Fuck all of you glow in the dark niggers. It is obvious that this attack did literally nothing for white people, and only acted against us.
I could go on but this board is surely completely compromised. Fuck Yahweh, fuck the pedophile muhammed, fuck christcuck's (((God)))
Fuck all of you glow in the dark niggers. It is obvious that this attack did literally nothing for white people...
Other urls found in this thread:
It was a zio global psyop.
So he really is a mossad/israel groomed asset like Breivik.
Who's Barak Ravid?
Cuck detected.
You fear the government and muslim.
that was the point
gotta take down very influential "alt-right" videogame commentator
oopsy. damage control = make it a felony to view the video
nice redit space glownigger
oh but he visited Israel for 9 days on his 7 year world tour, I guess he's a zogbot
But seriously next massacre will be of all you boomer morons
You do not point out ZOG.
You point out you fear ZOG taking your guns and muslims raping you, thus a cuck.
Where is the magazine?
He must have been radicalised in Israel.
It'll probably come out he was Jewish and some Rabbi told him to do it? Maybe?? Either way it's clear his visit to Israel was pivotal.
Fucking retard
>Fuck Yahweh, fuck the pedophile muhammed, fuck christcuck's (((God)))
typical shill attack. mention 1 thing and then tack something completely unrelated at the end.
pol is a shitshow now
holyfuckingchrist - which part of that did you not understand?
Where is the magazine? Because that is not a magazine?
Are kikes really that desperate?
Makes sense now. This was not a false flag, he was just a butt blasted kike who lashed out on easiest target they could find.
Who the fuck types like that? just spaces over the smalles of shit
He was a Jewish Accerlerationist. What's wrong with that?
Just leave.
You made this thread but you clearly don't belong here.
I do, you goddamn zio cuck boomer.
Get smart.
Post proof he is jewish?
mate he's not in the driving seat of the dialectic. It only suggests the fatigue masses have to massacres, when Sadiq Khan said it- it was offensive, now no eyes are batted.
the movie or the TV series?
Well lets see
Yes he did a lot of good
YOU did nothing for white people, OP.
You have been BTFO every time you've come up with some half-baked tinfoil bullshit about how what Brenton did was faked and/or a false flag. You screeching retards are trying to run with anything to disprove this despite the only evidence you need is THE LIVESTREAM and THE MANIFESTO. Now you post this, word of mouth from an ISRAELI OFFICIAL to prove that he was an false flag perpetrated by ISRAEL.
The chances you idiots are working for ZOG are 10x more likely than Brenton being a patsy or plant, with the goal being to convince user that nothing ever happens and that (((they))) are the only ones who can act freely.
Tarrant is a hero and (You) will always be a mutt nobody.
No, your fucking brain.
Yeah, this shows he was a Mossad agent. All those christcucks going to Israel to see the place their prophet and staying for 7 days are also Mossad agents.
He went on a worldwide tour, he said so himself
Where does he says Israel is not a problem?
And what is wrong with shooting mosque?
And you don't just fly into Israel without them knowing everything about your and life and what you post online.
He's still a hero.
Everyone knows that if you want to commit violence you dont shout about it. All these 'anons' calling for violence out loud are obviously trying to get legitimate anons to incriminate themselves. Anyone with a brain knows you
Out loud, ever.
Why are you fucktards so obsessed with Israel?
Here's the manifesto, it's in there.
Another non user asking stupid questions.
Alright kike I'll play your game then since I have some time to kill. He at the very least implies Israel can exist without subverting the west, showing he has compassion or at least a symbolical idea of the mythical "Good Jew".
I know killing women and children is the IDF way, but that's now how regular human beings conduct themselves. Besides it does nothing but inspire more hatred between Muslims and Christians, and that only benefits only Israel/Jews.
Remember to boycott all mutt media. Everything they put out is an ego trip.
They fight revolutions over taxation, then their leaders( who they support) kill citizens who reject their taxation. These are the people who polish their Chinese made guns while mocking Frenchmen.
*spits on mutt*
Fuck palias.
Thoughts and prayers for Israel.
I’ve said this in other threads but in my opinion the best thing we can do is put the Jew in the spotlight as much as possible. The more the Jew is in the public consciousness the more people start questioning things and become redpilled.
Ilhan Omar is such one example of somebody who put the Jew in the spotlight. There was non stop media complaining about “muh anti-semitism” after she called out the dual citizenship Jews in American goverment.
The shooter did absolutely nothing to put the Jew in the spotlight. Not even a mention of the Jewish influence of shitskin immigration to our western societies in his manifesto. In fact the shooting got the Jews out of the spotlight.
It wouldn’t even take a lot to get the Jew in the spotlight constantly. We’d just need to spam a different neighbourhood with anti-Semitic fliers once every month, spray paint Swastikas or “jews rape kids” somewhere and for the alpha chads shoot up a synagogue. Literally anything that’ll either help wake people up or get the media to cry about antisemitism. Put them in the spot light and keep them there.
Do you understand what he says? Where did he says he is fine with israel?
Where, kike? He said as long as they do not subvert or harm his nation, does this kind of jew exist? No.
I ask you again, what is wrong with shooting a mosque? And are you okay with shooting jewish women and children?
Answer me, kike.
He also visited Pakistan and Turkey. He was probably trained there…
Illan Omar is a zionist muslim who wants to take down Assad.
You shilling for her does not hurt the jews, the jews put her there.
So you agree he contradicted himself and basically invented a form of jewry that doesn't even exist. So basically he didn't name the jew at all. Kys, kike.
Bro this Jewish conspiracy thang is very old news. The Jews are just a bit smarter than gentiles. Whites are so dumb they think there's a Jewish conspiracy against them.
So he visits both Pakistan, Turkey & Palestine? Does this mean he is a muslim?
The fuck did I just read
He does not contradict himself, you are contradicting yourself when you believe in good jews.
Yes he did, kike
I think hes muslim. Just disguised to spark islam. Islam feed of reason.
Support two state solution.
Support taking down Assad for Greater Israel.
AIPAC stunt to get sympathy, but deny harm against all jews.
You are a fool.
My point still stands. We need to put Jews in the spotlight and keep them there. Anything that doesn’t do this is not in the very best interests of white people.
Again the shooter very could of easily included Jews and their connection with shitskin immigration and talked about the Kalergi plan in his manifesto. Yet he choose not to and even made a statement saying he doesn’t mind Jews in Israel.
So he is baste anti-Zionist fighter?
You're a do-nothing pussy.
Who were the other 3 people arrested? Mossad handlers?
Jews are included his manifesto along with muslim, chinks and niggers.
I know you are forcing muh Zionist narrative but all of the above must go.
This thread is speculation.
Niggas sit around all day gettin high or praying to Allah and whites pay for it all with their asses.
Zio boomer who wants the slow boil.
You cannot stop it.
Your fate was decided 80 years ago when you killed your own savior.
Just as the Jews doomed themselves by killing their savior, so whites have damned themselves for killing theirs.
Islam is the future and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.
Only one who implied there can be a good jew is (((Brenton Tarrant))).
Where? Post the words of the faggot kike you're trying to defend with your exemplary pilpul.
wtf I hate Brenton now
You can't blame Jews or sandniggas for feasting on whites. Whites made their bed now they lay in it
The goal was division, and ((they)) succeeded in getting the goys to argue endlessly if he is either a kike spook or a hero for the white nations who acted alone.
Get out of here. There's no reason to be blackpilled, not in a timeline where zionists are so close to being named by the masses.
lmao how fucking delusional are you ?
>Only one who implied there can be a good jew is (((Brenton Tarrant))).
No, he did not, you did.
You are engaging in pilpul while accusing me of it, he refers to all semites as invaders and need to get out of Europe.
Delusional enough to not kill myself. No one is stopping you though, show us how its done.
Not successful to me, they are trying to but falling.
Ah yes, only Zionist is bad narrative.
That's sad. You should have more faith in your hero kike. Post his words.
OP is a faaaaggggooootttt
His manifesto is there.
Europe for european.
The faggot kike is already in projection. Sit tight, death will come to you.
And I know why.
>(((They))) need war to break out now, right now or their plan is fucked. The same thing that stifled the white birthrate will stifle or even extinguish the invader birthrate. They'll either have to take the brakes off and watch the white birthrate explode or see their chances of winning dry up.
The real problem with the shooting was the needler. Documentation found at
You're losing it shlomo
Why is he only being charged with ONE murder? Is the reporting fucked up or is it something to do with the NZ legal system?
Ah, the no u defense. That takes me back.
Go to hell, by the way.
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this Zig Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did… so join using this link right now:
He threw up an ok sign in the middle of his court case which of course the media jumped on to demonize whites. The man ia a pawn being used against us for gun control and to make whites hated. The more we are hated the move rules will be put in place in order to control us. Until our countries aren't ours anymore.
Muh dick. What would you do without your Jewish masters? Oh that's right White women will find you to be repulsive like they used to.
Lol, did you even read my comment. I specifically said he included the Jews, but only in a brief statement, that did nothing to call them out.
I do agree that all must go but we must prioritize. We target the Jew, if the Jew is in the spotlight long enough people will become redpilled eventually. Shitskins may even become redpilled and help us get rid of the Jew. Once the Jew problem is dealt with and we have our own sovereign nations again, it’ll be easy as pie to send send all invaders back to their countries. we can even promise them that there will never be any (((outside))) influences that harm their countries ever again.
White is white. Brother wars only benefit the Jew.
Such seething hatred of Turks. He would have made good friends with Bibi and his faggot son.
I already do, and the faggot kike is crying.
Funny, cry moar, kike.
Oh wow, baste turk friend resisting jew in white countries.
Shut up jude. Go suck off your kike hero elsewhere.
>(((They))) need war to break out
This wasn't a psyops and Brenton Tarrant was our guy.
So what he visited Palestine?
So what he visited Pakistan?
Pakistan has White Tribes. The Kalesh.
The Jew DOES NOT benefit from revolution or expulsion of Muslims.
They're scared to death of people reading the manifesto and waking up.
What the Jew fears is a copycat killer more than anything else.