And rape their women.
MFW when muslims are going to kill as many Europeans as they can in the next few days
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And heebs win again. Hehe dumb white golems
I'm curious what exactly was accomplished in Christchurch? Immigration policy isn't changing. I don't care about a bunch of dead goat fuckers, but Jews are playing the long game. Their policies will outlast anything accomplished by the premature ejaculation of a shooting spree.
read the manifesto if youre curious, its like an hour read.
Admittedly, I did not read the whole thing. But it's really irrelevant to my question.
nah, they're pussies
Honestly, this is a great question.
Never forget, the manifesto says nothing about jewish supremacist actions
a hero secured his place in valhalla and inspired a generation
Fixed it for you. You need to realize that not much happened.
no he didnt. valhalla has high standards. if he would have murked zogbots as well and been wounded bad enough that continueing fighting wasnt possible he would have secured his place. or died fighting in the act. hes a hero but hasnt earned his way to valhalla.
If it weren't for some of the symbols he used, the manifesto could pass for something written by kosher counter-jewhadists or even the JDL.
Its probably to demonize both wipiop & muzzies, mostly muzzies after they get stirred up, leading to destroying the middle east (again), making way for greater israel, while letting wipipo die for it in war
Daily reminder that all pro-(whoever the name of the shooter was, I forgot and don't care) spammers are CIA-niggers & halfchan new-nigger refugees
Like that's different than any other day ?
We can only hope. Modern "Europeans" need some serious doses of reality.
No it really isn't. You are just a lazy iliterate mongoloid who is too dumb to lurk and see the exact same guileless question asked and answered in nearly every thread. Just read it and fuck off.
It really gets me thinking.
Not even pointing that the defense of muslims(in western countries, in mideast they deserve to be droned) also always originates from jewish sources.
Wow what a little bitch
Its not like he donated anything
That's where you're wrong. Immigration will get worse, to "stand up to hate".
oh, like every day for the past few thousand years? wow, what a scary new revelation. im sure its because of something we've done recently.
Tarrant has really served to root out the cowards, such as OP.
this is what we want, do it. wake up more Whites. you’re validating us. thank you!
His fans donated on his behalf.
He doesn't care about any of this. He wants to move to and live in Japan. Anything that threatens that, he cucks to it.
Meh, absolutely understandable. People already look for a way to blame him for the whole thing so he distances himself.
i cant believe you called the cops on a nigger robbing you, now niggers are going to rob us :(
Macron will not shoot any of their eyes out either. Brenton knows what needs to be done. Let a real man lead.
its also important to btfo whatever the op says. most of us can do it in a single sentence or picture.
very important for normie redpilling.
Im not so sure about that anymore, the first video he released after the attack was titled 'We smash another record' and in the second he played a game that he told his employee or something to make in '14' days.
Maybe hes trying to tell us something
Fake evidence for the JTRIG / JIDF "Its a false flag" damage control narrative:
Can be disproven by going through the video slowed down
He was wearing shoes with red soles and the lighting is bad, which made it look like he was barefoot from the back
Fakenews with no credible backing
>Syrian sources of ((( say he was trained by Mossad!
Fake news with no backing at all
And a dozen other countries. Israel isn't even an unlikely vacation goal for a Zig Forumsack. Checking what the kikes are up to.
Ever heard of the 14 words, cuck?
A few people were arrested who were completely unrelated to the event, the rest is fake news including a picture of a wrongful arrest which has nothing to do with the attack
This includes fake claims about some shooter fleeing to Israel, also with zero credible backing.
Bonus retardation
No comment
Being unable to process obvious irony is a sign of autism.
What is their goal?
To create a "DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!" mentality by making it seem like the kikes planned for the invaders, which they brought here to replace us, to get slaughtered and that by praising this, you are benefitting them - when its actually one of their worst nightmares coming true.
What can you do?
Rule #1 of Politically Incorrect
Anyone advocating violence or defending violence must be doing so with a get out of jail free card, because said actions are illegal. The only people with get out of jail free cards are intelligence agents or LEO.
Read their posts carefully and it's impossible not to notice how little their posts make sense.
Tarrant is notourguy
Pol is a board of peace
Fuck it all. GENERATION REVENGE.>>12969389
Giving access to idiots to give money to Muslims who murder them and their people indiscrimantely and have been doing so for centuries.
The refuges isnt even decreased, lmao
The timing and travel are both very suspicious. It's possible that he was some kind of intelligence asset, but there's no solid proof yet.
He's a Breivik-tier faggot either way.
Reminder that blatant outsiders like you are his biggest defenders.
As long as they don't ask for referendums. Anything but that.
vid related
Gas yourself.
Everyone here should read the manifesto himself to be able to directly disprove whatever claims are being made about it. This will also help you understand the accelerationist motive of Brentons attack.
JTRIG-niggers are surely low IQ these days
Like they haven't been doing that for the last 2,000 years or longer. It's what sub-humans do.
They've been doing that without any motivation.
Only sure thing is ISISrael won't be going anywhere near New Zealand until the jews change the gun laws there. They can fuck with May and Macron 24/7 but for now New Zealand is off limits to kosher kebab antics.
Guess we just have to vote harder. Maybe somebody like trump will save us.
because this was about muslims
that is the issue he wanted to address specifically
what a fucking faggot, I kinda hope he loses his channel anyway with how much he's cucked and apologized over and over again
YOu know they are going to ban him eventually, just one more "NIGGER" slip up outta him.
Doesn't matter, he is telling millions of people to give money, most of whom are kids who blindly do what he says because he's their only friend, their "bro"
he wants to live in japan?
I guess he does like all that shit
15 Min skim then screen cap the good shit u mean
jews are only 2% of the european population, mudslimes breeds represent 20% , they invade and breed real fast b/c europeans are too dumb and degenerates to sand up to those niggers
Someone didn't read the manifesto
The mudslims breeds pooped up between the 7th and 8th century AFTER the Christ. By the way Islam is not a religion just a user guide to invade white peoples' land.
Breivik wasn't really a freemason and he didn't make statements like "So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists"?
He's a Youtube Partner. Jewtube isn't going to kill that cash cow. He's a Pied Piper keeping people on Youtube and likely bringing in more viewers and inspiring more people to be Youtubers themselves.
Yep. He want's to be an immigrant in Japan.
Instead of remaining in his own coutry or in countries of those like in kind, he wants to help spread his white cuckoldry to Japan.
Pewdiepie wants to immigrate to a foreign nation for a higher quality of life instead of fighting to preserve his culture and reinstate the rule of his own people in his own land.
Perhaps this puts his sympathy for these "victims and their families" into perspective.
He's stated before he isn't a traditionalist (or much of one) which conflicts with his desire to live in a place like Japan.
He's a double-minded faggot, carrying on the boomer legacy of hedonism.
Guys I felt so terrible when that special needs white kid went on his mosque shooting rampage, I drove my girlfriend down to the local Muslim youth center and stripped her naked and locked her inside. Must have been raped 80 or 90 times, but it’s what they deserve. Reparations of sorts.
Your face when you still believe being nice to muslims mean they won't try to kill us anyways.
U must be a newfag. 8ch supports white flight to Asian countries to create halfchinks and live out degenerate weeb fantasies.
U must be a newfag. 8ch supports white flight to Asian countries to create halfchinks and live out degenerate weeb fantasies.
Super active and minimal rules Zig Forums server, allows Christchurch discussion/media sharing unlike all of the other (cucked) servers:
Radicalization time, boys.
It accomplished nothing. Most people here are effectively nihilists, who desperately want something to believe in but have given up all hope.
The idea of working towards goals and accomplishing them no longer seems possible, so they lash out in whatever way they can against a world they are no longer a part of.
This is coming from someone who completely understands the sentiment and what drives it.
I agree with all of that.
Do you think he'll ever knock up Marzia? It seems he cares about money above all else, that money is his God.
This nigger gets it. It’s unfiltered detachment from all connection and human joy. Good psych research material but can be soaked up in like 5 minutes.
basic public speaking and presentation skills just make you communicate effectively, if you are proven to be a liar, come off as unreliable, get outted as having an agenda, or the audience gets a bad vibe from you, those skills are diminished greatly.
he will make european people walk with their head taller, and the shitskins have a taste of paranoia for a change, always wondering who the next 'perfectly normal' european might be that decides to pay a visit to their little terrorist training centre.
It wasn't meant to change any policy whatsoever. The point is that waiting for policy to change (as we have been) is a pointless and slow death.
The jews aren't the only ones playing a long game. I'm almost completely convinced at this point that the only way the West will see a real shift in direction is through radical, shocking revelation of the fact that we are indeed at war.
An accurate but cliched summary would be, "Just get the frog out of the pot. Crank that heat."
funny how there are so many people complaining that this will set off the poor innocent muslims of peace, when they've been fucking slaughtering anyone they want with no fucking resistance or cause whatsoever for decades.
have a look at
if there was one of us doing it every single day to them, then they would realise there are real consequences for their actions, and maybe they'd fuck off back where they came from.
Op would rather suck their toes
fucking legend, i hope he becomes the emperor of australia next week and starts sorting this mess of a world out.
Just so everyone knows, PewDiePie is the son of two Swedish CEOs who fund White Genocide.
He is the ultimate cuck. If you support PewDiePie, you are a cuck. Think about how big his platform is, and has he ever helped White people with it? No. But he happily sends money to India, Africa, and now to Muslims.
But you don't agree with it do you?
Come on. Guy who killed 50 people said subcribe to PewDiePie before killing spree. He had to say something about it or media would eat him alive. I am suprised he didn't talked about it on video.