First time poster, brought here by recent events and spent the day lurking.
I'm a centrist - e.g. I think the government should control the borders and stop illegal immigration, but I'm not on board with the race war, and I dont give a shit if gays marry, but until a scientist says they've observed a fourth gender in nature, I'll keep thinking there's men, women and whatever I saw in Amsterdam that one time.
The center is a lonely place to be right now - you just get shot from both sides. The middle ground has turned into mo man's land.
I have to work with progressives and it's a cult. Far leftists use their professional positions to further their own political views - thought-crime exists on that side, and if you're not constantly signaling your virtue, it can affect your ability to earn a living. It's an immature "black & white" way of seeing the world and I had hoped that nuance would return by now.
Basically, if you're not beating the progressive drum at all times, then they consider you a part of the right.
They don't see how they're fueling you. You guys are shut out of the conversation. On their side they're getting off on the power trip. They get to silence. They get to decide who speaks, and what the message is. On your side, not having a legitimate channel to air your views leaves you frustrated and seeking to be heard by any means necessary.
your indifference means you are too stupid understand what is happening
Jordan Long
It's going to get so much worse. You will get shot from both sides. No one will trust you.
David Scott
Are you White? If you are, you will come to care about the race war. You won't be given any choice.
Thomas Jenkins
at the end of the they you will be label a nazi, why don't you just lurk moar and then decide what you want to be
Jackson Edwards
Also a centrist. Welcome to hell.
Josiah Mitchell
centrists are simply too stupid to realize the pot is boiling. I mean, do they realize the impending implications of Texas turning blue? No… Do they even realize the implications of immigration rates to white countries? I mean, things are changing so rapidly most people probably aren't even aware of what has happened. Anyone who is a libertarian, Objectivist, or Constitutionalist is literally slow-poke tier meme material. The world has literally moved into a new paradigm where the free market has failed us in the face of market planning, and is actively being funneled into a system of complete control of the masses. The consolidation of power is well under way, and the on board-check mate power-play is the corruption of democratic control of governments in white nations.
Dominic Phillips
Weißbier Hell Never drink clear bier.
Samuel Clark
OP, since it's your time here I think this is a good opportunity to red pill you on some things.
I will share with you simply the dictionary definition of words.
The first is nation. A nation is a group of people who have a common culture and speak the same language. Since you get your language and your genes from your parents nation also implies race or ethnicity.
The second word is country. A country is a region that is identified as a distinct entity in political geography. Countries have borders.
By the definition of those two words American is not a country or a nation at this time. Let this sink in.
Neoconservatives like (((Ben Shapiro))) see America as purely an economic zone to be exploited. They don't see it as a nation with a people and a cultural heritage.
Liberals see America as part of the global communist Utopia where there are no border.
Muslims see us as a bunch of infidels to be beheaded because we don't believe in the same god as them.
Mexicans think it's ok to come here and shit on the sidewalk and (((bankers))) want them because Americans cannot possibly take on anymore debt. Part of the economic crisis of 2012 was because banks gave loans to illegal aliens. They have no social security number and it doesn't matter if they have bad credit. So when so many of them defaulted on their loans nobody could do anything. The government took your tax money and gave it to billionaires. It was just wrong.
The Declaration of Independence was written in English and signed by 56 white men. The historical presidence is that Americans are white English speakers. There's nothing wrong with this.
NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR BELIEFS YOU FUCKING NARCISSISTIC FAGGOT Kill yourself already because you're too much of a fucking pussy to pick a side.
Matthew Nguyen
I care. Go eat a dick you unproductive fuck.
David Reyes
Easton Walker
If the government stopped illegal immigration but lowered standards to the point anyone and everyone is allowed in, would that be fine ? The race war isn't some big coming event, it's the global human reality of ethnic and racial conflict that has been happening since forever. You can hate the race war and still acknowledge it as a persistent reality in human behavior. Gays cannot marry, as gays cannot unify two people into one. Marriage was steeped in metaphor because they assumed people wouldn't be retarded, but the act of marriage isn't throwing a wedding it's the actual event of first conception that joins two people together as parents of a new person, who is half one person and half the other. Gays can wear a wedding dress and throw a party, the simple reality is they cannot be married.
If you don't want to kill tranny demons and the soulless evil goblins who shoved them down our collective throats then you can FUCK RIGHT OFF
Adrian Taylor
ignorance is bliss, once you swallow the red pill it's life changing
Nicholas Phillips
What you need to understand: What are you in the "middle" of? If you don't know, the answer is "The overton window", i.e. the socially acceptable range of political beliefs.
The overton window moves constantly, and is strongly influenced by the media, and guess what? That makes the overton window at any given moment into a meaningless concept.
If you don't want race war, here's a "moderate" position for you: "My people don't deserve to die out". Fundamentally, you're as bad as any leftist if you can't agree with that basic concept.
Kevin Murphy
Lurk before posting. Also educate yourself on the jewish question.