More bodies are still being found, his scores continue to improve. Mudslimes BTFO eternally
why can't i find a collage of all of them? i find only a dozen
If top column, third from left the raghead who took his nap when he tried to body Brenton?
What's that 36 hours later?
How retarded are Kiwis?
Retarded enough to let sandniggers invade their country
That means he outscored Omar Mateen
Haven't beaten Boeing yet though.
Mudshits all look the same, just extrapolate from the features of those and you won't miss a thing.
boeing is truly our greatest ally
I wonder who will break high score
such beautiful souls, how will the world get by without them?
sandniggers btfo
K: 50 A: 50 D: 0
0 zogbots down
Has anyone noticed that most of his victims were Fresh Off the Boat immigrants?
Pakistan 6
Egypt 4
Jordan 4
Somalia 4
Bangladesh 3
Afghanistan 2
India 5
Syria 2
Fiji 1
Indonesia 1
New Zealand 1
Palestine 1
Saudi Arabia 1
United Arab Emirates 1
Unknown 14
Total 50
And nothing was lost.
Is that an ISIS finger I see?
Nice! Go home, haji.
media is only posting the cutest/most photogenic faces
Pulse Nightclub was a hoax though. There was a lot of evidence, but it mainly got lost in the election fever.
It really shows how newly imported the muslim population there is.
This may have a cronullaesque effect, discouraging muslim immigration to NZ for some years to come.
They were showing some grotesque subcontinentals who were supposed survivors yesterday on France24.
Probably already replaced by 500 more 3rd worlders competing to keep Walmart/McDonald's wages low. And that's a great thing.
Name: Kills: Assists: Deaths:Brenton Tarrant 50 0 0/pol/ 0 50 0
nice. sounds like syrian refugees to me.
More like Asians.
They are the major population threat to white New Zealand.
like cleaning up an overflowing toilet by scooping up the spilled shitter water in your hands, never turning off the waterline.
Je suis Brenton.
Point the quote where he is fine with Israel.
Hopefully the Labour party goes full retard and virtue signals as hard as it can, so it loses Parliament next election. They have a razor thin margin of control over the country as is.
He's about to pass Mayweather
I have said this in other threads-
This man was a Moselyite, not a national socialist.
His views are consistent with that ideology.
See Mosely's Fascism, 100 Q and A's for similar ideas.
Since he doesn't want to shoah every single jew in existence, anons like the one you are responding to think that he is philosemetic.
Does anyone know what the reaction in New Zealand is actually like?
Are people supporting this?
Are they not supporting it?
is Boeing /our aviation corporation/?
only other choice for civilian use is faggy airbus
consider the effect if brenton had gone after the office of a globohomo journalism organ - a newspaper or a talmudvision station
Nothing makes me more sad
Yes, the one and only
Fuck yeah!
See look at how well they integrated, that guy in the top row is making a switch face!
Why dont you put a poster above your bed of brenton? It's pretty obvious to anyone who is familiar with the financial mechanics of mass immigration and world government that his manifesto is severely under-expressive in the jewish-global-theocratic-caste-government department. It's a bit conspicuous as without it, it pretty much 180s the perception to normal ppl and wholly serves jewish world government. Which if you haven't noticed, is one more world war away from its finish and we are about to step through the threshold and normies have no clue of the implications. I mean, he had the most specific references to deep-Zig Forums in spades, but saying hes "fine with jews in israel" and not at least memeing to declare to the public how the jews are at the wheel is kind of like baking a cake without flour. Which is coincidentally the exact M.O. of every jewish trick ever, for all of history, since the story of esther tricking against haman.
It died in the hospital you animal
Low T.
Probably also explains why only one of them tried to rush Brenton.
His ideological hero was soft on jews.
where can i find the full video?
No one cared because it was niggerfaggots
So what the hell. Wasn't there reports of others taken into custody? 2 other males and 1 female?
non vetted and no pictures lol
Exactly, if he would have hit any arm of global government it would have caused mass panic and scrambling. Most people with a pulse merely tolerate the parasitic financial tentacles of jewish world gov but dont have a truly warm spot for it with the exception of materialist nihilists. Regular people would witness the state restructure its defenses in an unprecedented way to defend global government in real time and they'd experience the cognitive dissonance of trying to understand why their governments spend more energy on protecting globalist entities than on attacks by foreign immigrants against native populations.
Top Kek. What a lad. THIS is how you tip the balance if you do not have any children Zig Forums. Purge their children.
Can somebody make an archive? I can't access the website.
Shills are never happy.
vIoLeNcE iSnT tHe AnSwEr
You did good, 8ch. You did good. Lets just hope war breaks out because I want to fight, but you know, not go to jail. This western countries need a war, we have gotten way to complacent and weak
That's a double nuke in COD. OP as fuck.
Make sure to torrent it using the magnet torrent link on the video, for offline storage just incase.
There's a special place in hell for people who make dank memes. But can you find waldo?
Fuck you brenton
Multi ethic is the only way of the future. You guys are a bunch of idiots. He will rot in jail while you stupid fucks wait till he’s out. Too scared to show your faces to the authority. Assholes
Kiwi bantz come second best to aussie bantz, still top 2 in the world.
You are historically illiterate and your opinion is ahistorical and meaningless. Every single multi-ethnic society has ended in blood and violence. The ones of the West are no exception.
We have an unprecedented level of technology now. Soon people won't even be born at all, they'll be built directly from the collective cybernetic consciousness into slavery.
Global report.
Still–this is superior to a Clinton presidency.
I saw him straight away without even looking. The harder you try to hide Waldo the easier he becomes to find.
That is a sleek and sexy looking plane. Too bad it doesn't fucking work lmao
Underrated post
This will happen as the jew adds holocaust-esque fantastical tales of magically disappearing and reappearing 3-year-olds &c.
It is a master move to leave the total number open-ended, as it allows for on-the-fly narrative modification.
Picture is the "3-year-old boy" who went "missing" and then was "found" and suddenly died in his father's arms. No explanation regarding the strange circumstances of course.
Photo chosen to tug the heart strings of women, girls and soys.
Gun owners in NZ will offer ZERO resistance to the incoming ban. This is how ACTUAL confiscation works. Deluded Americans always talk about how they'd "fight the police" when they come for the guns. In reality you, and 99.99% of everyone else would simply hand them over willingly, under immense social and familial pressure.
Wives, sisters and mothers - the targets of the propaganda - are the primary agents of disarmament, the jews' eyes, ears and mouthpieces in the home, office and classroom.
Drama, suspense, uncertainty, fear. The jew can trickle the photographs out day by day, piecemeal, to extend the shock and trauma period.
Also many of the victim photos not shown here (but shown in Arabic press), reveal exactly the truth of why these people have been brought into our countries - to breed us out of existence.
And barely any baby making people. Is it so hard to do it when young women pray?
Can we find pic and name of >help me >help me slut? I want a fap folder.
tip top laff
You can't force me to become a Muslim
You'd love if he killed a bunch of white police officers and ended up getting killed himself, wouldn't you? No, he shouldn't have done that as they are our potential allies. Many of them are deluded, ignorant, or simply complete scum that deserves the bullet, but there are also decent people out there. Those who could take arms and join the right side if needed.
This is what Zig Forums looks like on overdose of hasbara jews
PS- mossad false flags blaming white men for isreali activities really isn't of any benefit to the white man
The only white people celebrating this are whites so completely controlled by their jewish media masters they don't know what is up or down, the type to cheer on neocon kikes into government and claim that means we're winning, you know retards and literal kikes
Okay just sit on your ass and complain then.
That sounds like the automated responses of the jew-bots during Trump vs Hillary jew election scam of the century
jew death count = zero
Seems like quite a low score considering only whites will be blamed for the jew false flag
Still there's probably lots of money to be made in setting up parties to celebrate in Tel Aviv off the back of this
I'd fuck the top left to be honest
Media seems to be condemning the act fully, even controlled opposition "alternatives" are. You kikes are tripping over your own lies it's becoming surreal.
jew death count in latest mossad false flag = zero
About as based as Kushner's clan heading the US government
It was all literally on camera, how is this taking so long?
I haven't heard anything about them yet… though I haven't bothered to check.
We're playing a long term high percentage game.
More like a Mossadite.
My NZ friend says people are losing their shit lol
White families used to be this big and bigger. Get to fucking. If youre 35+ and childless pull a Brent.
When the accommodating muslims during the false flag were piled up on top of each other before getting shot some must have been discussing their pay for this event and maybe some went back to the actors guild to complain about unequal pay
I also think it's extremely suspect and reminds me of various other false flags (cough, sandy hook, cough)