Cui Bono?
Whites? Nope, PR disaster in race relations. Very bad for whites living among Muslims, will escalate tension and violence in every diverse neighborhood.
Muslims? Nope, very bad same as above but vice versa.
Those trying to D &C whites and Muslims? Yes, dream come true.
MSM? Yes dream come true.
AIPAC? Dream come true, so much for the white/ Muslim alliance in Congress, thanks Goy..
Govts trying to gut free speech? Yes dream come true
Govts looking to tighten gun laws? Yes dream come true
Police state/surveillance apparatus? Yes dream come true.
Military Industrial Complex? Yes Goy we need to keep you safe from terrorists, it'll cost you $750 billion per year plus interest. Sorry you can't afford Universal healthcare, what are you a Socialist?
Israel? Yes, how nice of the Goy to step in and volunteer to take the retaliation for our decades of slaughtering unarmed civilians in Gaza..
Pro war Neocons/Mossad? Dream come true, now they can easily lead some angry patsies into carrying out false flags in order to get US and EU to support their war w Iran and Syria.
There's nothing known about the three other suspects? Hey Goy, that's not strange at all.
Check pics.
Yes Israel bombed the shit out of Gaza over an accident.. All kinds of war crimes I skipped over.
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