Article from the politically correct newspaper Le monde says bullshits about Zig Forums and Zig Forums
Article from the politically correct newspaper Le monde says bullshits about Zig Forums and Zig Forums
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Lots of sluts angry that jews tricked them into getting goat herpes from losers it seems.
It's fucking amazing that you don't even need to know much french to understand what they are saying. This site truly has memetic power. We're like those niggers from the movies that wake up one day and know forgotten languages.
*Brenton Tarrant
I like this.
shieeet this is good too
Radical duuuudeeee
Bear in mind that french people dont pronounce H so a French person would say:
Google translator:
"Christchurch Attack: Zig Forums, a live online terrorist of far right
The forum created by misogynistic video game players has become the rallying point of white supremacism. Brendan Tarrant, who killed 50 people targeting mosques, came from there. "
Go to hell stupid shill, discord is a honeypot, everybody knows that
"mysogynistic" is a greek word meaning "those who call out dye-job whores who bribe journalists with sex to give better reviews for their games".
Lemonade seems to have a rather racist nazi inspired font if you ask me.
Frederick Brennan
Brendan Tarrant
la roue chaude
chnaging brenton’s name wont make it go away ;)
Yeah about discord they do that every now and then for threat assessment, just a guy doing his job. I imagine a guy who wants to protect and defend his country but knows deep inside he's looking at the symptoms not the cause. Then when another agency under the radar needs a false flag or whatnot they'll look at his reports and bake something along those lines so people will buy it. That's how someone good at investigating ends up feeding the other side - and why they don't always like each other. Then the press release comes out, they take the blame and everyone gets a bigger budget.
It used to be all about the hacker named 4chan, now it's all about the mass-murderer named Zig Forums.
All of you English speakers should Google translate this article and give it a shot… it is extremely articulated, written just a day before a turkroach striked in the Netherlands too.
Tiens, un démocrate en goguette sur Zig Forums
man this site was so god for the first year