Why did you push him to do this? Are you too sad and depressed because of how longely you are?

Fuck off. 50 people are dead. When that old man's head exploded, I threw up! And the way that woman cried out for help before a cruel death broke my heart!

Now, it took me a while to find my way here. First I had to realize that google doesn't show this place even exists. Then i had to use duck duck go, but accidentally went to 4chan pol instead. So, now that I've found my way here, to the depths of the dark web, TELL ME WHY YOU MADE HIM DO THIS!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Quite the opposite actually, I'm elated.

For the lulz.

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I happy about dead invaders.

Got that?

I just wish there were more mad lads doing the work that needs to be done.

They need to set Brenton free so he can continue his great works, absolute waste of true talent to keep him in a box over some non-issue like dead shitskins.

And white women cry out in pain as shitskins rape them. This is how war works weakling. Strengthen yourself and become a soldier. Your race needs you.

Hey, peabrain. Wars in the middle east costed hundreds of thousands of lives, it is the daily lives of middle easterners and africans, and guess what? No one cares. 50 is going to look small in comparison to the eventual war that diversity brings. Grow up and grow a brain.

Because it is the right and honourable thing to do.

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Welcome to Zig Forums newfag! Please drop by a national socialist thread for a free complementary book about our lord and savior Adolf Hitler!

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if any of you fall for this pathetic bait post i will come to your home and rape you niggers

Nigger we're being ethnically replaced. You think this is a game?

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I'd make him do this any time of any day again. Laughed my ass off. Best video since I started watching gore back on b0g in 2002.

Moralfag crying over 50 deaths. Lol, 9/11 anybody????


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This is war, you sad excuse of a human being. It's okay to kill Muslims.

Nice bait, but fuck off faggot anyway

ON the off chance that this isn't bait, you're in pretty deep over your head right now. Oh well, too late for that now. Welcome home, you're here forever.

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Why don't you look at the media if you want a serious answer. Most radicalization is the product of mainstream media propaganda, antagonizing many groups on purpose to serve a greater narrative. Better wake up to the reality of things soon, because the big players are starting to move their pieces into endgame.

Zig Forumsis a board of peace. Honestly a serious answer is, You made him do it. You and everyone like you. You couldn't stop fucking pushing it with your bullshit agenda.

I bet if you threw a boomerang you would wonder why it came back and hit you in your face. When you watch that man's head explode  just remember Ebba's grave getting vandalized 30 times by your mudslime pets.

I'm glad people are starting to have the balls to act. If only a few thousand White men killed 50 non-Whites each. The invasion of our nations would be stopped. The only issue is he didn't shoot up a synagogue.

just a prank bro :)

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high IQ response, you should be a journalist

Allowed to post here.

nice LARP cuckchan 1/10, better luck next time
and if youre a real journo, niggers die every die

This. If we had our way, there would be world peace, White people would be in White nations, mud people would be in mud nations and all the jews would be quarantined in Madagascar. No race wars, no racial conflict. You have the blood on your hands of all the death and violence caused by unnecessary race-mixing because you watch TV and follow it blindy like a shabbos zombie.

Kill yourself, your kind are the scourge of mankind and one day your ancestors will spit on your grave for what you've done to this world in the name of "tolerance".


As an Ethnoglobalist, no. White people would own the globe. Period. No other races.

Tarrant brought me profound joy. It was a whitepill

I don't know why, but that cracked me up.

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So many fucking tourists since this.

When I hit the point of feeling dead inside - two decades ago now - I abandoned everything I was. If someone sincerely feels dead inside they’ll reconfigure everything about themselves. Abusive people sometimes learn to kill the inside of others in a way that makes their victim blame someone else, so they can replicate their nature. I had the privilege of “dying” alone, so I reconstructed myself in a more friendly way.

This is the kind of thread that chodemonkey wants for Zig Forums

What a waste. Zig Forums will be silenced in New Zealand and Australia,, guns will be seized.. all liberals will push against "hate'….. If you are going to kill people, kill people with power and influence. John Wilkes Booth didn't just go get drunk and beat up a street niglet… he went to the source. (This post for entertainment purposes only)

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tres globalist my man

Fuck optics, just go in.

Shit bait OP. No one mourns dead vermin.

It was easier back then. Nowadays you can't get within a hundred yards of (((the elite class))) unless you've been thoroughly vetted. Not only that, they have their own gated neighborhoods, security teams, and bug-out fortresses. You hit the target you can get to. It's like what the (((hippies))) used to do: think globally, but act locally. That's how they won.


just go on the twitter account, newfag.

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I'm sure you were this sad during the numerous Muslim terrorist attacks. You must have went to all the Islamic extremist websites to give them a piece of your mind I'm sure.
Better get used to attacks like this cause the white man is done taking shit.


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Faggotry is the price you pay for free speech. We got filters for a reason.

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No one said the revolution was going to be easy. soldier. Don't shoot up your local synagogue all you manage to do is kill a community college professor and an orthodontist. Worm your way into a AIPAC rally and detonate yourself near the podium. Think big.

Why detonate? Why not do something more sublime and with more impact?

Who saved the uncensored version of this pic. I remember seeing it floating around when he was first shown in court. Its weird this is the only pic of him blurred, maybe because he was smiling in the picture.

No, fuck off. Nobody needs to kill anyone at all or throw their lives away for useless extremist ideologies. Right target, wrong target, killing is killing and degenerate regardless of victims. Stop meditating on violent solutions and think of better ways to help people.

Wow, all these edgy teenagers ITT sure are tough

This is a board of peace

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You're an idiot. Are you planning to talk things through with the mudslimes?

Why is 4chan saying this was a mossad psyop?

You'll cry over dirty inbred sandniggers that rape kids invading a once peaceful and harmonious white country, but the other 99/100 times when there's a terrorist attack and it's Moslems running over a hundred innocent white people at a Christmas market in their own homeland, you don't give a damn. Fuck off, liberal scum.

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How can you already not tell, that bullets will get you nowhere no matter what? And those lone wolf assaults only bring propaganda because media is in hands of your enemy.

Mudslime terrorists*
They were actively converting self-hating white beta male San Fran journo types.
Looks like this was a lot more rationally picked than initially suspected.
Well memed, boys, well memed

Why do they always do this anyway? It seems weird to me that if you supposedly hate someone, you take the time to drag them back indoors and place them on nice clean rugs and blankets one by one for the photo op. Not only that, but taking the time to strip them naked too (or strip before killing, I've seen both happen)
In Indonesia they just threw all the infidels onto a body pyramid still partially clothed after disembowelment then set it on fire afterwards. No pomp or ritual involved at all.
Suharto didn't become the top embezzling dictator of all time by wasting resources inefficiently, after all!

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Too bad when the women of our countries getting raped by the brothers of the 50 dead, you have no remorse. That’s the price our people pay for “diversity” being forced upon us. The ethnic replacement of a whole culture, is the death of a once beautiful people.

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There's no turning back. And Croatia became a proper country through the force of bullets. So fuck off with your Jewish defeatist shit.

You will only end up throwing your lives away. The better solution would be entering government places and making world a better place through regulating it yourself, instead of creating martyrs out of senseless violence.

because it is

Brenton is right, the invaders must be removed before it's too late. How do you suggest we do this peacefully when the government is against its own people?

Hippy bullshit that has no basis on reality. But go on, give it a try. Become a great politician and change the world®

Bullets are effective.

The 'government' is the enemy of the people. They have successfully hid this until recently. This means VIOLENT REVOLT is our only option.

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This guy gets it

At least sage your post.
Also, please don't rape my niggers, I just trained them to do chores around the house.

Bullets will only end you up in censored shitholes of countries that will be regulating extremists like yourself with chinese tier surveillance just to prevent your terrorism.

You only care about those dune coons because they're dead and useful tool for your political aims. If they were alive, they would mean nothing to you.

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As long as its Muslim free I'm on board.

Nope, they couldn't contain those camel fuckers and they won't contain us either…we are going to

That's pretty dumb.
We (Europeans) can't ally ourselves with Muslims when they're coming to white countries and outbreeding the local population and causing quick demographic change.
They and any other invaders need to be removed, and then the ones inviting them in and forcing degenerate propaganda down people's throaths need to be removed.

More like you're on board because you're ZOG goon and want white countries to become surveilled shitholes because that was your plan all along, you brought immigrants in only to create surve of violence for this plan to work out.

Because that is what you do when your country is being invaded.
You kill the invaders to protect your nation.

Senseless violence is bombing the shit out of the Middle East. Senseless violence is moving to another country, thousands of miles away, and instilling your culture, and raping their women. Senseless violence is is going to the country kind enough to give you refuge, and driving through their concert goers.
Senseless violence is not shooting 50 invaders, because your government is too infatuated with the idea of a “melting pot” culture to understand that these “immigrants” aren’t here to help US. They’re here to help their religion of replacement and dictation, and senseless violence.

Nobody needs to ally with anyone. Avoid them and don't respond evil for an evil, when time comes vote against immigration and go into government to propose rational ideas with no bloodshed, be yourself victim and martyr, not your enemy to become one. That's how nationalists were working until extremists decided to shit it all up.

Nobody shed a tear for all the collateral damage in the middle east either
Not to rub it in, these are all strangers to me, but the numbers are not that favorable

I replied to the wrong post. meant to reply to

How and why do you assume everyone on Zig Forums is as sick-minded as the sickest person on Zig Forums? Who would do that but an identity-minded leftist idiot.

you made a mistake he came from

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Yeah, I have a big longely cock. No, I am not depressed about it, why do you ask

Sick-minded are usually the ones that are fast to reply in such threads first couple of posts.

Not to mention iam 100% sure op is bait.

Brenton Tarrant was perfectly sane.
Its insane not to drive out the invaders letting them rape and pillage your country.

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OP doesn’t understand that I have zero feels for shit muslims, because I actually took the time required to learn enough to understand that they aren’t human

I love that these people think this, and the only way for them to reconcile aversion to their world view is thinking of their detractors as "incels" and pathetic basement dwellers. They can't imagine a world where educated professionals think this way. It makes it so easy to walk amongst them, slowly picking away at them

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what are you going to do.. wait for the overton window to shift so that immigration quotes can be the topic of polite conversation again.

Our nations are being smothered under waves of shitskins.

just suck it up and enjoy clown world?

Or kill them and fight your corrupt ZOG TRAITOR GOVERNMENTS?

I ain't fucking voting for that bug under any circumstances on this planet.

Stop with these threads stupid faggot.

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cant stop the mad lads OP

oh yeah its our fault that the mossad setup a false flag


I agree with this, but… as a normal white male, my opportunities to get into governmental policy-making positions are somewhere between zero and zilch. And if I did, histrionic lefties like you would try to drive me to suicide every day.

Since I have no outlet for my creative energies, besides making pottery or some other fuck-off artwork, what do I have left to live for? This was my country, not yours, and one way or another we are getting it back. You wanted war? You ain't seen nothing yet.

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ok boomer

Lmao. Stay in your desert, rag head.

yea, I know.
This is something that is bugging the shit out of the NZ police.

Get to work, I'll be waiting for the massacre

Shit bait.

mustn't have a strong stomach then

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