Kill your local Mob boss

The man suspected of gunning down a New York City mob boss appeared in court Monday with the phrases "MAGA Forever" and "United We Stand MAGA" scrawled across his left hand.
President Donald Trump's campaign slogan appeared on the hand of Anthony Comello, 24, at a hearing in Toms River, New Jersey, in which the suspect agreed to be extradited to New York.

Authorities allege that Comello killed suspected Gambino crime family leader, Francesco "Franky boy" Cali, 53, outside his home in Staten Island, New York, on March 13.

I don't know about the MAGA stuff but gunning down your local mob boss seems like quite the development.
Anyone know anything about this guy ? It can't be that hard to find a mob boss the guys are mostly in the open these days and don't even bother trying to hide it.

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How about your local rabbi instead?


Isn't the Italian-American mob simply muscle/grunt workers for the Jewish mob at this point?

Before you cry to kill a mob boss, you should ask yourself if its better to remove a organisation with values that keeps the niggas & spics away. Or do you prefer latinos & black gangs that machete you down GTA style because they liked your sunglasses. Oh and dont forget the occassional gangrape.

How about killing rabbis, journalists, or politicians instead?
I don't really care about the mob.

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why not both ?

Because if you kill the mob the niggers or cartels move in. Its better to have whites doing it because at least then they aren't going to destroy the cities they are in.

Kill your the nearest AIPAC funded politician, in Minecraft.

Good point Alfonzo, you've made me an offer I can't refuse.

The latter. Acceleration all the way.



The Italian mob helped ship the rapist mudslimes into Europe through Italy. And they push drugs that kill whites so they can profit. They're criminal corporations that will do whatever they please to improve their bottom line. If they cared about their race they wouldn't be fucking criminals.

Let me give your a Redpill, the Italian Mafia was not Italian, it was (((Italian))).

If you are going to do something productive for our society and commit a multitude of crimes that should be legal. You might as well give yourself a good bottle opener to get the job done and to crack open a cold one when the job is done.

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For being so ZOG aware, many folks seem blissfully unaware about Jew involvement in organized crime.


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Got this as my captcha.

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This screams Hotline Miami? Q boomers confirmed for 50 blessings?

When "the plan" ends up being some strange project monarch programming to assasinate random mob targets.

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at least the dead mob boss is one less boomer.

Did you really learn nothing from the words of St. Tarrant? Quit concern posting you fucking wop.

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The cartels wouldn't be a problem if we weren't such pussies, we need to stop letting other people do what we're supposed to do ourselves in minecraft.


i dont see anything wrong with gunning down fuckers who are ruining our society

See though, lone wolfing has a place, like if you're Ted Kaczynski and you can stay low for decades, or if you pick a suicide mission, but throwing your life away for a mob boss? His kike family will just have you killed in prison, and his fat gay cousin will take over. You need to do jobs like that, cleaning up your streets, as a squad.

>Inb4 op is an extreme degenerate faggot and doesn't know the difference between a drug dealer & a mob boss


Yep. few weeks ago other family guys got out of 30yr prison stints. Wacked the guy that either set them up, disrespected them, or is the good guy and they are the bad guy. Reminder all mafias are jewish. Ruskie, Italian, And so on. Only Irish mob is not. Look into valentines day mass. Non-jews wacked by jews.

Seriously though, let's hypothetically say that an user wanted to kill their local MS13 garbage, how would they even find them? Who do you ask without getting your head de-gloved on liveleak?


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There's a guy doxing them who comes here from time to time, these faggots are all over facebook.

You've only got one pi in your city?

No, I was just saying that it could be possible that your local authorities and pis could be compromised.

I've seen those threads, pretty good shit. I suppose I'll just have to start FB digging.

In the event of RaHoWa, the mob will probably break off to protect their own and form a little kingdom. That's literally how they started in the first place: as a way for communities to keep cohesion in a time of anarchy.

Explains why Jews so often pass themselves off as Italian, and Italians are constantly portrayed in film by kike actors. They're chameleons; this is the true meaning behind the lizard people meme

Also, I didn't mean to imply that I would do anything, I'm just wondering in case the worse comes to worse.


>Inb4 doesn't know what > means

its true thou that this is really futile thing to do as you really need to thing thru what kind of change it would be to the place, like what will happen after that, only big brains who can actually carry this out without ruining their life could ever get this done

This guy is right you need to have an escape plan in minecraft.


Is there a legal alternative where I could just start funnelling information to the local PD?

>(((This kike)))

Your county auditor should have the information you seek.

Yeah it's easy, you just have to talk to the police. Make sure that it's a solid guy.

you abhorrently new newfaggot.
the mob gives no fucks about you, your family, white people, Western civilization, or anything else which may stand in the way of extorting mom & pop shops or selling heroin and cocaine to white kids.

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Aight, thanks guys. Sorry for being a newfag on the subject of intelligence and whatnot

always has been

Same as Adam Sandler. "This is what Europeans look like, goy. See the hot blonde waifu. I'm just like you." For yeas I though the nagging jew mom was the italian mom. It is not. Real Italians are either Southern Slavs, Southern Germanics, or actual Italic Celtics. Turk, Arab, and other (jew) phenotypes are not Europeans.

Read that, from cover to cover. I mean it.

You should know most are good kids who have been mislead. However, get into dope. Heroin dealers are popular. Start by looking for oxys or whatever kids use these days. You will find them. Also, if you live in a big city, dealers stand out on corners and hang out in front of their apartment building. These are mostly Africans and are also good kids who have been mislead. Lead them back to the light like a good shepherd. Zig Forums is a board of peaceofficers

When Italians do it, it's "the mafia" or "the mob" or "organized crime." When jews do it, it's "the state."

Will do thanks.

I don't wish to concern myself with children, the adults and so called children who promote and endorse cancers like drugs, gangrape, murder, all need to burn

They've been losing their shit there as badly as in movies, hell, the fucking pakis took over porn.

Nepotism, don't try it home, kids!
Affluenza is basically the #1 killer of the old mob. All their kids they expect to hand these organisations over to are sad sack drug addicts or legitimate retard faggots swilling fruity girly cocktails.

Learn to ID tatts, South American gangs make it hilariously easy to find them. The only members that don't do this are the ones responsible for depositing and withdrawing at the bank.
They also frequently have loud raucous cookouts and shit.
Hell, if you want a vidya analogue, there's "the brotherhood" in Saints Row 2
If you're concerned about making sure you take out the local leader, one thing they do similar to the Italians is refer to their boss as their "father" or "papi" or an animal related to such (the drug lord that took over Honduras for a few years after Hillary abducted their commie Bernout president was called "Papa Wolf")
This is because despite being complete degenerates a ton of them still see themselves as "good Catholics" (then again…. With Francis in there, maybe it's the rest of us who were "doing it wrong")
In fact that's the only way to leave the gang without being shot: become a priest!

"The gang, with its brotherhood and strict rules, promised him protection and stability. Here were his wafer-thin options: Benjamin could remain passive, buffeted by the winds of danger and impunity. Or he could do something proactive. He chose to act.

Within a few years, he saw that the gang’s promise was a siren song. A few years after that, he found the courage to plot his escape.

He called his mother to say goodbye. He summoned the leaders of the area cliques. He delivered his speech: He had done much for the gang, killing dozens who wished the group harm. He had collected extortion taxes to feed and clothe the tens of thousands of members and their families and to hire defense lawyers when they were arrested. Now he felt called to evangelical Christianity, so he had researched churches and chosen one that was strict; no vices like alcohol or non-Christian music allowed. It would keep him out of trouble. He had earned his retirement.

Benjamin is about 5 1/2 feet tall. He is thin and angular; his face runs from cheekbones to sharp nose to jutting jaw. He has cobalt hair cropped close and pupils so glossy dark they’re nearly mirrors. He looks like a falcon. He could play Dracula. And in that moment, he stood before his audience, the gang’s leaders, pleading for a second chance at life.

To his surprise, they said yes. They let him go. He had to check in regularly and couldn’t do anything to harm the gang, like snitching. He couldn’t ask them for favors or use his previous affiliation to gain anything. They would observe his change to ensure it was genuine. They reserved the right to call him back to active duty. But with those conditions, he was free."
For that matter, all the goofy Satan shit and corpse desecration in the news, that's really just irrelevant to their actual beliefs. That's just how South America works. Why is it this way? Well, 30 years ago some crazy coal burning fat lady named Griselda Blanco started a multinational war of escalation across all cartels. It simply hasn't stopped since then. Everyone feels the need to "send a message" by doing something worse than the last guy.
(Though funny enough even the Zetas today never reached her heights. She did crazy brazen shit like raid a child's birthday party, kidnap the kids of her rivals, then send them back in present wrappings completely skinned. Murder rate in Miami and Colombia went down by almost half when she finally got brought down. There's lots of good docs on this crazy thot)

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Based post, also, that last bit is horrifying.