Its ogre Zig Forums, CBC which is Canadian government owned media and the national news broadcaster said Zig Forums on national news when covering New Zealand. Prepare for an influx of socialists, potheads and niggerdick aficionados.
Were Famous In Leafland Now
Other urls found in this thread:
Zig Forums was name-dropped on the BBC as well.
Thatl be intentional then, they want to flood us with cancer.
They want to KILL it.
Yep. The Kikes are not just content with flooding our countries with mass immigration, they want to flood our virtual spaces too.
You are cancer.
White Supremacy relies on distortions, half truths, and lies. You know it. You know that you use propaganda because you say it.
* You know that your ideas are based on Pioneer Fund pseudoscience.
* You know that you are an incel NEET who is the least superior member of the White race and therefore needs to take pride in race rather than actual personal achievements
give them something to look at
First they laughed at the Fuhrer and the few dozen who attended his Beer Hall speeches. Then the world trembled in fear and terror. First they laughed at Zig Forums and /our/ memes. Now they are terrified.
It is genuinely entertaining how rattled you lot are getting. Did he make it look too easy, too appealing?
Thats not what leftists say. Youre the one who relies on critical theory also known as making up subjective bullshit that isnt founded in reality.
Stay mad, race war now.
Fuck off glownigger threads
Just spam gore and redpills.
Automatic rifle, lmao. You could get better info from some random than these "reporters"
You're so fucking stupid. The parasites can't feed or rule over a corpse and that's why Hitler could take over in hyperinflationland.
Keep these coming, hero.
Is an objectively truthful title.
Jews have higher IQ than you. So do Asians. Even if you listen to your favourite pseudoscience bois Jensen, Lynn, and Rushton
Or in other words:
Once you drop below 80%, pic related starts to become impossible.
Looks like one of the niggers has found his way in
You throw all these different words at us like "white supremacists", but what does it even mean? You know what most of us here want? We want to be left alone, we want to have our cultures back, we want to have women who aren't whores, we want to have men who aren't faggots, we want people in our countries to speak our language; we want to have back the West before everything was twisted to hell.
There are no half-truths and lies to this. London, Paris and Berlin are crawling with muslims. America is set to become majority hispanic within a few years. Society hates God, hates morality, hates tradition; it embraces drugs, alcohol, prostitution and glorifies the idea of being a victim. Society is sick. We want to cure it.
We have been trying to cure it with rational debate and through diplomatic and political means. But what happens? You shut us down, you refuse to let us talk, you assault us for thinking differently. If there is a politician with ideas like ours appears; the entire establishment rallies together to stop them. Look at Le Pen in France; every other French party worked together to stop her, even sabotaging themselves by strategically having candidates step down so that the vote would not be split between 3 candidates which might allow for Le Pen to win, but instead just between 2 lowering her chances. That's right, one party would sacrifice its potential so that a supposed opposition party could win, so long as it keeps people like us out. All across the UK and USA there are constant agitators trying to frame, defame, assassinate and arrest any who hold dissenting views. Our governments and police work to enforce this evil, whilst our schools brainwash the young and tell them that we are the problem.
It is you people who are forcing this to escalate to violence. You could stop immigration or seek to reverse it like nearly every party says they will, but never does. You could actually talk to us, you could stop banning us, you could stop attacking us, you could stop being drug-addled whores, there's a whole lot that you could do. But you refuse. You persecute us. You hate us. You want rid of us. We have reached out. We continue to reach out. Look at this board, we are trying to tell you our side of it and how do you respond? "Zig Forums must be taken down"
So ask yourself, how should we react? If you are trying to get rid of us, and you are going to refuse to let us voice our concerns; then what recourse are we left with? I don't want to kill anyone, I don't want to hurt anyone, and the vast majority of the 'far-right' is just like me. But if you keep pushing us then people are going to snap. It's a terrible thing for everyone involved, but it's YOUR fault for not giving us any other option.
This. If the internationalists and their brainwashed goyim want to deny material reality as they lavish in an orgy of the lowest human conditions possible then prepare for a lot more fun it’s going to get MORE uncomfortable
When you say Jews, you mean a specific group of Ashkenazis found in special schools in NYC, that's where your 115 number comes from. If we can cherry pick, can I choose the places in Northern Europe that see average IQs of 125?
Take a look around here, if you think the IQ of Zig Forums is on the low end of the bell curve, you're deluding yourself.
Mainly redpills, because even if they think they're coming here to troll, the redpills will always end up affecting them.
Muh ashkenazi genius, a bunch of bias numbers from successful new york kikes are meaningless. Israels IQ is dumb as shit.
Bobby Sands is free.
And so was his grocery bill.
Imagine if he was alive today to rejoice at all the shitskins flooding his country. He was a commie cocksucker so he's probably offer his well greased anus to them.
Fascist propaganda. You know you are following propaganda. You know your narrative is unravelling in front of your eyes.
hold on a minute there, chief...
You hate God, morality, and tradition if your heart is filled with hate.
Fuck off.
You have terrible reading comprehension. He said the Israeli IQ is shit, and it is. He did not state that Ashkenazis are "dumb", or that they have low IQs, he presented evidence that they are over inflated.
kill yourself, chr*stcuck faggot
A small group of asians have a higher average IQ than whites but whites have a higher peak IQ, more people above 135 and 145 IQ but more people who are retarded. Thats what happens when you devolve and there is not survival of the fittest, even niggers survive the winter when you give them coats and warm homes and free shit. I heard 5% of government assisted rapefugees find work.
Bobby Sands is a nationalist martyr and youre representing a group of multi-ethnic unionists who profess to have Jewish blood, support Israel, also the royal family, and MI5 who sponsored Mandelas terrorism. Your side also blew white kids up in bars, the IRA bombed economic points and only went after soldiers and police. Bobby Sands has many inspirational quotes, all you have is black orangemen.
They are crafty and manipulation and deception but that doesnt require more intelligence than those they are deceiving, theyre just good at lying and have all the cards stacked in their favor. Communism is Jewish, the whole thing is communist, anything muh anti-racism, muh were all just humans. Do you want the stuff showing youre braindead and wrong, links to harvard etc and studies showing intelligence is 50-75% heritable?
Cry more you little baby, whites are being wiped out by kikes and mudshits and niggers and chinks and beaners who brag about it, weve had enough of your bullshit. Whine all you like, its sweet on my tongue, your tears. Its nice to see you being stung for once, its nice to see some scumbag like you upset instead of my frustrations about a million British girls being sexually enslaved falling on deaf ears.
Ecclesiastes 3
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
a time to hate; a time of war
Who cares.
We control things, not them.
If they come here they will end up like the facebook shills and get converted.
realizing most of these aren't thumbnail friendly
better to catch someone scrolling down the page than expect them to open these
Already linked brain weights, Im probably forgetting a few here.
these discussions are best had down the barrel of rifles.
The people who destroyed this, will pay.
Only leftist propaganda is based on lies and deception. Pic related #2, you cant trust a thing they say. Propaganda simply means getting the message out there, it was used before ww1 for smoking campaigns and such. Its neutral, not good, not bad, unless its leftist in which case its based on empty emotional plays and not reality.
Fascist propaganda here, get your fascist propaganda
And our propaganda can be based on true, heartfelt emotion. Pic related for instance. Probably one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen, willing to defend her home land in the darkest hour. All lost for what? Globohomo, niggers and faggotry.
Heres your fascist propaganda you faggot, eat it up, theres am whole buffet if youd like.
Absolutely they are. This time, however, 8ch is kill. Not now but the death rattle begins . With the influx of media attention (and its ensuring normie onlookers) mixed with Alphabet agencies more active amongst us plus a coming election year, swift changes are coming for us all. 2016 will never happen again and no amount of meme magic can right the outcome.
I think he cried all the way back to reddit.
That's where you fail. the police don't mind killing anyone, as long as it's government sanctioned, the US military is even less concerned about killing people worldwide to promote the jew agenda of "the end of days" (not me, but a look of ft bragg guys have told me this, and as christcucks, they welcome the "rapture") The fucking CIA, NSA, Homeland security, using themselves, private contractors, or corporations will kill anyone, anywhere, for any reason, just like the Israelis have given themselves the self appointed global right to kill.
A bunch of normies will come here and leave asap when they realize the content is in a complete alternate reality to theirs so they don't comprehend it, get frustrated and leave. To the normie this site reads like a different language they do not understand. Maybe a tiny few will stay and pick some things up, though the board prior to the madman shooting the muslims up was quite slow, qboomers were posting dumb ideas and bad quality threads got bumped for days to the top.
Cuckchan is for redpilling, they said 4chan first, lets hope they get most of the shills.
Not what I meant, they will now use everything they have to take down the two big imageboards and whatever else is """right-wing""". When the MAGAbomber injun bullshit was happening I said somewhere that within a year neither Zig Forums or 4chan will exist anymore.
It's the last chan wherre we can speak our minds.
Exodus #2 needs to start.
you npcs are so funny. little fucking children with fingers stuck in their ears going "lalalalalala" while ignoring everything while society dies. go kill yourselves. all of you.
Hate is all I have left, "user".
That was fast.
I've seen plenty of NatSoc propaganda that does that too. In the end truth does not matter. Feelz are the only thing that matters. The truth is just one tool to change how someone feels about something.
I doubt it, because for the same reason ISIS is allowed to post on Twitter (last I checked, not sure if that's still the case right now) they'll keep these places around. Forcing chatter further underground would make it harder to predict and exploit behaviors.
If anything they're more likely find it useful to encourage certain directions of radicalization to serve their own narratives instead.
*they'll more likely
Doesn't it seem odd that he led them right to us and the big kike media outlets are now reporting about us? You're being played. This is a false flag to push for gun control and to pit whites nationalists against muslims? Have you not see the rampant anti-muslim shilling? We haven't had that in years. Muslims are shit, but the kike is enemy #1. 4000+ active users during this event. This was a heroic effort to build a case for censoring the internet, taking gun rights, and distracting whites and muslims from going after kikes.
That's the truth.
I want violence the same way I would want to cut off my own arm to save my life. It is fucking awful and I wish it would never came to it but thats the reality we find ourselves in.
Zig Forums and 4chan are blocked in new zealand
Oy cunts put another mudslime on the flooorrr
the white race is done for
leddit's MDE beat them to it.
BT channeled his hate into restoring and protecting the things he cares for. Thats the difference
I didnt link it to detract from what you said.
In fact, Zig Forums is considered a release valve for agression. They prefer that we keep the discussions here and stay out of websites with larger exposure.
t. talking out of his ass
Excellent post.
Source: A newly publicly released report on right wing extremism by the Norwegian police. Given the history of ABB I am certain they take it seriously.
Cool more people to wake up to reality - this is a win.
Youre braindead. The guy was from here, posted his manifesto here, here is what made him. This is the most extreme national socialist community online, with any size to it. People here are ready for war and they not only radicalize eachother but everyone else they come into contact with on other platforms. This is the head, we are the thought leaders. Youre a shill, probably moarpheus.
I'm sure we could make friends with ISIS. After all there is a common enemy.
aaaand it begins