The Mainfesto of Brenton Harrison Tarrant Part 2
The Great Replacement
Read by The Kommandant
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The Mainfesto of Brenton Harrison Tarrant Part 2
The Great Replacement
Read by The Kommandant
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Pretty epic ngl
Have a bump
Thank you Brother
Cringe. The goal is to win over normal people and turn them against Jewish domination and white genocide, not LARP as some Darth Vader-sounding Wolf Brigade retard
That'a Part 2.
Yeah, this guy is the origin of "compounding cringe". He's either completely aware or completely unaware that he looks like a degenerate faggot that was given full access to a gay larp leather warehouse.
yeap, but the audio of his videos can be used in other videos with infographics and other stuff
i've quoted the part 1 and post the part 2
Great job brother
Lol, it's all done on purpose. There's a bunch of vaugely nationalistic people on Youtube already, but this guy and his gimmick is unique and makes a strong impression in your mind.
Like the Commander Rockwell vs Dr. Pierce
Really makes you think.
The redpill on mudshits and white genocide is a good one for the masses, he obviously designed the manifesto to fit to his plan. Elaborating on the JQ too much would have made it easier for people to just write him off as nuts. He had a merchant on his gun right above the trigger and adressed the likely question we would have in his manifesto in a cryptic manner.
(answer in the manifesto, read it you lazy fucks)
I was just thinking about doing this.
Thanks either way mate, for reading out a story as short as a list of chemicals used in Soylent.
Got a pic of this?
And yes, obviously muslim immigration is a problem. But who is responsible for muslim immigration? Would you scold a dog for biting you, or its owner for raising a violent brute?
I would kick the dog in the nuts so he will never do it again. Also, mudslimes are subhumans but they are not dogs. They made the conscious decision to invade our lands.
I cant post the image because its already in a different thread. But just google it.
Nigger, everything pertaining to this case is being actively censored. If you have the picture, then post it. Otherwise you're just being a gatekeeping kike.
I can honestly say this is the first I've seen of him. Well I lie I saw a video of his posted in another thread as a webm just now.
The fuck is this shit?
And yes gay larp leather warehouse certainly describes his aesthetic.
What did bypass images stop working?
It’s eceleb cancer and another case of a LARPing grifter trying to shill his shit on imageboards.
Here you go lazy faggot
I have no way of verifying that this is his gun, and it's way too abstract to say definitively that this is a merchant. Try again.
Go back to plebbit, retard. You obviously haven't lurked for more than the last few days. You are too lazy to google his weapons, then cry that you cant verify this being his, and you cant spot a rare merchant which has been in use for years. Off yourself.
You are a fucking nigger.
Cocksuckers detected. Reminder that he didn't say a single fucking word about jews in his manifesto.
And you also haven't read the manifesto.Mc fucking kill yourself.
I have.
Sorry Shlomo, low IQ tactics may work on Twitter and FB, but not here.
Where is the rest of it? Shit is getting pulled off jewtube
I await the reading of the Navy Seals pasta
Have you semen slurpers read this take on the manifesto?
Get lost, Mordecai.
Aaaaand its gone
Get out.
The goal of this man's channel is clearly to provide a level-headed take on recent events for people that are already redpilled and want a Jewtube channel to watch.
I first saw this guy in the Highjump thread and when he came on he spooked the shit out of me. He's def. a fun and entertaining larp.
JewTube strikes again.
yeah I just learned about him a few days ago, it was one of the funniest things I've seen in my life. sad
hope he finds another platform that will tolerate him
Better than sichard repencer
I was looking forward to part 2, but it is now gone. I am very ashamed. This was pretty legit for what it was.
This guy is a larping retard. He made a video pleading to his users that once the 1488 subscriber subscribes to take a picture and email it to him. Also
Video unavailable
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.
Motherfucking jewtube. REEEEEEE.
It's still on bitchute
His mask and patches were cool but the little light system in his eyes fucked it all up. Just do no lights or make your own. Don't buy faggot chink shit.
All you haters are gay. The Wolfenstein act is perfect for stopping normalfag brains just shutting down.
The current political climate has made people forget why its necessary to constantly deescalate the "ebil nazi" narrative cemented in the minds of normies.
Jesus was Shinto- Buddhist
The cringe is almost as epic as your holy trips. Praise Kek… for whatever this guy is…. We fucking memed this reality to what it is today. There's no going back, and no time for regrets… We fucking memed this damn it!
Joke's on you fucktube, I've already downloaded every video he's made. Hail Victory!
Can you do me a favor and make a backup channel?
"Hurr why didn't mosque shooter mention da jooz, he must be a zionist shill, muh based muslims!"
kill yourself, so we don't have faggots like you thinking you're "prowhite".
I might just do that
is there a webm of part 2? YT is already down
He was banned because he impersonating a diplomat; same reason why they canned Iron Sky 2. Shit is too real.
This isn't all of his videos
Anyone have a full copy of part 1?
I need you stupid fucking kikes to realize that you are the only people on earth that utter these words. If you stupid fucking yids can appreciate that you have failed utterly in your crypsis, we can move on.
I'm calling you out for defending muslims and being so obsessed with jews, you can't be pleased with any effort to actually fight our enemies and inspire our brothers.
Muslims are stupid nigger sandpeople, don't get me wrong. But you jews are their puppeteers, and we don't need you bringing mudpeople into our societies in order to weaken us. Please admit what you're doing before we have to wage war on you.
Why are you being such a nigger? Just celebrate the happening, and prepare for the collapse. We can't have our solution until we get this party started. Or are you planning on voting, or sitting on your hands until 'god' sorts everything out for you?
If people won't acknowledge that mudslimes are our enemies, then they'll never accept the fact that the kikes use them as weapons against us. If you want to save the poor mudshits, then you'll have to fan the flames within their ranks, shia and suffi vs sunni, and see if something will come of it. Until then, we're going to have to deal with the combatants until the normies have enough of the kikes coming in to support the islamic combatants. Every time a kike defends a mudslime terrorist, it redpills a normie on the kikes.
Fuck you, you jewish accelerationist pile of shit. You won't win.
Kill yourself. It's not an 'either-or' thing. It's the jews flooding our societies with muslims. You can hate the muslims all you want, but it's the jews doing this to you.
wtf is this darth vador shit
It won't have any effect at all on population. 10,000 people going code 800k and racking up 50 kills each would essentially deplete us in that country and the kikes will make up for it in a year or so by keeping on importing from the endless supply of niggers. Actually they could make up for it instantly. 50 sandniggers dead? Just add another 50 visas that day.
So no, even that pipe dream scenario wouldn't make a dent in demographics. Just 10 people following up on the most high profile mudslime targets would have a massive repercussions however. Basically his analysis was right; give the mudslimes back what whites have taken for decades without ever getting violent and the sandniggers will show to even the most boneheaded normalfag why coexistence with them has always been completely impossible. At this point it's probably the most potent course of action a man without the extraordinary abilities needed to start a movement can take.
The manifesto in itself was harmless though. On it's own it would just have been another collection of truths in a sea of ignored truths. But with a video demonstrating that these are not empty words but shows what a man willing to follow them can do they have for a moment risen like a piercing light above everything else, impossible to ignore. It makes every oppressed and blackpilled white suddenly wonder what ten men could do …
Or a hundred.
And with that they realized that the violence they've been conditioned from birth to have a panic attack just thinking about wasn't really that bad. And after watching it a few times, and thinking about all the shitskins around them that make their life a living hell, they realize that there is a little voice somewhere deep inside that they've never heard before. A little voice that tells them yes. And suddenly we have the situation where it is not the kikes, blacks and sandniggers doing everything they can to kill their white enemy while the white man just takes it and backs away, but one where in his eyes they can vaguely hint a sudden glimpse of the ghostly legions of Sparta.
There is no wonder why the kikes are so desperate to shut this one down at any cost.
Well said
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
yeah and they will get waht is coming to them.
It's just the thought of what can 100 whites do when you think about what Saint Tarrant did.
It is also on the side of one of the scopes he took in
How do you not realize that you are the one that was implying the situation was "either-or"?
preach it
You're a moron.
Just read it. Larping is only making his message less heart hitting. Whites need to take this seriously and continue the acceleration/destabilization to escalate balkanization.
Jewtube noscoped his channel, has he made a new one? Seperate platform maybe?
kiketube terminated it.
You can post it as many times as you want, jew, but the fact is that he didn't mention the JQ. His manifesto is shit, and the only people who care are jews and neocon boomers.
There was a bitchute posted earlier if youre still looking
he wanted people to see him as a human who has a sense of humor, not a crazy person who writes numbers on the wall and screams all night
Oh you meant the video, not the manifesto. My bad, just woke up.
Stop with the brother wars NOW. It's helping absolutely no one. He may have not been as informed as us, but he is /OURGUY/. Stop this stupid bullshit. Accelerationism is key and is one of our last hopes. Read it if you haven't. If you still disagree please tell me why.
What's your main takeaway friend?
Demote this guy. I'm honestly fucking laughing at you stupid glowniggers. What a waste of fucking shekels.
Eh I've already read through it myself so not worth the effort.
I can't tell anymore who is the glowie
What I want is a backup of The Kommandant's channel. It seemed pretty based and I would have enjoyed many of his content if it wasn't shoa'd.
Show me on the doll where Rabbi Shekelstein touched you, user.
This isn't 4chan, you stupid nigger. Filtered.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
If accelerationism isn't good, what is? If shitskins are outbreeding us in our own fucking homelands, what do you suggest we do? Do you think trying to establish a family will be the only thing that will help us? WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR ALTERNATIVE KIKE? ARGUE WITH ME, SAY SOMETHING OF SUBSTANCE.
Read what he said again.
First things first. None of us here just started hated jews one day. What happened was we had begun to hate how sick and ugly society was, and then when we wandered around in disillusionment we learned that it was the jew who made is sick and so we began to hate the jew. If we had not hated the state of society would we ever seen reason to hate the jew? No.
Normalfags are natural degenerates and they really have no problem with the sickness of society itself, even if they are starting to feel the pains of the long term effects. Tell them the jews did it and what would they do? Thank the jews setting all the outlets of quick dopamines free? Even among christcucks, where you may see a lukewarm antipathy to the degeneracy, is there any wish to kill the jew? No. Just an equally meek wish to see them repent and fill up the pews.
No, the bulk of the non-lemmings will only begin hating society because their physical existence has becoming unpleasant and never for any spiritual reasons, and before they hate society there is no point in revealing the jew as the culprit. Tarrant's goal was to make the ultimate consequences of the sandnigger invasion manifest itself now instead of when our demographic situation is worse, and once the inevitable begins to manifest in people you can work with them from there.
Basically the day the man sincerely says he's had enough and that we should just kill them all before we suffer another 900 years of occupation you follow up with "and do you know who opened the gates all those centuries ago and who did it again this time?"
You tried, you really did. But you simply couldn't withhold your hatred for Jesus Christ. Next time, try your psyops without hating Jesus. I'm sure you'll see that it is far more effective.
I don't Jesus. What I hate are christcucks.
Muh Optics Cuck. Guise, we have to be respectable good lads to win normies over
This is quite pathetic to be honest. Zig Forums crawling with desperate kikes trying to tell whites that if you kill your enemy they win is something you should revel in. It means we are winning.
so uh, back to the original content, Anyone planning on reuploading his videos or do you think he will remake his channel?