Can anyone explain this shit? Or is it another wonderful miracle of Allah that none of his believers shall die and enter paradise with bare feet?
Magic muslim socks
Those are blue shoes with red and white soles.
I want conspiratard boomers ==OUT.==
I'm getting ssl denial on cuck chan
He also could have been moved from Tarrant walking over him.
When you watch the footage and see how his feet move as he crawls away, it's clear that he's not wearing shoes.
Imagine being so retarded that you can't even redtext properly.
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
Mossad retards can't get anything right, even 240p video hoax.
I'm watching the video now and I think the guy you're talking about has one shoe still on when he gets scattergatted. 6:43 is the point where I have it stopped.
I can explain it. It's another gun-grab hoax psyop like Dunblaine or Sandy Hook or Vegas and this one has retarded (((politicians))) like the NZ prime minister thinking she's going to get control over the internet and guns at the same time to make her island safe for Islam.
Yes video games have been pushing for realism but in reality gore is worse in real life as someone who has seen firefights and tons of unreleased footage headshots TWO of them at point blank range with a 5.56 NATO round are fucking messy as hell noticeable DOMED and no one moves afterward…ever.
Nce try reality denier try getting out of your basement and get some real world experience hitting game with varmint rifles…even ranged its messy as fuck
How deluded are you? You can even see the blue/black top of the shoes even when he's coming in. Even if you couldn't, the red shit on the bottom of his feet are clearly shaped like a shoe sole, unless you want to insist that the blood happened to leave a perfect strip of skin untouched.
The PM is an Israeli visiting International Union of Socialist Youth kike who feigns "pro Palestine" platitudes while having a literal Rothschild-Goldman admin a total false face…she loves Israel visited their all the time during her mossady training
LOOK at what I
Are you sure that's not just a combination of blood stains from stepping in the other guys brains and the weapon light?
If that's a white shoe sole on a dark blue shoe, then the sides of it should be visible from the other viewpoint, not just the bottom. It's a high contrast color and wouldn't just disappear like that. Even more so if it could be "mistaken" for an entire bare foot.
If you could find her autopsy I might be able to agree, but you should know that a bullet even at point blank can take unexpected paths a persons body. I've seen people get shot in the arm pit and the bullet exit through their leg. Also you should know that the gases from the gun powder bullet is what you're seeing effect peoples clothes in the footage.
Watch the video faggots.
When Tarrant comes in, the crawling man has soles that are close to red or tan or whatever.
When he leaves, dude's feet look blue.
But, Brent does come back in a second time… and guess what… fucking red soles again.
It's the angle from which the foot is viewed… and shitty resolution. Go see for yourself.
you stupid nigger. those can't be red soled shoes because Muzzies aren't allowed to wear shoes inside the Mosque. that's why there is always a pile of stank ass shoes outside every Mosque and every Muslim home. that's why Muzzies chimp out when US Soldiers on patrol walk into their Mosques of Terror while wearing military boots to inspect for hidden arsenals and bomb factories. shoes touch the ground, which is unclean in Sharia. that is why in Islam the shoe is a symbol of uncleanliness, and that is why that Iraqi faggot threw a shoe at neocon blood drinking Zogslave George W Bush way back when.
The shoes were lined up inside the door, not outside.
It seems pretty clear that this guy hadn't gotten his shoes off yet and had to try to get away with them still on.
He's outside the mosque when the shooting starts. I doubt the last thing he'd be worrying about after he's been shot is to take off his shoes once he crossed the threshold.
*the first thing
Looked over the footage again, and I have to admit that you're right. The shoes are clearer when Tarrant comes in the second time. The first time is much more confusing. So there's nothing fucky about the shoes.
+White Soles
+Blood Stained on bottom makes them red
+Blue/Black on the body of the shoe
Fuck off retard.
This you and the boomer anthem everytime I see shit like this kill yourself
Thanks for making the pic.
ugh no blood anywhere liar also they turn blue and back again idiot those are barefeet keep up the conspiracy theory he had shoes on in a mosque
false second picture has bottom of right foot upturned clearly a blue sock not a sneaker and no pink or white to be found learn angle and check your eyesight
gets shot, shocked and unconscious
bleeds, and becomes conscious slowly
bleed reaches feet, tries to get up putting feet toward torso and staining them
then back down, leaving red bottom of feet second time around
low IQ response kill yourself judenrat atypical fucked mouthed faggotry from a mental midget their editing software took a shit it morphs slightly because of the blue pants in the 10:38 range its bad pixelation the bottom of his foot is upturned showing a blue underside…impossible when in comparison to the first barefoot crawling footage
Proof of the hoax they used shitty software for your low IQ 14/88 faggot psyop….congrats and being fucktards playing along with the scam…us real Polsters have already discredited your fake Mossad created avatar of autism…now go kys with the shills the big goys have arrived
No big deal. When I'm wrong, I own up to it as best I can.
Fucking pussies can’t even own their own white terrorist attacks whereas Islam claims responsibility within a millisecond.
You’re going nuts blaming Jews saying it’s a conspiracy. You’re pathetic. Islam will respond. We all know it. That sick fucks actions will lead to more white deaths. You dense motherfuckers need to fix up fast. Join the army if you want to protect your country.
Thats exactly what the jews want, a war between Christians and Muslims.
They were gonna do it anyway. They do it all the fucking time without provocation.
But let one of ours hit some of theirs for once and they cry and cry and make threats. What a bunch of overemotional bitches.
Fuck the Jews. America is fucking betraying their European heritage by pushing their Israeli agenda. Europeans fucking hate Americans. They don’t give a fuck that you’re white. You’re bastards to them. Half Irish half italian half this half that.
If these terrorist attacks start off a civil war I know what fucking side I’m on. Fucking retarded white cucks fixated on birth rates. It’s about quality rather than quantity. Islam is no fucking threat to us. They’ve respected Christianity historically. But if you’re a fucking pagan or atheist then Idgaf if they cut your head off. Fucking incels deserve to be dragged from their basements and shot.
Why would any muslim be wearing shoes inside a mosque?
All the jews itt trying to cover for their actor's fuckup. The feets are positioned in such a way that, in each of the two major pics related, entering and exiting hallway, some of the other side of the foots can be seen. Especially in the exiting pic related. Lel. Stupid jews can't ever do anything correctly.
Some people are utterly incapable of thinking for themselves.
Also this.
99% of this board unfortunately
You're exposing how fucking new you are. You realize the stream was posted here originally, right? Fucking moron.
If it was a false flag who cares. Muslim invaders welcomed in by traitors are dead and jews will be blamed because every conspiracy always connects back to International Jewry. Islam doesn't need an excuse to respond to anything you retarded pleb. Politics and reality of the world must be very confusing to you. White people are dying and victims of non-whites on an industrial scale, in just America let alone the rest of the Western World. Nothing is going to stop that. Doing something wont stop it. Doing nothing CERTAINLY will not stop it.
Go kvetch elsewhere. The world needs less flimsy men and more with hearts of iron and nerves of steel.
“Hearts of iron” did you see the video?? the man was FUCKING COWARD. I saw it five times and his COWARDICE was so fucking blatant. If that’s your “hero” you need your brain checked.
No ones fucking dying. We’ve got nukes. There’s plenty of white people in Russia. So calm down take a deep breath and stop fucking your daughter you complete degenerate. You’re all fucking cucks living in Thailand fucking trannies no wonder the white race isn’t reproducing.
Behave yourself, guest.
Calling him a coward makes you feel better, but changes nothing. War is war and a man incapable of understanding the sacrifice of a soldier or warrior is disconnected from his own people and their struggle.
This isn't about what is and who is a "Hero". That's just your sad attempt at moralfagging and making judgements on others because it makes you feel righteous. You're a petty little human hiding behind bigger men than yourself.
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Did that feel good?
Even though you're still frightened of the reality you're now facing?
He killed innocent civilians. Peaceful worshippers.
There was no honour in what he did. He furthered no fucking cause in fact he fucking made it worse. We are no better than the islamists. He had the chance to carry out his attacks in Turkey, Israel or Pakistan but he didn’t he picked the cuck country. Either you kill enemy combatants in their own country or you don’t fucking bother at all. Islamists invade our country and blow shit up. This fucking retard attacked his own white country.
They were shot while walking in fagget. Didn't have time to take them off before getting buckshot to the gut…
The mans a fucking coward. Ran away when he was properly confronted. Fucking useless. Just join the army you cucks. Let the neocons fuck shit up don’t bother
Bringing up honor. Oh ffs you're pulling the cliche liberal morality nonsense. Those same atheist types who reject any rule of law or encroachment on their absolute individuality in every aspect possible in life. Then go on to tell Christians about the bible and the law as if they represent either.
There is no Honor in this world. Not anymore. The last time a people, or nation, had honor was Nazi Germany and they all died in dishonorable fashion by godless moralfagging conscienceless victors. Being the noble side will not win you any victors in this era or in the distant future. Only those with the ruthless ability to do whats necessary to ensure absolute victory.
By all means go play the nobleman. You'd be accomplishing just as much by playing house like a little girl oblivious to the world around you.
The shills are doing a great job of giving this tragedy a nice conspiracy narrative. Very similiar to idiots arguing over the physics of 9/11 instead of Israel being behind 9/11.
GloboHomo does not want people speaking about this mosque attack because it begs some very obvious questions, and people are ripe for asking questions… oh boy just ask anyone if they want to live around blacks or muslims and you will be vindicated or met with uncomfortable lies.
Everyone is sick of this shit, and we all know the genocidal plan against whites has been perpetrated by SOMEONE. And that (((someone))) knows damn well that an underhanded genocidal plot, once discovered, will be met in kind in an overhanded extermination. One of the races on this planet of this game of poker has wagered "all in", and that should be all you have to know regarding the success of your progeny. *disappears like brother nathaniel in one of his videos*
I’d rather die like a Nazi again and again.
I picked my winning team before birth.
Say when.
how dare you call high IQ goyim "shills" just because your arguments are literal retard level doesn't make you smart but exposes how insolent and delusional your febble mind truly is
This is schizophrenia posting at its worst
Sage goes in all fields