Three people have been killed following a shooting on a tram in the central Dutch city of Utrecht, the city's mayor says.
Details here:
Utrecht shooting: Three dead after attack on tram
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That's kampfy, he is a regular poster here.
People or nonwhites?
Pffft 3 people. Hardly a Tarrant. Wannabe
Why do these goatfuckers never know how to aim?
keep going with this
Zig Forums and members of the tribe are relentlessly attacking the older thread, usually an indication of its importance
fucking kebab
Because they come from cultures that didn't develop guns organically. To the subhumans, guns are magic spell-casting devices that hex enemies with loud noises. Whites, who developed guns naturally after a long period of acclimatization, view them as tools for terminating life. That's why we aim – the same reason we're careful about where a hammer falls or a screwdriver sticks. Guns are devices for delivering bullets to targets.
Africans and other apes, on the other hand, see guns as a loud version of a sorcerer's wand. They don't shoot to kill, they (literally) spray and pray. It's actually funny, but you should keep it in mind for the street fighting ahead, especially if you live near Michigan or Minnesota.
lol no joke. years ago i lived next to a guy that was a former army ranger and when he was deployed in afghanistan he would teach sandniggers how to use shoulder-mounted heat seekers to shoot down russian aircraft. they literally thought that shit was magic because the missle would change direction and follow the aircraft. dumbass backwards goat fuckers
were CIAniggers involved?
Coulter's Law bags another one.
"Coulter's law dictates that the longer that it takes the media to identify the shooter the less likely he is white and Christian."
or just white in general
The open borders and multiculturalism loving governments of Europe imported millions from shithole countries with many being Muslims. It takes next to no effort to drive the likes of Muslims to start killing at random. The anti-white policies have become a weapon to use against the governments and the cucked population. None of this would be a problem if the cancerous governments were not Hell-bent on demographically replacing whites.
Some info that the killer has been at least suspected of rape, and planning a mass murder back in 2013. Also other crimes like trying to steal a truck, and drunk driving. Still the roach has not been deported and now he killed at least 3.
What a weak assed revenge
Allah is not pleased not one bit(chute)
BBC reports he was questioned for ISIS connections and fought for Chechnya
no wonder Chechnya lost
Yep, muslims are breeding in michigan right now. It's going to be very fucking bad in 20 years time. If you don't think the problem is here already, you're not paying attention.
it's an obvious false flag…
hint, elections related shit
Great fucking effort OP!
I don't think the shooting is false flag, they happen pretty frequently, I think the over-reaction is election related though.
Pretending like they care.
Pushing people from fvd to pvv.
no vidio :(
omg so true
doesn’t matter. you are hated anyway
aussie IRL shitposter changed the course of history, it's already happening. Erdogan might the enemy we really need.
He's obviously a moderate muslim who learned how to shoot from Hollywood softcore porn flicks.
Turkey/iran/yemen/egypt/other shitskins
Let's accelerate more, only a full scale war can fix white countries from these subhumans, jews will get confused in chaos and have to inevitably abandon their plans to turn our communities into shitholes
This is literally how stupid the shills think we are. We broke the best and now we get the rest. Sad really.
Have you been to Londonistan? It ain’t white no more
The enemy within comes first, you fucking retards. The government will collapse long before we can make any global projection of power. 10th Crusade is probably 50 years away at least. Just hope to live long enough that your brain can be put inside a battlemech or some shit.