Christchurch NZ shooting production values

The action packed Christchurch NZ event was recorded with the live streaming feature on the GoPro Hero 7 Black. I get why he used the live streaming, due to the high risk associated with the activities he was performing. He should have also had a chesty mount with another GoPro filming at 4K60. Look up Silo Entertainment on YouTube, an airsoft channel. They use all sorts of camera angles. I know this isn't easy to do live of course, pioneers such as the NZ shooter will always be on the edge of technology though. Still, we need to call for higher production values. True fans of such premium white nationalist content will appreciate the detail that 4K at 60fps will bring the audience.

With such higher quality footage, editors can make epic "re-taking of Europe and European-derived nations (like New Zealand) the white man founded back from the foreign 3rd world migrants and our traitorous terminally liberal politicians" videos and do 50% slow motion on some of those amazing kill shots.

So let's say the next one heeds this advice. Imagine he wears 3 GoPros. One on his Chesty Mount live streaming in 720p. Another on his forehead recording 4K at 60fps, and the other might be mounted to his primary gun and also recording at 4K60. When he gets back into his car, he tosses the two GoPros in the bushes or in some pickup area. An accomplice grabs the GoPros a minute later, takes them home, unloads the beautifully detailed 4K60 source footage snd then uploads to the internet to multiple links. So even if the shooter is caught or goes down, 4K60 coverage will be available for online audiences within a few hours.

Seriously GoPro, the Hero 8 camera needs to do livestreaming in at least 1080p60fps plz. This 720p livestreaming doesn't let us see the details many of us are salivating for. You can do better than this GoPro.

Attached: Screenshot_20190315-191758_Torrent.jpg (2960x1440, 978.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Problem is the streaming part

KEK, lets discuss the camera he used and how to get high quality video next time.

I love you autists. Hilarious.

Attached: autism_awareness.jpg (960x960, 189.48K)

I know, streaming is going to be low, 720p, I get that. But future performers really need to shoot 4K60 onto a microSD card that obviously is not live, on separate cameras as I described. So you would have at least 2 cameras. The 720p live one, and the 4K60 gun mounted one for example. These are once in a lifetime events for the talent on screen. We need more detailed footage. Look up "Europe Awake" on YouTube, now imagine a 2019 remix of the 3rd / ending section where it shows Hitler and NatSoc Germany. Imagine tossing in perfectly edited 4K60 cropped in when necessary, slowed down to 50% for those slo-motion kill shots. Editors know the value of high frame rate videos! Hero 7 can also do 2.7K120 but it leaves less room for cropping into the frame.

Also, make sure image stabilization is disabled. When he went into the room, if image stabilization on the camera is enabled, the low shutter speed will cause jittery artifacts in the motion blur as the electronic stabilization shifts the frame on the image sensor.

Absolutely user, strive do deliver high quality streams in all things that you do.

I should also clarify that electronic image stabilization (which is what the GoPro uses, it doesn't have optical stabilization) is fine to use when in daylight or lighting conditions enough to where the auto shutter speed will not really go lower than 1/120th of a second. But the moment someone goes into an interior area (common in these types of performances), in order to have the best possible looking footage at 4K60, make sure to disable all image stabilization. Stabilization can be enabled on the live stream camera of course. But the higher quality footage that would hopefully appear on the internet a few hours later could then be grabbed by editors and stabilized more appropriately for inclusion into more inspirational content.

Careful user, you’re gonna make it too expensive for the broke-in racist set to do anything. And you’ll make them feel bad about their poor production values? What’s the world coming to when only well-funded geniuses can afford to commit crimes, killbots?

Psst, the military likes killbots because they’re lawless people poorly suited for whirled peas.


Attached: terrorist activity comparison in march.jpg (744x1200, 74.16K)

Good idea, user, but the text is unreadable.

It really only requires 2 cameras, you can even buy them used. Maybe $800 total tops. The guns weren't cheap … they can just get the cameras on a credit card to suck some life out of the shekel sniffing merchants. One live streaming, one at 4K60 that will be uploaded later. Not a big deal. He had all those guns. Cameras aren't going to add much more to the budget.

This is why I love Zig Forums.

Attached: Autistic Children.jpg (640x480, 44.87K)

bigger resolution here, enjoy

Attached: terrorist activity comparison in march.jpg (6388x10301, 3.64M)

Zionism is one big terror activity, if you counted all the zionist/zogbot attacks you would have a list from here to the moon.

no i like this one.

Ironically, as much as Zig Forums seems suspicious of 5G( because they don't understand what the fuck they're talking about or how radios work) 5G will actually allow for high definition streaming. one of the goals for 5G is 4k streaming. Imagine watching the comfy 5G capable RWDS footage, live.

This needs to be addressed, it is critical we all get better footage to play with in our video editing.

Reported, faggot.

He wasn’t joking

You're a nigger.

I realize that current mobile internet doesn't really allow for consistent streaming above 720p to be compatible for most devices. GoPro played it safe. But if we can get 1080p at 60fps streaming on the next GoPro (unlikely, but I hope I'm wrong), then perhaps future productions of such epic caliber will be seen in better detail. This video was good, being a pioneer piece, but there will come a time when 4K60 events live streamed will be a reality, like you said.

#TheDayOfTheRope will be live streamed in 4K60 for all the world to see.

how is this guy right wing?

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In the screen grab posted there was a song playing that said "kameraden" and I cant find that shit anywhere…can somebody tell me who sings it or provide a link ? It was catchy as fuck

I realize that current mobile internet doesn't really allow for consistent streaming above 720p to be compatible for most devices. GoPro played it safe. But if we can get 1080p at 60fps streaming on the next GoPro (unlikely, but I hope I'm wrong), then perhaps future productions of such epic caliber will be seen in better detail. This video was good, being a pioneer piece, but there will come a time when 4K60 events live streamed will be a reality, like you said.

#TheDayOfTheRope will be live streamed in 4K60 for all the world to see.


time to invest in gopros lads

The real tragedy here is that he was using proprietary software.

There's no GNU/race_war approved cam.


Did we just discover Zig Forums's first actual project? I'll get drafting up a logo immediately.

That's not really important. No one cares if he uses proprietary software. The end result is if the footage quality is actually good, regardless of hardware and software used. 720p low bitrate live streams are okay for now, but we want higher spatial resolution. I'm serious, I'm just one of the few who will admit to it. That was my only complaint about the video. The content was fine.


Being the change I want to see in the world.

A poster to start the revolution.

Hail Brenton!

Download the manifesto here >>>/4chon/295102

Archive of the original thread:
Direct link to the manifesto:
Note original manifesto is 733.17 KB other versions with bigger file size are suspect and probably have a trojan.

Dailystormer article:
Dailystormer onion:


I, Epyc [redacted] Wynn endorses Brenton & his actions.


Attached: voters vs insurrectionists.jpg (1005x1069 322.59 KB, 332.89K)

Stop shilling this shit.

The song is Grün ist Ünser Fallschirm (Remix), very very catchy

No that's not it…it had a punk/rock beat and it was when he opened the trunk (boot) after going back to the car to switch guns

Attached: gno.jpg (800x531, 62.28K)

Is GoPro going to denounce white people soon?

YES ! that is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for that it has been fucking me up all day looking for it

I am the OP. I do believe GoPro products were not meant to be used in this way. They did not intend for this.

They don't like us >>>Zig Forums1041721

We all care about proprietary software.

the GoPro owner looks pretty kikey

Attached: Nick_Woodman_2014.jpg (450x600, 67.79K)

Proprietary software isn't the main thing here. I'm talking about image quality, which is the most obvious issue that needs improvement. A change in logistics. 4K60 live streaming won't be around for several years, but the revolution might begin sooner.

It also attracts the "everything is faked" twats like flies to shit

This was the realest looking fake staged hoax shooting I've ever seen. The way the blood splatters everywhere just looks so real. I can't believe it's fake. /s

As long as the video format is free, liblre, and open source, I don't see any issue with viewing that sort of video. What I am objecting to here is the use of proprietary software running on the camera itself. We all have to make compromises somewhere so I can accept viewing open-source videos taken with proprietary cameras. But only in very specific situations where an alternative camera was not available.

Why are cucking out?

Of course this is what they should be used for.

Man this event really separates the cucks from the serious white nationalists.

Holy fucking kek this thread


Well? Should it?

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>But what is Zig Forums? We just don't know.

Do you have an archive?

Zig Forums is a Jew psyop to push Nadzess for their survival.

Guy streams the shit on facebook live. Nobody calls for facebook to be shut down. Double standards.

I was thinking this about drones the other day.


Attached: Yo we just gave em some help (1).webm (640x360, 5.29M)

Hearing her say help me in that arab accent gives me an odd sort of pleasure

It took all my might to not jerk to it

Attached: must not fap.jpg (300x168, 8.72K)

Anyone even know about the recent shootings in Brazil?

The TV literally only had a repeating broadcast on NZ.
At the same time Israelis fired into Gaza too.
Something is really fucky about all of this.

If he isn't 5 eye related himself, he's likely a mercenary of some form (which may indirectly be related to 5 eye)

Attached: s-9bc29d8bd1716f85d976627c92d6921098ac8c05.gif (500x312, 1.91M)

Extremely good quality from what I saw too.

His religion is ultraconservative, he doesn't drink and fucks women at there prime fertility (13).

He also breaks rule 1 and 2.

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Next guy needs to use a 360camera so I can watch in VR


And a gopro quadcopter on autofollow.

We will take back the holy land

Attached: 20190316_111734.jpg (1438x1954, 1.11M)

where can i get rhe full video

Every file hosting service in know is deleting it instantly but here's a webm with almost all of the action.

Attached: Mad_Lad.webm (432x240, 14.51M)

I'm trying to find more songs by that band but I can't find any. Do you have a link to more songs by them?

Cool song BTW.

Not every site is deleting the video. This one's been up for awhile. Here's the full video

thx brethen i wanted some audio but thats stoll good

download this link for audio that posted


absolutely agree
what streaming service and where do you post your links? We will be no doubt monitored now by literally every fucking kiked intelligence agency. I think the next hero needs to select a streaming site or create his own so it can stay up as long as possible


its down but thx tho

WTF it was just working, this is still up:

save it quickly

thx i downloaded it quickly fuck the glow niggers

Get a drone for over the shoulder view.

Just saw an HD video floating around somewhere. One of the top 10 Zig Forums pranks of all time.

Attached: 0c7243b04771276dbeea17c53a084d0a044d022144e39bc795a9b2992c0d6bdb.jpg (600x656, 84.34K)

I just checked it's working.

Instead of having an accomplice which is a big risk and if you are taking the risk you might as well join in on the action you could have it automatically upload the videos and then send the link to the download in some irc / matrix server. So instead of having another person coming along and manually uploading it, you just have it automatically do so. If you think it would take a long time you could bring some of those battery pack things for phones.

Why is it a problem? He probably streamed it on a 4G mobile connection which in NZ would be pretty stable.

The silver smile.

Well it looks like NZ ISP's have now blocked 8ch.

Attached: 8ch.jpg (310x173, 28.22K)

It's actually very possible to live stream from mobile at 1080p. It requires a specialized setup that sends the video to the computer that actually makes the uploads and would be very dependent on scouting out cell phone reception in advance. The extra half a backpacks worth of electronics to run the system might not be worth it though.


You’re an immigrant too.

you can literally stream 1080p@60fps from any flagship phone (say an S9) as long as the connection is good enough

Checked and based

I don't think it's reasonable to expect FHD livestream quality in this situation. The circumstances are quite difficult.

Go fuck yourself yid.

The problem with that is the "live stream" part of it. Maybe not in Europe, AU and NZ; but in the US you can barely sustain a 1080p upload to live stream - if you even can (I don't know, I have a 2003 flip phone with 0 features).

New Zealand has ISPs?

Attached: New_Zealand_has_Niggers_Too.jpg (300x223, 16.04K)

why can't I livesteam to ffs now? fuck the kikebook or the twatter. Is there anyway we can have brittany venti go on a DOTR spree and livestream it? her big titties and all in a bra as she slaughters muzzies. There should be a video game for that, for strictly training purposes.

That's not the full video, the one's over 16 minutes long

Dan Carlin, is that you??? I listened to you often repeat how you wish you had drone video footage of hulagu khan's siege, sack and pillage of bagdad.

Next level shit would be wifi remote AI mission controlled mini drones, once the shooters vitals expire they disengage and log in remotely to a Starcucks WiFi hotspot.

Attached: dan the man.jpeg (225x225, 6.12K)

Answer my question you fucking niggers

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This takes dark humor to a new depth.
Thanx user.

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dont worry goyim every square inch of land will have 5g soon enough