How should we act to bring about the fall, while the numbers are still on our side? Our (((economic system and popular culture))) are what suppress white birth rates, while keeping us narcissistic and weak.
I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad.
So it seems to me that pouring gas on the fire, and bringing about their end is the only way to give our children a future.
Most of you are aware of what the future holds for our people when we become *hated* minorities in our homelands. South Africa is a good indicator of what is to come. "Kill the white Boer" will simply become "Kill whitey, Europe ours".
Maybe then China will swoop in to pick at the corpse.
Even if you think we'll be fine as numerical underdogs (fair enough, we did okay in India), we'll end up as inbred as Pakistanis if enough of us die off in the pogroms, and more than that - we grow fatter, weaker, more degenerate by the day.
My preference would be for most of the white diaspora to return to Europe. Let the animals fight over our former colonies while we reclaim the motherlands. I understand it's unlikely though. The sunk-cost fallacy is a powerful motivator.
I'm not suggesting terror attacks. I'm not suggesting mass slaughter of non-combatants. We can be more refined than that. We should be deliberate in our actions, but with the goal of sowing chaos. Voting in radical and inept politicians in the knowledge that they'll only make things worse, for instance. Or filling the streets and social media with extremest propaganda of ALL kinds. Play all sides against each other, while organizing IRL with those you trust.
A nice consistent mistrust of Israel doesn't hurt either. This is a sentiment that can probably be capitalized upon with most non-boomers who are politically engaged. Accusations of antisemitism are thrown at the leftists in my country as well as the right.
Europe is sick. It needs chemo. It needs amputation. It needs cauterization. Use whatever analogy you like - you get my fucking point.
If hard times create strong men, then we need those hard times to hurry the fuck up before it's too late.
Probably not saying anything new here. You all know what accelerationism is, but that's just my thoughts. Take it or leave it.
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