Why not breed?

The main point Brenton's manifesto is concern over white birthrate. Pew research shows that even though whites have a lot of boomers, we still have more people in the breeding range by a large margin. Why couldn't breeding preserve the white culture and race that he was concerned with, at lease in the US?

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how about just closing the borders and deporting the filth to the middle of an ocean?

We need nukes to save our race.

Who says we can't do both?

our society is set up so those with middle income face such heavy tax loads and low income improvement that is it economically impossible for most to give their children the same quality of life as them so they have fewer children. Coincidentally this group is majority white. Weird huh

It's not about reducing the number of other races. It's about ensuring that the White race survives and thrives.

Pick one.

The only way to do that is a culling.

Why are world populations so high? European science. Fertilizer, medicine, mechanical agriculture. Naturally having gifted other peoples with these technologies they wish to goto the source, our countries which have much better quality of life. Our population level is twice that of last century and there is nothing wrong with a little loss through low birth rates. The major problem is non-European birthrates especially within our countries of course.

I would also like to acknowledge the contributions of Jewish science. The discovery of significant ideas in medicine (metabolism cycle, blood types, etc.) has improved the survival of White people. Jews, as long as they are not kikes, are the pinnacle of White civilization.

76.9 million whites in the US, 17.3 million asians, and 37 million non hispanic black in the US. Where are you getting these billion numbers? Globally? Leave Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans. Whites don't have to outbreed the world.

In a globalist hegemony with open borders we do.

Not if we close the borders we don't

Who said anything about (((women's rights)))? We don't need "empowered" women.

Yeah whatever. Although "Jews" like Haber who invented nitrogen fertilizer have been beneficial they are a sect within European population. A sect which is antithetical in most respects to world European health.


Too many nonwhites here.
When a race is being pushed out of its territory, like euro americans are, the birthrate will plummet, and will not rise again until that stops.
Also take a look at the amerinds that we took this land from, the exact same thing happened to them.

Overpopulation is a problem that is not going to go away.
The world is not going to be improved with billions of negroids, subcontinentals and mestizos.


There are more than 80 million whites here, unless you are only talking about people under 35.

If you do not deport the alien population elements or restrict them to their own territory, then you absolutely do.
Anyway, deradicalization thread.

Trench warfare was obsolete in the 1st World War. How is it going to help us now?

who would wanna breed with purple haired dykes?

Brenton said a race war is absolutely needed, but how would that solve the open borders problem? It seems like there are plenty or whites who could breed in the US that are or age.

Also, it is kind of odd you do not mention the major demographic threat, the mestizos.

His idea of the importance of birthrates was overinflated, he was (justifiably) freaked out by that Moslem propaganda video describing how Moslems are demographically taking over the west. However, it is not the white birthrate that is the problem- it's the presence of these Moslems (and other non-whites), the influx of more Moslems (and other non-whites), and the birthrates of those Moslems (and other non-whites). If they all disappeared, the white birthrate would be irrelevant. Yes, the population would drop, but that doesn't really matter, it was much lower in the past. What matters is racial purity and quality. As long as there are quality white people breeding, which there always would be, the white race wouldn't be dying. But the problem is that there are foreigners in our lands miscegenating with our people and contaminating our rate. If this continues, there will be no pure whites left in the near future.

Increasing the white birthrate is good, but it's not going to solve the actual problems of Jewish political/economic/cultural control and non-white cohabitation/immigration. The white birthrate can likely be increased by a small amount, from those receptive to WN, traditional, and even 'conservative' ideas. But beyond a certain point is not possible because we have whole generations of white women that just slagged themselves out. The majority of them having sex with multiple partners before married, they're nothing more than a public cumrag. Nobody wants to clean up after that mess and breed with it, wake up every morning to some roastie cunt that's fantasizing about some frat Chad's dick she bounced on at a party before she met you. Fact of the matter is, a huge percentage of white women have completely ruined themselves and they're not marrigeable or lovable; they probably wouldn't be faithful or good mothers anyway. We have whole generations where a huge percentage of white women are just fucking trash, and you can't create a replacement birthrate out of that. And again, a replacement birthrate isn't going to just magically make things okay. The only solution is to solve the ''actual problems' of Jewish domination and non-white cohabitation.

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The system is rigged against whites having children, and feminism really accelerated the whole destruction. Most families need 2 incomes to live decently, but then that takes the housewife out of the equation which handles the kids. Now they have to pay a fucking mortgage to send a SINGLE kid to day care.

Shaniqua just has kids like her pussy is clown car, doesn't work, lives off the whites busting their ass at work. The lower IQ trash is being subsidized by the higher IQ whites. We're fucking destroying ourselves.

Solution: Strip away 100% of all state welfare.

His point about birthrates was non-white birthrates within our countries. Not that our birthrates had to be excessive as theirs are.

I should add that in the USA at least (I can't speak for anywhere else), immigration outnumbers births. Not just for non-white population increase, total births. USA is seriously done in my opinion, I hope the same isn't true for Western European nations

Yeah USA is mid-90s South Africa tier now. We have a very dynamic situation to deal with. I like how 'The Great Replacement' focuses on the US social situation. We are quite actually bin Laden's Great Satan except everything and everyone Washington touches gets burned.

Europe is already at max comfort capacity. What we need to do is chemically castrate the 3rd world, kill the boomers and niggers siphoning our money and start incentivizing white women to breed giving out 50k a white baby

Already am. Two sons and another on the way for a perfect nuclear family but still I think to myself what is the point if there isn't really a future for them? You have this abhorrent sick degenerate clown world filled with barbarian invaders and nothing short of a major catastrophic event could correct it. All that is left if to accelerate it to ashes and rebuild.

Anyone got this Moslem propaganda video. It was from the mosque he shot up right?

Wrong. All we need to do is stop subsidizing the third world. Zero money, zero food. That low IQ trash will purge itself. You don't seem to realize we're paying for our own destruction.

I still believe that some area of the north American continent can be taken for white people.
We are so vast that it is feasible.
Western Europe doesn't have that luxury (and European nationalisms will never allow shitskin states in the heart of Europe).
The only white countries that I believe are beyond saving(without outside intervention) are Argentina, Southern Brazil and South Africa.

There are salient differences.
South Africa is extremely urbanized, and most of the uninhabited areas are in rough, unproductive terrain.
While in America, the relatively uninhabited areas like the rural Midwest, PNW and the plains are very white, and contain very good farmland.

sure, I'll just ask my local MP nicely
I'm sure he'll get right on it.

not true
Low birth rate is caused only because jew-promoted feminism and woman freedom.
Countries like Russia and Eastern European countries have also extremely low birth rate (lower than the whites in the west)

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He also focuses on ecology which is another reason for low birthrates. Urbanization and modern service industrial culture are very fucking dysphoric. I believe it is the largest cause of low European birthrates next to general social fears about terrorism and wars abroad that cause lifelong celibacy.

That is a problem, but the fact remains that when a people are losing territory through conquest, immigration, or whatever, their birth rate falls.
You can't exactly settle down roots and have a large family when you are white flighting the hell out of a diversified area.
Over there it is the shit economy and other problems which communism and its subsequent fall created.
Don't forget that the major cities of Russia are being flooded by Central Asians either.

Euro-americans are 1.66 Russians are 1.75 per woman.

Unfortunately you're right, government isn't going to cut the welfare. So really, the only solution remaining is to minimize taxes paid to government in order to accelerate the systemic collapse. Once governments start failing, welfare will go with them.

Our federal government has it's dick into every county though. Factories and farms everywhere are full of the immigrants who will be more loyal to Washington in the long run and be cheaper to maintain than the boomers and their descendants.

No, it's not "shit" economy. If we cut down all immigration, the birth rates won't go up and if we let in more immigrants, the birth rates won't go down
India/Africa has worse economy and they have a lot more children. So did Europeans when they were nothing but peasants
It's only because females want to do other stuff besides having children
It's the "quality life" meme what kikes have been promoting in the west

If you think about the largest war in history is a drop in the bucket compared with even a hundredth percent of the current birthrate and replacement level of European peoples. No European government is really pushing for an increase in our population though which is tantamount to death's caused during WW2 (where the genocide claims stem from) 10 times over.

to add this
Having low number of children has became a standard for white people

You can't breed when you have a anti-natalist culture and a lack of money. The reason why WNs lack money is people journalists and progressives deplatform them out of their credit cards, jobs, and payment processors for their views. Not going to get better when we have higher taxes from leftists are well. I'm doing better than most, but you can't raise children properly under six figures anymore.

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Assuming world European population is dropping by 20% (lower than it is) per generation now that's a loss of 160 millions every 20 years. Well over any WW2 casualty figures.

because it doesnt solve any fucking problems youre just buying into the (((infinite growth))) meme for (((them))).

the solution is to overthrow and crash the (((system))), expel or destroy the invaders, then implement sustainable environmentally friendly living.

that is exactly the best way to crash the system.

By killing muslims, he must have hoped to get muslims to kill whites, thereby creating a war footing scenario where white people suffer, break, and breed obediently.

Fundamentally, we’re past the era of reproduction. It’s better if people live their own lives rather than exacerbating resource scarcities. We can extend our own lives, too. Reproduction is no longer scientifically advisable in this scenario; we should look forward to being remade in a newer, better flesh, that we might at last give religion the punishment it has always deserved: paradise.

I hope Racist Tarant sees his era. I hope he gets new artificial organs every time an organ fails; I hope he gets enrolled in a senolytics trial. I want to see what he’s like in three centuries.

I'm too nihilistic and blackpill to ever breed for something silly like white race. Humans need to be destroyed not built.
I'd adopt, but never bring something new to life just to fight some autistic war

It’s not just a problem of breeding. It that the social policies of european countries have been turned into an extermination program against them not only is this drastically altering the birth rate and marriage/family situation but the average white family is living in complete squalor compared to the 60s social policies which were much more nationally focused instead of focused on exploiting for the benefit of internationalist conglomerates

nice meme

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You people are comical. You’re too hard to breed. Almost makes me miss the raging cock jokes of the nineties. Think that was the nineties.

Yep, don't suppose you remember the old Big Johnson t-shirts? Seems like we could bring it back as a meme.

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I feel like it is because of TV brainwashing.

Women act like they are perfect princesses becauses 1000 dickheads on Facespook liked them. Then, when I try to get one to buckle in and buckle down and buckle up with me to breed, they leave me over some dumb shit, like if I get a skin rash that last longer than a week, they are like "OMG this was never on fantasy TV land brainwashing, he's probably like a diseased leper, bail, bail, bail." Then they end being with some nigger or muslim or get pregnant with chad and become a single mother with horrible degenerate children who constantly have rashes from malnurishment, or at least they are left only with some sort of choice from a variety of evils.

It's ridiculous how "perfect" women think things need to be due to their brainwashing that "society is perfect" now, when in reality the opposite is true, we are under heavy psychological assault and the race is dying due to inversion of gender roles from jewish bribery and brainwashing.

Some girls are becoming aware of the genocide, but without a strong father, few of them have enough hope and courage and determination to breed, we need to win some battles, we need white pills to make mothers, #WhitePillsMatter.

Breeding is out of vogue with whites due to kike brainwash telling them to "have less kids due to climate change". Also race mixing.

Improving our birthrates is one part of the larger project to save the Aryan race, but it's not enough. We need a massive eugenics program to ensure that only the best quality Aryan's are being born (quality always trumps quantity), not to mention the removal of non-whites from Aryan living-spaces. Of course, while we do not currently hold state-power anywhere on Earth the best thing a white man can do is to have at least six kids and inculcate them (not brainwash, it always backfires) with pro-white, pro-western thinking

Well said.

So, the real question is what are we going to do about it? How are we going to convince our wives that we should have MORE children in these troubled times? The new tax law makes it less expensive (tax wise) to have children, but only marginally.

In every white nation the birth rates have declined. And now we see the same happening in Japan. Meanwhile, Israel's birth rates are on the rise. This is not organic. Anyone who says
Is a kike shill or they're naive and don't realize white genocide is not organic, it's not natural, and the only solution is mass public awakening.

On top of that and from my own perspective. I have never had a single issue getting a woman and never had a single issue with relationships and have been fortunate to know some great ladies but unfortunate in that I didn't push to "go" button when younger because I always figured more would be available and didn't appreciate what I had back then. More did of course come but the problem is that they were of a different mindset in terms of society and the world in general and I have found this to be universal now within females of marrying desire and age. They have been so fully indoctrinated that I cannot see raising a child with them because I seriously think that it would lead to that child living a horrible existence due to a Mother who has such a mindset. In short, the past two adult generations of women have been completely incapable of Motherhood and even less capable of marriage. Sure there are exceptions and sure those are great women I'm sure but, overall and by massive number, they have absolutely no business being Mothers.

On the flip side I have noticed that many men are also following suit and trying to adapt to that female perspective just to score pussy so we are left with a completely pussified male population as well from those generations. Again, it is not all of them but a large amount coming from the educational system which is completely fucking decimated.

I don't think about it and it doesn't bother me but now that this question has come up and I do think about it, of course it bothers me. Not because I see myself as unmarried without kids but because I did everything right in my life and in preparing for this next chapter I find that the white picket fence we all thought would be there is in actuality a yard filled with feces because of the indoctrination of youths. If I can make any suggestion to any of you guys 18-25 which, by the way in the case you have never heard this from your old man, it is the hardest time period for a man. That suggestion would be that if you are fortunate as I was and meet someone who is ready, a good person, has their head on straight, comes from a good family, shares your values, etc. Pull the go switch, make it happen and do not think something else will come again often because in this day and age, it is fucking rare which is amazing because a mere ten years ago, it wasn't. I may get women now but not a single one of them are even in the remote level of what a man should look for in terms of long term and they are fucking everywhere now. So if you meet a good one, keep her you lazy sons of bitches.

And a large portion, if not the majority, are leftists or the children of right wing parents who were indoctrinated into leftism and likely won't come to their senses until their 30s (like fucking clockwork).

Many of them either won't have children until at best their 30s (while non-whites are breeding like rabbits starting in their mid to late teens), or wont have the financial support of our society (because non-whites and leftists have systematically infiltrated government to the point they can corrupt it and refuse social nets and services to whites and theres little that can be done about it…there were scandals even in alabama about these types refusing, as an example, SNAP applications of white people despite them qualifying so that they could give that money to non-whites who DIDNT qualify but they spent their time fudging the paperwork up so it looked like they did), making it difficult if not impossible to support and properly raise a family of 2-4 children. Again all this while non-whites are having 5-10 kids and OUR tax dollars are going to support them, and naturally they dont care about the quality of their child raising process, only that they shit out as many as possible and indoctrinate them to continue the process later on.

Its simply not practical to just "out breed them," moreover its not DESIRABLE to inflate our population numbers at the rate that theirs are inflating. The world is already sort of fucked due to overpopulation being a thing. Not to mention that with the rise of automation increasing and low skilled jobs getting to the point where they will be phased out, and the need to preserve natural resources and stop doing shit like, I dunno, building millions of cars that go unused and just left sitting parked in giant open lots where no one ever ends up driving them and its just a waste, just so businesses can have a bigger number on a piece of paper and so some random people can "have a job"… we SHOULD be preserving our resources and toning down the excess and waste, straining our lands less for food production, and so on.

Our population numbers slowly declining (but not vanishing) is fine (or rather would be if not for other factors). Its fine in Japan as well. The problem is the corpratist belief that numbers have to be constantly bigger and bigger each year to be "worth" anything, at the expense of EVERYTHING else. The governments of our nations refusing to reign in these businesses who so openly abuse and destroy our nations, resources, and people (especially in places like Japan with their work culture thats beloved by the higher ups of course but destroys the worker rapidly). And the mass import of unintelligent, useless, hostile, leeches from the 3rd world that we are constantly being forced to support (as well as all the "aid" we're guilted into pissing away on africa that just allows their numbers to grow out of control while they remain unable and unwilling to care for themselves) who also want to replace us and remove us from the face of the earth eventually.

The solution isnt just "have shit loads of babies." It never has been. The solution is to stop and control the corpratist filth destroying our nations and the world, and to remove the invaders from our lands and stop supporting them abroad.

Think of it like this. You're a man with a wife, your neighbor and his wife have 6 kids and come over constantly to borrow your stuff, stay at your place, etc. They break your shit, harass your wife, and so on, but the mayor forces you to accept this by threatening to lock you in jail if you fight back, and your business owner threatens to fire you if you object to it either. Is the solution to just have 6 kids of your own? No, its not. Sure you should be having kids in general, but is having 6 kids going to solve the problems? Is the business owner going to care? Is the mayor going to send the neighbor away to leech off some other city? No, they are not. They're going to tell you to work even harder, and turn their heads when the neighbor and his kids start raping your children, attacking them, and so on. You arent SOLVING the problem by just having lots of kids. You have to deal with the businesses, the government, the culture, etc, if you expect to have a better life.

are you high?

There is no shortage of women out there you could breed with, if you're having trouble getting laid then leave the redpill shit and go work on yourself until you can - its easy even for someone like me.

Unfortunately the Jews got me and I'm a faggot now. During my oblivious years I had no trouble sticking my dick in pussy though.

If you can't get laid you LITERALLY CANNOT BE A STRONG WHITE MAN. I know I sound off key given what I said above but I am still your ally in spirit at least and wouldn't want more to fall like I did.

I believe that was his originally intended target, but then he changed to a different one because it had more population, among other reasons. so no, basically, at least for the first one. maybe it was the second one he hit though?

Just because you're a homosexual doesn't make you a faggot, you're only a faggot if you act on those instincts. Be an over-man and fight it, and have tonnes of children anyway.

t. Somebody with the same problem but less severe (I'm still attracted to women, and men only if I'm in a faggotty mood)

Polite sage for off topic

Practice complete sexual abstinence and donate your sperm

Nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8, 88

Because women CANNOT be at two places at the same time. They are either with their careers fucking Chad and his best friend Tyrone…OR they have to be at home making AND raising a family.

Then you have betacucks who want to protect women's degeneracy like this kid: Because seeing the skin of a woman and getting a small erection is much more important than having ALL women wear modest clothing.

I don't want burkas, but a burka and taking your wife's virginity is much better than this hell hole we have.

You people are going to get dragged through the streets and put down like animals.

It's time to shift our sense of "quality of life" away from the purely monetary. The depression/wartime parents knew total poverty, so they drowned the boomers in material goods; then the boomers did similarly to their own children, but took for granted that "stuff" was all the kids needed – and now we have a generation of emotionally neglected and suffocated children with too much food and too many toys, who inhale SSRIs and high-fructose corn syrup, who divorce at the first sign of trouble, who enslave their husbands and can't even give birth to their own children independent of extreme (and fertility reducing) medical interventions.

If our children have healthy food, a roof, some toys, some books (maybe lots of books), and clothes to play in, and a pet to care for, they have enough. We have more resources than any Jewed economy can give us: we can love our children, nurture our children, play with them, teach them, encourage them, challenge them. That is more valuable to them than any school, any TV program, any e-celeb.

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The issue with breeding our way out of the problem is that even if it were possible to win the birthrate war against shitskins, our traitor governments will simply import more.

Was about to ask the same thing.
Also, >44

So we build walls around our homes, and build bigger walls around our communities, and keep building and pushing them out until we have cleared space for ourselves again, in pockets at first, ever spreading.
Build upstanding relationships with white neighbors. Learn useful trade skills, especially in home maintenance. Trade favors with one another. Barter goods and services. Give the best Halloween candy to the white trick-or-treaters. Bake Christmas cookies for every white house on the block, and deliver them all with a card a few nights before Christmas. Favors can't be taxed. Organic kinship can't be taxed. Spread the love.

Why act like an animal?

Quit being queer China

Fuck you. They won't.

oh and


Take away women's rights and you'll get the birth rate up.

You're fighting a war you've already lost.

Attacks like the one in Christchurch are a dying screech, the death rattle of white supremacy. A new demographic is coming, a fairer and more just one, and your dreams of a pure white race will crumble before your eyes, and it will be glorious.

Which is why you support terrorist cockroaches like Tarrant. You've seen the fertility rates in Europe, you've seen the forecasts for 2045 in the US. You're absolutely desperate. But you WON'T stop what's coming, and your terrorist friend knows it too.

Have a nice evening ;)

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Noone, and we should do both. Remember, its a numbers game, as long as you can feed it, make it.

1:50 ratio. Numbers aren't needed when you have that kind of efficiency.

Who cares what they think, they will change after having kids anyway.

Jews have money so leadership and collect awards, everyone else do actual work.




Go fetch hick

There is something like the control of the body and the spirit.
Hands are changing, it's a bitter-sweet kind of thing.

Truth is plenty of normies are hand-waving this.
Will it really make a difference in long run, who knows?
I wouldn't be surprised if they continue turning a blind eye to ethnic cleansing.
When people get this way they have the genocidal intent, this is how it happened in Africa.

Whatever is the case, it can be easily said Zig Forums will feel redundant soon.

Whatever is the case, it can be easily said

You niggers actually believe you're going to rule over some Wakanda utopia once the concrete of society is eroded away?
You'll immediately revert back to fucking your sisters, and eating your brothers.
Parasitizing Aryans is the only reason you shitskins even walk upright.




GO OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Neither are you

OP apparently.

We bring children into this world whom fix what you've done, bitch.
Go make sammiches.

You know most of these people are basically slaves right?

Give me back my side!

With what, their hate and daddy's money.

Look at all that nice video of trash calling me an it, because I have no interest in your dogs.




No, WE fix it for our children.

In other words, my new baby boy is better than the entirety of all the other races.
Sounds about right.

Yeah, it's not like women who choose motherhood will actually be good mothers who nurture their children rather than resenting and beating them or anything, you third world fuckstain.

My body, my choice to have as many children as possible, which means all the sackofshit cultist genocidal obstetricians can keep their scalpels the fuck away from my uterus.

Commies will hang first and you know it.

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