Brenton Tarrant Memetic Warfare Thread No. III

Continuation of the fruitful previous threads.

>Contribute what you have and drop your OC

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Somebody the at dooms gate edit that one is the best.

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You're all sick in the head

I hope your families are doxxed, dragged out in the night and hung for the public to piss on

My mother and father were murdered in the 90s Serbia by Muslims and I was forced to grow up in orphanages in the winter. I lost 3 of my toes to frostbite and my growth was stunted due to malnutrition. I can't wait for the day when I get to feed you fucking commies into big woodchipper and cut your babies throat in front of you.

k then Zig Forums. Make sure your ass dosn't hit the door on the way out

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Lets make sure to keep a Brenton Tarrant thread in the catalog and bumped for at least the next year.
Everyone pay attention and make sure he gets the praise he deserves.

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Shitpost eternally, shiny and chrome.

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you mother whore and father an homosexual, cant wait for day we decapitate each and nazi

Why don't you gear up, strap a gopro to your cock and shoot up your local nazi collective.

I assure at least half of the guys on this board will cheer for it.

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Exactly no sympathy for dead, only antiwhite hatred. And that is why you will become big star in the next Brenton blockbuster, faggot.

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So many threads, I'm getting confused which one to keep posting in.

Breaking news: Airport Evacuated inNZ due to suspicious package

This one is the one with the memes

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Lefties are just weak, effeminate psychopaths lel

This guy was an user, one of us. You can separate newfags, redditors, shills, subhumans simply by looking at their stance on this. If they are against, they are the enemy. It's a pretty cool filter actually, and shows just how much of them get paid $1 a day to post here.

100% Кебаб римувер

Sounds like NZ being overzealous over someone forgetting their luggage. However transportation centers would be places ISIS would target (if this turns out to be something legit).

Fuck off, cancer, get doxxed and die.

It's happening in Dunedin, same place the radical Muzzies were from

I'd like to see more memes made of this event, if not to spread them as far and as wide as possible. This has been the most beautiful thing to happen in 2019, and the rippling after effects will entertain me for years to come, until I die with a smile on my face knowing the future generation can clean up my mess. Fuck em.

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What's interesting is that if one is explicit in who they target (Brenton), v.s one who indiscriminately targets anyone in a public space (ISIS), then it's not hard to tell which one public anger will eventually explode at naturally. It's also put the media in danger of having public anger turn on them, for being clearly bias about who's been presented as the bigger threat. Even if this airport incident yields nothing, the next Islamic attack could see people starting to really question things.

Does anyone have the victory royale meme? I need it for purposes.

You guys have gotta read this:

The age is a fucking sad pretend newspaper here. It's a leftie poz fest.

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Poor feller….ya get some sand in your pussy there?

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All the tasty dead Muslim tears have been great.

Imagine being this shit.

See my comments in the proper thread about that showing a forensically proven false flag in nz involving nz police customs and an international airport

Based Doomguy

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Christchurch.wad when? Anyone working on it?

Can some explain what is happening with the others arrested? There is almost a complete blackout n information regarding the other people nvolved.

ima paste choice quotes


I think he drove to second mosque and bumped up his score. The other arrest seem to be mistakes. But it is weird we do not have time-line of events of both the kebab eradications.


Watching journalists trying to write about imageboards is always good for a laugh.

What a bunch of soulless cucks.

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Should have said propagandists, but these days journalist may as well mean the same thing.

You've got that right Sir.

Chad Thundercock.

Why is that dog making sausage?

How Brenton Tarrant dies in prison #2: several big blokes hold him down. Take a toilet plunger and pull it back over the stick like you are collapsing an umbrella. Lubricate the outside and quickly shove it as far up his ass as it will go.

Wait for the plunger to begin to re form and return to it's normal state which will vacuum seal and begin pulling the small bowel into the ilium. You will know because he will scream like the pussy faggot you would expect him to be. Then get 2 blokes to slowly pull it out.

When the small bowel exits the anus, cut it off and quickly feed it to the shitstain before he exits.

That's an ironic alt-right shitpost image.
It's ironic because dogs don't make sausages, yet there he is, sausaging away like a champ.
It's a metaphor for Hitler or hyper-masculinity or something.


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Cool story psycho.

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Show us your arms.

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There is a timeline on wsj site. The video is the first site + driving to second site. The muslims at second site had their own guns and fired back…they are the other people who were arrested

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We are internet famous again in Australia my "hyper-masculine" shit posting friends.

TIL; Shit posting leads to Nazism

That makes me feel warm inside. Very happy.

Crusader Tarrant will live forever in our hearts


Found the nigger.

Your god and hero chased off by a credit card machine and an empty shotgun.

No wonder you faggots are goin to lose the coming war. You’d be better off preparing your anuses

The thing that makes me kek the most is that people think the scared person was trying to attack or disarm him. He was trying to slip right past him and had pure fear and panic response.

yeah turns out primordial fight or flight response is a hell of a stimulant

It's a narrative the retards are trying to spin, obviously the guy was trying to run past when his back was turned

So the Wall Street Jew says the attacker was only one, meaning based Brento drove to another mosque and bumped his high score. The other arrest, one was confirmed mistaken identity, the nigger in camo. The others most likely girl friend or room mates who may or may not have had knowledge beforehand.

No you dumb faggot.
If Brenton got chased off by anyone, where in the video did that happen? He got rushed by one muzzie who got properly and swiftly capped in the face.

What you're referring to was the other Mosque.

I would like some erotic fanfic of this

Well no shit. When you have plebbit here posting shit like;

Some of the retarded anons among use are going to get confused.

Then there are the kikes with the "BUT THE SCENE WAS PREPARED WITH MAGS ON THE GROUND BEFORE HAND" and saying it was a scripted event. Then those saying don't kill muzzies they aren't the target.
The water is muddied.

I hope I see you on the street.

Spot the muzzies lol

Brenton only went to one mosque. There was a pair of unrelated dumbasses who got chased off by a shitskin somehow.

brb fapping to >help me whore

Kek, trips confirm

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Found the kike

Found the muzzie.

Shit. I know islam and judaism are the same fucking thing but this is confusing.

Cuck can't even greentext

So you want us to hate you even more? I'm just happy the masks are falling off. I prayed to Frigg this week for a sign, I got one.

Fuck off plebbit.

whats with your fetish for soup cans mahmud? you've been fantasizing about this all night and we're concerned for you

This is the mind of a typical leftist and shitskin.

Nice projection degenerate.

Where they at I’ll dab on em

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That point in time is going to separate the chaff.

Only in so far as I don't want the faggot to die of AIDS before I can shoot him a few times in the face.

I’m not plebbit I just wanted more sensuality and eroticism. That was just filth. I like filth on occasion but right now I want it nice and smooth.

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right behind you butthurt shitskin

That isn't how prison works kiddo. Its daycare, except much safer, mostly chill and solitary (for him probably most if not all of his stay), and only the fags who want the D get some. I don't think Brenton's gay except in your wet dreams.

I nut when >help whore's brains splat on the street:)

I'll pass glownigger

That sure is a whole lot of projection, muhmud. You couldn't have possibly come up with that without thinking about it yourself for a long time.

C'mon mates. You guys defending this fucker are faggots. It doesn't have to do with some holy war against Muslims it has to do with some deranged coward psycho taking a gun into a place of worship where he knows nobody is going to fight back and doing what an uneducated pussy wimp faggot would do. You know he is sick enough to secretly be a cock sucker and he will enjoy every moment sucking the big ones once he gets to his final lockup.

btw what was the song playing on the video posted on former threads?

muhmud we know it's you
we know it is

& archive says no play

itt muhmud professes his love for dicks

is that way.
Oh wait, you can't post your crazy sick porn fanfics there anymore, huh?

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[spolier]i just wanted to post this. No bully[/spoiler]

Just goes to prove how pussyish you little anonymous faggots are here. Can't take the "how he dies in prison" because it is so offensive to your sick little twisted faggot brains. Well guess what. Brenton is a fag. I know it offends your sensibilities but he is. You little degenerates cry and moan when someone censors you but then you turn around and censor stuff you don't like. Little turd heads.

What is with you degenerates and this fixation on queer shit, muh dick, and bodily functions? It's hilarious, your minds are so deep in the gutter at a genetic level that you can't even fake it when you get payed to do so

let's talk about how you die instead, we'll use your method as the standard by which ours are judged. which user dares raise the bar?

as a minimalist his fate shouldn't requires any special attention or faggotry (he'd enjoy it way too much) so he'll just have to settle for the vat of sulfuric acid.

Anyone have that drawing of Immortan Joe spraying Nux? saw it posted in relation to Tarrent and can't find it lol

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Does it come in black?

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These threads were mentioned in a news article kek.

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Weren’t there 7 people killed at the second mosque?

Sure, you'd have to make the text white.
It's not my oc but I liked it, 14/88 would wear.

Haha, faggot deleted his post so leftist psychopathy is not exposed. Top fucking kek