compiling the different reactions of muslims on social media sites
found one here on a facebook video:
compiling the different reactions of muslims on social media sites
found one here on a facebook video:
Other urls found in this thread:
anther "threat"
might be falseflags or shitposts tho
lmao some indian trying to shift the blame on PEWDIEPIE
both this and came from here:
this one is from the same link
Religion of Peace
Have they already blamed Trump and the white man?
Mehdi Hassan and Linda Sarsour are both having breakdowns on Twitter. It's glorious.
Shaun King too, know he isn't a Muzzie, but eh. Worth checking out.
christian and muslim faggots can kill each other over shit nobody cares fuckin blue pilled faggots
these two are from this video:
Are any people dumber than Turks? Every one I've encountered has been a complete sped.
Can guarantee there will be blowback from stupid muslims.
I just hope they dont go on a rape spree instead
a cocky white liberal who blames TRUMP, WHITENESS and the MALE gender
Muslims will find any excuse to blow up kuffars. They don't have any leverage in that regard as they're already doing as much damage as possible.
Reminder to search "Synagogues/Mosques in my area" to find nearby enemy locations.
Its nothing compared to the sick gloating from the petty assholes on this site. Its like something you'd hear from a bunch of right wing Israelis
Bring us the salt torfag!
Yeah, they already want to kill us, so this changes nothing.
trust me nigger from the point i write this comment to point where i end, we have more execuses to kill your whole family than you ever had in the past 10000 years
You're obviously a kike. Fuck this place is a sewer of Zionists.
Just ignore them. White liberals are the sheepiest of sheep. They literally don't matter in the grand scope of things, and when Zig Forums takes control, they will be the first to lick our boots - voluntarily, because they are pathetic sheep that will bow to any real danger.
lmao someone trying to pin the blame on LAUREN SOUTHERN and TOMMY ROBINSSON
I've seen fundraising being shared. Part of me can't help but feel this is going to backfire.
There's got to be more Game Theory to accelerationism than shooting up mosques.
If Moslems start killing random whites indiscriminately it might be good, on the other hand, if the response is a slow escalation against Europeans it will end bad for us.
bullshit look at number of muslims dying from western country and compare it to the number of christians dying from muslim countries and see the difference nigger inb4
fuck you
What the fuck are you babbling on about, shit for brains?
I can't wait for the situation to escalate
That happened a couple of years ago when they started storming our countries en masse. But now they finally get treated like the enemy combatants they are for once in their lives and they lose their fucking minds. Retards.
Those are rookie numbers, we need to pump that up!
Feels good.
I’m hugely confused. If these muslims died believing in their god wouldn’t that make them martyrs? So why aren’t the other muslims happy? Are they mad that they weren’t martyrs too? Should we help? But how?
The people they've invaded like the Balkans tend to be retarded as well. Its probably their genes
y'all weak ass christian faggots. i legit can't wait to see you crying like a little motherfuckers when Jihadists slaughter your kids and rape your filthy whore women.
you're gonna pay for this
Whites are finally cottoning onto the culture war. Its us vs the Jew and his vassals.
leave our lands and stuff like this won't happen
Looks like you guys were the one handed the invoice.
If you weren't complete savages we wouldn't have to go to war with you and if you weren't such a pack of inbred retards, you wouldn't be so comprehensively beaten.
But none of that makes up for the fact that we are generous enough to let some of you animals live in our nations and you repay us by blowing up kids.
a man can dream
Speaking of pewds… yesterday he had a good lead. Right now it's down to 1400…
In my estimation, pewd's lead on t series is a more important news story than whatever happened in New Zealand.
Indians are the biggest moralfag retards.
Daily reminder that this is what muslims in Australia actually plan to do, and that any resistance to islamic hegemony is entirely justified self-defense.
(((Austrailian university)))
Gee, he's practically begging for a brown Mudslime log to slide right up his butt. Being such a tolerant guy, I hope he gets his wish.
is this nigga serius
stfu mcdonald fat faggot indians are the most smartest people in the world
What i find funny is on the news, the muslims are saying how they are always victoms of violence and are peacefull people, then the next news story is ISLAM EXTREAMISTS blowing shit up somewhe… like ok….
hello pajeet
It's call Taqiya, nufriend. It basically means lying to deceive nonmuslims. It's part of their religion and it works really well in the West because liberals are utter retards.
I'm actually Australian so you had better watch your tongue, street shitter.
Haha, your mudslime brothers and sisters died. :)
Now THAT is funny user. Thanks for the laugh.
Look it up. It's part of the Muslim religion.
I aim to inform… AND entertain
Every Muslim sees themselves as an invader and they're proud of it. Not one is innocent.
If they do the mad man will have succeeded beyond his wildest expectations.
Bingo. One cookie for you.
female muslim BEGS for a revenge attack, claims muslims are cowards
I guess we really do have common ground with the shitskins after all :^)
What do the nigger runes say nigger?
Perhaps, its because you don't give a damn about your lives? Or anybody's. The muslim is the violent, retarded foot soldier of the Jew and will always remain so
Random liberal lemmings on facebook are not the place to look for consequential actors in world events.
were looking at what the average normie are saying and thinking
So youre gonna shootup a temple like your retarded brother faggot ?
Well good luck cucktard because ill be railing your gf after shitting in your garden
Jehehe hahajahahajahaajahaaaa
Sorry wut?
maybe they'll kill the Pope or attack the center of London
european says this is what christianity represents
NPCs gonna NPC as long as the Jews are at the helm
>akshually (((nuChristianity))) is when you let yourself be replaced, tolerate every form of degeneracy under the sun and have mixed race children!
was this a falseflag by india?
one of those things is not like the other.
Maybe that's how things work in his little heretical splinter denomination.
Well from reading all the threads on here we already know what jews think of this latest jewish false flag to demonise whites is, they fully support it while the European goy is getting the blame
Don't you fucking dare mistake patience for weakness!
When you do that sort of thing to us and we don't respond by genociding every single last one of you, that's us telling you to walk away before you get us collectively very, very angry. And there will not be any rules of engagement or whatever bullshit holding us back.
Walk away while you still can.
leftypol couldn't even organize a gay orgy in an anarchist squathouse
It is ok to kill mudslimes. Including their children. Their very existence must not be allowed.
Tell muslim about attack but dont tell him about who were targets and who was the attacker, just mention "house of prayer" or some other euphemism they dont use for their shithouse and watch their reaction.
LMAO! you sandniggers wont do shit, we've been bombing your lands for decades killing millions of you camel fuckers.
You do know you "Muslims" started this shit, killing people in the name of your "God" & that's why you guys got a taste of your own medicine today.
back to your Q nonsense then
This is the same as collecting scalps, ma man.
You're powerless.
Yes. He is. Under Islamic doctrine, THEY DID NOTHING ILLEGAL. You need to stop fucking thinking that ANYONE BUT WHITES in the ENTIRE WORLD cares about objective truth. EVERYTHING is subjective to these people.
Yeah pal, it's only christians that dislike your child fucking and inbred dogmatic horseshit.
A ISIS threat has been made on twitter
No, I don't want war with them. However, they have brought a war to us, and now we have to show them the appropriate courtesies.
its not a random image either
look at the date