Public and media pro-muslim bias

Why is only one side of the story given attention in western countries?
This year there have been hundreds of islamic, including church massacres, and no one cares. It's mentioned in passing if at all.
ONE attack against muslims happen and it's international news. Laws are changed, debates are had, and 'alt-right' places are censored and reviled.

Even forgetting the media, it seems westerners themselves actually care more about muslims being attacked than themselves.

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Other urls found in this thread:


if the police don't protect you, who do they really protect?
if the government doesn't serve you, who do they serve?
if the press don't report to you faithfully, who do they report to?
if this country doesn't have its own citizens safety and livelihood in its interests, whose safety and livelihood takes higher priority?

people need to associate failure with favoritism, excuses for treason

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This line of reasoning is wrong.
Whites are going to be a minority in europe and america by 2050.
Already over half of all babies are non-white in these countries. What do you think the world is going to look like in 20 years? We are shit out of time.

You can be a dumbass and waste years trying to convince the populace and vote yourself out of trouble. But it will be too late.

You could cut the head of the snake today with a few key assassinations… and then you would still die under a brown wave in 20 years.

There is only one option. The shitstorm needs to happen TODAY.

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mossad were found creating ISIS cells in Christchurch
Hence the jewish medias spin that the jewish terrorist org Al Qaida had a cell there

Only you knew this as you insinuated muslims control our media

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great idea genius

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this spamarino disavows the claim that inbred shitskin invaders being killed is bad


Hm. Maybe I have a specific apology to make to the US government. “They do” indeed… Blight.

The above is as much apology as is practical to give, and in any case the problem might still be fascistic liars who claim that “having set the minimum wage, even were it an error, taking it down might create a problem larger still” as an excuse to conserve blunders and suppress progress.

There are techniques that aren’t practically effective - certainly not as implemented by China and Cuba.


Because the average person who has been under the influence of (((leftist))) media from all sides their whole life won't look at the shooting and go "ah great, finally somebody took out some of those fucking muds at least". They will go something along the lines of "look at these poor dead innocents". Most people in europe aren't actually affected by the muds at all, except the germans and french, they haven't realised the demographic war going on, they don't feel that threatened by the muds.

Muslims and other non-whites are tools of the Jews. The Jews own and control western media. The aim is to facilitate the Kalergi-Plan of creating a European economic region without borders, cultures or distinct peoples.

its about priorities. the population bomb is ticking.

People will awaken when triggered nogs are breaking down their doors. Nothing else will do it at this point.

Or do you think Hitler would have done better going after the Jews alone, without awakening people?

This is due to jewish pro-diversity propaganda. "Love the invader. Hate your race."

Surprise! You've just realized that the left's goal isn't to tell the truth, but to maintain an ideological stronghold through fearmongering and deception. They want right-wing ideals to be eradicated from the mainstream discourse because it would benefit them politically. One terrorist attack was done by a muslim today in the Netherlands, but all media outlets wouldn't give the retaliation attack the same amount airtime as the New Zealand attack.

The left acts out of power, never principle. And that's why anyone with brain will notice their double standards with regards to every single issue out there.

Nice strawman, here's your (you)

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What you accelerationist idiots don't understand is that the tide was already turning. Like Bolsonaro said, let the left act like idiots and people will gravitate right.

Likewise, if you people act like idiots people will gravitate left.

They won't wake up as long as they have that propaganda airing. What will prevent propagandists from humanizing nogs who rape them and break down their doors? They already demonize traditionalism through the inclusion of desaturated lighting and b-grade horror music, and a lot of dumb people eat that shit up.

That's why governments and the media are making a concerted effort to suppress speech, self-defense (firearms/knives), and secrecy (privacy). They want to prevent you from telling the truth, they want you to remain defenseless against your attackers, and they want to prevent you from forming organizing against their duplicity.

You're right, but a lot of people will call you a "cuck" for it. I have the feeling that it's trannies and leftists who pretend to be extreeeeeeeeeme genocidal nahtzees online.

The US is going to be minority white in 20 years.
A tide won't be enough. Only a tsunami.


Organize, organize, organize. That is all that matters. Tarrant just got your organization blown to shit.

Fuck off, you goddamn newfag.

this post glows.

Thanks for dropping all pretenses of actually caring about this place, Codemonkey!

It’s already minority white. The “minority” point does not matter at all. Whites aren’t going to fight back.

So do nothing, got it.
No, no one was organizing before, and no one is going to organize now.

thank you for the effort post