Here a riot cop seen stealing clothes from a store that has been broken
Here a riot cop seen stealing clothes from a store that has been broken
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He's taking it as evidence, you dumb goy! Can't you see that that officer, who is disproportionately likely to be African, is just doing his job!? Do you have something against black culture, you fucking bigot!?
what is the state of France? Can someone please explain?
That does not surprise me. Anime not required.
Also jesus christ dude, lurk more, how the fuck are you not aware?
I know the yellow vest has being going on for 18 weeks, but would like to understand the deeper story. Please enlighten me you faggot
Please look it up and stop demanding that people spoonfeed you, nigger.
Yeah, doesn't he know that he needs to go learn the truth from the MSM?
What the fuck does he think this site is for? Communication?
you stupid fuck I was merely testing the user to see his level of konwledge, I have supreme knowledge in all areas of French politiks
You can tell him then, cocksucker.
Hey, I might be lazy, but at least I'm not a philosophical advocate against being helpful.
Is that an attempt at anti race mixing propaganda? What's with the nauseating nip influence?
The (((you))) fears the anime.
You're an embarrassment to whites.
What is whiteness without anime?
Where is mega milk you faggot
He took TayTay
Why are people surprised by this? You're even bigger faggots than soyboy faggots and I don't care if you suck hitlers dick on a daily. This is a fucking war and police behave like this Eur*peans act like pussies.
Get a fucking grip.
This video proves nothing.
I see one cop folding a jacket and putting it in a bag. We never see him actually take it out of a store.
Please nuke us
a cops robe T-shirt (of PSG but not sur ) and other cops kik camera-man who was filming the scene
Stop licking ZOGpig boots, faggot. You think he brought that clothing from home? kek
That's proof enough it was stolen.
Looks like a good weekend for freedom fighters actually. Neither France nor UK are fucked like USA.
Only if you give back user's waifu first, newfag.
A rare bit of truth from the (((associated press))).
(((You))) should stop pretending to be white.
It is said that when France sneezes Europe catches cold, so let's hope that France sneeze shits itself so this party can really get started.
Yellow vests are funny but pointless. The topic of white nationalism, of race, is still totally absent. Right now they're all a bunch of commies in yellow. A cell of wn guys was even caught on tape being attacked by antifa and forced to flee. Just like for syndicates, the marxists purge nationalists out of their ranks. Been there for job, in paris and some dystopian suburb. It's filthy. Fucking hated it all. These pretentious people so got under my skin. You talk to them, you'd think you could talk about trump just to probe waters you know what i mean? Right! just talking about trump makes them feel nervous, like they have the stasi on their back or whatever. They're like oh i don't care strangers and some shit like that. Racism, no matter the flavor, is simply and absolutely forbidden in this megakiked country. They can't even be allowed to rally behind something as basic as the pride of the flag, unless it's for sports and you must kiss some negro's ass in a demonstration of multicultural love. You'd never ever question this at all in Uk or America. In France that's too nationalistic! Can you believe this shit really? I don't even know what they're allowed to be proud of! They're full of negroes, arabs, jews, chinese and their unquestionably masonic republic has banned any mention of race for maaaaany decades. These people are too brainwashed. Liberals? They love niggers. Catholics? They love niggers. Young people? They love niggers. They dance to nigger music. All fucking cucks! I remember, there was that disgusting music you'd never hear in Wisconsin's stores, some random mulatto tune that's played in loops when you're out buying some food and toilet paper at their local walmart (can't remember the name and can't care enough). Unbelievable. The state of that culture or whatever is left of it. They don't even enjoy anything like the 2nd Amendment for crissake! They are sooo going to be eaten alive. Someone destroy that fucking country.
Fellow WIfag here, all the stores here play top 40 radio which is either rap or whore pop with guest rappers. How bad is France then?
Streets of rage; Paris when? is there even a market for beat em ups nowadays?
haha made you look, stupid nigger
What the fuck?
Faggots trying to argue over a grown man that has no interest in them.
Not surprised. The police polled don't even give Macron 3% approval kek
At this rate he'll probably be shot by his own circle
Hey user! Can we ask you for a favour? Come join this Zig Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server we promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did… so join using this link right now:
This weekend had some of the worst riots yet, but the new cuckchan anons ruling this board just ignore the yellow vests.
Fuuuuck its been such a long time then. :((((
Not sure ill return. Been thinking about settling somewhere in Col. Good wilderness there. Anyway, for all I remember and really i tried not to pay attention, france really is like what you said. Makes you want to run out of the store or burn it entirely. I guess it's really global now. I'm so sick of it.
Looks like Yellow Vest protests are getting banned soon. Good job Antifa/CIA/Soros.
Joke was getting old anyway.
Rothschild's reign of terror is getting old. The Yellow Vests are white civilization's last chance at staying relevant.
The times when France was relevant have passed a long time ago…
Best thing he can do, stirring the flames just a little bit more.
I have bad news for you…
Damn right! Sick of these Dugnaist punks lowkey brainwashing impressionable and confused alt-right young guys to grow up to be those gross boomers who fuck filipinas one day. We don't want your hidden yellow fever K-Pop mania here.
Yes, every weeb eventually does get into "yellow fever" if they don't get out. Why in fact that faggoty cartoon Murdoch Murdoch was promoting racemixing between white guys and asians women. They are the voice of the so called "alt-right" and this is why the only kind of movement good for young white men is the National Alliance from the 90's.
"Oyyy veeeyyy, goys! Keep watch;'n yuh animay! NazBol Gang, heheh, amirite, fellow whites?"
Can't post new thread due to spam limit. Someone else repost if you get the chance. Globalists are in full flip out mode.
France To Deploy Military Against Next Round Of Yellow Vest Protests
If the black smoke over the Paris skyline and charred cars and buildings along the Champs-Elysees which have become characteristic of France's increasingly violent Yellow Vest protests over the past months weren't alarming enough, things look to get much worse as the government prepares to escalate.
In an effort to clamp down on the unraveling security situation, which has lately seen banks and residential buildings torched, and luxury stores and restaurants vandalized and destroyed, the French authorities have announced the deployment of anti-terrorism military forces in order to protect and secure public buildings.
Following the worsening protest situation of the past weekend (after a brief lull at the end of President Macron's failed 'great debate' initiative which pushed town halls to air grievances), which nearly turned deadly for random civilians caught in the mayhem of rioters clashing with police, the government will redirect counter-terror troops from Opération Sentinelle to focus on Yellow Vest related threats.
Opération Sentinelle began after the January 2015 Île-de-France attacks (the series of al-Qaeda linked terrorist acts that began with the Charlie Hebdo shooting) and resulted in some 10,000 soldiers and 4,700 police and gendarmes deployed at sensitive sites and public buildings across the country.
According to Bloomberg, French authorities have sought to calm the obvious and immediate fears raised that the move constitutes the government taking a full martial law approach of sending the military against its own people.
Following a weekly cabinet meeting on Wednesday, government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux pointed to the "new forms of violence" Saturday which he said justifies deploying the counter-terror forces.
“After seeing the new forms of violence Saturday, emergency measures will be taken to reinforce the reaction of the security forces,” Griveaux said. He added this is to include “the reinforced mobilization of Sentinelle to protect official building and other fixed positions in the capital.”
“Individuals have decided to attack democracy and its symbols,” Griveaux said further.
And noting the different nature of the latest unrest compared to that of months ago when the demonstrations first began in November, he asserted:
Regular police forces will still "concentrate on crowd control, along with maintaining law and order," Griveaux said, which presumably means the Sentinelle could respond to more extreme situations that unfold like acts of rioting, burning, and vandalism.
Macron's government has lately appeared powerless as shocking and embarrassing (for security forces) images of the iconic Champs-Elysees looking like a bombed out war zone have been beamed around the world.
But it now appears Macron is ever more ready to try a "gloves off" approach in his deploying counter-terror military forces against what Paris officials have described as far-left “black bloc” activists or ultra-radicals and anarchists who merely seek as much destruction as possible.
lol this stuff is so cringe. I miss when Zig Forums wasn't retarded.
Bump for digits
I don't have to pretend. You miserable, emasculated anime lovers however are an abomination.
Not triggered, just disappointed at the least. I'll gladly incinerate you with the jews and other undesirables.
Where's that from?
Bay movie, obviously
your reddit jokes are not funny. lurk moar or kill yourself