Other urls found in this thread:
Post pictures of my dick so the manlet glow in the darks can gaze enviously at it, shaken by the knowledge that they will never wrap their thick nigger lips around it and siphon out my holy Aryan seed?
Please Zig Forums is a board of peace.
oy vey. I'm in America, they will never get rid of the first amendment so I can whatever I want on here as long as it's not plans for violence.
What do you mean? Everything we post here is a joke. At least everything i've ever posted here has been satir.
I do know what to do
oh really? i guess im going to be famous too soon
As if it wasn't monitored before. Maybe our new friends can learn a thing or two.
We need to go decentralized;
tor + i2p as backbone,
irc + mastodon + nntpchan + xmpp for clientside services
what else am i missing?
Nah, they'll be utterly lost.
Jesus OP are you that new. Welcome to ClownLand on fentanyl. This board is the nexus of Glowing Nigger CIA spooks, JDIF trannys posting nigger porn and lame ass memes, has been for a long time. Without this board they would have no idea what is going on or what is coming up over the horizon. Just fucking remember this: We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dream.
nice fear trick to silence people. it didn't work however.
Maybe he'll go back to the false flag bullshit, give that another try. I'm sure it'll work this time.
It's ok user, I'm literally a Jew. I'm just being ultra jewy and LARPing as a devout 1488 NatSoc warrior.
I feel like this board is making me bipolar
Yep, I know exactly what to do
Almost got me with that one.
According to the US Department of Justice statistics whites commit the majority of crime
"According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well."
"In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What’s even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism. When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment. In 2013, an estimated 10,076 people died in the U.S. due to drunk driving crashes."
"Like Many Parts of American Life, Violent Crime Is Still Largely Segregated
White-on-white and black-on-black crimes still make up the majority of cases of violence, according to a new DOJ report."
"According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. "
And of course whites kill more muslims than vice versa
was it not always?
Should I tell this nigger that they tally all Latinos as "White" in their (((statistics)))?
It's almost as if you're too retarded to understand per capita and what the population proportions are. Also nice cherrypicking with the 1980 to 2008
I wish that were true, user. If only mudshits killed no one, and Europeans killed them all. That would be a beautiful world, not defiled by your presence. Tack the kikes and bugpeople and every other variant of subhuman on and it would be even better.
this, some user needs to shoot up a synagog
What’s that OP? How many bombs are you going to plant on middle eastern airliners?
you're fuckin brainless
FYI, Zig Forums is owned by NT technologies which is owned by Jim Watkins who currently resides
in the Philippines where he and his staff moderate the board /pol.
Information on locations.
what do you guys think i have small pee pee , should i stop whacking it and let it grow ?
Bump due to the massive amounts of data mining threads.
No bans for code violations for over 10 weeks, now suddenly 6 in less than 24 hours.
Zig Forums is fucked, I repeat, beware of your words, the glowniggers are watching.
8ch has always complied with US law request and basically tells foreign governments or authorities to fuck off now at least, they've reported someone to the australian police during hotweelz era. Do you people not check the transparency reports? Do you newfags not even remember when 8ch was compromised and project sunrise was revealed? It's fucking stickied on >>>/sudo/
They wouldn't even have to go that far if they weren't complete NEWFAGS…all they would have had to do was check back last week to see that the US GOV and the kikes were using social media as entrapment scheme to help the kikes murder White people who dissent to their FUCKING GENOCIDE BY THEIR SHITSKIN BROTHERS
For great justice!
Per capita
It's already too late.
It was always too late.
That was me 10 weeks ago when (((mods))) code violated me and banned Tor for 12 hours.
It's all just more brass polishing on the Titanic. The real fucking criminals are the central bank kikes and their fiat monetary system. This whole country is completely fucked. I'm sure some of the Feds monitoring this forum know this country isn't going to last another 10 years. Hell, I doubt we make it 5. We're right on the cliff for total fucking economic collapse, and that's going to take everything else down with it. I mean if any of those Feds are actually aware of what's coming, I can only imagine the torture they must endure mentally knowing their jobs are completely fucking meaningless in the long run. That's fucking a black pill right.
Shut up nigger
this website full of nazis and hate against people will be banned very soon
There will always be another site, and it doesn't make any of us magically disappear. Keep polishing that brass faggot.
Hotwheels sunrise is real!
Ban the Burka
Lol good thing I only post from the Onion via Tor.
BTW we should all demand the Zig Forums administration allows file uploading through Tor.
Never has there been a greater need to enable this. Right now we all need this extra layer of protection very badly.
Demand the Zig Forums global admins enable file uploading for Tor users so we may all post the manifesto, our memes, and other files through Tor.
Make sure you have a GoPro or similar because we need to make sure to inspire each other and to have material the other anons can make memes from. A statistic and a news report nothing of the actual events shown is meaningless, seeing the deaths of mudslimes or other shitskins and traitors; priceless.
Blacks are only 13% of the American population but commit a disproportionate amount of crime.
I hope to have top shelf escorts of the female variety if I ever bought an action camera.
Mistress Perry can arrange that for you.
hi i am from 4chin =D do people here liek anime? why not flags?
So you are saying that the FBI now knows that this is the place that I learn to darn my own socks?
you mean thought crime, right?
13/90 is their version of 14/88
13% of the nation commits 90% of the violence…it is a meme that is circulating. I think the stats are incorrect but it is still funny to see them called out on their chimpanzee subhuman behavior.
Darn socks!
Hm. Maybe I have a specific apology to make to the US government. “They do” indeed… Blight.
The above is as much apology as is practical to give, and in any case the problem might still be fascistic liars who claim that “having set the minimum wage, even were it an error, taking it down might create a problem larger still” as an excuse to conserve blunders and suppress progress.
There are techniques that aren’t practically effective - certainly not as implemented by China and Cuba.
It's always been compromised. A lot us just don't give a fuck anymore.
Jim Watkins forced his way into controlling this website for a reason.
Also don't be stupid. This is a board of peace.
The 6 gorillion eyes are always watching.
All my posts are satirical live action role plays from my online persona asio
Per Capita.
You are all being watched by the Five Eyes Burgers and Spies network. Don't forget to say Hi to mom now so she'll see your last words before you're tried and charged in a secret detention facility.
Same here and I demand to be referenced by the pronoun xer. Got you good you nazis!
Zig Forums has always been a knotseeeeee false flag.
Ok faggot
nice larp, fag
This site has been a dumpster fire for about a year now.
We've moved before, we'll move again.
Zig Forumsacks are the wandering Jews of the internet.
We're going to subvert your poison culture.
We're going to crash your rotten economic system.
We're going to mock your new secular religion.
We're going to stir up conflicts across the globe.
The shoe is on the other foot.
You can't stop us, if you crush is in one place we'll sprout up somewhere new.
According to the US Department of Justice, Sand Niggers are "White" and so are "White" Hispanics.