kys shillfags
Kys shillfags
There isn't one legitimate pol/ack cheering this on, it's just a continuation of the Kushner paid isreali hasbara pretending that whites act and think like bloodlusting isreali jews
Reminder that anyone worshiping the coward is a useful idiot for the Zionists and thr leftist media. Stop being dumb Zig Forums. You are better than this.
I don't see you killing no muslims.
These are literal paid jews shill.
My prediction is some sandniggers are going to kill some people and then some other white retards are going to shoot up some more niggers and/or sandniggers. I’m a genius with a huge cock.
Cuz it’s so hard to predict ppl will kill eachother.
literal piles of dead niggers > your optics bullshit
Stay mad shill
No, YOU stay mad, shill.
Heccin gæ is what it is
Zig Forums welcomes all opposition to wannabe conquerors.
It must be understood that there are two kinds of primitives. The first kind hates technology. The second kind of primitive loves technology they abuse it until the first kind of primitive predominates.
There are certain techniques that don’t work as implemented by China and Cuba, but which never would have been conceived of in those places if primitivism hadn’t infestec US tech direction.
People who look at a disaster and say, “this is terrible, but fixing it would bring about a worse situation,” must be understood as a kind of conservative - not friends of progress, not special virtuous people, but simply as harbingers of the old ways.
If the minimum wage is a disaster, quit whining about how fixing it would be worse, and fix it already. If that was a reference to something else, fix THAT! Instead of infesting society with lies about the way things must be, embrace truth and progress.
Exposures of that which only corrupted loyalists would protect are a thing that ought to happen. Truth empowers all.
Pls cuck to our optics! Pls care about the lying press!
Clearly a jewish operation
Shill detected. KYS
Tarrant is just Baruch Goldstein with a fake name referencing Alice in Wonderland. Shills on 8ch want a wave of white supremacist violence to desperately create any Western police state to replace America.
Posting in a damage control JTRIG thread.
Sage goes in all fields.
Sage does nothing. KYS shillfag
First post is always a kike.
Fuck Trump.
As if his "prediction" is of any significance or been being discussed. 50 dead sand niggers and more coming.
The Western Police State has already happened, you dumb boomer faggot.
Global Reported for Actual Down Syndrome Mental Deranged Reject Kike Apologism. an Erroneous Fling of actual Shit. The Shooter Exactly Exposed the Media State's Authoritarian Jewtism and Also yours. Literally Point the Barrel in your Mouth. We're waiting sweetie
Global Reported for Actual Down Syndrome Mental Deranged Reject Kike Apologism. an Erroneous Fling of actual Shit. The Shooter Exactly Exposed the Media State's Authoritarian Jewtism and Also yours. Literally Point the Barrel in your Mouth. We're waiting sweetie