Eastern Europe turning progressive - Slovakia could get its first woman president in ballot

She is deputy chairman of “Progressive Slovakia,” a non-parliamentary party that supported the massive street protests after Kuciak’s death.

The leading contenders are Zuzana Caputova, an environmental activist who is in favour of gay rights and opposes a ban on abortion in this conservative Roman Catholic country, and Maros Sefcovic, an establishment figure who is the European Commission Vice-President.

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t. op

eastern europe is a white ethnostate next to a white ethnostate next to a white ethnostate

The only courtries on earth with a sustainable birth rate keep their women in their place. Weak societies give their women freedom and women use that freedom to undermine that society because a society falls by women is by definition a weak society. They evolved to be genetic filters.

except for birth rate

Yep. Eastern Europe will be white no matter what happens to the west. They should be idolized as a model of racial purity to aspire to.

It only takes a decade to turn that country into a western shithole, anything is possible for kikes and their bought politicians.

it exactly took decade since fall of communism. now you have kids on protests that are organized by Soros foundation

Eastern Europe is not Russia. its pretty much just Poland, Hungary, Czechia and Slovakia.
and Hungary and Czechia are pozzed to hell, Poland is maybe maybe last hope but they have really close ties to US Army operations

Come on, they're still better than most of Europe such as Germany, France, Sweden, UK, etc.

Prague and Budapest are almost on the same level. rest is fairly behind but leaping quickly to catch up.
For youth here being better than west in that is regarded as being backwards etc. so they vote for anyone who will bring those things here as seen in those Presidentials

Voters have rallied to her despite her publicly declared tolerance of LGBT rights such as civil partnerships and adoption, controversial positions in a predominantly Catholic country that forbids same-sex marriage and is known for conservative attitudes.

The election of such an avowedly pro-western figure, who openly favours the Nato alliance and EU membership, would provide welcome relief to liberals at a time when neighbouring countries, namely, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, are led by populist politicians of varying stripes.

They're not homogenous because of conscious nationalistic efforts (except maybe Hungary), they're homogenous because third worlders don't want to live in them when they have rich Western Europe next door. Not that it's a bad thing in itself but it leaves ex-communist bloc vulnerable to subversion.

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so what are we eastern europeans supposed to be doing???
over here we had a 100s gypsy settlement blob into full ~5000 cardboard city
soon, school children started having lice, infectious disease spread, street shitting which we never even knew could happen happened, petty theft increased, street violence increased, streets started becoming ugly, stinking and dirty thanks to these gypsies

some of us set up a "youth boxing club", a front for everyone pissed off
we had one army officer and few police guys teach us nothing but the most basic boxing punches and judo holds/throws, everything else was 6 months of backpack marching with backpacks being 50% of bodyweight, boxing, sparring and lifting days
we also kept absolute 0 profile, not a single incident with anyone
after about 6 months we felt confident enough and we started night patrolling our city for gypsies, when we found one we would beat them up enough for them to go unconscious, we would brake jaws or arms and ribs regularly and when we were done we would throw the gypsy in the trash
not a week passed by without an ambulance stopping by the trash to pick one of these creatures, a fitting place really to dump the beaten up gypsies really considering they dumpster dive a lot on their own
beating up gypsy children was a unique experience since they breed 15 of them per woman, even at 6 years old you can see a fully grown future nasty animal like thief and disease vector, no one would kick the kids they would just get slapped with an open palm and shouted at, pushed around, intimidated and had their clothes ripped
soon enough half of the gypsies abandoned their illegal electricityless cardboard shacks, but the other stubborn half remained
it is then we started sneaking around the emptier parts and setting them on fire, that all the gypsies decided to leave and all of a sudden we had no more lice, street shitters, petty theft, everything was cleaner and peaceful again

gypsy pogroms arent even uncommon here, but what can we possibly do about eu parliament people and fucking nato bases?

There are talks for EU wide welfare.
If they would be getting 1000 eurogibs they would go to poor states since they would be kings and frankly its still better than Africa or ME. They already do cross border shopping from Germany to Czechia.

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Prague and Budapest are San Franciscos in the making.

they are. lets not forget that hungarian and czechs have biggest number of porngirls per capita.

her and her parties backer is IT firm ESET who works with CIA, opponents pointed out that this firm will provide SW for counting votes.
Also there is longer wait for results because some drunkard threw ballot with votes out of windows and it smashed the box.

wow. czech police said they will prosecute people who cheer for NZ attack.

sauce on that in czech?


We are watching you…

She got 40%, rip EE.

Harabin, one of the top contenders, just announced live that they are not letting his representatives to check if the ballots are being counted properly and acussed the voting commissions of manipulation.

I had friend there so I will ask him too.

Thanks, user. To be honest, so far, I am very surprised. I did expect the whore to be one of the two to pass to the next round, but I haven't even heard anyone say that they would support Sefcovic. I expected the second to pass would be either Harabin or Kotleba… Not that it matters that much, the President can do fuck all and voting does no really matter, but so far, it was always a pretty decent indicator of public opinions. If they start fucking with it large scale, it won't even be good for that…

I saw photo of results.
fucking disaster she got 50% easily here in my location

Let me guess: Pressburg or Pezinok?


I expected she would win there. I was born in that city and love it, but fucking hell, the libtardation is real.

seems no one cares about us anyway since its just us locals talking. lol.

Well, considering the NZ stuff, I'm not very surprised. I wonder if Harabin will really go through with his accusations. Time to go get some sleep. Bye, user.

Harabin said that it is rigged.

I'm so pissed by this. Slovakia will get cucked.

All of the candidates were either progressives or cuckservatives
We are ZOGged, but population is still more or less red pilled.

I can only talk about my friend but the difference was shocking.

it was expected with subverted teenagers and unis.

gypsies are way more than 10% of the population. Slovakia will be a gypsy country within 20 years.

I'm so sick of this sheeple, brainwashed filth.

Good thing you're too wise to fall for any psyops.

blue is where she won. F.

official statistics are like at 200 000 I think reall could be 500 000

people want something else than SMER which is at fault for her rise too and especially for state of republic. I think they dont know who she really is except pretty face.

I might try to start something. I don't care about reputation, if it affects my career or something. These people are blind to the outside world and history and don't think about the world but then tell me that I'm a "man of culture" (redditspeak) for having read 1984. They don't look into who was Orwell's enemy, or if the current history isn't rewritten, they'll just say "oh that is horrible, good thing we aren't living in this dystopia!" and then will brag about being smart or some shit. Then they'll watch their TV, pay for subscriptions for their MSM, and say that Trump is big brother (I know he's a puppet but deceptions are of course multi-layered).

People wanted Fico to leave but they never asked WHO would replace him. They just want things to change on an impulse but don't contemplate the ramifications.

Fuck, can't sleep. Yeah, there is a want for change, but many people are not wise to the MSM shilling tactics yet because so far, it was limited. Now, as the attempts to hold the decaying EU machinery together ramp up, so does the shilling. As such, the person who was the most pushed by media and not associated with the fucktards in SMER won. Although is still think some kikery was afoot with the election. Either way, it's only presidential elections, so not too bad, but it sets a shit precedent for the parliamentary election and for the policy making for the remainder of current term. Then again, if they push too much, as our retarded politicians are very prone to do, it may just accelerate out of control, which would be a good thing. The paramilitary groups are already bigger than the army, probably better trained and equipped too, and army members are pissed of due to all of the bullshit with shitty wages and overpriced garbage equipment, so they may just join in on the fun.

Progressive Slovakia now has 10%.
Seems they put her to get % for party but now she is President. think Mistrik was their horse too and they were deciding which would be better on surveys.

oh and they will also push girl power and feminism more because of her

I believe I heard they were both financed by related western NGOs, but I didn't really look into it, tbh, so take it with a grain of salt. It wouldn't surprise me, though.

Fully expected that if she won. They'll push the other globalist garbage along with it as well.

and dont push that meme nazi larped Kotleba, he fucked it up for everyone with this.

How? Legit question.

I wouldn't have voted for him and probably would drop support for LSNS completely if Kotleba did that since I'm already somewhat unsure about his true goals and somewhat clash with him ideologically. Harabin has ties to many major parties (HZDS, SMER, etc.), worked with them for a long time and it is them who got him into his previous position, he's corrupt and money hungry fuck. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he entered with the sole purpose of splitting the reactionary base.

Good luck to Slovak liberal Zuzana Čaputová, a fierce defender of social progress, the Rule of law and democratic accountability, for the first round of the presidential election!


that how Kotleba looks to me now.

Prague is shithole for jews, junkies and tourist. Whole country is not like Prague.

LOL. Funny. Police here is useless. Don't worry. They can't do shit.

Prague still holds a lot of power. like Bratislava voted 70% for Captova

I think its more like with GB one.
arrests made in nano seconds.

OP is right on the money. A little known fact about Eastern European countries is that they are heavily feminized. I wouldnt go as far as to say men are cucks, but women have a very pronounced workforce role. Its a unique effect of a cocktail of Catholicism (which is arguably much more female friendly than other Christian denominations), Soviet cultural influence, and poverty.

This is why "based poland" has a fertility rate of 1.35

Damn, and I thought that you were in a better situation than us Czechs.

First off, president isn't that important and secondly, it's mostly because other parties are shit as the other user said.

There are no good options here, user. People are divided into good democraps who believe voting matters and those who don't like anyone in politics because it never paid off, mostly.

You underestimate the influence of women and jew bucks.

interesting, I didnt realize that.

Prague obviously hole a lot of power. They allways vote for worst retarted ideas because they want to become another LA or NY

Police is here is useless. All they can do is collect money from drivers. My friend was drug dealer and weed grower. He become paranoid from all that drugs. Everyone know what he is doing. So one day he come to police and tell them what he is doing and he want to give up. They just said he should go home and sleep well. There are weed growers in front of police station. You can see and smell plants and police do nothing.

This is just media bs to scare people. Nothing more. Police is simply to lazy to do anything.

Hello fellow czechanon. It is in shit everywhere. But it was allways shitty anyway for last 500 years at least. We just have to play our roles in this game until we die. Like generations before and after us.


If there's one thing communists didn't fuck up, it's feminism. Instead of the western "we want more rights" it was "you're gonna get more work/responsibility" (as far as I'm aware, SSSR was the only country drafting women). Some of the effects may be similar, but there's a fundamental difference. Also, since initially commies forced women into work pretty early when many would rather stay at home with kids, it soured career and work as the primary life goal. 3 years of parental leave helps too. The attitudes are nothing like in the west.

Sure, in theory. In reality it broke apart families just as much as any other approach

Any deviation from Biblical doctrine on women leads to disaster, whether its done the eastern way or the western way

Nah, they don't even really have anyone to persecute on the other side. The one thing they did is they went after someone for translating and distributing some salafi book (reportedly more so for the association with salafism than for its contents, as the book itself supposedly didn't contain the illegal parts of salafism). "Our" muslims are, by western standards, pretty progressive too, so our police really does not have much work with them.

The difference is, people actually realised it's bad, which is why in 70s and 80s, maternal leave was gradually raised to 2 and then 3 years. Meanwhile in the west, they're still pushing this shit.

I should add, the few muslims we have are by western standards, pretty progressive. Since there's not many of them.

-Gypos moving to Western Europe in droves
-The fertility of gypos is droping as well.
-Huge backlash against progressive shit.
-Feminism was always present in one way or another,under the form of matriarchy.

You wont see naked women with messages on their tits protesting anywhere in Eastern Europ(just in Rusia once every blue moon)

I'm Romanian and there is almost no BROWN gypo left in my town of 70k people.They all moved to France or UK:))))
All the kids that go to school(2 kindergardens,1 middle school and 1 high school in my vicinity) are either aryan white or white with brown eyes/brown hair.

We still have whitish gypos.

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Reliable these things?

Slovaks at the alternative NEED to organize FAST! We are a scattered group that has no real platform to stand on.
Also many are pissed that Kotleba didn't let Harabin win. I don't know if Harabin is in on the JQ though… Anyone knows?
It is so tiresome at this point. What do we do? Everything is stacked against us.
All we can do at this point is have a fuckton of kids, live near nature. We need to homeschool our children and to let them be saved from (((education))). We need to save ourselves, build tribes, make a new future. We CANNOT rely on political solutions at this point.

exactly this. for soviet women were working class and shit. mom is engineer her friend worked whole life on crane.

Soviets wanted to break the tradition. its despite them we somehow hold into it for few years but now it break off in results of soviet legacy too.

but you cant homeschool here. seems best way to get young voters is to make politics memes on facebook but that one is full of lefties who will reportbomb any right wing groups like they did/do

also get rid of nazi shaved heads who dont know grammar stigma.

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While unreproduction "progress" in Europe continues to make room for Israel's expansion…

I've just made a board where we can discuss Slovak political matters. We need to do chagne things.

Nah, I think vast majority of the pozz nowadays is coming from the western feminists. It's more subversive and more harmful because it plays into muh rights, unlike what commies did. And I think that communism inoculated us to a great degree. Certainly, saying that the middle/eastern Europe is feminized will give westerners, who are quite thoroughly pozzed, a wrong picture.

hahahah i wholeheartedly agree ;P

Can you send me link for that board ?

honestly there is only hope for hungary, the others are just too pozzed by muh ww2 and muh vokda to be able to form a coherent train of thought and this is before the incoming full spectrum pozzing. i was not surprised about slovakia either tbh; highest murder rate in europe, mostly unsolved, highest meth abuse, runaway alcoholism.


modern one for sure but soviets were like that too

hungary is being sold to foreigners so Orban and his friends can maek money. talked to few hungarians.


Hungarian citizenship by investment

This is one of the cheapest ways to get quick permanent residency in the EU without starting a business. If you are a person of means and don’t want to deal with hiring anyone, filing company tax returns, or dealing with visa renewals, you can simply buy Hungarian government bonds.

The required investment was raised to 300,000 euros (up from 250,000 euros last year) plus about 50-60,000 euros in fees.


Srbija do neptuna

non sequitur
correlation causation
all that shit.

youre disengenous or stupid. assuming you mean sexist things by "in their place"

women are naturally more nurturing and whatever. No need to keep them in your place. by that logic someone should keep you in your place. Nah thanks id rather travel the world with my women while creating a better future for all men and women.


whats with your protests? are those for nationalists or against?

Yes its true, the progressive woman won the first round of the Presidential Election (there are multiple rounds in our elections), it is incredible how the left is able to accomplish this. However we already had a very leftist President before, Kiska - which was legitimately bought by Soros, meeting with him in private (which is illegal for a president to do).

However, you forgot to mention that Kotleba (an openly national socialist) got over 10% of the votes for his Presidential run.

Moreover, you also forgot to mention that the Presidential role is only ceremonial in Slovakia, and acts more like a specator/ombudsman. The real power lies in Premier position and this will be filled by someone from SMER as it has for awhile now. Majority of parties including our left-leaning are against migration of any sort.

Don't blackpill, because its not worth it. PS. Nearly all my irl friends and especially girls I know are what u would consider hard right just based off of normal up-bringing. lmao!

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Progressive party got 10% even before she became president. they will get more and will create a coalition with liberals to push those things

Listen, pointing and saying "atleast it's not as bad as over there" is the mistake that keeps people lazy and comfortable. The truth is, if it isn't already as bad as wherever you point, it will be, unless you always keep vigilant and fighting.

Forgot to mention: And this difference in pozz is very convenient, because the difference always seem static, so you don't really notice just how shit things are going. Because you can ALWAYS point to sweden as being worse, even if your home is now sweden as it was five years ago. We are all Sweden.

deep but true

FTFY, m'lady.

just read that "liberals" are insanely gaining in czechia too. fuck.

No one's mentioned vote rigging yet?

why would you vote rig when you got people brainwashed?

we are so fucked now EU made an office for bringing rape and gave them self 10bil euro budget



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Slovakfag here. I wouldn't say I am a conservative, but I am also not a liberal. I struggle to definitely place myself on this spectrum of modern politics that we've got going on.

She hasn't been elected yet, but will be on 30th of March. The other candidate has very little chance of overcoming the gap even after gaining some of the voters from the 1st round. Most of the 1st round voters will vote for our new president - Mrs. Caputova.

I don't know her personally and quite frankly, none of our population knew this woman half a year ago. She appeared out of nowhere with these touchy-feely emotional videos as a part of her campaign. Her motto was, in a literal translation, "against evil". I must admit that her charisma impressed me to the extend where I thought that she actually is a decent, polite, intelligent and overall person worthy of representing our small country…BUT…

What gave her away was her questionable past. Apparently, she's a lawyer in this non-governmental organization Via Iuris, which is funded by the Open Society Foundation with which I am sure you're all familiar with. That itself wouldn't be a problem for me. But after more than a decade doing this kind of job, she's had no results. She managed to remove one illegal dumpsite in the capitol outskirts. As a citizen, I am thankful for that. I probably wouldn't be able to do that myself. But that just is enough for me to make me think that she could be somehow pushing our country forward, which we so desperately need as we are poorfags compared to most of y'all.

Another aspect of this that she's been massively supported by our current president - Andrej Kiska. Outspoken liberal with a questionable past. Involved with Soros himself, taking some kind of part in the Scientology movement, his father being quite a big fish in the StB, which is basically "Czechoslovak KGB". Overall a person that proved himself to be one of those useless liberals who just speak about beautiful values of modern society while damaging it for his own gain.

The media push for Caputova was the final drop. That's when I stopped supporting her. It was disgusting. Basically, the media created a narrative in which Caputova and Caputova only represents positive values and all the others are either working for mobsters and lobbyists, nazis, tin-foil conspirators or crankheads. Absolutely disgusting, obvious shilling and guess what? Half of the nation has bought it all. She was close to having 50% of the voters. I don't remember ever having this unambiguous one sided result. Literally every college student I know voted for her. All the young "progressive" adults and people in their 30s believed the push and started seeing her as a right choice on our way forward. I disagree but at the same time I honestly hope I'm in the wrong here.

Slovakia is a really small country. Hell, some world cities have a larger population than all of our country. The biggest problem that we have is corruption, lobbyists and all issues connected to it. We have a very few homosexuals, literally no kebabs or niggers, we only act as if we did because all of the west does. We need someone to help young families get on their feet and we need our living standard to get on the level of other well developed European countries. A woman driven forward by liberal values and organizations seems like an artificial solution to our problems that will not be very effective.



Get use to it. The pussy drain is going to be every white country once the economy goes and Chinese take over

I choose Marian Kotleba.

except for 23 others

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