What system of taxation do you support?
How should the amount of taxes collected be determined?
I'm most partial to the land value tax (pic related) and the flat rate tax (everyone who pays taxes pays in the form of a percentage of whatever is being taxed, the percentage and the basis of taxation being the same for all taxpayers) myself.
Note that all forms of taxation may be discussed, including the lack of a tax system at all! (aka. the "taxation is theft" position)
A 20% flat tax and then some sales taxes on luxury items maybe and nothing more.
2 kinds:
1. Progressive tiered property taxes in order to discourage land hoarding, permit the debt free aquisition of family estates, and eliminate land rent seeking (0% for first 40 acres, +1% per subsequent 5 acres). All land must be held by real persons who are citizens.
2. Tariffs to protect local industry
10% Flat Tax with higher sale tax
sorry for making this shit thread
I'd rather pay 90% tax and know that my country would be White in the future than pay no taxes and know that my people were dying. That being said, more shitskins generally means higher taxes for Whites. It should also be remembered that the welfare made possible through taxes is nothing compared to what a long term propaganda campaign encouraging charity among the people can accomplish. Now onto the question.
How could I have a specific tax rate already in mind, when our victory is so far off? We don't know what areas we would control, how many people would be left, the quality of the land or the spirit of the people. Not to mention this isn't a national movement, different countries will require different policies. I can only say with certainty that National Socialism does value its people as much as its country, and that a properly prepared tax system cannot be laid out this early. Certainly in my country, whatever taxes National Socialism would impose would be far more bearable than what we're currently required to pay.
Mandatory Hitler quote
"It is understandable when an Englishman says: “We do not want our world to perish in any way at all.” And rightly so. They know all too well: we are no threat to their empire. But they also say to themselves, and rightly so: “If these ideas which are popular in Germany are not eliminated and eradicated, they will come to our people, and this is most dangerous. This we do not want.” And if it did come this way it would do no harm. But they are as narrow-minded as others used to be here with us once. These English capitalists have the opportunity, to give just one example, to make dividends of seventy-six, eighty, ninety-five, 140, 160 percent. Yes naturally, they say: “If these German methods gain currency or are victorious, this will end.” And this is completely correct. This I would not tolerate. I think that six percent suffices, but we must take half of this six percent away again, and from the rest we must have documented proof that it was reinvested in the interest of the Volksgemeinschaft. I do not believe that one can maintain a situation in which a man toils and works a whole year, only to get a ludicrous salary, and another just sits down in a leather seat and gets enormous sums for it. This is a condition unworthy of man."
The one where i don't pay any. So tax oligarchs and jews, not me.
No tax. Just let the currency inflate. Spend what's needed each year.
Land can't be taxed honestly. It's like carbon taxes, you're charging people for something that can't be changed. You're basically assuming a position of authority over what you had no hand in creating, and stealing productivity from the economy.
Don't get me started on taxes for housing.
Killing anti-Whites.
By killing anti-Whites.
Since banks print money out of thin air: totally none. Taxation is Theft of your value /time as a human. You never ever agreed to it.
You pay tax as a Person. Not as a human being.
Learn the difference.
If you tax land, you might disincentivize landowning and development, this may be countered by setting the ownership of land as a requirement for being able to vote or run for public office positions.
i dont know, tax on goods makes everything expensive
tax on income makes you unable to buy anything
Tax on nothing, just dictate a sum that everyone owes or pays.
Flat sum tax.
Yggdrasil holds nine worlds in its branches, its roots firmly planted into Erda, which is the tenth world. The soil is taxed to nourish the tree.
Taxes shall be at 10%.
To fix the first you have no tax on the first property someone owns. The second is even easier as the government can hold onto land until development is finished so developers pay nothing anyway.
People only make 100% of their paycheck.
Gov takes 25-33%
75-66% R
Sales Tax is about 10% average
65-56% R
Almost everything (Property, Auto Reg, Green, Cellular, Internet, etc.) has Fees and Taxes (FYI, Fees are Taxable).
X-Y% R
How mush of the 100% does not go to Taxes and Fees?
Once ALL 100% goes to Taxes and Fees we have Socialism/Communism.
Fuck you. Not everyone wants to be forced into the cuckburbs like cattle.
I dunno, it’s beyond my expertise. LVT, financial transaction taxes, pollution taxes, sales taxes, wealth taxes… Even income taxes create a political incentive to care about incomes. Haven’t you seen the way high tax brackets get richer while low tax brackets get poorer?
I used to be very anti-tax. The power to tax is logically identical to the power to steal. I’m less anti-tax than I used to be. Stealing is a finite wrong that can be counterbalanced with due care and integrity - a thief who serves a sufficiently necessary purpose in a sufficiently well-ordered way may sometimes be in the right.
If you legalize prostitution, you can tax it. This turns unreported income into a painless broadening of the tax base. Moderate vice taxes yield far more than their enforcement costs while being reliably avoided by people driven to save their money.
Land tax is an unnaceptable form of taxation, because it forces people to pay for merely existing.
Income tax is preferable to land tax because it takes a share of profit. Income tax is still bad though, and government should be funded by tariff like in the early us.
So long as ZOG exists I oppose all taxes. After that, one progressive income tax, with additional sin taxes on stuff like sugar and tobacco and other things that should be discouraged.
No progressive taxation is a recipe for an (((oligarchy))). Almost like today when the (((rich))) pay negligible taxes because of (((loopholes))).
Tax is just a state service fee for things like free healthcare, education, pensions… Oh, never mind, americans don't have any of those, I understand your view now.
No tax is good tax
taxation is the redostribution of wealth at gunpo
fucked up. taxation is the redistribution of wealth at gunpoint. you can't refuse to hand over money unless you have the ability to act as though you don't have any. importantly, tax evasion can lead to potentially good things for economics in that liquidity is punished and investment encouraged. services are really just icing on the cake to market expansion
If you must tax…..the Fair Tax is best tax.
Taxes on monopolies, like (((Google))).
Then enjoy being defeated by other countries then.
Nothing should be discouraged by taxes, nor subsidized either.
Tariffs, extremely high immigration tax, and reasonable property tax. Anyone who doesn't have property and isn't paying property tax doesn't get to vote. We should run our country like an exclusive country club.
Wealth-asset tax
Taxation is theft
If person buys a high-quality soil and turn it into shithole he should be charged for it as well
Death to all trash
Eco-naturists of the world TIP OF THE MUD REMOVAL TEAM
What level of anarcho-capitalism are you even on faggot? Get on my level.
Ridiculously high property taxes for anything above 2 acres. No others.
Nigger tax: If you're not white 100% of your income is taxed, in other words slavery for all non-whites in white nations.
No forced tax for whites, but they are encouraged to voluntarily donate 10% of their income to the state treasury.
none seems necessary, in an ancap society where people could live conservative values voluntarily, the market would decide how much police, courts, and other public functions that government currently provide, would cost. So there would still be a price to pay for those services, but unlike taxes it would be voluntary (you could opt out, but probably won't entirely because you'll want one of those services), there could be multiple competitors to choose from, and because of competition the price of those services should go down. The market is not perfect but has the potential to offer checks and balances like government force which can regulate a lot of activity productively
A transaction tax only. Implemented as a fee within a crytocurrency at a rate to determined by AI in response to meme warfare. Massively broad tax base Minimal collection cost., voluntary compliance simply by agreeing to use the currency. This dismantles the state and makes angry white men happy again.
The best system is to kill all enemies of white people.
yes but necessary nonetheless so it has to be reduced to its bare necessity
1)all anti-tariff NotAnArguments are really just generic anti-tax, anti-govt arguments. yeah, we know the govt sucks, that isn't the question of WHICH tax
2)all that Austrian School shit would be valid….if we were on the planet Vulcan where all were law abiding logical folks (except of course during the Vulcan mating time LOL), but we aren't on Vulcan, we are stuck on Earth, with Earthlings. Anything you can do to reduce your contact with Earthlings outside your legal jurisdiction is good, for lots of reasons.
3)my theory, which I came up with all by myself, says that Tariffs will Austrian School Boil Down to 50% of cost borne by locals, and 50% of cost taken out of "excess profit" of foreign producer. 50% of your tax bill paid by someone else is the best deal you will ever get, anywhere, on anything.
4)tariffs are "low friction" in that they are mostly every easy to collect. Other taxes, on the other hand, add an estimated 5-10% DEAD LOSS just on bookkeeping overhead when you add individuals, small biz, taxpayers, etc. In CA there are min of 5 diff taxes collected from EVERY W-2 paycheck, on EVERY check. In contrast, a supertanker of crude will be writing one check, or a freighter full of new Honda will have one big list and be very eager to clear customs and get cars to market, no "unpaid tax collection" Dead Loss hiring agents to call deadbeats.
5)As I've stated, a REAL Austrian will tell you tax "evens out" and consumer pays in the end, etc. But for Earthling Reasons, no one seems to mind high individual "Income Tax" but REAL PEOPLE with REAL LOBBYISTS will scream bloody murder when a TARIFF is suggested. So….we have REAL PEOPLE trying to keep Govt small if we use only Tariffs.
6)US relied on Tariffs until 1913 when IRS and The Fed were created. Nuff said. OK, not 'nuff? Tariffs did not stop USA from quickly becoming greatest nation ever, passing UK, France and Germany some time prior to 1913.
lol no
PS-taxes serve two functions:
a) discourage certain behaviors (sin tax, gas tax) but be careful you don't create Black Market/Crime.
b)raise money for govt programs, and make sure that money comes from certain groups.
What should we discourage more: gainful employment in the USA, or dependence on foreign sources that might give us real for wars (foreign oil)???
Income should not be taxed. Income is by definition (of and by market forces) an EVEN EXCHANGE for a person's valuable time and effort in exchange for money.
When a Corporation does an EVEN trade they pay no tax.
Only if you are a slave owned by the Govt can Income Tax be legal, and if Income (hourly wages, etc) Tax is legal then you are a Govt owned slave (except in Old South a slave could "buy himself" and be free…no such deal offered today).
That's it. That's literally it. Publisher shares (which could also be negotiated between parties) and sales tax. Everything else is most likely cancer.
from Protocols of Zion on "how to defeat self sufficient land owners"….
"load the land with debts", which IMO also includes any sort of Land Tax or "bond issue parcel tax".
how about, maybe, a tax on PROFITS made by owning land, such as PROFITS made on rental units after building costs etc, or tax on Private Toll Road, or farm PROFITS, or oil fields, mining, etc.
all these services can be supplied by private market. BTW mostly poorfags use these government services. Richfags (including high officials who scream about muh state services the most) prefer private market.
Tax is only needed for one service that can't be privatized. Its tax collection enforcement and protection of taxed property (citizens) from other collectors. When private individual "collects taxes" this is called racket. Only state can tax. basically when racketeer goes legit he becomes state.
A simple progressive tax. ~5% tax on the bottom 20% income bracket up to maybe ~33% on the highest 20% bracket. No getting out of it through charities or other loopholes.
Non-homestead property tax - any properties obtained as investments that the owner isn't living in.
Any vices that can't be feasibly banned should be taxed enough to discourage them, without being punishing to those who are dependent on those vices. (nicotine, alcohol, gambling)
Estate tax effective only to the top 5%
Tariffs on anything that can be produced domestically
Well we live in ancap. Market decided how to police, do courts etc. Via state because its about violence usage and government is msot competitive form of organization in this violence market.
It's quite a neglected topic here actually, imo.
Now to throw the best one into the fray: TRANSACTION TAX
I like it.
Knew a guy that for weird reasons was a White American working as a mechanic (grease monkey) at a GM dealership in JAPAN. The dealership or GM had to pay about an extra $60K per year "foreigner tax" on top of everything else, because if you think about it, that is at least what it really costs the Japs to have an American running around more or less loose in their nation.
Similarly, I'd like to see "Deportation to Area of DNA origin" be #1 sentencing option for any semi-serious crime, AND….make parents fully CRIMINALLY liable for all crimes of children until child reaches 30yrs old.
I don't get it. Why do you want to hobble certain areas that by no fault of their own might need to do lots of "transactions"?
Like if a factory buys widgets, does work, then needs to sell to another who turns them into gadgets, then another etc.
That is what a land tax is you fucking retard.
Land value taxes are the most recommended by economists and would help most poor people since they don't own expensive land. In poor people's houses, only like 20% of the value is the land itself, the other 80% is the bricks and building materials. In rich people's houses it's the other way around, most of the value is in the land and they would pay more tax for the privilege of excluding everyone else from such valuable locations. If we moved from property taxes (taxing land + building) to a land value tax (taxing just the land), the majority of people would be better off
here in CA, "County Property Tax" is what pays for massive healthcare for Wetbacks, etc.
I has nothing to do with PROFIT. Good buddy of mine was Santa Clara County tax man and the main thing he'd have to listen to was that "my firm is operating at a loss this year" etc.
NOT a factor. You still pay tax on Land Value, and if a business on all the dirty carpet and shitty furniture, inventory, building, etc.
Property tax is not land tax, it is property tax. A house is not land. Property tax taxes buildings. It is not land tax.
Well the Sugar act and stamp act caused the American revolution and salt, wine and tobacco taxes caused the french revolution. So I support any tax that will accelerate the collapse of jewish owned countries.
Are you a nigger?
Municipal property taxes are based on a percentage of the value of the land and its improvements, such as buildings. Even if the land is bare, its still taxed.
land value tax doesn't tax improvements, that's the difference
That's what I just said you fucking worthless illiterate retard. That is property tax, not land tax.
No you fat nigger, you said property tax doesn't tax land, which is wrong.
Cities levy taxes on both land and improvements under the term property tax.
Good luck with your wikipedia idea fag
No I did not. You are a braindead nigger that can not read. I said property tax taxes buildings. I did not say it doesn't tax land as well. The entire point is that land tax does not tax buildings, and anything that taxes buildings or other improvements is by definition not a land tax.
Which is what I said. Go be a nigger somewhere else.
this is correct.
ANY real estate person will tell you this in any "buy and hold for future build" scheme.
You gotta consider what PT you will be paying for all the years the land sits vacant with "no earning".
"No earning" can also mean "self sufficient" in a way, which is what the Jews were/are attacking with "land tax".
The idea is you can't just let a Goyim "learn how to mind his own biz on his own land".
All land is inside of a nation and owes to the host nation. Fuck off kike.
I support taxes that go towards the betterment of all legal citizens and are not spent on any foreign nations. Period.
No, jews are the ones who made property tax. The entire point of land tax is you can't buy property, sit on it while people build around you, then sell it for a big profit. Your entire profit is taxed away and you get fuck all if you try that sort of kikery with a land value tax. Which is why jews have opposed every attempt at having one.
Then no one will buy the land, the state and federal government . More land and power for the jews
meant to say the state and federal government will own the land because one will buy land
Guess how I know you're a kike?
How do I get more land from the goyim off the land, oh I know tax them to oblivion and let the goverment buy more.
Repeating your idiotic, illiterate, retard shit isn't productive. Go be a nigger somewhere else.
not an agreement
Of course I am not in agreement with you, you are a retarded nigger that is too stupid to understand simple things, so spouts "kike kike kike" at the most anti-kike tax ever proposed, which was favored by the NSDAP.
The NSDAP never out bought the land from the people, the US does and continue to.
Yes they did. And that has absolutely nothing to do with land tax you retarded nigger. And the US doesn't have land tax you braindead waste of sperm.
Tbh I'd love it if all taxes went directly to me and I could use the revenue as I see fit. That's the beginning and the end of my opinion on taxation.
I would do infantile chan proud, tho, so dw.
I will pay whatever tax necessary, provided provided it actually goes into the coffers of my land, and to a government that has wrested the right to print money from the kikes. At least then it will not go toward only servicing the interest on may. debt.
This is why I currently pay zero income tax (12 years and running) because I refuse to participate in (((their))) scheme.
tax acting like a kike, living off rent collecting and rent seeking, index funds and hedge funds, futures markets and the like, tax them instead of labor
property tax
The one where jews and non Whites get nothing.
kike the kikes, tax financial transactions, exchanges and et al the same way index funds charge fees, kikes act like kikes with 97% of their shekels while the tax base just gets richer, increasing taxes on kikes directly makes them do eveything from forming offshore accounts with kikes like (((mitt romney))) basing their company in a tax haven like (((apple))) or negotiating or paying off senators to outright not pay taxes everyone else pays like Sillicone valley companies not even paying property taxes or (((Google))) recently trying to negotiate with the state of Minnesota to not pay corporate taxes for 20 years straight to (((people))) forming fake corporations and listing themself as an employee to avoid taxes (every kike actor that demands tax increases yet does everything in their power not to pay CURRENT taxes) taxing them indirectly in tiny tidbits here and there, they have less incentive and even ability to avoid higher taxation placed on them, outright higher tax rates rather than comprehensive tax schemes leave to fucking the country out of tax revenue and putting all the burden on everyone who isnt a tax dodging kike to get punished
Large taxes on money and products leaving the country for many reasons but partially as a foreigner deterrent.
Flat tax of 15%.
By paying taxes you're given a small sum of government bonds as a sort of 'receipt' that can be cashed in 3 years later. If the country is doing well, the citizens deserve a cut of expenditure.
Also, there should be a reverse tax. Any money the government spends on dead end ventures should be taxed at 50% of the value and added to a citizen-saving's account, untouchable to the government. To do this, an institution of volunteers throughout the citizenry combs through the government spending reports, there are 4 year limits on people who participate in this. The institution itself must always have open doors, literally and figuratively. It's meant to be an almost lionized office, the people doing this would constantly be watched, they'd voluntarily be giving up their privacy for the public good for a time.
Anything that cannot be justified as a necessary expense is deducted from the government's account. This would include HUD or DoE expenses in total as it cannot be proven those two institution serve the public's profit.
Taxes are necessarily punitive and there's nothing that can be done about that. Luxury items would be taxed but no sales taxes, that's a regressive tax.
Socially I'd like this to create an atmosphere similar to the Roman Republic as putting the community first would give value to individuals.
100% tax of speculation and futures trading if I can't just execute everyone who does that.
1. A burdensome charge, obligation, duty, or demand [usually] by a government for support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, and so on.
you and me —- 1%
the Trumps of this country —- 7%
this is actually still feasible if we were to do some tariff adjustment and cut foreign aid, welfare, govt jobs (welfare with benefits), and defense. with defense and foreign aid gone israels neighbors would eradicate the yids within a month
Isn't 60% of taxes basically spent on niggers and other welfare parasites? I'm all for using taxes to enrich the volk (and not enrich by importing niggers) but it's just hilarious when you realize America could take in less than half as much in taxes and still function.
Equal taxation for everybody. Groups pay taxes only once, as groups or as individuals, per the constitution.
Oh, and I don't know how much is spent on what but 33% of taxes in my state are from land taxes.
property tax = you don't own it.