The hypocrisy and retardation being spewed by accelerationists is truly staggering, and claiming it is inevitable is even more retarded, so I want to make a few things clear here.
People need to be empowered to increase chances of them fighting back, not their oppression increased or their defense taken away. This is backwards thinking and Orwellian double-speak.
People (including 99% of you idiots talking shit here because that's all you are able to do with your crypto-snowflake ass) are already way too fucking weak, both mentally as well as physically, to do any kind of revolting. Increasing their oppression will only make things worse.
People didn't revolt after the obvious false flag 9/11.
People didn't revolt when the banks robbed them in 2008.
People didn't revolt a nukber of other occasions.
And people won't revolt if their guns get taken away step by step, because the masses are weak or don't care, and the ones who want guns will carry them anyway.
Then pull out your dick and start outfucking the muzzies you fucking faggots. Or how about you focus on the fact that male spermcells have decreased with 50% in the last 30 years and we are on the verge of being infertile? Or do you think the muzzies did that to you as as well?
Or how about this? If you don't like muzzies, then stop voting for politicians bombing their countries. Or go murder the politicians causing these migrations, THAT is a message. You idiots are focusing on the symptoms of the problem, not what is causing it.
Get the fuck outta here with your Order out of Chaos strategy, we already got all the Abrahamic religions working towards their precious fucking End Times, and you faggots wanna start Armageddon?
Good little frustrated goyim, go ahead with your garbage.
This just blows my mind. Do you people realize the power you possess? Not only as an individual, because every single action you make has an effect to your surroundings one way or the other, but especially as a group. With the amount of people just on this chan actually doing real shit in the streets the stinking jews dont stand a chance. But you're all just jerking off on the internet.
People pushing accelarationism are either retarded or Jewish agents, there are no other options.
Want freedom? Then start being independent, it's the only true road to freedom, and is necessary if the enemy (whether you think thats jews, the government, or whatever) is gone anyway. Grow your own food, barter, stop paying taxes and feeding the system like a little bitch.