We need to provoke a war within 30 years or it's over. Thoses niggers are breeding like rats and they're no better.
The Kikes hates the good, the pure, the beautiful, The Kikes are going to be erased for good once and for all if we have a war.
What Brenton did was a good start (and good bait for muslimz to do another terrorist attack) for chaos, anarchy and the needed collapse of the system.
We need a war within 30 years, now or never
Other urls found in this thread:
Niggers aren't the problem. At least not in North America or Europe. Their birthrates are stable. However, immigration is the issue. When you import a city's worth of people every year, there is no way that is not going to displace the native population. The solution (whether you want to be violent or peaceful in this approach is up to you) is always going to be to change the ruling party with one that is sympathetic, not race war.
fuck that, race war now. these subhumans are so fucking stupid and most of them are in major cities. surround the cities and don’t let anyone out that isn’t White. let the fuckers starve to death, then burn out the reming few. after that, build a paradise on their brown and black corpses
we now know for an absolute fact that Breivik-tier attacks do not change anything. Did it change the political class in Norway? No. is it going to change the political class in NZ? I think we can all see that isnt going to happen, in fact the opposite is going on. The NZ prime minister is running around in muslim clothes now. They simply will not stop and see reason
how about within 2?
>wants another conflict for (((bankers))) to profit off
you sound as retarded as the fuckstain who decided it was advantageous to play into the hands of gun grabbing pro censorship New Zealanders itching for any excuse to justify their warrantless paranoia.
Fucking idiot.
Is this all you kikes have?
Sucks to be you in the coming war.
When retaliatory attacks become common on both sides which is bound to happen yeah.
What happened in the Netherlands i think is a good representation of what i'm trying to say,
(first of all i want to say that arabs are really fucking stupid and we can use that at our advantage : arabs just act by instinct they don't think like us Whites) so a morrocan dude whose mother was beaten angered all of the sandniggers youth in the country, so imagine that in every country on a bigger scale, i think that would provoke a collapse of the system, or at least the system would be weakened, also i want to say that the suburbs in Paris are 95% niggers and arabs and the military said that they cannot withstand a revolt if there was one because they were too outnumbered. So we can just bait niggers and arabs to kill each other to provoke a collapse .(there is an other way though that would work and destroy the system but i can't talk about that)
How many jews did 'Brenton'kill in this latest mossad false flag?
Not sure how you count no jews killed as any kind of start
When politicians heard of the shooting in NZ and across the world in white countries, they thought how lucky they all were and relief that it was brown and black people targeted. They are all relieved and feel great about it. This public display is a circus designed to deceive observers.
How about this year?
you don't fucking want my solution now haha trust me
i would use "my solution" if there is absolutely no thing to do.
na ur wrong, as tech advances so does precise targeting skills, time is on everyone interested in any mass extinctions side
Hey your nose is showing
He shot the future marxist leaders of norway - he changed history on the spot that day.
i think america will start collapsing in 10 years. europe should wake up to the fact that diversity is our death knell after that.
How about NOW?
The European Civil War starts in 10 years, form 2029 to 2034. It will come about as a result of the collapse of the international monetary system, and total consumption of cheap and abundant energy with too high levels of debt. When it happens, many foreigners will leave without having to be told to.
If history repeats those foreigners will come back a few decades later by the tens of millions and conquer a broken and disunited society.
Why do you make me repeat myself?
DO IT user
This guy gets it. Angering mudshits only benefits us.
The west is headed for collapse. Everyone feels it in their bones in the USA and Europe. The ruling class is riding the west into the ground. The niggers from Africa will not leave Europe just like the niggers never left the USA. The mudskins will never leave Europe they consider it under siege from the caliphate and the Muslims are working to put it under their boot.
the jews are a protected species
yet they follow this shit
White people are so stupid and self-impotent. That’s not a typo. If you’re so afraid of “nigger” birthrates, why don’t you start making more babies? Oh, because you can’t? Because your dick doesn’t work? Because your wife/girlfriend prefers the company of a non-loser? “Race war”? You’d be down and out so fast you wouldn’t even get a chance to pick up a gun from what I’m sure is a “vast arsenal” used to compensate for your small and totally ineffective dick. Poor whitey. Things are so tough for you. Can’t get a date, can’t even get laid by a hooker, can’t get a real job, can’t get any real friends, so you hang out here. Keep it up, Rumpledforeskin, viagra can’t do it all for you.
Even if we cut off all immigration, they would still be set to outbreed us with their insane birth rates.
don't be so mad nigger death will be painless
Let me explain, Schlomo. The world has limited resources. If whites were having 10 kids a family to keep up with your third world pet niggers, we would quickly expend these resources. It would be like filling a sinking boat with concrete to force all the water out.
ethnically selective social programs make this possible
Trying to explain conservation to a subhuman reddit fag? :)
And they wouldn't be able to sustain their populations if we didn't (((allow))) them into our countries and then tax Whitey to keep them afloat via welfare and dem programs nahmsayin.
I don't give a fuck how many chinks, niggers, kikes, spics, and other various shitskins exist - I care about whether or not they exist in my country. Immigration is the issue birthrates don't mean shit. You could have 20 kids and it wouldn't do a fucking thing if the flood gates are open except create more victims of tax theft, more population density / urbanization, more victims of nigger violence and kike subversion. Use your heads niggers.
The explosion of population in Africa and Asia are a direct result of access to innovations from the west in medicine and agriculture. The birth rates aren't higher their little niggers and bug children are now surviving when in the past they would have died. The SAME people flooding the west with the subhumans were the SAME people giving the shit people free medicine, food and technology.
you don't need a war, you just need to poison some wells…
He killed them all because he started the Apocalypse.
What if we get 1 brevik attack per month? Or per week? THAT will change something. There is a threshhold and once it's reached, all hell breaks loose. Dehumanize yourself and leave the cuckshed.
So many nigger-level IQs posting this weekend.
Trump canceled the shutdown after realizing EBT payments not being doled out to niggers would have been a bigger catastrophe for America than all its nukes exploding on itself. That's how bad things really are.
That's because niggers have heard MSM broadcasts and moved in en masse to push divisive ethnoglobe bullshit
No, they didn't. Their job is to keep the sheep sedated with lies. When the jews repeatedly repeat something repeatedly on camera or in print, they expect it to believed as the word of yahweh. Slave Brenton didn't fall for their lies. That's a big problem for them.
I'll be too old in 30 years. Fuck that shit.
Fuck off, cunt.
Make some babies faggot. Your bloodline can extend on into infinity.
I think the smarter idea is to provoke a war between israel and their neighbors, make them kill eachother whilst we clean our countries of faggots and jews and niggers. Brainwash a muslim into shooting up a jew temple, flood the web with muslims vs jews content. They always use ditractions and muslims against us, if we can turn muslims against jews it over.
Then pull out your dick and start fucking more you idiots. Western men are on the verge of infertility (50% decrease in spermcells last 30 years).
Let's be clear here, if chaos and anarchy breaks out, hardly any of you faggots will be able to survive because you are all frustrated snowflakes completely dependent on the same system you want to crash.
You idiots dont even know how to grow your own food, but you're talking about crashing the system lmfao
What a joke you fascist fucks are. Sieg my nuts faggots
this. niggers aren't growing in population due to abortions, black on black crime, and black men just want wyt women
Are you FUCKING kidding me?
How about FIVE!
Ten years on and we´re EVERYWHERE minorities in the fighting age bracket. The only one that counts.
This proxy war your elite has fought against you by exploiting the brute force of wild immigrants has now come to a new phase.
Your enemies have become more bold as the system no longer even tries to hide it allegiance to the alien invaders. Your enemies have become more brazen as their numbers have swolen over the decades.
Your enemies have become more fierce as they have accumulated experience and skills of actual warfare in the battlefields outside of europe.
And your enemies have become more confident as they have discovered your weaknesses. As a result the slow burning ethnic conflict which for decades manifested itself as a gradual and deceptively slow deterioration of the position of the english people has now suddenly reached the stage where England and the English people are facing a complete ethnic annihilation with a very short time.
This nation is at war and the sooner you accept this gruesome fact the better are your chances for survival.
Contrary to all wars you have experienced so far this will be the most brutal and vicious war ever.
This will be the first people's war in English history.
What you really want is to see the USA collapse, bring down the current world order with it and free the white man's hand to fight again.
A war will just see more whites dead, bankers get richer and everything will continue as usual.
yes we do. if you have nothing to lose dont be a fucking pussy
rly makes u think about all the "conservative" cunts in these circles that want ban abortion and enforce law and order without all the edgy extremism
it's almost like they want to do the exact opposite of what would help
almost as if theyre kike controlled neocon nigger lovers.
3rd party geo-facist candidate when?
It was over 80 years ago when you killed your own messiah.
30 years you say?
Imagine wasting your time coming here lmao
Here's a (you)
hard to start a war these days
it's more like now or never.
when all normies are domesticated and bluepilled af, indeed.
I'll be useless in 30 years. It needs to happen soon.
Now I know why you some of you gen x fags do nothing. You are just passing this onto millennials and zoomers. You fucking faggots are amazing lol! Dying out with the boomer leash around your necks.
We don't have 30 fucking years you retard. We have until 2024 at the end of Trump's second term to have made enough ground where we can share a space freely as Whites without fear of anti-Whites. If you haven't done that by then, then we're fucked.
Why haven't we been doing this shit already? If the kikes and chinks can do it why can't you and the rest of us do it? You don't need others to know who you are you just need to regain what we lost since the 00's. We need money and something that binds us together even if it is a house where can be free to discuss with each other without any interruptions.
False. After the attack, immigration to Norway declined. Also is correct.
The elites are cowards. They don't want to die and will act accordingly to avoid pain and death.
Because, for some reason, White nationalists are allergic to actually working together for a common cause. So we come up with childish excuses to stay hidden in our rooms.
We're terrified of the FBI. Shitting in pants terrified. Way beyond their actual abilities.
According to many anons, the FBI is everywhere, all the time. They have superhuman strength and are truly, sincerely dedicated to stopping us instead of a bunch of clock watching employees. No, apparently, they are 100% emotionally invested in taking down White America and would probably work for free. 80% of posts on 4chan/Zig Forums are FBI, including mine probably. They have alien technology and can not only read minds, but can take control of your mind with the push of a button. The FBI can fly, shoot lasers out of their eyes, turn invisible, shoot fire out of their mouths, and are Jedi knights.
The FBI is everywhere, knows everyone, IS everyone, pays your dad, and sleeps with your mom. They're under your bed, in your closet, hiding in your garage, and live across the street just to monitor you. In fact, the FBI monitors EVERYONE ALL THE TIME.
Seriously, I'm barely exaggerating. Many anons truly believe that the FBI is composed of highly dedicated Jedi warriors when in truth, they're just a bunch of paycheck drawing clock-watchers. But then, that's just what an FBI Jedi knight would say to trick you!
Cut it with the hyperbole, you'll look less obviously jewish that way.
Kike here. Lemme drop some ZOG disinformation on you crackas.
If you can't win this peacefully, you can't win at all, because winning peacefully is far and away the easiest way to win. You have 230 million white people in the USA, and a communications infrastructure that allows you to talk to them all at once. How long would it take to accomplish your goals if you got them all on the same page at the same time? Weeks? But no, let's fuck everything up first because, I dunno, we like a challenge or something.
I pointed this out in another thread, and somebody suggested that chaos made it easier to get a nationalist movement in Greece than in Germany. I pointed out that AfD has nearly three times as much control of its parliament than GD, and the leader of GD has been arrested and is on trial for hate crimes or some shit. It makes we wonder whether Zig Forumsacks bother to validate their idiot theories against reality.
What's going on here is not that white people can't win without provoking a civil war. White people can do all kinds of crazy shit you wouldn't have imagined possible before they actually went and did it. Instead, it's that Zig Forumsacks can't win without provoking a civil war because they can't win period.
If you actually got all the white people together and were running the show, you'd recognize immediately that shooting up a mosque was nothing more than a waste of good ammunition. All you'd have to tell the muslims to fuck off and they would.
"Accelerationism" is nothing but a howl of desperation which encourages your enemies, regardless of how they spin it in the press. If you were any threat you'd be doing something smarter than just stumbling around breaking shit. ZOG may be annoyed, but it's not concerned (the 13 rabbis who run ZOG have told me this personally).
I personally would prefer that if you aren't actually going to accomplish anything useful, you at least avoid fucking shit up to no effect. You could always try doing something that might work (protip: build a highly-organized movement, like the Nazis/Commies did), but if you were going to do that you probably wouldn't be posting on Zig Forums.
The solution is very simple.
Jesus fucking christ, neck yourself
For a Jew, your math is horrible. Kill yourself.
The Will to War needs to be fired up within the next 5 years. Within 8-12 years, the war must take off.
I have a perfectly good oven and you want me to waste money on rope? Oy vey!
Looking up a number on the internet isn't what we call math. Look, I don't really give a shit. How many white people do you make it? However many, it's probably enough. How many did it take to win WW2? Do you have at least that many? Do you see what I'm getting at here?
30 years is way way wayyyy too late. We'd be done by then. It has to happen in the next year or two.
Brevik killed them at an anti-Isreal rally. Your hero is a kike lover.
You have no idea what you are talking about and I'm not giving you the satisfaction of explaining it to you. You are really going on the up and up on the rope list.
You are going to lose, so this doesn't really bother me. Save the list so I can have it framed though.
Well, guess what that means, brainlet?
Get out Jew.
Many anons truly believe that the FBI is composed of highly dedicated Jedi warriors when in truth
Fucking kek! I know it can be annoying. The point I am stating is that it should be done with those you can trust. These retards can't into reading comprehension.
Whites + money + housing + cohesion = victory
Boy, there sure are a lot of shills in here. Many can and have taken plenty of real world action. Do you think ZOG media is going to report on it? Leave your basement, nigger.
Hilarious. I've been around these 3rd worlders. Their like barbarians from the bronze age. All they want to do is rape and kill.
Guns are the only deterrent which is why the govt wants so badly to dearm the populace.
Jews never understand such a simple concept. A mean hit piece in the press isn't going to stop a bullet from piercing your skull. You live in a delusional reality in which violence doesn't exist and the only thing that matters is social status. I could personally kill 1k kikes in Israel and you'd still be talking about how bad it would make us look in the eyes of the press. Look how thats working out for you so far. People stop caring, you call them a nazi and they don't care anymore.
Don't.. just don't argue with it. He aims to demotivate the concept of Brute Force, which is the only cure for the Sickness that is call Judaism.
True. 4 to 8 men, if they were intelligent and patient and planned well before-hand, could cause billions of dollars of damages to major US cities and plunge ZOG into a non-stop race-riot.
Also, see what I mean? >>13003440
Its always about muhdick with you apes isnt it? What the purpose of this board is and what we talk about here is beyond your understanding nigger..
2019 and 2020 are the starts of Balkanization. Look at the states blatantly disregarding the feds. Whether immigration or guns they're telling the federal power structure that they have no righteous authority over them. Eventually states will start evicting feds or sequestering them
and after that it's a quick hop skip and a jump to outgunned feds pissing off locals, getting ventilated and never coming back after they're driven out. Important economic centers will have Bremer-walled "justice centers" but the country will be largely fed free.
And this is just organic local resistance to legal bullying. When the blacks/Chinese/spics and even whites realize IRA style resistance is highly effective they'll have a whole different game to play. They might be able to plug holes but they can't weld a 50 foot hole in the boat while it's in the water. ZOG is done outside of New England. The real accelerationists are on Wall Street, be sure to thank them in your prayers when you loot a .50cal from an abandoned Natty Guard armory a few years from now. The feds cannot afford any civil conflict. Money, men or supplies wise.
Half of you faggots don't even have jobs let alone a car that isn't stolen/your mom's.
Don't come talking to us about being losers when your race is The Losers.
You're attacking a straw man. I'm not saying violence doesn't exist. I'm saying organized violence beats disorganized violence every time. The Nazis didn't get control of Germany by a bunch of random Nazis murdering handfuls of untermenschen. They built an organized party and worked together, violently and otherwise, to get shit done. Same with the Commies. Organization is power, solo actors are useless. They can cause trouble for the people who run things, but not beat them.
It's not that building a party that can take over a country is easy. It's that compared to trying to get what you want by random terrorism and accelerationism, it's easier, because those strategies won't work. If you know of some historical counterexamples, I'd actually be really interested to hear of them, but I don't know any. I know of lots of examples of well-disciplined organization achieving power, and lots of conventional wisdom and statements by experts to the effect that this is how it's done, period.
Surely even you aware that this is not the only way Israelis respond to this kind of thing.
I'm not even talking about violence bro. If 4-8 men can get their shit together and started a chain reaction of other Whites getting involved without needing to move. Our Race can be collectively healed.
Ok rabbi
Well armed does not mean well versed, any white man worth his salt could easily take on a medium sized pack of 10-20 nogs on his own, probably more because unlike niggers he 1. can actually fucking aim, and 2. does run around in big groups like a fucking chimpanzee.
The biggest threats from niggers would be their predisposition for rioting in massive mobs (200-500) which would be dangerous for anyone not in a fireteam sized squad with proper armaments. The danger with these mobs would be obvious mass destruction and swarming whites in the vicinity. Assuming the death squads activate at the appropriate time this threat of death by nigger flood will be alleviated in a matter of days or weeks.
Where have I heard that story before…
They require our infrastructure to survive. Allowing them to riot then using the chaos to disable power, water, and communications lines would be trivial. They'd starve out in about 3 months
The only reason South Africa still limps along is the whites keep the grid running. If they just let it collapse the invaders would revert to pre-industrial population. The invaders in modern Europe are also subject to winter and simply killing electrical/gas lines would have them freeze and their water pipes burst
Seriously you fucks are like the jihadis taking 20 years to realize its easier to run people over than it is to build a bomb.