what do you think? i've never seen it before
had to cut res for file size. better quality at streamable_com
Just snagged from twitter
Other urls found in this thread:
First. subscribe to pewdiepie
Lol at that sandnigger at the end playing Bejeweled
I fucking hate their language.
Crisis actors galore.
You're saying he didn't shoot up a mosque but tv actors instead? Based!
carpet is different, unless this is phase II
So what is this exactly? You don’t cite an actual source,
Thanks. I've been watching for this to pop up again.
its certainly a different place from the first one so i can only assume yes this is the second site
the music is comfy
Holy fuck we got the mossad killer
right here!
Indeed there are and we've a lot of evidence of this from Sandy Hook nose to present day NZ mossad hoax and this is where your hard earned taxes went when Trump agreed to finance the jewish counter jihad propaganda outfit The White Helmets
Everything is a lie, unless there's evidence it was real. Then it was extra fake.
If you guys want to assume everything is a conspiracy, wouldn't it make slightly more sense to accuse this of being a real shooting done by the enemy in order to accelerate their own plans while also blaming whites, as opposed to a fake shooting that never happened filled with crisis actors? The more people involved in a conspiracy, the harder it is to keep hidden, and dead people not being dead is a big giveaway.
If this was a conspiracy, it would make much more sense for the people at the mosques to have never been in on it, and be gunned down for real, otherwise you have 50+ crisis actors as perpetual loose ends.
The US gives away tens of millions of dollars in """"aid"""" every day. They don't need to falselfag a shooting in a foreign country to distract from that.
Take your meds, boomer.
meant for>>12974457
Agreed. this is the typical trap people fall into when questioning these type of events. we know our ((enemy)) isn't apposed to killing even their own kind if it greases the skids for their plans. I haven't looked into this one personally so there is the possibility that it did happen as the msm has said. either way this didn't serve our interest. yeah some dead shitskins is always nice but we have a bigger war going on here and stunts like this won't help. if this asshat was serious about thining the numbers he should have done something that was bigger and remote so he could continue for sometime. not this one and done shit. I personally opt for psychological warfare but if you're set on blood shed there are much more creative and effective ways.
Thanks, clearly ruffling some feathers!
You've just confirmed the attack was orchestrated.
Walking barefoot in blood soaked carpeting.
Well they are sandnigger user…I have seen them drink with the same hand they just washed their asshole with.
big think
$5m in funding.
Yes, everyone you don't agree with is a jew. I've been found out. Watch how I recoil.
where? source & archive or gtfo. Know how to make decent OPs so people can actually discuss instead of flinging shit.
the shills are out in force
all me
Jazz is degenerate, classical is far more preferable. Thanks for the share nonetheless. Seen it posted before tbh.
Bump for the White Helmets' false flaggers
Am I really supposed to believe the faggot lying in the puddle outside after the people start to get up is doing so just for fun?
jewish false flags are rather common and now the jewish Hollywood black propaganda unit has $6.6million of your American tax payers' shekels to play with
Bump, just to remind anons that we don't have to tolerate the last few days of intense hasbara activity without right of reply
Just watched the video- real video redone and remastered to make it look fake
hundreds of rapes will not happen because of one simple little trick
what's the secret?
The video you reviewed is of the 2nd mosque shooting which hadn't been shown up till now, the mossad false flag video we all watched was of the 1st mosque 'attack' the one the jews made go viral
Looks like the isreali kikes are too lazy to bother editing and releasing their 2nd one to the public at large
You obviously haven't watched the video which contains footage of the 2nd shooting, which shows beyond all doubt it was a hoax
sorry, I have to work for a living
These shills don't even bother to change the file name. There is literally a thread above this one with the same webm and filename.
Why do shills want us to hate the shooter so bad?
Could it be prevention in case there is a retaliation for christchurch by the muzzies?
Do they want pol to accept getting hit in the face over and over again, then apologize when we hit them back.
Never noticed that scene from Brazil actually uses the Jewish song Hava Nagila in the background of a false flag terrorist attack
You're a retard. I'm asking where he got this video.
yo check out this fake shit everybody
Pathetic as always, yids. No one buys your shit for an instant.
Thanks OP
Did you know that all non-European beliefs about the universe, or even our local solar system, was proved wrong. Take the 7 days of lamp oil relating to the seven planets in our solar system? but then we found out there's MORE. Then (((anti-Whites))) tried to get into math but completely fell flat on their face trying to describe two fractions? Hence NO INVENTIONS EXPECT BY THE ONLY FUNCTIONING BRAIN OF A EUROPEAN?
All non-Aryan belief systems became morally bankrupt as simple, as simple to Whites and impossible to anti-Whites and non-Whites, things were proven.
Hence EVERY non-Aryan belief system is based around revenge. These systems depend on intimidation.
Everything that is said by a non-Aryan is likely a lie – can they ever invent anything? No, and there's your proof that everything anti-White is a lie.
Audu bilahi minir shaytan ir rajeem🔥
nigger, I want a video source so that I can be more informed in discussing this, since otherwise retards will just argue back and forth about the lack of source and the thread will get no traction.
This is fucking halarious
Can someone give me a link to the 16 minute video?
If you believe in the possibility of false flags, then you must also admit the possibility this video is fake FOR THE PURPOSE of de-escalating possible copycats and/or gaining sympathy, and NOT for the idea that the shootings were a hoax.
I don't see how this works out in the jews' favor, false flag or not. Let's consider:
Not False Flag - Actually 8ch Shitlord: A white man releases a succinct, stunning manifesto against globohomo / Shlomohomo. Whites all over the world, sickened by seeing their nations crumble, become either enraged and inspired by the act of war, or virtue signal endlessly about how "refugees are welcome" and "people who grew up on the other side of the planet in a completely different culture / religion / national identity / customs / language than my world, should absolutely come reside in my society, and I am sure we'll instantly all hold hands under beautiful rainbows, listen to the Beatles, and vote Democrat. All you need is love!"
The lone white man, pushed to the limit by an uncaring and outright hostile society, lashes out against Muslims, whose religious adherents have been soaking the West with blood and terror for decades. ZOG vilifies the white rebel, sandwiching a headline between displays of sympathy and love for Muslims, and goes full 1984 in the West, actively suppressing the spread of information and threatening citizens of jailtime for possessing a string of 1s and 0s on their hard drive.
Is a False Flag: Our governments no longer represent us, and it is our duty to persecute and punish those responsible for the atrocities visited upon us.
I'm hovering at about ~95% Israel will not exist as a nation within 5 years. Is that being too conservative?
They haven't for a century. No one has done anything about it.
You're completely retarded. There's zero evidence whatsoever that anyone is going to fight back, anywhere, much less to the effect that Israel is even INdirectly threatened. They have 200 nukes, dumbass. They can't be destroyed.
Not even my libtard bluepilled father was mad about this event. He's woke on the mudslime question due to the stories of his coworkers at work who left Islam and who talk about hijab being oppression and so on. Only my mother has been freaking out about this and it's because she is afraid of me talking about it as she doesn't realize the world has changed now. The average normalfag is finally ready for racial holy war and the hysterical cucks are now the minority.
If this happens it will happen in the following way:
1. Funds stop going to Israel and Israel is forced to be self-sufficient instead of a parasite nation for once.
2. Military support for Israel is withdrawn, Israel has to fight its own wars now.
3. The clean water supply for Israel is fucked and Israel has its own internal emergency.
4. Israel falls apart from the inside.
5. Eventually the nation is so fucked that an outside invasion could happen because nothing is functioning in Israel and it's been torn apart by civil war completely.
I wonder if Israel's military has plans to deactivate and destroy some of their military gear and nukes to prevent it falling into the hands of mudslimes.
Can someone help me find good pics of dead kikes / dead Israelis online? Hard to find (((weirdly))) enough, I can only find pictures of them crying hysterically over the sight of blood.
Nukes don't really mean shit. Nukes prevent nations from going to war with each other directly but we get around that by simply sending in spies and sending in "refugees" and destroying the country from within.
Also, everything I post is satire yada yada, but do we have any good phone footage of a kike being capped at point blank? Now THAT…. would be a "Shut it down"-scale event.
I've yet to receive background, context, and a source for this video. Would you like to argue for it or not?
Yeah, you're really useful.
Great argument. Go ahead and try it, then. you won't; no one will
Reported for formatting spam and autism.
Christchurch here
this is the other church
this is after it was shot up, only 5 people died there.
A mussie posted this video on twitter after the attack happen like 10mins after is was shot up.
I bet you can't find a single video of a kike getting killed on the internet, Shlomo. And I bet there's a reason for that. So nobody gets any ideas.
you are a shill
christchurch is fucking small these people people I know, knew.
They are real fucking people.
kike*. Always lowercase with kike and jew, uppercase with White and European.
Thank you, but I've seen enough Whites and Muslims being killed. Get to the root of the issue. I want to see video of kikes being burned alive.
Still not an argument.
Races aren't capitalized. Hence jew and white aren't, unless at the beginning of a sentence.
I saw that footage 2 days ago
There are no videos or images of kikes being killed on the internet because you don't want kikes to die. You want Muslims, Whites, Africans, Women, Men – you want Humans to die, not kikes.
We're desensitized to seeing non-kikes slaughtered en masse. We accept it. But we don't see images of kikes murdered. So it's that much further out of our minds.
I just realized – there are some pictures of kikes being murdered. The ones you let us see. Maybe if we look at these some more, it will inspire us to act again.
kikes won World War 2. History is written by the victors. kikes are losing World War 3 before it's even begun.
You're brain damaged.
You have no evidence of this statement.
blow it out your ass mossad nigger
Couldn't we just make our own false flag video, hire a kike for a couple shekels and cut off his hair and splatter blood everywhere? Pics and vid?
What the fuck is going on in this thread, it seems like bots are just copy pasting random posts and replying to each other.
This has the added bonus insult of forcing kikes to spam the internet with "muhhhh its a Nazi hoax" but it doesn't matter, people will still SEE a jew being desecrated and 'murdered.' All that matters is they see it.
Alternately and preferable the video could be real
Also, they are clearly overdosing on PCP. PCP causes psychotic and manic behavior and decreased self-awareness. Feelings of grandiosity and like there are no consequences for anything are common, as well as violent behavior. There is no other drug that causes people to behave like that. Maybe they ate laced food.
This is from the second mosque
like the music lol but not a good version.
exactly zero chance this guy was acting alone
Holy shit, 1) its a fucking joke you cunt, 2) he shot up a mosque. Take it or leave it.