Fuck off Greta! Don't you know that facing global warming means damaging the economy and workers?
Snotty girl shut up
Make your parents lose their jobs
Fuck you Greta
Greta looks like she needs sterilized to prevent those downy genes from spreading
Eco fad is a way for kikes to ruin economic competition, tax people to death and impose their tyranny even further, limiting personal freedoms.
Is she nine? She looks like an Oblivion character.
ol retard lookin motherfucker
Digits confirm
she's 16 but due to her mom not taking a break from chugging wine she looks like a prepubescent finn
the absolute state of Sweden
I'm tired of this climate meme.
Let's focus on purifying blood ans soil instead
Whole family looks like that.
I hope you don't get run over by a truck of peace, Greta, that would be tragic. Don't you know the point of "Climate Change/Global warming" is to make Western countries poorer by making it very hard or impossible to industrialize, while also sending large amounts of tax payers money to third world savages? (The jews meanwhile would make money by being middle men for the transfer of funds). Just like mass immigration, it is designed to weaken nations and strengthen globalization. Only Western nations are targeted of course, because Western nations, being at the moment the richest and strongest, are the only ones with the potential to stand up to this process.
The hypocrisy is ludicrous, these kids are indoctrinated to believe that it's their duties to preserve mother nature's beauty yet don't realise that racial purity and the preservation of their Nordic culture is part of mother nature in itself
Excellent post
If we release the race virus and depopulate the earth by 7 billion then there will be no need to worry. Support the environment by supporting the genocide of billions of useless people in South America, Africa, Asia
It looks like she has Down Syndrome
barrel heda
She is accelerationist. Fuck off Zionist scum
So countries are run by children now, to brainwash idiots who fall in love with her locks?
"oh shes cute, wow shes smart for her age, oh she must be right"
The parent's look okay, only the kids look retarded.
Global warming is the biggest scam in the history of humanity.
Carbon is food for plants and coral. Less of it means les nature, as the jew wants.
It's hilarious to watch these maggots pretend they are for the environment. When they want to turn every tract of airable land on Earth into an industrial farm to support their pet nigger birth rates.
Little cunt already has the crazy brows.
Checked. Why do cunts all have to make themselves look like Star Trek aliens?
Vice news made this dumb girl skipping school to hang with boys a hero. Her mum admits to green-lighting her truancy. She is not home schooling so a few well placed calls could get her arrested…. Oh but wait….. Its in Colorado a democrat pedostate…. Nevermind.
Kids don't have to go to school anymore…. They can do work experience as ho's for 2 months straight like the girl in the op.
Learn how to make a proper OP, you lazy faggot.
>((((((global warming))))))))
toppest of lels
Do you eat dog shit so you don't throw it in the trash?
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Her mother is a drunken whore.
She looks a bit like the Swedish PM. Pretty sure he's also got FAS.
Obsessed with feces; very jewish of you.
Learn how to post an OP properly (so you don't look like a lazy nigger).
Yeah, she really does.
Drunken single mothers pimp their kids, and the child is a democrat operative. Case closed. Good work user.
OP watched the vice news tonight torrent I shared calling for closure of Zig Forums, and saw this democrat pimped child operative (march 15th). I'm glad he posted a thread.
Pretty much
March 15th?
She clearly has some illness. It is either mild Down Syndrome, or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Either way, she is a tool of the elites and she is dumb enough to play along.
Neocons are not welcome here.
hahaha dont u know keeping it on like that will destroy our fuking planet and there will be no place to start ur beloved hwite paradise?!
how can u be such a maniac and think climate change is a hoax?!
hang her.
The entire Thurnberg movement is reminiscent of Mao Tse Tungs Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China, 1966-1976. The ruling class brainwashing teenagers, radicalizing them, to wage a sociopolitical war against the general population.
Their goal to effectively deindustrialize Europe is reminiscent of Mao Tse Tungs Great Leap Forward program, the communist 5 year plan that led to 50 million people starving to death.
You cant reason with these kind of brainwashed commie teenagers, there's only one solution to this bolshevist plague.
Also, Thurnberg's grandfather literally invented the climate change hoax.
As all other simpletons, that for example see only money and nothing more.
This tard's face was already in my memory but i couldn't place it exactly. True to my form 15 minutes after placing my request from my brain's memory bank the exact face popped up in my mind; the kid on the right.
Fuck off larper
I bet you're a liberal moron
A potato. A literal potato speaking at some kind of high dollar news event. Whatever. Why would this surprise anyone at this point?
digits confirm
denying that pumping out noxious fumes is harmful is literal insanity. the argument that
is predicated on the presumption that the output from burning carbon energy is not harmful, when anyone can sit in an enclosed space and suicide by breathing in the exhaust fumes.
it's another braggadocious chutzpah trick to get people into keeping the oil and coal industries alive by ensuring they
about continuing their present energy use patterns
Whatcha doin', Rabbi?
The PM was raised as a foster child. It could very well be that his real mother was an alcoholic.
She looks like a young crypto-Jewess.
Those digits confirm.
Mother looks like she could be a kikess.
This. Very well said.
I believe in Greta Thunberg!
Women are truely fucking evil. The inane hatred you see in those protestor girls, subconsciously fiending for foreign subhuman men to humiliate civilised whites and destroy her genes afterwards, is sickening to its core. The pure fucking evil of nature right there. Unreal. How malign. Forced to kill or be killed while being pursecuted for it inside a modern civilized nation. It reeks like demons.
CO2 is food for plants.
Ur either a retard or a shill.
Neck yourself
the quantity of carbon dioxide being released is enormous
don't say
when they don't
that's why co2 levels are rising
Someone return her to the kindergarden!
but wait it's a kike scheme!
Never change Zig Forums
Kikes own the capital, coal industries today, wind turbines tomorrow. You leftie imbeciles are unable to understand that. They also seem to be against nuclear power which is ironically the "greenest" solution.
Hey, if we go green we don't need Muslim oil - so middle East will descend into chaos!
Rape this Jewish Down.
You stupid faggot, who do you think profits most from fucking up our enviroment?
What competition?
Oh nooo the CO2.. im meltingg aarghhr user save me
All that being said, im against pollution, but CO2 is only rising slightly, and in that rise flora consumes it, leading to increased growth, as in previous ages where all metabolism increased because of increased oxygen and thus a healthier Humid biome resembling A Rainforrest but even better. Hence dinosaurs and giant plants. CO2 is the last of our worries given our situation.
Greta looks like her puss kinda smells, and that's probably because she doesn't wash it often to stop "muh climate change." Yet billionaires' trophy wives have their pussies washed and cleansed daily.
Virtue signalling traitors who overrate their value
Why are you filthy kikes incapable of pulling your mind anywhere above your belt for anything other than scheming and scheisting for our labor income? And even then, your just perverted and degenerate about how you steal the sheks.
How does it feel knowing there is no where left on this planet to hide from what you've done to yourselves?
…tick tock.
What the fuck are you blabbering on about? If you've read my previous posts, you'd realize that I suspect her of being a crypto-Jewess, or her mother. But she reminds me of a girl that had a similar looking face to hers and her puss kinda smelled funky.
My Penis stinks…
All children are tools. If they are not your tools, they are the enemy's tools, and thus, must be killed/destroyed for being useful to them.
let me tell you about the whole story of greta thunberg
Greta thunberg is a 16 year old asspie with a downey appearence born to swedish oprah/pop singer marlena ernman
marlena ernman is a high end sociolite of sweden and a notorious virtual signaler of the highest rank
she was continually praised for her singing wich fueled her narcissim
but it wasn't enough so she took up social justice and began a twitter quest to show every one how good she was (think j k rowling) but her intial fame vained and no one never really gave that much of a shit
denied her communal narcisist supply she did what any good sockermom would do and starts to live through and manipulate her children so she could get her fix
she used her connections and pushed her potato looking daughter and violá the media particularly the swedish media reported her speech in front of the un or eu parlament i forget
anyway she held her speech infront of a very modest crowd( like five people) and the fake news media edited the speech the next day showing a roaring audience
and now thanks to stupid cultmentality people her mom finally gets the supply she desparetly needs
Cokemom confirmed. Poor girl.
Mine smells like vag and something unidentifiable. I may have been raped by a faggot again.
I recommend the police grab the video from the frisco transfer station. There's a lot of fag rape going on here.
These egotistical Swedish kids are the result of corporal punishment being banned in 1979 and the subsequent erosion of parental authority thereafter. Little upstarts like Greta are overindulged from an early age.
tldr: Swedish children need their bare bottoms spanked.
Why are you projecting your subconcious desire to touch little girls' butt?
Can someone draw a stick figure comic of this? Water, sound effects, and all
Claiming that that CO2 is a noxious fume is insane. The base of all plant live is indispensable.
Your crazy cult is as anti-science as imaginable.
carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are very different things yet treated as the same thing by niggers who don't into chemistry beyond put tha cocaine in tha bacon soda an cook dat sheeeeit on tha stove top stirring til caked with no windows open or a fan on cuz don't want to loose that cacaine
You stupid faggot who do you you think is going to pay tax for cleaning up our environment, i.e. do nothing and let nature take its course whilst overpaid dreadlocked jews pretend to be environmentalists.
If you called it what it is (if anything) and that is "CORPORATE CAUSED CLIMATE CHANGE" and started naming the individuals who have got very fat and wealthy…. well it would disappear overnight, because most of the names would sound something like rockersteinshekelbergforeskin.
Hate the Jew Puppetmaster that plays its puppet; Kill him, and take over the strings.
(((Those))) who profited the most now want you and me to pay for cleaning it. Economic competition, as in, ability to economically compete with kikes and shitskins that are heavily favored by modern Talmudic republics.
This is correct.
The idea behind eco-niggery, as it is used right now in Europe, is to destroy the industrial base of the continent in order to further the goals of globohomo marxists. Europe has been under a multi-pronged attack by way of eco-niggery, Islamic invasion and lawfare.
So you are saying one form is not processed by nature and just lingers? Shouldnt we all be dead by now then?
Reminder that it is our job to collapse the system
Less people serving ZOG = Better
She needs to be spanked and put to bed without supper. Every night.