The Shooter Brenton Tarrant Mega Thread


Live news update here:

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Other urls found in this thread:





based Aussies

alex jonestein's infojews is desperately trying to shit on this guy ignoring that 100% of his listeners support him.

Please tell me one of you niggers downloaded the livestream and can upload it to some file sharing site. I was asleep when this shit went down and want to watch it, but even Liveleaks pussied out and are deleting all the reuploads of it.

Where did he livestream it?

Livestream is webm in the OP. Or do you mean you want something higher quality?

Damn, I'm retarded, didn't even notice it. But didn't the massacre go on for like 17 minutes? The webm is only a few minutes

This. The only way he could have done this better is if he'd claimed he was doing it to get revenge for a gay lover killed in the Pulse nightclub shooting.

Muslims are going to shoot up churches across the west in the coming weeks.

Nvm I'm retarded, never heard of that stream site before. Shame it's not in higher quality

On Facebook, but he initially posted the link here for us. See attached.

Attached: bypass.jpg (1280x720 338 B, 13.34M)

The Australian Government in 2006 gave orders to the media to stop covering Muslim Gang Rapes because it would inspire terror attacks.

Now they are going to put it into law, that when a train of 20 muslims gang rapes your wife, it's against the law for you to complain like they are doing already in sweeden.

The thread on this government report, and links to download it and proof it was wrote by a pedophlie is here:

At the bottom of that thread…


Guess what's on the Manifesto? MUSLIM GANG RAPES OF WHITE WOMEN.

His manifesto has to get out there because before it was even out (((they))) were trying to shut it down!

All the action is in the OP. I cut the rest out which is him driving and shiposting IRL.

+ Full Video:
+ Archive of Original 8ch Thread
+ Brenton Tarrant's Manifesto

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Absolutely based. We should do some images normalfags can understand.

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Part 1

Attached: Shooting - 1.webm (128x128 15.76 MB, 11.47K)

Doing gods work

Part 2

Attached: Shooting - 2.webm (128x128 15.76 MB, 12.36K)

ISIS calls for revenge

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Reminder he may be a Shia Muslim.
He was in Pakistan 6 months prior to:

Attached: F68B6FD7-EC79-4FBF-9D64-F117327F7520.jpeg (1006x652 88.19 KB, 172.81K)

this was part of his plan

I was thinking the same thing, the media has COVER stories about social media banning the evil shooting video and the manifesto and how good they are doing.

What does that do… it makes everyone go read and watch the video. A great Jewish production.

This guy is 100% controlled opposition. Notice how none of these MK'd retards or plants go after high profile Jewish or Muslim leaders, they just go after the low class trash with little to no influence in their community. This is the equivalent of the Dylan Roof shooting just with more blow black.


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thanks for reposting the Aga Khan image

Some OC from my bro, he can't keep getting away with it!

Attached: He Can't Keep Getting Away With It.jpg (627x468, 36.72K)

He attacks Muslims, they attack back with mass killings, thus exposing themselves and further intensifying acceleration of the collapse.

Video of Second Shooting

Attached: 1552627770136.webm (600x600 4.52 MB, 337.42K)

How do I get the video to work? Just getting a crossed out play sign

Bull fucking shit. That shit has already been happening for decades, noone is doing anything. Again, explain why he spent 6 months in Pakistan with Muslims connections and why does he idolize brevick?

They nuked the mixtape link it seems.
Just a second I will upload somewhere else.
Refresh the thread so you can download it fast.


Sorry, Abrahamite, but Brent's going to Valhalla. You can't claim this one.

why would he not?

If you had read his manifesto you would understand, but i guess that's too much effort.

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Just wait till Muslims with AKs mowing down Christians in Churches is an everyday thing. The man was an accelerationist. He down't have an immediate effect in that regard but it certainly fuels the fire.

I read it. That's not what I was asking. Why did he spend 6 months in Pakistan with Muslim connections?

they don't even speak english
they shouldn't be in that country


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To be fair its 74 pages of shit-posting. I doubt most people can get through that much concetrated autism.

can someone fucking post the video

Maybe he wanted to investigate it. It isn't hard to get a ticket there.

So good.

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Thanks but they nuked that too, why are they censoring this video so fast


Can someone link the

Otago Muslim Association

video he references in the Manifesto? Is it a persuasive video?

Old FB link:

Read the thread faggot. See:

Bring it goat fuckers

Investigate what? This is obvious this guy is a fucking Muslim controlled plant with apparently connections with high profile muslim shia leaders. Most likely trained in Pakistan and sent to New Zealand to fuck whites even harder

Halfchan is down, I repeat, halfchan is down.

Attached: 3.png (925x326, 4.02K)

Who cares? Its good optics and its motivating the right.

halfchan works for me

Anglins fuck shack is down too.


The dumfuck media bought it! They believe the Seal copypasta. They think he was actually serious. Oh man, being Australian is the best. I hope we never change!

Works for me.

Yeah I saw but still can’t download or play file

wtf, 404 error. got another download?

so are my pants

So Muslim controlled plants mass-kill Muslims now, so Muslims go out and kill more Christians so more whites kill Muslims? Makes no sense.

Just get the two part video then. Its posted here:

Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria are the based muslims countries


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What makes no sense is why was he in fucking Pakistan for 6 months with connections to muslims. noone can seem to explain that

His strobe light says "crab rave" on it. Can someone do a rave effect on the video with te crab rave song playing in the background?

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Someone needs to crash a plane into the black muslim cube

Attached: NASHEED the-islamic-state-22oh-disbelievers-of-the-world22_hd_1.mp4 (1280x720, 3.4M)

Nizari aren't considered Muslim by most Muslims, Aga Khan IV is an outright Jew and their infallible cult commander.


Can you even get drum mags in NZ??? I know 30 rounders are legal if you get the special license, but I didn't think mags with higher cap were available.

Illegal mags are pretty easy to get even in Oz. Where I live they're illegal, but everyone at my club uses them. Noone fucking cares. Worst is they confiscate it and you play dumb.

Bring it on isis you goatfucking faggot homosexual mudshitskin
You will never be white ahmed prepare to depart my dear planet


He's stlll a MK'd faggot though

Can we get a webm with this song now?

He traveled all over the place. In his manifesto he does explain that he has nothing against kebabs in their own countries, which follows the europe for europeans, africa for africans etc logic. It is consistent and there is nothing wrong with it. Want another country that should have less restriction on tourist visas? Iran is a good one, they are huge cunts when it comes to that.

Top kek

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h-h-he traveled all over the world! Keep grasping at those straws faggot. He clearly is either MK'd or a race traitor that worked with the Nizari who are led by a Jew named Aga Khan IV.

Is anybody going to bring up the real victims of this tragic event?

Pussy Riot concert in Christchurch cancelled following NZ shootings


Can't upload or embed, but here is a link

Everyone will ignore this. Fucking pathetic faggots afraid of the truth

Interesting. I read you Aussies pretty much buried all you guns when the turn in happened, so there is probably a pretty good black market for the stuff. What he had looks pretty new to me, no 80's or 90's style.

Looks like they couldn't get the Gun Control Bills passed in 2017 ….. guess they will now.

Attached: New Zealand Gun Laws 2017.png (1326x357, 53.28K)


Attached: EovR6jvV5NXthvv9.mp4 (640x360, 1.6M)

Wow he went to kill muslims and got feminist bitches as collateral damage on top?

That's like kill one, trigger one for free.

What's the next part of his master plan?


What the fuck were these Soros sluts doing in Christchurch? Maybe our boy was taking out higher priority targets than we realize.

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if true the group he was part of are strategic geniuses
get the blame put on another group while still fulfilling his objective
could also explain where he got his weapons training and his team mates (those other shooters that were there on standby)

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tyvm. Important part of the story here.

more info on this please

the second mosque was full of guns and explosives owned by the mosque itself

read his manifesto
part of his plan:
-pissing off muslims who will attack back, causing race war and more whites shooting muslims and vice versa
-increased gun control crack down, further enraging whites causing more shootings
not part of his plan:
-getting caught, it looked like he expected a larger police response, it doesn't seem like he expected to be able to walk in and out like that multiple times with no resistance

All we need now is for someone to fly a plane into the Mecca clock tower, payback for 9/11

Or maybe people with normal levels of intelligence and who aren't mentally unstable will simply look at the facts and ignore your paranoid ravings.
Travelling around the world? Visiting Pakistan? Having good experiences meeting kindhearted locals? All consistent with his manifesto. Also consistent with a nationalist who believes in nationalism for all peoples.

They all are. Remember France, every mosque they turned over had an armory in it.

True and true.