ill start
I think there are more but I don't want to make a long post for memetic purposes.
What about you user?
ill start
I think there are more but I don't want to make a long post for memetic purposes.
What about you user?
I confess that I got to Starcucks sometimes, even though it is a (((progressive))) company. I don't know other Starbucks, but the one near is always filled with cute young white girls, so I chat them up.
Feds still thinking their entrapment data mining bullshit works here.
Really pathetic, you need to do the world a favor and kill yourself.
What a surprise
I predict this thing will get 200+ replies too because CM wants shit content like this on Zig Forums
You also need to be tortured to death just for the crime of listening to nigger music you filthy disgusting degenerate nigger.
You're too paranoid, I'm just user.
Oh ok, I guess I should be like other normal pocks and racemix and generally be anti-white.
It's just music though. I still think Chief Keef is a dumb nigger and should be shot to death.
cry moar dumb nigger
I drank two shots of whiskey to celebrate the happening in NZ; the sin being I never drink the alcoholic jew.
I jerk off.
I’m a mixed race teenage lurker. Never really posted, but I admire the white race and will probably die fighting for it. Waiting for shit to HTF. Learning welding soon.
my name is john podesta
So you're doing nothing and have already accepted defeat.
I've race mixed quit a bit. In fact I barely even had sex with a handful of white women. Black and Hispanic wah-men are simply attracted to me and keep throwing themselves at me, and I'm happy to reciprocate.
I'm not an alcoholfag but I did enjoy the footage alot. Did you also?
Me too, sadly.
I did nofap for a week though.
Haven't seen /sig/ threads so not currently motivated to stop fapping.
Read it, yeah. You're doing nothing. You're waiting.
I work for the tavistock institute
What are you doing? I’m curious. I assume you’re not a teenager.
user, I'm glad we have something in common.
Honestly, I'd fight for the white race too, but I've heard even from halfchan's Zig Forums that they would consider me lesser than what they consider a nigger. i.e. they would treat me with more contempt just because I was on Zig Forums's side.
The humiliation is too great. Plus, what would you say to your family?
ur gay
So you had kids with them?
Are you friends with any of them user?
My advice is for you to be a trojan horse; focus on getting a reliable skillset and position of power. I'm non-white and I'm slowly working my way up.
yeah, same here. I am the last white man in vancouver and can pick women up on the daily. Mostly chinese, filipina, latinas, indians. Cant even remember the last white woman i have slept with. Slept with one that i thought was white last month. Gave her the run down on white nationalism and then she told me that she's jewish. I am raw dogging as many non-whites as i can and am risking STDs in order to fill their wombs with white babies.
No no children. But I do find the COLONIZED.COM memes to be funny.
Why black women though?
I once fucked a negress. I should probably be gassed.
If you're in a trade, try to become a leader of a union. You need to focus on getting a position of power. I'm currently in a STEM graduate program for uni.
Honestly, all of you should "accidentally" impregnate those women, provided they can't trace it back to you of course. We need more white DNA in this plane tbh.
College educated upwardly mobile black women with white collar jobs flock to white men like stink on a monkey. They make asian girls look indifferent to white men in comparison.
How do you even get past their appearance? I can understand going for any race, but black women? It's disgusting.
Go to 4chan, half-nig. You're not welcome, wanted, or listened to here.
lots of them ask me to nut inside. I never have been pressed for child support or anything like that. I don't even "accidentally" do it. I just fuck them without a condom and dare them to do something about it. I'm past giving a fuck.
I red pill my family on the Jews and the conservation of their race and culture. Believe it or not but Hispanics are red pillable. To top it off much of my family are degenerate so I would not mind abandoning them for a meaningful cause. If they don’t understand, they are weak because I have made my motives clear to them in the past. I’d rather save future generations than doomed ones in the present.
My sin is that I'm a quarter jewish, feelsbadman.
Ehh I dunno many are unattractive on average yes but many can look very attractive to me as well. Then again I've been surrounded by them my whole life having grown up working white poor in Chicago so maybe i am just more accustomed to their features than others and am thus more forgiving.
no you are not white and if you actually like that music you dont know what it means to be white….
you look at rap and think thats being black, you look a pop music and think thats being white.
You dont know either because you dont actually hang around "real" white people. If being white was your normal state you would listen to classical music, but you dont , because its not. And you dont even know what white is.
You dont even know what being a nazi is. You are very ignorant and try to fill your head with ideas that match your feelings.
you are being maniuplated by this board and by the media you consume. Read history, youll understand that your existance is a product of many years of war.
youll also learn that you currenly dont know what it means to be white.
good luck
I think you're right honestly.
Although when I say "acting white" I mean not talking/walking like a nigger; I even do the white people smile, pic related.
Are you from 4chan?
Can you give me a quick rundown of "what if means to be white"?
Looks more like the random autistic kid smile, which I could see you perfecting.
I blacklisted it from my router.
Are you trying to send me back there?
I have a blacklist with 7 people's name in it.
I'm a Hart Celler American and where's the lies?
You act like them a lot.
What set it off for you, so I can stop doing it?
I quit smoking pot for Lent but I couldn't stay away from here due to the happenings.
More details please.
You sound like a joke.
that's the face white people make when they see other white people.
You know that "breathing" thing you do? Yeah, stop doing that .
This is a well documented face whites make. There's even memes about it.
I jack off way too much
but isn't that just niggers, the white version?
You are not what you say you are. Reading your posts, you come of as extremely insincere and fishing for information.
You're not black, you're translucent.
No bully plz
Don;t worry, you're still cool with me, Daywalker
exactly this is what you think white is , you even think that is a white person smile.
that is a smile of a unsure person.
you lisent to 69 you are actually black, and you dont like acting black because its not a good thing.
but you dont even know how to act white and you dont work hard at it. You think you have to talk a certain way and smile a certain way and that makes you white.
1) stop talking to black people
2) start listening to music made for white people by white people
3) eat like a white person
good luck , its alot harder than that , buy you are too far down the rabbit hole. I need you to do the first thing, stop supporting the people that hate you.
(looks up "white people smile" to get image for you … see your image as first result … lelz ur a jew and this is a 3000% demoralizing thread)
but we dont need you if you are not going to support our people so dont come here if you stay the way you are
Just name of people that I hate, and that I need to remember when my time to act arrives. :)
is that the "glow in the dark" reference?
you said quick so this might be vague but its
1) beauty, thats why we dont like rap music its an ugly art form of degenerates
2) cleaniness, we dont like drugs and even alcohol which is common in white circles is controlled by social norms (not for youth , in moderation)
3) excellence, hard work and ambition, reaching for the stars.
white people are the angles , closest to god, trying to make heaven on earth while we are here.
Niggers like you have no integrity. Keep joking about white genocide nig nog. This is probably just a phase for you.
Um does Seth MacFarlane look white to you guys?
I'm thinking some gook in there somewhere
You're the retard here. If OP is genuine and not a intelligence gathering honeypot, he IS half white. What makes you think he can't identify with his white ancestors, maybe he's Anglo Saxon English on his mother/father's side? Maybe he loves his English ancestors that built his country, maybe he loves his white ancestors for giving him and the world everything; electricity, automobiles, satellites, the internet, trains, planes, radio, flight, computers, the understanding of the cell, the understanding of the atom, modern medicine, industrialisation, cinema and movies, television, the telephone, video games, technology, conquered the world, the mobile phones and cameras used to record everything, became the envy of the world
You can't deny a man his ancestors no matter how much of a hemorrhoid you get trying to. You're doing what leftists do and attaching a character to your inbuilt narrative and when something challenges you to differ away from your narrative you sperg out
I'm not your English teacher, you can look up the definition for yourself.
I only jerk off at cuck porn, bestiality or roasties getting pissed on and humiliated. I don't even enjoy it anymore but i do it to remind myself that women are degenerate pieces of shit that would do the most depraved shit possible while they treated me like shit while growing up thus permanently fucking the way i view myself. Even if i fuck hookers i still am extremely disgusted by myself and onlyt hink about the fucked up porn that i watch
Seeing how vile these creatures are while society still coddles and gives them so many advantages makes me extremely hateful for humanity as a whole and makes me embrace white genocide because even if you were to create your utopia onlyt hese cunts would benefit from it. I might change my mind if we create sexbots with artificial wombs and we massacre all the cunts. though.
This is a template thread.
The original European religions are what made Europeans, European. The invading culture of Christianity had to assimilate the existing pagan rituals and cultural beliefs before it even felt right to the native peoples. When I delved into the native religions of the Celts, Brits, and Germanic tribes I felt something inside click that the Abrahamic religions couldn't compare with. It feels like you are embraced by the planet itself.
I acknowledge it's not even a smile (idk why they call it that), and not standard either, just more commonly observed amongst whites.
I agree, plus it also gives me a huge headache, I can't fathom how people talk in ebonics/jive all day.
so far what you've said about "acting white" is that I should listen to "white music" like classical music, and eating (eat like nobles?). I already listen to classical, although not that much, but still there, my favorite is "Ode an die Freude", godtier and the japanese made a cover (which I listen to also aside from the original)
I already don't talk to them, aside from my mother and my gf.
other than classical, any other?
I won't touch metal because I heard from exmetalfags that they are huge dicks.
just making a thread to see what polacks sin about
I literally support your people so much. I've gotten into countless arguments with my gf about it. She's even changed and sees the anti-white hatred now
I'ave always wanted to be white, I look up to white people in general because of the socieities they can build, and technological advancements they have brought. (although that much these days because I notice they're kind of cucks because they will keep on favoring other racial groups and are generally complicit in the rape and murder of their people)
so what you're saying is I shouldn't stay here because I listen to nigger music?
Racial mutts are degenerate and NOT ARYAN. Their blood has been poisoned. Hitler was 100% right in Mein Kampf for calling race-mixed bastards degenerates and inferior beings
I originally thought he was jewish or latino but maybe a criollo.
It's so easy to tell the newfaggots and shills ITT, true Zig Forumslacks would just sage and report this obvious datamining thread into oblivion.
I see. I've been wanting to change so I was thinking of doing /sig/, maybe that might help achieve that.
Keep on keepin' on, OP. Live your life, seek your own success.
Don't touch white girls tho.
I mooned my dad once when I was a kid running around with the neighborhood kids going toilet papering. He just shook his head and laughed. It was night and I did t know
There I said it
He can identify with his ancestors. I’m not saying he can’t, but being mixed race takes away part of your pride. It’s like having one foot out the door of your culture. I’m a little spergy but if someone doesn’t take white genocide seriously, why should we trust them? If someone is conflicted over being black and being white, why would they be consistent on being on one side? One convincing statement can make a mix raced person become a race traitor. I don’t think you can have two volks. If you have many volks you have none, unless you choose. Being conflicted about it is risky, don’t you think? Isn’t this why Hitler hated race mixing? If he can’t make up his mind and take his past seriously I’m not going to treat him seriously.
Why are you so hostile.
You remind me of a tumblror/redditor.
Or BLM when they said they don't have to teach whites on why they're racist or whatever, and that whites "should educate themselves."
glow brighter, nigger
Are you MGTOW then?
user, recognize white women are most loyal to white men (according to a study) regardless of what you might think because of propaganda.
Don't be a defeatist, and marry a white woman and have kids.
I see. What about the people who feel you're just larping.
Also, aren't modern pagans basically a metacult, .i.e don't they also support racemixing and care about racism too?
Nobody's arguing that mutts are Aryan though, what are you talking about?
People won't let me have sex with farm animals because they say it's a sick fetish. Now I just want to watch people get shot up in mosques and have their heads cut off because I'm pretty sure they deserve it.
I mean, if they can't let us people have simple freedoms or do simple things like have sex with animals, but they get into food fetishes and are too busy sniffing toilet seats at walmart, then I'm not opposed to watching other sick people take their freedom to worship shit and food ferishes by shooting and hacking them to pieces.
You shit up our catalog with a below cuckchan-tier thread, acting like a complete outsider. You want anons to confess their sins, making it seem like Zig Forums is a place filled with degenerates. Of course there immediately are a number of (1)'s happily obliging with the most disgusting stories, and acting sympathetic/empathetic to an obvious outsider and his little slide thread.
There is nothing organic about this, you are invading here. That is why I sound hostile.
And now you act like I hurt your feelings, before calling me names you think would hurt mine.
Would you like to know more?