Wtf is this site? I honestly hope you guys find jesus or milk. Look outside your window… There is no war in your state because I think the most of you are from the USA…
Man, you guys are really messed up, wake up, but then again, the world needs you guys as well… Somebody has to be on the wrong side of history.
I think there are some strange individuals here
But what if might makes right or how about only the victors write history
Yes, four chan and eught chan is full of paid shills. That's the reason why it is strange.
we dont need you. if you’re White, you’re welcome to be around us. if you’re not White, we are fucking done with you. non-Whites murder, rape, rob, etc. Whites by the hundreds, if not thousands daily around the world and we do nothing but give welfare, military defense, and a place in our communities. non-Whites give nothing and only take because they are parasites. we are tired of being taken advantage of and there will be a price to pay for the aggressions aginst people of european background. so yes, there is a war aginst us and we have had enough of it.
Your a slave, wake up. You look outside. Everyone you know is in debt, I bet a bunch of your friends and family are sick and dying. I bet your Grandparents and great grandparents lived till they were 90. Your parents probably 60-70, all your friends??? Are getting sick at 35-40 aren't they.
How many people do you know with children? How many have more than 2? When you go to the store whats the ratio of old people and young? Have you ever traveled to a foreign country? Have you ever bothered to look and see whats on the TV and actually think about what they are teaching you? Do you remember what things were like 30 years ago? What about 20 years ago? What about 10? Don't look at your phone, read what I'm typing here and think about it. Now get the fuck out.
I've been in the know here for 9 years.
Do you realize how retarded you appear? As if getting a job, being in school, going out to the movie theatre on weekends is enough to change reality.
What do you define as war? Jews dont fight traditional war, and they never have. Jews play long-term tactical poison dispensing in your nation, making you and those around you weaker afterwards.
If you want an example of this, look at how Israel broadcast pornography to Palestinians, to keep them inside and passive, while they were taking over the country. A form of psychological manipulation. Would you classify that as war? You probably wouldn't, but certainly it is war. And not just Americans, but every single person living in a sovereign nation. Is at war with these Globalist Jews.
This is reality, and if you want to open your eyes to this deviant threat, the cause of homosexuality, communism, turning your women into hedonistic sluts, turning your men into manchildren, constantly lowering the barriers of entertainment and driving down all value in every creative popular avenue.
We are simply here because we recognized, either by looking at history, or the world around us "look out your window", I did. I grew up around niggers, and I understood that race was fundamentally different. My grandfather used to give money to the blacks when they came to his door in his apartment, to buy candy and shit. One day he saw them stoning pigeons to death from his balcony and he never spoke to them again.
You can either accept reality, and attempt to change it for the better. To see that we are currently on a downward path culturally, mentally, psychically, and you can want to change that. Through many non-violent means, or violent means, whatever it takes to win. But it doesn't all have to be violent, you should keep that in mind. The majority of the posters on 8ch have no interest in shooting up a mosque, if they've been here for years like myself. They're much more tactful. They realize this attack works in favor of the jews, and the jews use their media to ridicule whites over it and empower foreigners.
Nobody really cares what you think
sage and report this crap
Stay here for a week and assess the site again. I don't even hold it against you if you are White and nervous about this site. Like I said, give it one week and ask yourself again how you feel about this site and those individuals you found "strange".
I am black, how long should i wait?
Now what?
So, my problem begins with demonizing the jews… I havent looked into the "war" at Gaza, so I cant make assumptions based on that. Are you this mad the whole day? Just wondering.. You seem like someone I can debate with tbh
Have you ever spoken to a decent "non white" and felt this strong about them?
a week, just read everything with a grain of salt.
Stop replying to bait, people.
OP be our ally, work agaisnt the Jews with us. Realize our hatred of niggers isn't a hatred of all blackkind.
Look past the "White man evil racism" we are the breadbasket of the world, we attempted to teach blacks to farm, we attempted to settle a civilization in haiti for them and let them govern it.
The white man is the most empathetic person on the planet, and the most violent. The mosque terrorist is obviously an example of the latter.
Whites are the most intelligent and most vigilant race, why are you trying to make us your enemy? The jew is our enemy, we will give blacks their own land. We don't need the planet. We don't want it. We're not greedy. The KIKES want to enslave the planet. Fight back with us.
Yes and they are bigger "White supremacists" than anyone here.
The longer you stay here the more you'll start to agree with us and hate yourself. So I'd recommend leaving while you have the chance otherwise you're here forever.
no such thing. get the fuck out nigger
You'll never learn because your tribe is not ours so I don't expect you to care that we're being wiped out. We're just supposed to take it passively because its not being done through slaughter, its being done through immigration in every single last white country. We are allowed no redoubt, no safe haven, we are being forced into a minority in every last country.
time to dump the redpills boys
maybe we can convince this subhuman to blow it’s brains out
Get back to your safe place where you can suck jew dick and dream of your children being raped by niggers and Shitskin Muslim's all the while you flagellate yourself to the kikezombie god. You and your children are already dead, and rightfully so because your decisions and those of others like you have taken the society to a place where death will be the only option. Since you and your kind have already embraced slavery, just stay there. There are /pol annons that have decided to fight. This is just the spark-the fires will come later.
No war. Yet. It’s coming.
And I hope you find the man hiding deep within your blood. Well over a thousand men of your bloodline stood against foreign invasion and you… You feckless cowl!
Find your balls and stand your ground.
Anyone and everyone who would oppose us will soon wish for the date of those 50 euthenized beasts!
If I find him, I'll keep him in my basement and torture until he begs for mercy and death, forcing YHWH to descend. Then I'll do the same to this patriarchal faggot. But YHWH won't do that cause he's a jewish pussy, that's why he let his retarded son die like a piece of shit the first time.
nice jew cunt kys
wide awake to the reality of the situation, keep choking on senegalese cock you 400 pound plebbit neckbeard
pathologizing your opposition, just as you psudeosciententist those who preceded you like (((freud)))
nee, ik ben niet een amerimutt en ik ben er zeker van dat een substantiële meerderheid hier geen Amerikanen zijn
Kys jew
A site where people think alike meet.
Jews did 9/11
Hitler did nothing wrong.
The irony here is… well, it's even thicker than you are, OP.
Yet I'm told I need to accommodate strangers, pay for their urban development, and apologize for my ancestors uprecidented knack for science and kicking ass. Suck my sack dry, and lick my butt hole.
If you care about anything youre in the wrong, goy. Youre not being literally tortured are you?
Wait till you travel to a middle eastern or a mexican shithole
You're a filthy kike OP. Crawl back under the rock from whence you came.
Go fuck yourself, faggot.
Preach on, brother.
Yes. Literally, spiritually, judicially, and of course like I said monetarily. I know socio-economics are your foil to blood and soil, so you'll ask me to vote for somebody who wants to give me some of my money back to me, but you see I don't want strangers here at all. Its bad enough in my town when uni begins in the fall, all these goddam asians. Niggers have moved in from Chicago, I have to drive to nowhere Kansas to escape the dolkar trees and Walmarx grid. And then for how long? This is my country, and while some men want to fight for Israel, I'll fight for her. To hel with your conceit.