Reminder that the Protocols of Zion specifically outlines fomenting a war between Christianity/the West and Islam as one of its main goals
Reminder that Muslims and Westerners randomly killing each other does literally nothing to disrupt the ZOG power structure
Reminder they want us to fear and hate each other to the point of boiling over into violence, so they can justify ever stronger "security" measures
Reminder Islam is literally only a threat to Western nations because our borders are controlled by traitors. It was barely a threat to strong European nations when they were actually controlled by nationalists.
'Islam is coming for us' is mostly a distraction. Evidence of this is that every controlled opposition website and eceleb constantly shills fear-inducing stories about Islamic extremism. Fearing Islam, and believing direct action needs to be taken against Muslims, is babbies-first-redpill, alt-right edgy teen and/or basedboomer tier politics. The reality is that while it is undeniably a problem, it is not a cause, but a symptom.
The cause is, as it has always been, ((who)) is in power. Taking back power from the actual globalist elite is the only priority, and after that all problems can be fixed from the top down. Bottom-up, lone wolves machine-gunning random targets, will lead only to more innocents being killed on all sides, and public justification for more big-gov tyranny.
I am saying this for all anons who, from coming to this place, have sunk into fear and bitterness, even desperation, enough to celebrate mass murder and call for more. I see it in emotional posts saying things like "this is our last stand" or "this is darwinian reality, race war, dehumanize now" etc. It's plain wrong. There are beyond enough healthy Europeans in every Western nation to bounce back easily under the right government. You are being pushed towards this extreme, despairing emotion for a purpose. Islam is not a serious threat, it is a distraction.
They might be trying to replace/genocide us, but they haven't got a hope in hell, unless we stop trying to get our countries back under nationalist control with a political movement based on truth and love, and start throwing away our lives, freedom and years of shifting the overton window by randomly attacking groups that make up tiny minorities of the population.
Yeah, because we all know nobody on their side would ever post here.