Continuation of the fruitful previous thread.
Brenton Tarrant Memetic Warfare Thread No. 2
Other urls found in this thread:
*bang* *bang*
What did she mean by this?
She was requesting a quick and merciful death, which the great Aryan warrior in his infinite compassion deigned to grant her.
This but unironically. She would have probably hurt more from him running her over and died anyway.
Well since you're a newfag I guess you haven't heard about the FBI and other entities trying to buttfuck this place for the past couple of years and failing. Your bros and sisters got shot up and I dream pleasant dreams tonight
Best line of the manifesto deserves some dedicated memes
Brent was a shitposter. He was one of us. He would get all these memes. He would understand them. Once he's in prison and has a cell number, we should print them out and mail them to him so he has something to laugh his ass off about.
I thought he ripped that off some Zig Forums pic I saw before.
I'm sure he's not the first one to say something along those lines – it's the truth.
Bumping for mudshit and kike assblast
Thats a great idea, but we should probably wear gloves so spooks don't get our fingerprints.
Will some richfag please commision Rog Rogerson to read this shitpost?
That's one option, but another is to just flood him with so many letters of support and memes that they can't realistically keep track of everyone.
Do you have the full video including the car drive? It was posted in another thread yesterday but i forgot to save it.
another reason this needs to happen is because they look nearly identical top kek
Yeah that seems about right
I archived the old thread
Aggressive violence, as opposed to defensive violence, such as this is not just useless, it is counterproductive, and it is not just counterproductive, it is evil. We must focus on raising the fertility rates and physical and mental fitness of our own people.
If the Muslims ever rise up to impose sharia upon our countries we must have guns to defend ourselves.
Can someone make/do a cod edit of it XD
thats me.
Probably the best edit I've seen.
Any more Nobel Prize memes?
How can anyone here not have the full vid saved by now lol
Best version yet.
Kys kike shill
White Power! 👌
Now that sandnigger thread got removed too? Too many weak NEET faggots on this site who want better white men to do their dirty work. Go join the niggers, white ppl don’t want you.
best cod trailer ive seen XD
Good idea, the guy deserves to see all the memes that he has inspired.
I wonder if Brenton will go to Hell or Heaven.
Nigga you WONDER?
Shut the fuck up weak NEETfaggot. He’s only slightly less pathetic than u. He wouldn’t have gotten 50 against hardened ISIL soldiers with is gay little asperger cam. Leave it to NEETfags to worship slightly better than tap water white men when far better, stronger ones exist.
Valhalla is where he shall go.
Brenton will be canonized after his death, you'll see.
Valhalla obviously
fug off kike
He said "I will see you all in Valhalla" in his post.
He'll enter the Folkvangr and fight eternal. Possibly Valhalla.
Still waiting for an Eye of the Tiger version.
Okay homo
Oh Cool I love the gay faggot dubstep doom music, it’s so much better than the original
“Lives in the Philippines with his ladyboy wife and harem of children sex slaves, u mean”
So, he came to the realization that some had to be done after looking upon the graves of men who had fallen for something?
He pulled a "hope rides alone"?
Someone has the full song?
Jim is safe. Muslims would never go near a pig far.
farm* goddamnit
Lol. Keep reposting it every time Jim deletes it. Some sandnigger extremist will screenshot eventually.
killed it with edit
imagine being this desperate to delete free speech via terrorism irl
Don't do it user!!!
Who is going to pay for 8ch if Jim gets ackbar'ed?
He is a necessary evil.
shut up fag
Imagine thinking killing some fat pedo sex tourist faggot would eliminate free speech
The term is 'Israeli' and the only thing hard about them are their tiny dicks when they see little boys or goats. Degenerate soyfed retards all.
"The Mosque is on fire"
Google "Mr. bond"
He denied being a Nazi
you got that right faggot
This shit makes me so happy
She was really trying to say
But that terrible scarf muffled it to sound like help me help me
he did it again!
absolute mad lad
He explicitly called himself a fascist, a Mosleyite to be exact. Filtered.
exactly right faggot
fascists are tards
thank goodness for that
fuck off kike
You can embed by pasting a URL where the red arrow is.
bretty good
Coward. Lol
this tbh
Keep going user he’s not the only guy who will pay for these servers. Or is he???
Please don't get a bunch of public vpns banned.
TOR is one thing, but you are being a faggot now.
pathetic and weak m8 do it yourself
different user
He goes to hang out at the brothels in Subic Bay once a week go take him out while he’s getting his rub&tug