"Remove Kebab" is bad and you should feel bad

And no, I don't care about whether its rAcIsT or not. Racism is just another form of collectivist autism like the rest of the chimp poo you de-evolving Planet Shitholian pedovores right and left fap so hard to. No, my issue with the song is that it is pure psychological torture incarnate. The "remove kebab" song has helped me understand why Hitler wanted to genocide slavs far more than I ever wanted to. Like that's words over actual generic slavic "music". No wonder communism took off there - leftist memes were probably considered art there. No wonder Vlad the Impaler impaled so many kebabs - he probably was trying to get that music out of his head with the shrill screams of his victims. Like seriously I think that gives me an idea to get it out of mine - go to the nearest pig butchery center and get as close as I can during busy time without being arrested for trespassing. If someone asks I'll just say I'm trying to get slavic "music" out of my head and they'll understand probably and give me a free tour and maybe I might even get a job under the table again finally for the first time in years. I think this may be the one case where media may have actually seriously unironically caused a mass shooting, because that is like some seriously insanity-inducing shit. It puts the faeces in fascism. You can tell modern zionism and episatanism mostly originated in easter europe by the fact that that song can only be matched in cancer and pain-drinking by pop music like Lady Gaga and country music. If that's white culture then no wonder everyone wants to murder all white people including me holy shit. This is why most white people don't associate with white supremacists because most of us aren't into garbage "music" like that and most of us can sing way better even when deliberately trying to sound as horrible and unbearable as possible. Like the dudes singing look and sound like human goats. Maybe that was the reason why the kebabs started trying to conquer the slavs in the first place. I bet those slavs were a great replacement for goats with the way they moan. Probably outdid the goats. How about we just bribe the kebabs with slavic feminist sex slaves and see if they don't just screw off back to their desert. They get their goats and we get a reprieve from "polka derpa fart burpa…" as well as them trying to murder us all. Maybe it'll make them even thirstier so they'll go for the other slavs in israel and they'll finally wipe each other off the map for the sake of the human race, and I can finally engage in dEgEnErAcY without abrahamic shiteaters on either side bothering me. Like holy crap I am radically against censorship but honestly I feel like this one time this song should not be missed. Pick a better song and singers for your racist propaganda if you expect people to care if it gets censored, for crying out loud. Maybe hire dying cats to sing about white or black or reptilian pride or something. This is Justin Bieber level garbage. In fact - can you like turn his songs into racist propaganda next so we can get them off the internet too by chance? That would be great. Thanks in advance.

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Yeah, fuck islam. Fuck Israel too. Fuck you too.

Why would anyone listen to the opinion of someone too fucking stupid to know what a paragraph is? Fuck off kike. Sage.

No, but my closest friend is, and I bet he agrees with me. Probably why his family left Poland to escape that eurythmic torture.

At least I know what music is :D


If that's what you call "someone with taste", then whatever. I'm a male lesbian. #MaleDykePride #WeAreAllFagsNow

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I feel no pain

gay op. Learn to use your return key.


sar gay for ore tism

slavs are just white kebabs

gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay


Stop being a fucking queer.

slavs are just white kebabs

then stop making queer music

Does he watch your kids for you?

Thanks for letting me know not to waste anymore time on your stupid post in the first line.

The mods leave this content up.

What mods, we don't have any fucking mods. Chodemonkey turned this board into the Zig Forums dumpster where everyone throws the posters they don't want. It's like the America of Zig Forums.


And fake
Remove kebab is fucking apt and funny

Why are these faggots able to make threads, but every time I have tried in the past 4 days I haven't been able to?

Let's address the first point because the rest of your post is schizo garbage:

More here: propertarianism.com/2018/03/29/propertarianism-core-concepts-by-eli-harman/


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Are you done? Good, now go and take a nap. That's enough out of you for one day.


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I wanna point out:

Not just the kebabs. White people have had empathy for the lesser races for far too long. Whites have received nothing for their troubles other than envy and violence for gifting the modern world. Niggers and Jews are no longer welcome in our world.

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I can't hear you over the sound of my hyper-individualistic individualism. Even if I could, why would I listen to someone who isn't me? Fucking collectivist!

TLDR you focking cunt

nice try kike! White Pride

Fuck off commie, pretty sure nobody here care about your hurt fee fee faggot.


Try some spacing or greentext faggot. Ain't nobody gonna read that shit.

You are faggot.