I tried to non-chalantly have my close girlfriends stumble across Zig Forums to gauge how they would feel about being a part of saving the white race.
They were not fans at all, borderline want alCIAda to look into all of us (not like they arent already glowing up and down this board already).
As a 20 something white woman in the north east how the fuck do I get my normie friends into this shit without them screaming muh racism?
Fagget Normettes
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I'm not sure how to redpill women. Try redpilling cucked white men. They would listen to you probably. Especially if you can pose a good argument. It would really make a man think if we was beaten in debate by a woman. Beaten by a woman on the topic of the conservation of his culture and race, Lol.
Hello, fellow sister. If your story is true, one is you probably should stay user like me because telling people we're women on the internet isn't a good idea. Second is you can't do anything for most of them, listen to this video invidio.us
You can only find ones who do. I still feel bad a lot of women brought society to this point but not all of us. I wish men understood to save only women who can be saved.
Read up on some of our threads on female psychology and use it to your benefit when introducing new ideas to your friends. Group-think, jokes, and deep biases need to be validated and encouraged. Good luck user.
Youre probably right it, it sucks though I was originally redpilled by a close girlfriend and I want to keep the cycle going. I know so many that would make great wives and want lots of kids but they stay with cuck SJW pussys instead because we're in the north east. I'll take your suggestions to heart though, theres so much work to do.
Save the men. Level headed women are not the norm, and you know your braindead girlfriends would just listen to whatever the status quo says.
Who still actually controlnthe narratives? Not the women.
There have been times when I mention something off brand about sandniggers to men that I'm 80% sure agree with me and am met with silence. I dont know if its because they don't think I'm serious or if its because the pc police have confiscated their nuts already.
Lead by example. Find a good husband (before you hit 26) who will lead you and be a good father to his children. Be a good obedient wife and encourage him to be the best he can be. Abandon higher education and grow int your natural role. Ditch the electric tabby and socmed. Don’t drink. Eat healthy and exercise. Throw out red pills when you have accomplished the above but be subtle about it. Because your friends are normalfaggette shitlibs, their lives will inevitably be trash and semen-stained. They will either be inspired by your example or hate you for your success, at which point you disengage. If your husband doesn’t like them, ditch them because they are likely to poison your relationship.
The point is, you will do more for the white race following the above advice than redpilling thots. Geopolitics and daily struggle are a mans responsibility and one they beat happily. Really all you can hope to do is teach them to find a good man and a out getting ZOG’d but you will be far more effective if you practice what you preach.
Sage because we know you won’t do any of the above and have probably taken more dick in the last decade than there are stars in the visible galaxy, because that’s what the Jew has trained women to do since childhood. And of course, defanged fathers is the court system so they can’t prevent it.
Mistypes and vitriol aside, and in addition to the above you need to recognize above all if your frans are willing to or want to learn the truth.
One last thing, women are herd animals. You need to create an environment where the truth is the only way to live. One of your first priorities will be to get them to ditch the like whoring and selfie posting. And them seeing your success will help them to want to emulate it.
I am here trying to spread the good word faggot. I have had less than 3 partners and all of them were pure bread wasps. Only reason im not married with my own babes yet is I'm working on finding an alpha for myself as I love to serve but only to those worthy of it. They have potential as all white women do so even though youre a faggot shitstain thanks for the sound advice.
Stop being a pussy (lmao) and just announce your views to your friends and acquaintances, whenever a point in conversation comes where your politics become relevant. You will get off much easier since you're a woman. Furthermore, you will inspire men to look into it, especially if you defeat them in argument since they'll be humiliated.
user, I…
post tits
Good luck finding a good white woman thats had less than 5 partners. I think 3 at 24 is really good and they were all wonderful partners. I'm conservative but that graph is idealistic at best.
Glad to see some of /ourgirls/ posting. I am in desperate need of some advice in regards to women. I have a sister and a girlfriend, and neither of them seem to care about anything at all, my sister being the most brainwashed of the two. I've told my sister about what's happening in Europe, I've told her about what's in store for us, and I made the point of saying that my beliefs are not rooted in hate, but in love, because I don't want the things I've seen happen to others happen to my own. She flat out just thinks I'm a racist, and it's almost as if she lives her life in a way that she knows will anger me, as she has decided to partner up with a Vietnamese guy He's an okay dude, but I don't want him with my sister for the obvious reasons.
I've raised the JQ to my gf once, pointing out the disproportional representation of jews in media and in corporations and whatnot, and I showed her the prophecies in the Bible we're somewhat religious about how there will be those who call themselves jews, but are not, and prompted the idea that we are being deceived. I have also shown her evidence that our media is being controlled, and she said "okay so what are you going to do about it??"
They either refuse to listen to me, or they try to discredit me by saying that it's pointless. What do I do? I don't want to give up hope on them, but they're making this shit difficult. It seems that the only person who will ever listen to me is my grandmother funnily enough.
Got a protonmail?
Zig Forums is not your dating site, you fucking degenerate.
Spread the "yellow dick small dick" meme to them. Best thing is it's true.
If anyone suggests that nigger dicks are better, show them pictures of ugly rotten tiny nigger dicks to put them off the idea.
>>> Accelerate >>>
I know exactly how you feel and it seems a lot of the others are right that some women just arnt capable/ too far in the void, to see the truth.
You sister doing things solely to piss you off is just a trait we all have built into us unfortunately. It should wear off once she sees how nasty chinks can be and how ugly their bodies are compared to ours.
I know for me, I was sold on the fact that our people are literally being out breed by fucking savages. So I have made a point to highlight the problems of non-whites against the benefits of whites to my girlfriend's slowly over time. Godspeed, im happy to hear your girl is at least more openminded.
Are we doing Hyper-Nationalist dating at some point? I suppose there could be a board for that…
We are moving on up *Its Happening*
Women typically don't have ability to emotionally handle these things. Women shouldn't be involved in politics or progression of the human race. They are good at raising kids, having kids, emotional support, and house work. Whether or not a woman understands geopolitics and a analytical breakdown of lets say, the current state of South Africa as an example, doesn't matter. A woman will eventually seek a few things if she isn't a genetic throw away.
Academia and media lead them in the direction of work, politics, and garbage they have no place in. They will within a few years realize what they want and look for the above. If they didn't fuck up too hard in the years it took them to figure it out, they will usually end up happy and get what they want.
The current standards for women and men are so low.
Expectations of a woman.
Expectations of a man
If you can't handle those 3 basic things you should just kys.
No point in that. It'd be a sausage fest. If you want stuff like that to happen, we first need to redpill white women, and then it wouldn't be necessary because once you redpill a critical mass of women (or men) the rest will follow suit.
On an unrelated note, who's got the picture of the girl who wrote Brenton Tarrant on her thigh?