We need to push hashtag related to call the leftist hypocrites out on their crocodile tears over Muslim terrorist attacks but outrage over isolated Caucasian terror attacks.
Make them eat their own logic.
We need to push hashtag related to call the leftist hypocrites out on their crocodile tears over Muslim terrorist attacks but outrage over isolated Caucasian terror attacks.
Make them eat their own logic.
I agree.
For years we had to deal with "part and parcel". Why did they think this would be any different?
A good idea. I'm going to start sharing stuff on twitter about "days of rage" (good book, would recommend), the cover ups of rotherham et al., sadiq cunt's infamous quote, and the terror attacks in Germany/France.
I never thought of shortening it but it could help.
muh russia
I'd like to see the casualties from muslim terrorism since 2000 compared to "radical right wing terrorism". Muslims killed 2,700 in 9/11 so 49 is a pretty fucking low score.
some boomer on the radio this morning said there's been eight-teen thousand dead
from muslim terror attacks in the past 10 years
Idiots. This place should never be so retarded as to do the “different when they do it” thing. GG used that because GG was running anti-harassmeng campaigns and protesting sanctimonious leftists lying about them. But almost nobody here would tolerate living in a world where their own conduct wasn’t different and special - this place is narcissistic like aGG was.
Boston 2015
After every violent shitskin terrorist attack they find more excuses and reward the shitskins even more then have the audacity to wonder why others would also turn to violence.
Russia 2004
2001 new york
The thread is still up about FBI involvement in a busted up islamist training camp here in the US.
If our governments work for foreign people at our expense, they are foreign aggressors too.
The problem with those lists is they don't include all the other fucked up shit they do like the child rape gangs.
This. They could have told them to assimilate and stop chimping out like uncivilised subhumans but no. PART AND PARCEL. They literally tried to normalise terrorism and violence and they got what they wanted.
Americans fucked up hugely there. It was incredible. Actual terrorist training camps on their soil, dead children, and they get away scot-free because they're shitskins.
Muslims killed 300 people.
Stop it user, you're going to break my anti-semitism.
WHERE can I download the manifesto?
Spain 2004
193 dead
Have fun
France 2016
80 dead
Same attack
Memes, go to page 20 for a little example
Where can I get the whole video of the mass shooting only saw a quick version
I actually just did some research earlier today and discovered that since 2010, over 8,000 innocent people were killed by muslim terrorists. NOT including acts of 'war'. I 100 support Tarrant, and am personally sick of the faggots counter-signalling him
I really like your hashtag user. I love the idea of rubbing their faces in the shit that they have continuously rubbed ours in for ages. Thanks for making me smile.
I can't wait to see what you guys come up with on this one. I would like to see the images of our people as well as the images of individual crimes like the two girls beheaded in Morocco. With the 'Its OK when they do it' meme tagged on their. This has really serious potential user to be doing God's work.
Read the room, bro. This meme is dead in the water right now. It won't have any memetic power until the next mudslime terror attack, so keep your powder dry for now.
You can hate both. The semites are scum.
Here's me talking about stuff in the NZ Mosque Shooter's manifesto - the Sydney Gang Rapes 2 days before the attack.
And I think this aussie shitposter might be Brenton a few mins later…
Recap of the best posts here…
I was talking about the Government saying it was racist for the Mainsream Media to cover Muslim Gang Rape cases because it inspires terrorism back in 2003 - and that's why the policy for the sake of national unity the media must not cover Muslim Gang rapes.
However some journalists in newscorp (aussies fox) have gone of the reservation- for the most part - we are not allowed to hear about racially motivated attack of white woman. They put this in their GOVfuck reports.. Scroll up.
The shills claiming it's some sort of false flag are just scared of agency.
Amazing how we started the second deadliest war in human history over one dead archduke and yet thousands of our women and children die and we are expected to just smile about it. It's like out of a dystopian novel.
Anyone have the full video???
There is no logic for them. It is just propaganda and control.
A better message: it is ok when white people kill anyone.
Spread this unironically. This is not about satire, counter-argument or memes. It is about forcing them all to see only the truth: That indeed, when we kill someone, anyone, it is ok, because we can (and will) kill anyone that we want to.
go back to GLP tavistock pedoposter
There's already this one:
One day we'll laugh about it.
Boundless apathy and memory holes from the masses when some shitskin does it but when one retaliates they pretend to care again. When people stop caring, when excuses are made and enablers enabled then nobody will care. You have the dystopia you deserve.
They don't eat their own logic. They have no logic. They are a majority in the west due to majority of people just blindly following the shitty propaganda chain of education + media, which are led from people above often jewish.
Maybe corrupt shitter Sarkozy destroying Libya with zog, zog destroying syria, zog not only destroying iraq but installing a controlled puppet government there. Not sure if they count as radical right wing terrorism, maybe jewish terrorism.
It are cuckchanners and magapedeswho usually push for some well intentioned but utterly stupid idea which shows a lack of understanding of current situations.
They are. Politicians in my country are owned by foreign interest and underhand deals that get made, they make sure the people believe propaganda and push stuff so things don't escalate. The only logical reason knowing this for the forced refugee acceptance is one that would make divide and conquer strategies easier. Economically and culturally it's a disaster, so ulterior motives and conspiracies from above are in place against the people. Just find some of the more prominent families, those involved in central banks and regular banks and so on. Often you see money streams to NGO's which then donate to research projects which in fact is just money to research commissions that decide over funding for research so that a narrative can be indoctrinated and pushed into a population.
…. Western normies then sometimes whine about China being totalitarian. Jeez they are so blissfully unaware of the people that rule them and how little freedom and choice they have.
Agreed. This was the first thing I said to the mrs. They fucking bomb cunts, murder and rape. One brother is pushed over the edge and sorts out a few kebabs and now its all “ahh wahwahwah white supremacy is bad mmmkay”. I hope this is a catalyst.
They were drones you dummy.
Yeah, we will laugh about it when ETHNOGLOBE is realized and we are the only people left on the planet.
I think a better angle is the fact that an overall average of 50 civilians per day (lowest end estimate) in the Middle East have died as a direct result of the USA's War on Terror. Where was the leftist outrage over this? They stopped caring about it as soon as it was Obama in charge of the war.
How easy the civilized mask slips and the tolerant masses cry for death penalty and gulag on behalf of the state. Slap them the comment section in the soy face und make them embrace the dehumanisation to face the blood shed.
Why would we care when we know that the only future is a world with only one race in it? The European race, those who have mastered the planet are the ones who deserve to inherit it.
These are the very reasons why ETHNOGLOBE must be implemented to secure the existence of White children.
Lurk moar
2014 Sydney hostage crisis
shooting at Parramatta Police station 2015
2012 Police gas Sydney protesters angered by a (((US))) film, made by a jew. Innocence of Muslims, portraying the prophet Muhammad as a womaniser and paedophile.
i watched and the quality was so terrible the jew behind it was rubbing its hands all the way to the bank
Melbourne Burke street knife mudslime attack
Lee Rigby
No more lone wolf attacks ok guys. We need to band together and squad up from now on ok?
Nope lone wolf is perfection. The smaller the cell the more effective the hit. Ideally no one should know that you were doing it.
Wouldn’t a wolf pack have the ability to lock down no go zones for systemic extermination of all demonic presence in the no go zone?
I’m already on the list shlomo
In the case of fire and burning the infiltration out (both the muslim and kike infestations) then I would go with wolf pack because someone has to coordinate the snipers who are killing those who escape…I guess it depends on what you are after and how you are doing the extermination. The lone wolf shooter is effective for the same reason that kike/ZOG parses information, because there is no one to betray you if no one knows.
Knowledge is power and I get that but for all shitposting purposes and larping misdirections, let’s say getting caught was part of my plan and the next step of my master plan is:
OP The no go zones need to go
in this scenario there is no sniper asset and it’s a ballsy A-team/macgyver on the spot decision made up of activated almond RWDS sleeper cell gamers that all go for a walk one day while spreading red pills to all that greet them until they reach the meet up point at the time and location given to them and nothing else is known put pull a magyver with a-team finesse. All are trained in the martial arts, armed with long knives and disguised in full burka. Equipped under the assassin garb is expensive chain mail armour, super effective at stopping bladed attacks.
The plan is to catch the pedo worshippers with their arses in the air during one of their many Prayer Times.
Intel indicates. 05:28 AM. Sunrise. 06:28 AM. Dhuhr. 12:30 PM. Asr. 03:54 PM. Maghrib. 06:31 PM. Isha. 07:32 PM. Qiyam. 01:49 AM.
How long a mudslide prayer to the pedo god lasts for is unknown but would it be Enough time to silently remove enough kebabs before they realise the removal is upon them? Then In the ensuing chaos the burka slasher assassins can still hold the element of surprise to keep from being targeted to keep removing before they choose to blend in and evacuate so they can come back next week to hit them again like horseback desert raiders
Another option is to strike at each individual time the mudslimes presents themselves for their pedo dietary to mount them. They pick a section of infested kebab areas and silently remove all from within then wait for the next time the retarded mudslime cavemen go arse up face down and continue onto another section. repeating the process until the infestation is completely removed of all kebabs.
Just one question though.
are we still in the information war stage of things and once the information war stage is won by either side, that side has a great advantage of deciding the outcome of the next sage?
Info from a now defunct terror data collection program.
Get out.
Lone wolf is better at this stage. If there's too much chatter, (((they))) will clamp down.
I don't have time right now, but if someone doesn't beat me to it, I'm going to put "part and parcel of living in a city" on a pic of the shooter with the rifle.
Make them eat their own words.
The more people in on it, the more people to rat you out. You can trust yourself, that is all. Good luck finding someone else ready to die with you anyway. They will play along then rat you out for virtue signaling points and maybe cash prizes.
Spear chucking Niggers?
Interstellar dimensional aliens?
Reported for being a jew.
Nothing but shit ozzfag threads.
Copy that . Loose lips sink ships is something that comes to mind and now China somehow got their hands on some top secret files that the jews where the only ones who were privy to such info and chose the cash prize over loyalty also they manage to get a free get out of jail pass every time they get caught because they are chosen for genocide .
So In conclusion, be weary of glow in the darks using the #illdiewithyou tag ?
I cho cho choose you.
Get on my barbie kike
Shamefully bumping from my tablet.
Fuck off.
The shooting was definitely jewry, but normal ppl dont know that so this is still a good strategy to melt brains.
So much this. White nationalism is a peaceful ideology and the disgusting bigoted fringe conspiracy that all white nationalists are violent should be banned for hatespeech unless it radicalizes more white nationalists. White nationalists need to know we are with them in this hard time, and we do not blame them all for the actions of one mentally ill actor, who was likely victimized by Europhobic predjudices from the muslim community. PrayForChristchurch Deus Vult
#crocodiletears might also be a good one to use.