A philosophical intro to Accelerationism (Big Brains ONLY)

A philosophical intro to Accelerationism.
It's time to learn, newfaggots.


Any cunt trying to figure out what they think about accelerationism better do so quickly. That’s the nature of the thing, mate. It was already caught up with trends that seemed too fast to track when it began to become self-aware, decades ago. It has picked up tons of speed since then.

Accelerationism is more than old enough to have arrived in multiple waves, which is to say insistently, or recurrently, and each time the challenge is more urgent. Among its predictions is the expectation that you’ll be too slow to deal with it coherently. Yet if you fumble the question it poses – because rushed – you lose, perhaps very badly. It’s hard. (For our purposes here “you” are standing in as a bearer of “the opinions of mankind”.)

t-pressure, by its essential nature, is difficult to think about. Generally, while the opportunity for deliberation is not necessarily presumed, it is at least – with overwhelming likelihood – mistaken for an historical constant, rather than a variable. If there was ever time to think, we think, there still is and will always be. The definite probability that the allotment of time to decision-making is undergoing systematic compression remains a neglected consideration, even among those paying explicit and exceptional attention to the increasing rapidity of change.

In philosophical terms, the deep problem of acceleration is transcendental. It describes an absolute horizon – and one that is closing in. Thinking takes time, and accelerationism suggests we’re running out of time to think that through, if we haven’t already. No contemporary dilemma is being entertained realistically until it is also acknowledged that the opportunity for doing so is fast collapsing.

The suspicion has to arrive that if a public conversation about acceleration is beginning, it’s just in time to be too late. The profound institutional crisis that makes the topic ‘hot’ has at its core an implosion of social decision-making capability. Doing anything, at this point, would take too long. So instead, events increasingly just happen. They seem ever more out of control, even to a traumatic extent. Because the basic phenomenon appears to be a brake failure, accelerationism is picked up again.

Accelerationism links the implosion of decision-space to the explosion of the world – that is, to modernity. It is important therefore to note that the conceptual opposition between implosion and explosion does nothing to impede their real (mechanical) coupling. Thermonuclear weapons provide the most vividly illuminating examples. An H-bomb employs an A-bomb as a trigger. A fission reaction sparks a fusion reaction. The fusion mass is crushed into ignition by a blast process. (Modernity is a blast.)

In socio-historical terms, the line of deterritorialization corresponds to uncompensated capitalism. The basic – and, of course, to some real highly consequential degree actually installed – schema is a positive feedback circuit, within which commercialization and industrialization mutually excite each other in a runaway process, from which modernity draws its gradient. Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche were among those to capture important aspects of the trend. As the circuit is incrementally closed, or intensified, it exhibits ever greater autonomy, or automation. It becomes more tightly auto-productive (which is only what ‘positive feedback’ already says). Because it appeals to nothing beyond itself, it is inherently nihilistic. It has no conceivable meaning beside self-amplification. It grows in order to grow. Mankind is its temporary host, not its master. Its only purpose is itself.

“Accelerate the process,” recommended Deleuze & Guattari in their 1972 Anti-Oedipus, citing Nietzsche to re-activate Marx. Although it would take another four decades before “accelerationism” was named as such, critically, by Benjamin Noys, it was already there, in its entirety. The relevant passage is worth repeating in full (as it would be, repeatedly, in all subsequent accelerationist discussion):

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Other urls found in this thread:


The point of an analysis of capitalism, or of nihilism, is to do more of it. The process is not to be critiqued. The process is the critique, feeding back into itself, as it escalates. The only way forward is through, which means further in.

Marx has his own ‘accelerationist fragment’ which anticipates the passage from Anti-Oedipus remarkably. He says in an 1848 speech ‘On the Question of Free Trade’:

In this germinal accelerationist matrix, there is no distinction to be made between the destruction of capitalism and its intensification. The auto-destruction of capitalism is what capitalism is. “Creative destruction” is the whole of it, beside only its retardations, partial compensations, or inhibitions. Capital revolutionizes itself more thoroughly than any extrinsic ‘revolution’ possibly could. If subsequent history has not vindicated this point beyond all question, it has at least simulated such a vindication, to a maddening degree.

In 2013, Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams sought to resolve this intolerable – even ‘schizophrenic’ – ambivalence in their ‘Manifesto for an Accelerationist Politics,’ which aimed to precipitate a specifically anti-capitalist ‘Left-accelerationism’, clearly demarcated over against its abominably pro-capitalist ‘Right-accelerationist’ shadow. This project – predictably – was more successful at re-animating the accelerationist question than at ideologically purifying it in any sustainable way. It was only by introducing a wholly artificial distinction between capitalism and modernistic technological acceleration that their boundary lines could be drawn at all. The implicit call was for a new Leninism without the NEP (and with the Utopian techno-managerial experiments of Chilean communism drawn upon for illustration).

Capital, in its ultimate self-definition, is nothing beside the abstract accelerative social factor. Its positive cybernetic schema exhausts it. Runaway consumes its identity. Every other determination is shucked-off as an accident, at some stage of its intensification process. Since anything able to consistently feed socio-historical acceleration will necessarily, or by essence, be capital, the prospect of any unambiguously ‘Left-accelerationism’ gaining serious momentum can be confidently dismissed. Accelerationism is simply the self-awareness of capitalism, which has scarcely begun. (“We haven’t seen anything yet.”)

At the time of writing, Left-accelerationism appears to have deconstructed itself back into traditional socialist politics, and the accelerationist torch has passed to a new generation of brilliant young thinkers advancing an ‘Unconditional Accelerationism’ (neither R/Acc., or L/Acc., but U/Acc.). Their online identities – if not in any easily extricable way their ideas – can be searched-out through the peculiar social-media hash-tag #Rhetttwitter.

As blockchains, drone logistics, nanotechnology, quantum computing, computational genomics, and virtual reality flood in, drenched in ever-higher densities of artificial intelligence, accelerationism won’t be going anywhere, unless ever deeper into itself. To be rushed by the phenomenon, to the point of terminal institutional paralysis, is the phenomenon. Naturally – which is to say completely inevitably – the human species will define this ultimate terrestrial event as a problem. To see it is already to say: We have to do something. To which accelerationism can only respond: You’re finally saying that now? Perhaps we ought to get started? In its colder variants, which are those that win out, it tends to laugh.

doesn't require a big brain. if europeans are a combat unit which are surrounded and we know through attrition that we'll be reduced 25% every generation than the only option is to break out of the siege and start gaining ground by any means possible

If destruction is inevitable and assured, you should make it mutual destruction.

I hear ya, lads.

Translation for small-brains:
Accelerationism means bringing about the inevitable violence earlier than it would happen naturally. This is desirable because of the fact that our enemies are waging demographic warfare against us. The longer we wait, the more potential enemies will be in our lands, and judging by birth-rate trends; there will be less of us to fight them. Thus we have a better chance, based upon the numbers, if we fighter sooner rather than later, as there will be more of us and less of them.

That is also why it was arguably worth targeting muslims over jews. If he had targeted jews there would be no violent backlash and all people would simply condemn it. By targeting muslims you near guarantee that there will be revenge attacks, which in turn will inspire more revenge attacks from nationalists; as the violence escalatates more people will be forced to 'choose a side' until the facade of civility drops entirely and the war begins in earnest.


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as a comparison think about the tet offensive by north vietnam. there was no way they could maintain a war industry or keep up the nlf troop numbers fighting the arvn and americans
so they did the only thing they could. attack. and within a couple years the american casualties spiked drastically and the tables were turned

Good read, thanks OP

Good thread, you niggers need to read this

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Tfw BT provided more content than Ice ever has.

Yes we are going faster and faster, but where to? Anyone read the MANA short story?
Recommended reading for discussion that juxtaposes two possible "destinations" of the accelerating technologies and social systems you mention. Personally I think the story nails it but it will be the former, dystopian destination for the plebs and the utopia for the elites.

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‘Left-accelerationism’ does not work because with accelerationism, the system will be forced to change (either it lacks resources to keep up the system or people revolt against their leaders)
Total collapse of the system will end in tribalism (as lack of government itself will force this)
People will be divided by race (it's very easy to start a racial conflict and without government, no one can stop this from going to total-scale war)

No probs, cunts.


I am inspired.

Why escalating violence is good and why you should not listen to concern trolls

- The endgame of globohomo is to make everyone a weak, mongrelized, degenerated, passive-aggressive tranny cuck worshiping the kike. The ideal slave.
Even the Muslims, they are just being used as enforcers right now.
- Their interest, ultimately, is a financial one. Race-mixing and faggotry being strongly linked with it. There is also religious insanity, but we should focus on practical matters

Who benefits from peace in the current order of things?
- Financial usurers, real estate owners, global corporations (and we all know who owns those), parasitic, bloated, tyrannical governments, globalist mafia and the last man, the weak, the dumb, the cowadly, and the complacent (tamed shitskins, SJW's) It is exactly these, and their agents promoting "peaceful solutions" , pacifism etc. Because it serves to defend their system. But their system is almost entirely built on lies, deception, and psychological control. Massive, violent events expose the king to be naked, and threaten to entirely incapacitate their control mechanisms. Once critical mass is reached, natural law overrides the Talmudic law (egalitarianism, where some people are just more equal than the others).

Who benefits from escalating violence?
- Superior people being held down by Talmudic law (mostly white males, but it applies to pretty much anyone who is not a cuck). Those who could actually use violence, and win. Those with the strength, intellect, creativity, will. Those not consenting to being ruined and replaced, or silenced by the inferior.

But violence needs to be effective. You need to seek self-preservation first and foremost, as one of you is more valuable than thousands of them. That includes your freedom. One should not be afraid of going to prison when the time is right (Hitler was in prison too and it didn't stop him, like every other person threatening the ruling order was in history), but one should avoid being imprisoned too early, or for nothing. Violence must be accompanied by political support, lest you only become a pariah with no ability to speak for yourself. If you want to be a martyr, make sure it counts. Kill key enemy figures, cause even greater chaos or political reaction, or simply kill as many enemies as you can (shooting is not the most efficient method for this) It also needs to be sublime. Don't show anger, don't let the emotions control you. If you do, you let them win. Turn your hatred into strength. Avoid breaking any laws for as long as you can, and if you do, make sure you don't get caught. Prepare, organize, plan carefully. You are not a nigger, so don't act like one.

Avoid organized battle zones (meat grinders), steam blowing operations and honeypots.
Enemy agents often form ultra-violent groups to lure men with tendency for it, so they can either pit them against each other in order to kill as many of them as possible or imprison them, in order to promote their Talmudic peace and secure the integrity of the (((system))). (Think of hypothetical "Knights Templar" fighting ISIS scenario (both groups founded and funded by glowniggers)), Yugoslavia breakup, the war in eastern Ukraine or most ZOG wars that Americans fought only to be replaced at home). No more civnat cuckery, no more designer wars, especially not brother wars!

Lesser intensity manifestation of this scheme are gang violence or lone wolf attacks that advance their agenda. This is where subtlety comes at play. We should hijack their operations and use those against them. Instead of containing violence, making it escalate beyond what their operational capacity can handle, exposing the original perpetrators and their plans.

Violence alone, however, is not enough. We should do everything in our ability to undermine the system, starting with financial sabotage by withdrawing from their parasitic tentacles (usury, taxes, etc.), not participating in their decadent society, doing the bare minimum required to survive and focusing any spare energy on our struggle. No tactic should be too shameful for us. Bleed the beast dry by thousand cuts, use their every method against them. Their system is self-consuming, meaning that we should mostly just keep kicking it until we cause an avalanche that will bring the whole thing down.

Accelerationism alone, is not enough. You must make sure that you will emerge on the top after the collapse, creating our order from the chaos. Learn, prepare supplies, train, organize, form support networks.

Disclaimer: Zig Forums is a board of peace and this post is entirely an artistic expression not condoning any violence :>)

Taking without giving back. That is the original sin humanity committed, by ruthlessly exploiting nature for their own "alleged" benefits, instead of creating out of it in accordance to natural laws. It represents the act of not upholding the balance between life and death, which is our existence. In doing so we attacked our ecosystem (our lifeline), became parasitical to our host, and created the natural response of self preservation, in which the host tries to kill the parasite before it succumbs to it. What you comprehend as acceleration are the cascading effects of nature trying to defend itself from us.

Everything from the creation of the jewish race acting as a parasite against humanity, the corruption of blood and race, the environmental destruction, the overall weakening of our defenses by poisoning ourselves etc. comes all from rejecting natural, exploiting or not understanding the importance of the laws of nature.


Really what?

Smol-brayne is confused.


Email the pastebin to these sources because they will be the first to cover the story. If it doesn’t pick up at least it’s on the web now. Make an email with a tl;dr and brief proof. First sentence gives the headline; anything after that provides context, i.e. significance. For every news source that covers your story add them to your media email. Make a pastebin with multiple links and archives to include in your email. You can get more prestigious sources if they see they’re getting scooped.


Get these guys to retweet the pastebin. Use a sock puppet Twitter. Make sure you tailor it for your audience. Include a simple SFW infographic if you can. Links and videos are the gold standard. Use SFW hashtags and hijack at least one popular hashtag. The news will move on your email if they see a buzz on Twitter.

Also you can use tweetdeck to easily schedule your tweets. It's very useful for spamming things like this.

Use gigatweeter.com to watch to see how much your message is spreading and if you are getting censored.


News coverage.

Youtube Channel


www.biig.co.nz [defunct]

They started using the Black Sun logo at least by January of 2018

Old Logo

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If I understand this correctly accelerationism in economic terms is the idea to prevent the high tech civilizations to be eliminated from earth , which prevents the mass extinction of humans on earth (7-8 billion). This prevention will be don by the elimination of the primitive civilizations on planet earth which requires killing 1 billion people.
The accelerationist is the political movement of people who are trying to get civiliaztion to adopt the plan of eliminating the primitive civilizations on planet earth.

Well articulated.

Read user's explication for small-brains:

NZ SHOOTER ACCOMPLISHED ALL 3 OF HIS GOALS: 1, Acceleration, 2, Moving/smashing Overton window, 3, Revenge.

Acceleration. Just play out the game theory. The Left reacts utterly predictably to everything. Thus it is easy to play them like a fiddle. Everything the Left wants to do, they are already pushing for, hard. Gun grabs, demonize whitey, demonize the Right, etc. This NZ shooting just gives the Left more excuses & motivation to do it more, harder, faster. Which in turn amps up the Right’s angst & redpills more whites. It speeds up what’s already happening.

(Note, nothing in the current system can stop the Left once they start winning all the elections, and no leadership in the current system shows any willingness+ability to stop the costs being imposed on the Right and on whites. Thus the shooter’s logic was that there is no point in “keeping things civil” or “taking the high road” because that just means whites and the Right losing.)

His 2nd goal was to move the Overton window by sending a message: “If our governments will not protect us from violent underclass invaders, we will do it ourselves”; while simultaneously making Muslims feel less welcome in the West. He did this expertly by making his act difficult to memory-hole: live stream of his calculated act, “Kebab Removal” written on his gun (like something out of a revenge movie, memorable), full manifesto with mentions of Trump, Candace Owens and PewDiePie (ensures media attention, & blame placed on Trump by the Left etc.; attention = oxygen). Attacked least sympathetic group of immigrants (Muslims), thus a huge # of whites & right-wingers will find themselves agreeing with at least parts of his manifesto & will not jump to victims’ defense near as much as with Jews or blacks. (This is already obvious on right-wing comment sections & social media.) Highlighted little girl killed by Muslim attack in Europe as his trigger. (Very sympathetic image to many people.) Talked openly about civil war & his desire to trigger/accelerate it. This shows “the Right is not afraid, but welcomes it”, and regardless of what one thinks of the act, it puts civil war into the conversation in a very powerful way, and no one can spin this or handwave it away as “oh, everything’s fine, conflict is not increasing, civil war isn’t possible” etc. He moved the Overton window expertly.

His 3rd goal was to get revenge on Muslims. Which he did.

He accomplished all 3 of his goals with aplomb.

Thats word salad man

I'm gay for this guy it's fuckin' ridiculous.

No, you retard, it is not. If only we could filter by IQ here. Oh well … FILTERED.

If you're gay for Tarrant, it's not actually gay, mate. It's basically Platonic infatuation. Totally straight. Anyway, continue on.


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It is an honor, and go back to redit lefty shill

Police violence on Yellow vests and the Global shutitdown by journalists should have the same effect.

Which is why it's globally suppressed by the media.

White political class and their corporate class allies murdered his father with asbestos, including their enforcers, the police who oppress white lower class. He achieved nothing but the goal of the existing political class who remain untouched, including their enforcers.

Duke NUKEM edition of the shooting.

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What a time to be alive, eh OP?

Accelerationism is just Anarchism for Hipsters.

Change my mind.

Are you saying they went and got Wim Hof to do a photoshoot just for a fake company?

Anarchism is ignoring the state of decay you're in, while Accelerationism means to acknowledge the decay, but putting hope into a better outcome.

Pretty sure that anarchists aren't ignoring anything. The Sex Pistols Albums were totally about having tea at the park.

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I've been thinking about journalists. They really seem to be the stupidity and fame seeking garbage. I mean, there aren't any requirements to study journalism… not even language. They really are the worst shit.

I guess that's true, but anarchism is typically just an intermediate state rather than the goal you are trying to reach.

Bringing up capitalism to argue in favor of anarchism doesn't really help your point. Anyway anarchists rebel against the state of their direct environments, by making in worse for themselves, instead of attacking the root of the problem. It's ignorance.

The goal of accelerationism is to bring things to a breaking point before its too late to benefit from things falling apart.

Any action that…

…is a counterproductive accelerationist action

Any action that…

Is a beneficial accelerationist action

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A mumbo jumbo of sophisms and bullshit rhetorics, kill yourself OP.

The kiwi wasn't an accelerationist like everyone has been saying.

I'm trying to ween myself from the chans, not because this was too much, but because there are too many cucks, feds, or shills. I want to forge my own path, and pitch some ideas to normies. I've got a 15k word work I'm working on, on while I haven't touched anything political yet, I'm deciding how much I want to broach about accelerationism et al in it, and how much I want to save that for a follow-up work. I'm putting my name on it, so I might wait a while until I have a revenue stream or something. Regardless, for all the cucks who think there is a society, culture, or civilization to salvage; no. No country on EARTH right now is sustainable or ideal. There is no reason to play optics forever. Waking normies up helps, but saying
Makes you look like a weak willed faggot. I'm not blowing up anything anytime soon. And this is because no one is ready to help me. I have to notice critical mass being reached before I'll consider wasting my time/life.
And I'm a strict individualist, which might set some people here off. But I'm not an individualist in the same vein that jews promote. No. In my work, I explain how I believe the mind is under stress from 3 main influences; the primal shit, the psyche, and the will. Jews promote the psyche. This is the part of the mind that is corrputable by outside forces and also pleasure seeking in general. Too much to articulate here, but the Will is a source of motivation that cares not about bodily consequences or mental distress. I want nothing more than a cohesive society that cares about the environment and is free of EVERY SUBVERSIVE ELEMENT.

Not really if everyone became a mildly unlawful non tax paying dissenter for a year it could be just as effective as killing people. And against the ones who are doing it rather than their pawns.

user, in the end everything that needs to be said was already said. What we need are the means to make everyone understand it.


The guys manifest in whole is pretty awesome. Print that fucker out and leave it in trains/trams/buses etc.

8you don't fool me satan)
Then don't use the term anarchism, which clearly isn't in lines with conforming to norms. Sell your idea in a different package.

And that's what I'm trying to do. The most important thing is getting everyone to think for themselves. Evaluate all the external shit, all the influences you've ever been subjected to. So yes, this includes morals, laws, justice, religion etc, even your perception of reality. Once you figure out where those come from, you can decide if you want them. Regardless, I'm not sure I'll make it digestible enough for NPCs and such. Oh well. I will have tried

You've already banned me from that server user, which proves you can't handle discourse. Fucking fag.Go advertise on leddit.

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(fake hitler)
I especially find it awesome how he isn't naming the jews, but makes sure to bring up that he isn't anti-Semetic. That surely will help the public to see the light.

Ruler asks for tax.
You say, no thankyou, I don't recognize your authority.
This isn't anarchy?

That is the historical problem with answering the JQ…getting the sheep to slaughter the wolf in numbers.

He has named the jews, but it was too subtle for blind swines like to understand.

What the fuck is this bullshit?

do not join any discord

it's honeypot, it's most easily infiltrated and UH DUH surprisingly 100% of leaks against /our/ cause were from discord servers

TS/IRC. basically read up Anglin Andrew guide on communications

You are like the jerk that eats the custard from the tart and leaves the crumb but also takes the cream off too.

Nope. Anarchy comes out of rebelling against a already failing system. A healthy system keeps anarchists in check.

Nah, I'm the user who is always cautious when someone offers me a tart.

A journalist with actual integrity and skill is a big threat to the system if they become disgruntled with it. With a network of sources and accessibly to broadcasting equipment, they could leak all sorts of damning information if they're willing to sacrifice everything to do so.

It's deliberate for them to devalue the concept of journalism, so only those motivated by baser desires apply (money, fame, reputation) with no skill to deduce implications of what they're told to do. Easy to run a propagandist network if those involved are only interested in the publicity, and/or don't think about the information.

What this guy wrote is a great fictional book that needs a publisher.

The biggest problem (after jews, of course) is that people are driven by comfort. If human nature could be distilled into as small a sentence as possible, it would be that people want to be comfortable. Yes, pleasure seeking is evident as well, but I think that comes from excess comfort. This is why literal slaves stayed slaves and didn't revolt often: because it's more comfortable (mentally and physically) to remain a bound human than it is to be free. At least once you're in that mindset. Inertia and all that.
Regardless, a willful person doesn't care about comfort. They are driven by an end only. It's up to them to decide what that is, and no amount of argumentation changes their position. I don't believe every person can possess a will, but some wills are presently buried under 60 tons of Jewish baggage that they can't possibly come to light. Further still, NPCs obviously can Crack and take sides, even without a will. I'm hoping I can do something. I'm tired of waiting

This is horrible. Sorry user, I'm sure this is effort post but this is too impenetrable and unclear for average readers, it's like you are trying to impress us by being unnecessarily complex.

And so rebelling by mass refusal to pay taxes forcing the gov to either escalate and attack or bend to the will of the people is somehow not anarchy in your mind because you associate the word anarchist with unwashed unthinking dropouts.

The shooter was angry that I stopped sodomizing him.





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A sheila is wakin' up without her bloke somewhere.

Excuse the poor quality, I don't know anything about vid editing, I just had to make SOMETHING, at least.

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You're describing the natural law of self preservation by going down the path of least resistance. What humans on this path need to understand is that this path is full of temptation, which is a natural evil that leads to death. Nature demands struggle to keep alive. Death is inevitable, and will create new life, but it's also a natural evil that lures us.

wtf am I looking at?

This is how the jews took the WWI victory from Germany, by generating a strike against the system, that halted the ammunition delivery. Would you call that anarchy?

Yes, I agree. I (will) go into natural "law" and shit. But it's not even so about evil as it is giving away your agency. Of course you can define that as evil. by surrendering to pleasure, you risk losing self preservation or actual self interest (NOT pleasure seeking). Or, you can lose your mind to semitic or other outside influences.

Is this why they make you bin knives in bongland?

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Well yes I would and you think it was effective and yet you argue against it.
You fail to see that the jew is the gov and army on a mission of conquest, and you are now the one paying for it.

Excellent post.

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The biggest jewish weapon is the lie, so we use truth to combat them, but they succeed because their lies are based on human laws. jews can easily outmaneuver a truth that is based on human laws, because these laws are lies in itself, like civility and individuality. Why are human laws lies? Because they are based on natural laws. That is where the truth campaign must aim at, to make humans understand that their laws are all made up, and that the only real truth can be found in natural laws. The jews are corrupting these laws since the very beginning, by attacking blood and race.

Accelerationism is arranging a date between your girlfriend a nigger because she will cheat on you anyway

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Accelerationism, it’s a gas.

Improve yourself, make sure you are ready.

Self Fulfilled Prophecy.

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You try to use a jewish move to win a rigged jewish game. Of course a strike would be highly beneficial, but you need to have control over the masses to achieve it. They used bomb attacks in combination with worker unions to takeover the US printing industry.

I am with you 100%. You seem to have your head on right. Since no one else is biting, I guess farewell. Take care


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there is no such thing in a game of chess is there. Anarchism isn't jewish it's just a tactic. One that does work.


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Is our hand really being forced toward this end for the sole reason that the kikes cannot control their own greed, or do they gain some kind of final victory from the result of this process? Do they have a way to escape the future, or do they hope to hide while it all blows over and then rule over the rubble? I can't wrap my head around it.

Do they, though? I'm not sure at all.

the jew relies on the slow erosion of freedoms, it takes time for the goyim to slow boil and accept their conditions with little resistance.

think of 60 years ago, the thought of a nigger even being shown on TV was unthinkable, now look at TV today; that is slow boil, they gradually turn the dial up until you reach maximum subversion. Now, imagine if the same degeneracy thrown out on media today, and the general condition of the country as it is today was switched on immediately in 1950. Large parts of the country would have been in flames.

Yes, obviously, but their hubris has always led them to self-destruct in the end. The parasite is always removed from the host. But they don't have another place to run to and neither do we. They raised the stakes too high this time. It always ends for them and they have to know this so they have to be thinking of a way out but I have no idea what it could possibly be.

My theory is that they've been planning at a "Muslims vs Whites" war. The narrative in my country is that Muslims pose a big threat to Jews (because of muh anti-semitism) and that the Host Country Population should protect the Jews from more persecution. While we fight the invaders, losing many good men in battle, the Jew remains untouched. You can bet your goyim ass that, after victory, the Jew will then to proceed to impregnate the white women that remain, or will pack up their shit and leave to white lands or Israel to continue with their destruction of the white race.

Should've been

Jews want whites vs. Muslims. IT will create a strong divide inside Europe. It will only make Israel an Ally, and paves the way for Israel to conquer more Muslim lands. On the other hand, Israel may no be able to keep the genie in the bottle. There is no telling where an awoken, white army would stop. They would not be able to guarantee that Jews would be the next targets.

That's exactly what they want and it's even in the protocolz of zion. They can say what they want about it but it's disturbingly accurate. However a problem presents itself in that muslims still are most certainly an enemy and it is because they like jews have a zealot's zeal in their hatred of non-jews and infidels as core cultural and religious doctrine. There's no reasoning with either of them despite your best efforts.

This is next level faggotry, I bet your country is France since they spread their cheeks to muslims with a great joy. Retarded chimps who breed their own death. Go fuck your muslims since ya love it so much.

sup kike. Your reading comprehension is shit:
What the (((rulers))) of my country present as a narrative =/= what I do.

What the fuck?

They're the ones that started the reconquest of Europe from muslims to begin with and they have the Yellow Jackets right now.