Way to be a cuckolded low iq retard! Jews are on cloud nine since the massacre, way to make your captors happy, you inbred retard.
The only positive and siliver lining that could come from this massacre, is that the left becomes even unabashedly pro-Islam, to the point being called anti-semites will have zero effect on them, and the mainstream left begins embracing the concept of jew hatred and no right for Israel to exist. What is the world coming to where I'm looking at the fucking looney LEFT to shine a light on the kikes infesting our government and media? I'm losing more and more hope in the right wing, specially the (((alt-right))) made up on Kikepiro, Milo, Tommy Robinson and other (((white nationalists))). David Duke seems to be the only real nigga.
No you are wrong, this Brenton guy is straight up Pakistan affiliated terrorist funded by Chinese intelligence trying to undermine the very fabric of Western civilization.Also don't Australia and New Zealand have a lot of Chinese taking over i wouldn't be surprised if he got his weapons from them.
It's all over his manifesto common people open your eyes.
Actually he had Shia connections in Pakistan, and then went on to kill Sunnis.
Easton Bennett
perhaps to get his training?
Hudson Perry
lol wat
Jacob Lopez
Man, this is some classic bait. I'm getting nostalgic
Julian Sanchez
Don't worry, your turn is next.
Dylan Morales
join the left. it is virtuous to condemn israel and the kikes there. you can label the jew as an anti-muslim bigot to deflect their attacks
cucked zionist right is fucking useless. you have to destroy the kikes, and to do that you must empower the only true kike haters: the left
Lincoln Harris
Youre wrong. If anything it inspired me. You mean like (((you))) are right now?
Chase Roberts
NZ and Australia don't have as big a kike problem as the US does. You can't blame him for not knowing when he's on the other side of the world, his first hand experience is of muzzies doing this shit from his POV. Him being slightly naive doesn't take away from the fact mudslimes are still evil
Mason Morris
Don't choose between cancer and cancer. Fuck both!
Nicholas Gomez
Lmao muslims are so retarded, why dont they attack people who can fight back amirite? hahaha
Owen Kelly
No, our biggest enemies are NOT the jews, its the muslims, and Israel is Zig Forums greatest ally.
1 - The jews never blowed up our buildings and never raped our children, they never attacked our lives directly
2 - The jews are not the cause of the war against christians in Syria and christians are not persecuted in Israel as they are in Saudi Arabia and Egypt
3 - The jews are descent white people and most jews recognize that the christian culture is superior to islam
4 - The biggest enemies of Israel are the muslims, and the muslims are the ones who are always trying to kill the european culture
5 - Israel is always helping the United States and NATO against sandniggers invasions and wars started by them
6 - Israel as a force for stability helps maintain US support and liberty
7 - Branton said as long as jews dont try to subvert our culture it is ok for them to live with us and on their own country
8 - Israel never got interest on changing ocidental culture
9 - Israel is our shield against muslim invasion
10 - There is no jewish conspiracy, but a muslim conspiracy to dominate the worlds with terror
I wouldn't be surprised at this point. He looked beta-ish and somewhat withdrawn (but with the eyes of wanting to belong)… then after he finished visiting Pakistan, he looked more jacked and his eyes seemed too focused for a person who just previously advocated for loosening Visa restrictions and was falling in love with the Pakistani culture/people.
Finally someone who isn't a complete retard. Chimping out against random Muslim civilians is retarded and accomplishes nothing. Also, reminder that he is literally a kike.
Kevin Nguyen
that pic is pure cringe.
Brody Scott
This image by Arianna Grande is proof of why accelerationism is fucking stupid. That's right, the same one who had muslims bomb her concert. She sure as fuck didn't do anything like that when that happened, but she'll do this. You know how many whites would do the same? Why don't you attack the actual source of the problem. Accelerationism and unintelligent application of violence is for fucking morons.
Thank you OP. So much threads are full of subversive glow niggers halting any discussion on this topic.
This is the most obvious false flag ever. For starters Ilhan Omar put the spot light on Jews after she called out the American goverment being full of dual citizenship Jews. The media then followed with non stop talking about anti-semitism and how anti-semites are stupid conspiracy theorists who think Jews control the world. Their propganda was not working and they needed a better distraction.
The shooting was this distraction. There is just so much shit surrounding this shooting that doesn’t add up. For starters the man was in Iran, Pakistan and Istanbul for 3 months. He is described as a 8channer and we can also see he has esoteric Nazi symbolism on his gear like the Black sun, yet he only calls out the Jews once in his manifesto saying he doesn’t mind them.
If this man was truly a 8channer with natsoc ideals he’d understand all Jews are enemies for Judaism is all about exploiting the goyim and advancing Jewish parasitic grasp on the world. There is no doubt if he was authtically a 8channer he would of said a thing or two about their positions in our governments and their role in flooding our countries with shitskins hordes.
The fact is Jews want us fighting amongst each other while they sit back and laugh at the chaos that ensues. They want as much whites to die as possible. They have been caught dropping off weapon crates for refugees and arming mexishits.
They can easily control low iq shitskins but they fear the extreme minority of the few high iq shitskins. The reality is the high iq shitskins can influence the herds to a greater extent them (((they))) can. If their golem armies, even if one golem army turns of (((them))) then the whole stack of cards comes crumbling down.
If whites and Muslims can unite against the Jews then leftists, niggers and Mexicans will follow as well. The jew will not be able to subvert with their media when this happens. It’ll be impossible. This is what they fear the most and this is why they do everything in their power to get the spotlight off of themselves through d&c tactics.
The biggest objective we need to do is put the spotlight on them. If you think this is being an optic cuck then by all means shoot up a synagogue just don’t be the retard that shoots a mosque and does nothing to put the spotlight on (((them))).
Isaac Morales
are people that stupid or is that nonstop shilling? I really dont know anymore. Anyone with bit of brain left dissects situation and calls it out only to be attacked by an army of posters praising false cunt.
Jayden Cox
Donkey fucker our ennemies are the muzzie like you Go back to fuck your donkey I khnow you miss him
Adrian Ramirez
I know :DD
Owen Stewart
Yeah no. Remember when white males ran over Ebba Ackerlund?
Can all the Q-tards die of diabetes already? Western civ isn't being destroyed by China. It's destroyed time now. Every country is invaded and every white person enslaved to pay for their shitskin replacements. The enemy isn't muh china or muh russia, it's our own governments.
Hunter Hernandez
Lincoln Morris
I would echo this but everyone on here supports the shooting so we should to tbh
Jacob Anderson
I don't think this was a false flag for one main reason - It garnered sympathy points for muslims. That's the last thing the jew wants. He wants those sympathy points for himself and does not want to share it with anyone. Specially when his ethnostate is going through a PR crisis in America and the American Left is finally starting to see the rot of zionism in all of their establishment and media.
Now had he gone to a synagogue, then yeah false flag 100%. In the days following Pittsburgh you could not say a word of criticism against Israel. Agree with the rest of your post though.
People from different ideologies can come together to fight a common enemy and it has happened in the past. The way I see US national politics going, as soon as boomer evangelics die off, all military and financial aid for Israel stops with total agreement in both the right and the left.
Nathan Reyes
The jew as you well fucking know have played the entire theatre to set whites against muslims,which I find rather odd considering most whites have to contend with millions of niggers and other assorted 3rd world filth daily on routine visits to the shops
But according to the retarded isreali's here only muslims are conspicuously incompatible with white societies and the blacks and wogs fit in well
In the end of the day jewish false flags are only going to continue while boards like these allow retarded gaslighting kikes to continue to shit up these boards
Isaac Bennett
Henry Clark
Everywhere I go, people either support or think its a false flag. Whatever it is, it's obviously some guy wanted to accelerate shit. Rather or not accelerationism works, we won't know until after it's done.
Jews in Israel don't survive without America protecting them. And its hard to get America to fight your wars endlessly without stoking anti-muslim sentiments.
He was a jew, of course he attacked muslims. Now they can blame whites and everyone who doesn't call Brentan a jewish mossad agent is helping them.
Jaxson Nguyen
Fuck off
Blake Thomas
Based brown women!
Joshua Garcia
His brand of racism is different from your brand. We are all free to hate as we see fit.
Owen Murphy
Calling out the jew doesnt automatically make you based. A muslim hates jews as much as they hate whites and both are committed to destroying the white race.
Fuck knows why Brenton didnt name (((them))), I think he realised the average joe who will be the footsoldier in this war cannot comprehend an enemy he cannot readily see. The jews are high value targets for specialists. But the muslims are the boots on the ground that need to be dealt with via conventional warfare
Adam Ortiz
1- jews did 9-11 2- the jews main concern is countering Iranian influence in Syria. 3- jews arent white, they are semetic, like palestinians 4- jews and moslems were both kicked from spain in the 1400s, as they were working together to subvert the nation - much like today. israeli-kikes love the saudi-kikes. 5- The US had no enemies in the middle east before we started fighting the kikes wars for them. Also FUCK NATO. 6- Israel does nothing to benefit the US and instead sold our nuclear tech to chinese bugmen, tried to sink the USS Liberty to get us into war with egypt, and they run the dishonest media fomenting yet more pointless wars through jewish propaganda. 7- Just as a nigger cannot help himself - he is a rape ape - the kike can never resist subversion of his host nation in favor of the former Palestine. 8- Where did the concept of 'judeo-christianity' come from? the jews didnt change our culture to fit their own? where did all the faggotry and pederasty come from? 9- We are Israels shield against their just and rightful punishment from the nations they have already ruined and extracted the wealth from. Why? What benefit does that give to White American children? 10- What is the debt based usury known as the banking system, and which ethnicity is vastly overrepresented within that banking system?
It's probably a sperg who thought we were on their side all along because we talked shit about jews and didn't realize that we hate both semitic branches.
Holy shit, how can a person have so much open hatred for her own fans?
Adrian Diaz
Is this the best hasbara you can do, zhid? Weak.
Asher Ward
can we murk this bitch
Jose Bailey
Who's all going shooting tonight y'alllll
Sebastian Howard
Gotta agree with this. OTH, it could be a false flag, in which case it has served its purpose: DnC, the constant Jewish strategy. Sometimes they polarize, then play both sides against the middle. Sometimes they play the middle against both sides. The only solution is… follow the Natural Laws .
I'm not looking for enemies. I'm trying build a more peaceful world in time of almost overwhelming shilling.
9/11 lots of (((child rape))) going on in NYC and Hollywood
Jews have openly discussed how Christians are their enemies. Hell, in their own good book, they've placed Jesus in a vat of boiling shit for eternity.
Jews themselves decry whiteness, and say they are not white. When given the choice, they invariably side with Islam over Christianity.
Muslims and Jews are cut from the same cloth. They both hate Europeans more than they hate each other.
LOL! Time and again, Israel causes problems, then expects the US to clean up after them.
Israel is the force that radicalized Muslims all over the Middle East.
No one here knows who Branton really was. You don't, I don't. He advertisedthe existence of 8/pol/ before he shot up a mosque. What his reasons were for doing that are highly debatable.
You've read nothing, and you post this clueless bullshit on Zig Forums. Lurk for 2 years (or in your case, perhaps longer) before posting here again.
Israel has promoted Muslim immigration in every country, everywhere they've had influence.
The very definition of conspiracy is what Jews are doing in their attempt to morally dominate and shame the world into submission.
Accelerationism is NOT advocacy of violence. Accelerationism is bringing the boil to a head, is obviating the pickle we are in.
When you jump to conclusions, accuse accelerationism of being synonymous with violence, then sound like just another vapid screeching Leftist.
Josiah Jackson
No, not the most obvious ever, but it certainly does have some of the common elements of other known false-flags.
David Ramirez
I just have a hard time believing jews would pull any false flag that would have normies sympathizing with muzzies. They want a war against Iran, they're looking to do more stuff like 9/11 and Pittsburgh. Not shoot down mosques.
Caleb Perez
Muslims never attack jews, only whites. They're tools of the jews.
Grayson Williams
While you're paying for jews to build and secure their ethnostate and make children who will end up dying fighting their wars, a sect of muslims is literally fighting the kike to fight for their sovereignty.
Yeah the tools of the jews would call out AIPAC in congress right?Neck yourself heeb, you're not fooling anyone.
Religion is nothing, Race is everything, an arab/paki/shitskin muslim is worthless and a tool of the jews ,period. If the mudshit posting this is not white you need to shut the fuck up.