Pfft, fuck off, LARPagan, Christianity is a EUROPEAN religion, which us why we worship the Jewish messiah. It is Aryan and red-pilled, and Jews HATE it, that's why they HATE how the United States is mostly Creationist Christians that would give the shirt off their back for Israel. Get red pilled, faggot.
Jayden White
dob jej kikes
Carson Jackson
Stop spreading your tweets kike. Go back to cuckchan.
Ryder Edwards
Uhh akshually Christianity despite its Jewish roots is a fundamentally white and Aryan religion, never mind that the entire book revolves around dunecoons and Jews LARPing in the desert about slave-mentality and xenophilia – it’s pro white!
Benjamin Sanders
You aren't fooling anyone
Liam Watson
Christianity and its cucked message and love for "God's chosen people" bullshit has and will always be a cancer infecting the minds of non-Jews.
How many billions of dollars have Christian churches swindled out of church goers pockets with the tithe scam? Not only does Christianity ensure well meaning people are subservient to "God's chosen people" and their bullshit agenda but it also has a self funding mechanism to rob the people at the same time.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are pure cancer. Kill the desert rats and their desert rat religions.
Jesus wouldn't be LARPing like DRUMPF and he would actually build that wall. He would also call the horsemen to cleanse Wall Street, Hollywood and the Federal Bank Reserve.
Does anyone have the clean picture? Without the text
Camden Phillips
That's protestantism, try orthodox or Catholicism.
Daniel Reed
Back to your containment board, Chaim >>>Zig Forums
Ryan Brooks
This, all the so-called Abrahamic religions are toxic to Western values and to scientific and intellectual progress. Not to mention, they're all inauthentic because they all plagiarize Pagan religions and just add a Jewish spin to make them seem like something different. Judaism plagiarizes Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Canaanite beliefs, and pretty much all of the Old Testament was composed in or after the 6th century BCE, centuries after the alleged events of the Torah took place, and had been oral tradition prior (you'll notice many of the stories contained therein seem awfully similar to older pagan legends). Having been polytheists in the past and later becoming monolatrists and then monotheists, somehow the Jews managed to convince themselves that they were "god's chosen people" and that a messiah would come and save them from their "oppressors". Over the next few centuries, Jews would continue to take influence from other Pagan religions like Zoroastrianism until eventually they created Christianity in the 1st century CE as a religious and political group, apparently led by some fanatic claiming to be the Jewish messiah and going around preaching all sorts of religious and political reform. Afterwards, his initial followers (all Jewish, of course) decided it would be a good idea to try and get the goyim on board. Of course, this new Jewish sect spawned several different groups within only a few decades, each calling the others "heretics" until they managed to infiltrate Rome and the emperor decided to establish a set of beliefs that would become the "official" Christianity (in the Council of Nicaea), which remains the "orthodox" Christianity we know today (although that managed to split into a thousand different sects, too). Then there's Islam, started by an insane pedophile that was pretending to be a prophet so he could get all the things he wanted, and his followers obeyed him without question and killed everyone that didn't convert. They also took from paganism, and many of the stories found in the Qur'an and the Hadith are taken from pagan Arab folklore. All these Abrahamic faiths are cut from the same (((cloth))).
If that was actually the case in any Christians mind, that has to be the most low IQ Machiavellian tactic I've ever seen. I know there are some that believe this. I've seen the documentaries of them in Israel saying as much so I know there are grug brained Christians that actually believe this.
Not only is it the dumbest strategy ever thought up by far smarter jews who see right through it and can use that to make your life harder and theirs better on the day-to-day basis, but you're essentially failing at the religious doctrine any way you slice it. God gave man the earthly domain to watch over while he controls the heavens. You're essentially failing in your one task by supporting known enemies of God so he can come down and do all the work for you.
Xavier Jenkins
Blame your New Testament for "prophesying" it would happen, maybe then christcucks wouldn't be so obsessed with sucking circumcised Israeli dick.
Carter Howard
We are Christian, but not stupid.
We are tolerant, but not stupid.
Dangerous alien elements will be kept outside.
Anyone participating in anything against Christians or the Western civilisation will be severely punished. Real power is with white Christians, economic power, military power etc. Are all Christian. Western countries can destroy any mudslime or African country by a simple trade embargo, it is a matter of a stroke of a pen. Look at Venezuela now. White people can do the same to any other country or economy.
In history, white Christians have always punished aggressive non-Christian countries or groups. We have always won against moslems, always. They are weaker than white Christians. They will always lose. If they want peace and prosperity, they will have to do what Europe wants them to do.
Nathaniel Flores
Jesus would nevet want us to let in dangerous anti-Christians who pose a threat to Christians.
There is a difference between being tolerant and being stupid.
Tolerating dangerous aliens who are unwilling to follow basic laws and norms is stupid, it's not Christian.
God gave us intelligence for a reason. He expects us to use it.
Dangerous moslems have absolutely no place in Christian society. No ifs, no buts, no fake arguments matter.
God gave us, and not the other groups, the ability to develop and manufacture modern weapons to allow us to protect ourselves from dangerous non-Christians.
Why would you have to tolerate satanic moslems? There is nothing Christian about allowing moslems to terrorise Christians.
Same neo-judaic christian trash. Different names. Abrahamicism is the poison. Christians have always been the biggest ally of the Jew. It was the common culturally Pagan European man who rebelled against Jewish tyranny and christian degenaracy.
Reminder that only niggers are LARPagans. They literally can't help themselves and sre forced to revert to the thing that has kept them down for so long.
Didn't mean to post that image twice. Pic related should be the first image. Orthodox Christian degenaracy in Georgia & Greece. Yeah they love Jews and their desert holy land Israel too.. while importing millions of christian Africans into our Europe.
I don't know what to believe anymore, I was raised as a Protestant but almost every Baptist and evangelical church cucks out for Israel. The south even modern times wants to be the goyim for (((chosen ones))))
Henry Allen
Fuck "diverse" Rome. Fuck your Desert Death Cult Slave religion.
WE are ALWAYS home!
Hudson Adams
Yikes, the absolute state.
The projection is strong with this one. The only religion full of niggers is yours, retard. You mean the thing that built Western Civilization? Fuck off with your Marxist pedophile church, catholicuck. Go be degenerate somewhere else. The Roman church is the worst thing that ever happened to Europe, it kept us down intellectually, scientifically, philosophically, and spiritually for centuries. Your popes and bishops were some of the most depraved people in history, second only to the kikes they bent the knee to.
Gavin Bailey
Even though it uplifted you from the mud and is the only reason why you even know about genetics and your white race. You have to be the most useful idiot to think the religion that has persecuted jews for thousands of years is controlled by kikery.
But yeah, just keep dancing in the mud and being a good goy.
And [Jesus] answered, “It is not fair to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” (Matt 15:26)
The same chapter of Matthew applies here:
Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, “Why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat.” He answered them, “And why do you transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? For God commanded, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘He who speaks evil of father or mother, let him surely die.’ But you say, ‘If any one tells his father or his mother, What you would have gained from me is given to God, he need not honor his father.’ So, for the sake of your tradition, you have made void the word of God. You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said:
‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.’”
Brody Flores
Science took off, after Martin Luther liberated us from the kiked church. You can see graphics, that highlight this shit.
We could be 500 years in the future wihtout the fucking church!
The church robbed us from our true religious roots. Fuck all 3 abrahamitic plagues!
Jacob Carter
It was the Europeans who made christianity great not the other way around.
Exactly! Without europe, christcuckness would be nothing. Sadly enough, christcuckness was used as a power tool back in the day. Now Islam shall take this role, but we refuse to accept this. We will return to our true roots.
Our true god, lives in our aryan blood!
Colton Jones
It's simple: Stop watching porn and start watching ThuleanPerspective. Then you will stop bending your knees to dead rabbi on a stick and re discover your Pagan heritage.
FYI You are already a Pagan if you are White. Our religion does not seek converts, it is a blood and soil religion.
How ignorant do you have to be to say something so retarded? Do you not know what Greco-Roman Civilization is? Or about any of the other Aryan civilizations before christcuckery?
We had already known about the white race even before we knew about genetics, you don't need genes to know that there are different races. And what about him being a catholicuck made him able to discover genetics? Mendel isn't the only geneticist in history, you know. By the way, do you accept evolution as fact, or are you a creationistard? The Roman church has already accepted it as a fact.
This pretty much says it all.
>>>/asatru/ You can start there. Varg from ThuleanPerspective is also somewhat helpful for beginners, although I find his interpretations of pagan legends questionable. Just research ancient European religions and myths and read what you can find. Learning about the spiritual and esoteric side of National Socialism is also a good place to start.
Justin Cox
Ron Coleman is correct. Jews invented Christianity, which is why he's "pretty sure" that Christians are mistaken that all Jews will die in the end times.
The fact is that the Christians believe that all real Christians will die as well.
The Jews have them literally praying for their "end time" total genocide at the hands of the Jews; which Christians call the "Rapture" (protip: there is nothing good about "going to heaven". It just means your dead / have been murdered in this context).
Islam, also invented by Jews, believes that all Muslims will die.
In end time Semitic eschatology, all three religions converge to believe that everyone will be genocided. The exception is that the Jews believe that everyone will be totally genocided but them.
The Jews will survive to rule the world. And they authored the other two religions, which are only meant to bring about the Jewish apocalypse.
Jewish prophecies have Israel draw the entire world into a war against Israel. The result of which is that all other peoples are genocided and the Jews remain to rule the world. Per their books.
All of this is meant to increasingly draw people into a fight with the Jews so that they have an excuse to genocide everyone.
Its likely that Right Wing governments will come into power in Europe to make that happen.
Stop taking the bait. Your precious LARPagan whites are as deceived as the white Churchians. The problem is that most people are incapable of thinking for themselves, and Israel worship just happens to be the current dominant paradigm. Reminder that "blood libel" was a thing during the Christian age of Europe. Also reminder that Christian Europe actually kicked out jews, whereas modern secular Europe (inclusive of former colonies like USA, Aus, etc.) is sucking circumcised cocks as hard as it can.
Oliver Phillips
Any Magyar or Romanian legends and myths? I am half of each but I don't speak very much of either.
Connor Taylor
Christians are like communists or like moslems. They are egalitarian. Everyone is equal. This is the root of all semitic bs.
If christians want to fight with me against this degeneracy, than fine. But the church is rotten to the core. It has no place in europe. the buildings can remain, because they are beautiful examples of aryan architecture.
Josiah Nelson
Research the Dacian Dragon. The dragon is the snake. The snake is eternity!
Eternity = aryan blood!
Jack Roberts
That's a ridiculous lie. Christians did not believe in equality until the Enlightenment took hold. Read the Bible, it even teaches that women need to be silent in church and submit to the authority of their husbands.
If you want to be mad about the philosophy of equality you can thank the fedoras for undermining Christian teachings because they wanted muh cummies.
Oliver Price
Second pic is provably false by one story in the bible; Tower of Babel
Christians need to stop believing in equality, then. Right now in practice 90% of them love racemixing and being ethnically replaced in our own countries as long as the invaders put their hand on a book and say the right things. They love having their daughters BASTEd by christian niggers. And they love turning the other cheek while mudslimes rape our women and miscegenate us into oblivion. Stand up for your race on Zig Forums and get banned. Stand up in your church and get ostracized.
It's a pretty sick religion to be honest. It's too polluted with contradictions to take seriously, yet the only ones who take it seriously are those with the mental capacity to see through it. Judaism and Islam, to a much higher degree than Christianity, are able to work because its racialized still.
Meanwhile they see us and our outlook as completely foreign, incoherent, and full of contradictions even though they aren't. The reason why is we aren't preaching from a universalist one human-fits-all model, but coming from a very clear and specific viewpoint. A universalist is incapable of understanding very basic concepts. It's why when people mock Christianity they're not mocking people for for religious reasons, they're mocking them because ultimately it's a destructive force in its current form against all races and nations working to create a universal man that has nothing unique about him. A golem in the truest most appalling sense of the word.
Jordan Morris
Equal in Christ =/= Equal on earth. Jews always were considered inferior and had inferior laws under the rule of a Christian King. And women always were to submit to their husbands.
Charles Gomez
Joseph Gomez
there are passages in the gospel about not letting men from other faiths into your communities.
Gavin Long
Christians also need to stop converting jews and allowing jews to be cypto-jews within the religion and include include Hebrew prayers within the church. Why do you think most church denominations opens on Saturday night along the Sunday morning ? Saturday church was to make jews feel more welcomed.
Then you tell me, user, WHERE do you go to get away from equality whoredom? The blue hairs hate God, the literal LARPers (I mean, I have friends that literally LARP) hate God or are apathetic and still think that women should be pedestalized, even the secular parts of the manosphere (Roosh) suffer from the equality delusion. Wiccans do it too. The point is that equalism is a cancerous element that invades everything, and the church is no exception. Even Asia is falling to the cancer.
You just notice the Christians more because you live among them.
Noah Perry
Catholicism is boring and very immigration-friendly. Conservative protestant churches are less boring, and they also support immigration, but they hide it so as not to scare off their base.
If you are looking for a girl or a community, your best bet would be non-denominational or Southern Baptist. As you know, most churches don't get much into politics during services. Don't give them a fucking penny, ever.
I'm not Christian, but I have been in a number of Christian churches over the years.
Pretty much every society in history (the ones that actually prospered, that is) knew the place of women. It's only now because of Marxism and Frankfurt school bullshit that you have feminism emerging and infecting everything, but before that, women knew their place.
Ryder Campbell
That's pretty fucking cool.
Cameron Ross
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a small favour? Come join this super active Zig Forums Discord server p-please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did… so join using this link right now: discord .gg/s9Brkcp
How many kids did that Catholic monk have? I mean, since he is so smart, you of course would want him to have lots of kids. You certainly wouldn't want him to be in some organization where people practice celibacy and don't get married.
Jaxson Reyes
How many of these "christians" have generally read the bible. It would be an interesting study. Honestly the only good christian is a non denominational one because you can basically assure they have atleast read the bible. Here is a redpill follow the teachings of the bible and salvation shall come. Let me ask you a question do you think fornication is ok?
Aiden Fisher
The ability to use proper grammar is apparently not part of the deal.
Isaac Perez
this is the problem. a lot of these fags have a narrow perspective of what the equality meme affects. the truth is it's everything, and Christianity is no exception. anything, even something "inherently good" is infected by this malaise
nope, women never knew their place and we can assume that women have destroyed many civilizations already because nobody put them in their place. Sparta had a largely female centric inheritance system and who defeated them? nobdy, they literally just died out and became a village. One day they just stopped existing, no army had to kill them. I read about how as far back as Babylonic times the people there raged about how female singers at street corners were getting unfairly rich beyond measure and female judges were a travesty and were going to lead to ruin. This is a never ending cycle of men trying to gain the upper hand in the sexual market by cucking out to women. Yes men, I blame it 100% on men. Not 50%. Not 10%. 100% on men. Women have no power except the one that we give them. All they can do is whine, nothing else. You gotta realize how strong these dynamics are, even in places like Afghanistan were women are *actually* being stoned to death, some whores still commit adultery. They just cannot help themselves. But yes, it curbs it a lot hence why they have 10 children each instead of 1.3
Christopher Gutierrez
According to whom? To you? What is it that makes you say that? And what makes you think we are in need of "salvation" anyway? Salvation from what, the Jewish god? Our "sins"? Sin is a made-up concept to get people to hate themselves and be afraid of hell so they'll buy into Christcuckery. Humans aren't perfect, and we commit error. It's just what we do. Take charge of your own spirituality. It's unclear whom you're asking but I'll answer anyway. I think most people here agree that sex purely for recreation (especially with someone you are not committed to), as well as promiscuity, are immoral and degenerate actions that only retarded nihilistic hedonists take part in.
Elijah Lee
bullshit, you know damn well that you have done wrong in life. God is perfect and demands perfection. That is the only logical thought for this life. If you havent been perfect, you need salvation because whoever created this universe will absolutely rek your shit when the time comes and you die. Any other God or belief is irrelevant, they all believe in gradual payment for sins in hell and then you get out and you're fine. The christian God is literally the only God that makes any sense to believe in because he created a world where a single mistake can kill you for good. It only makes sense that the afterlife is just like that.
David Davis
The bible is the word of God its words are absolute. To me modern "christians" are worse than pagans because they actively commit blasphemy while pretending they are christians its disgusting tbh. Seriously read the bible come to your own conclusion. Never take anyones word until you have read the bible and became familiar with it then make assumptions if they truly know the faith. Start with Genesis it's better to get the whole story.
Nathan Garcia
dude he isnt going to understand the bible, it will make zero sense without a good preacher to explain it. Just tell him that Steven Anderson is the modern day prophet of God because that's how it is. He needs to just watch everything that Steven Anderson is saying.
Jace Young
Sad but true, women tend to be that way by nature when allowed to be, but men have failed to keep them in check and allowed them to do whatever they please just so they can hope to have sex. When the men fail to be leaders, that's when both sexes suffer and everything goes to shit.
I would think it the civilizations that had stricter standards and expectations and actually tried to maintain the structure would do the best. Of course, nowadays our advancements in medical science have been both a blessing and a curse, since people can live depraved lifestyles devoid of virtue and have the consequences of those lifestyles more or less alleviated by physicians and surgeons, rather than simply being wiped out like they would have been in the past. We've removed ourselves so much from nature that it's allowed the worst among us to survive and spread.
In Sparta's case, I assume that's because most of the men were trained to be soldiers from infancy and would either spend most of their time training or in battle, or would die in battle.
Samuel Reyes
Correct. 1 Corinthians 1:27.
Gabriel Johnson
Perfect example is this faggot. Do you think we are stupid? Not only that he does weddings with whites and blacks despite this part being in the first fucking book
6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
Lincoln Powell
it's perfectly biblical for pastors and churches to exist to help you understand the bible and grow. They dont just exist as a joke, they have a purpose. I have no idea how these verses are related to blacks marrying whites but just to be clear: I agree with him that the bible does not inherently forbid race mixing, that much is obvious. However since the bible wants nations to be separate, we can assume that some separation of races may also be desirable. The bible also btw says that all can be equal in *faith*. Nowhere afaik does it say that everyone is equal, neither racially nor in any other way. Because that would be retarded.
Eli Martinez
If you are wondering why this is even relevant. There is this verse which states that the end times will be similar to the days of noah. So if we go by chapter 6:1-9 race mixing is apart of that(At least we don't have to deal with giants).
Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
God got so pissed with man breeding with angels he was going to destroy mankind(really womens fault here tbh). Its especially anti race mixing. God flooded the world because of the disgust of mixing. Why the fuck would he suddenly allow blacks and whites 2 seperate species to mix. Why shouldn't we trust pastors Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Nathan Campbell
Well this is the crux of the problem. There are no unkiked institutions anymore. All we have is a legacy is National Socialism, our blood, and maybe pagan beliefs from before (((Christianity))) took over. I don't know the answer, but it sure as fuck isn't Christianity. As far as I can tell the only hope we have is something like National Socialism rising against in the face of collapse due to massive economic, racial, and other strife that knocks normalfags out of comfort and back to reality.
Parker Perry
There are passages from the Hebrew old testament and the jewish-written Greek new testament that tell you all sorts of contradictory shit. That's why you can justify anything with the bible. It's a universalist desert religion designed for broad appeal. There were many competing prophets trying to gain fame and shekels at the time in the middle east. Opportunistic, charismatic swindlers rarely go out of style.
Adam Wilson
Depends. I'm Eastern Orthodox and Nationalism is part of our tradition and many of our church fathers spilled blood to protect their respective nations. This is because Orthodox is not globalist, but localist. It is a religion with a focus on community, but that's not why I partake in the faith. It's anti globalist which means anti Judaism. I admit that Protestantism and Catholicism are problematic though.
Owen Perez
Super active and minimal rules Zig Forums server, allows Christchurch discussion/media sharing unlike all of the other cucked servers: discord .gg/ymxFyhu
that's what atheists always say, yet there is no actual proof of any contradiction anywhere
Samuel Russell
You've got a good point. But unless you're reading the original hebrew, or old greek, or a ridiculously scholarly attempt to translate to perhaps modern greek, you're reading a whisper down the alley version. Which might not be such a big deal if you weren't taking it literally and basing your life decisions on it at face value rather than considering the merits of what is said on their own, like when reading translations of philosophical treatises.
Lincoln Hughes
Everyone has done wrong in life, that means nothing. Like I said, humans commit error. You learn from your mistakes and you move on, you don't grovel before a kike on a stick and beg him to make your problems go away. If "god" wanted us to be perfect, he should have made us perfect. Evidently he failed to do that, so the fault is on him (if we were to grant that Yahweh is the creator). Then he should have made everything perfect. If things were perfect then nothing could go wrong. Why would he be so butthurt over mere creatures being fallible if that's how he made us? It's funny how a supposedly perfect deity could lament what he created, since that just means he wasn't perfect and wasn't able to do what he wanted. According to the book of Jewish lore, which I'm under no obligation to believe, nor do I have a reason to. Not everything has the same paradigms and constructs as Abrahamic religions, nor do they need to. Many religions speak of reincarnation, or have different ideas about the afterlife. Only the Abrahamic god has you suffering for all of eternity for even the smallest misdemeanors, as far as I know. The Christian god is Yahweh, and Yahweh is a just one among many other deities (or at least he was, before the Jews changed the stories to make him the supreme god, see ). For some reason, we in the West have come to erroneously equivocate Yahweh with the philosophical concept of God as a maximally great being, with no justification for it whatsoever. That's not a reason to accept the Christian god. Total non-sequitur.
I used to be a Christian, so I think I know enough about it to draw my own conclusions. And Steven Anderson is a crazy KJV-onlyist that let his daughter marry a nigger, just because he's anti-Zionist doesn't mean he's "BASED AND RED-PILLED!"
Daniel Rogers
I'm quite sure there are a couple of translations out there on the internet.
Chase White
This is the black knight pill. Civilization is only possible due to repression of the female nature to whore and push, push, push, as exemplified by monogamy. But even monogamy is not enough. They cannot be allowed to vote or hold office, or work alongside men. Civilization is only possible when men stop backstabbing each other long enough, and to a sufficient amount, that we can cooperative on working toward a greater common goal.
Every catholic I know no longer goes to church and thinks the pope is an idiot. The only real Catholics anymore that are catholic in more than just claiming to be a catholic are spics, at least in the US.
Brayden Turner
Yes because showing a tweet from pope satan's best friend is completely btfo christianity. Not that the catholic church has ==NEVER== been corrupt before then.
Gavin Robinson
of course we disavow random killings that have no effect. All foolishness is a sin, even the thought of it is. if he were a christian he would never have planned to get caught because he would have been convinced that he was righteously doing the right thing, so why get caught doing the right thing? And if he had been a christian he would have done something intelligent instead of randomly kill people which any idiot can tell, has no effect as we have already seen with Breivik (as if we needed a confirmation)