are ourselves unwilling to do what Brenton Tarrant has done.
The Turner Diaries are coming!
Other urls found in this thread:
I honestly have no opinion either way about what he did in NZ. I disagree with violence but also understand his reasoning. What I don't like is limp-wrist betamales who spam Siege and the Truner Diaries on Zig Forums all die inbetween watching Naruto and massaging their mother's feet. You aren't doing anything, you have no plans to do anything, and you're LARPing. Stop shitting up image boards with your dry daydreaming.
These shooters need guidance.
I propose the following package or any candidate to be taken seriously for the next assault:
(1) one high profile multiculti politician, business (wo)man, activist, judge, lawyer or TV personality
a. preferably a race traitor
b. but otherwise a Jew
c. if the two above are unavailable, a colored scumbag
(2) white race traitors, a small group of people clearly known for their love of miscegenation, a public organization if possible
(3) a bunch of Jews, preferably orthodox, for good measure
(4) some other non-Whites (niggers, sandniggers, mulattoes, gooks, spics, any mystery meat, etc.), just to remind people that this purge will be needed too
Forget about the manifesto.
Nobody gives a shit. Action will speak for itself.
Consider this casual training for a KD Rebel situation.
One can hope. Perhaps we'll see other actions in the coming weeks.
So shut the fuck up, no one cares about your opinion past this. You have no fucking stake in anything if you're a pacifistic kike.
what stake do you have? rolepalying on Zig Forums?
Never post here again. You aren't one of us. You are a traitor to the West.
Go away now.
Absolutely seething. Nothing you says matters because you'll never do anything anyways, you've admitted as much. Bye bye, Shlomo, we'll be by soon!
Then what fucking good are you?
I'm down PM me:
[email protected]
Read the entire post first. The user you're all replying to is basically saying that while what the NZ shooter did was not right, he cannot be blamed for what he did due to the ethnic displacement.
There should be a cyclical or sticky'd thread for information pertaining to high value enemies.
He disagrees with violence, therefore EVERYTHING he says is irrelevant. That's the end of the discussion.
Hunter is a much better book for this situation than the Turner Diaries.
Hunter is William Luther Pierces lone wolf novel and it's written much better than the TD.
I heard the writer likes his 2nd book better.
This form of lashing out action is expected. Sun tzu wrote 2500 years ago that you always leave your enemies a way to escape, because someone driven into a corner fights 10 times harder.
There is no such thing as a country for white people. Many don't see their home city as home. This is happening is because some see no other way out.
Incorrect. That man is a retarded idiot who does not see why things are the way they are. Anders Brevik understood, his attack was a false flag against jews and masons. The few images that publicly existed of him were him wearing a masonic apron. Brevik mentioned isreal and a jewish pro immigration political influencer as inspiration immediately on the first page. Brenton read Breviks manifesto at face value just like the presses did. He failed to comprehend anything.
The AVERAGE yellow vest protestor in France knows whats up
so clearly he was not smart. Unless you can somehow prove it.
Not everything in his manifesto is correct, that is for sure. I'm just saying, he got things reasonably correct, considering the massive amounts of propaganda that exist out there.
Why didn't he see the Kikes as the main problem? Partly because lots of "right-wingers" are Zionist-shills, and will talk shit on Arabs all day long, partly because Europe is suffering a real immigration problem from Muslim countries. It's also partly the line that Kikes are also fellow 'white' people. People like Jared Taylor from "American" Renaissance spread the view that Ashkenazi Jews are white people, in fact, the best of whites, with 115 IQs, so it is naturally they rule over other Europeans.
This trash represents our ideological competition, and it is clear he was influenced by them, to some extent. It's regrettable, but we have to do more to counter their bullshit in an intelligent fashion, not just screaming "Kike!" I mean, we should scream "Kike-lover," but we also must make sure to point out the false-reasoning behind these people's views, and to expose them as agents of the ZOG. This is not being done enough, so in that since, we failed to make sure Brenton had better targets.
Dab of bump