Conjugal visits banned in New Zealand
Unless they allow him to fight some non-white inmates, Tarrant likely won't be able to continue his crusade of invader-slaying for years. In his manifesto he wrote:
How can we guarantee Brenton Tarrant produces scores of courageous white children?
Other urls found in this thread:
He’s probably mossad so he’ll probably get tons of women eventually. Or shot, one of the two.
I'm sure he can arrange for his semen to be exported. I'm also sure there are tons of thirsty ladies out there desperate for dangerous man cum. We can do this. Let's send him the equipment to start exporting semen and prepare a system to distribute it to the willing.
fly it out by drone
visiting Israel doesn't mean you're Mossad, or even a Mossad asset. Is it possible? Sure. But he visited a bunch of countries, perhaps he was just getting to know the enemy?
What makes you so sure? Please point out relevant NZ prison policies that could allow this to happen. I'm sure they're allowed to mail letters, but what's he going to do, seal the envelopes with his cum? I don't know that this would be an ideal environment for them to survive a long journey.
Im more worried about his family. Who is protecting them now.
Step 1: identify method of semen export
Step 2: Gather roughly 12 samples of semen before moving to
Step 3: Announce Tarrant's semen is available for use
Step 4: Review candidates
Step 5: Distribute semen to selected women. Four samples each to maximize chances of it taking.
Prisoners can generally use mail however they want:
A prisoner may send and receive as much mail as the prisoner wishes.
Only reasons mail may be withheld:
A prison manager may withhold mail between a prisoner and another person if—
the prisoner or the other person asks the manager to do so; or
the other person is under 16 years, and his or her guardian asks the manager to do so; or
the other person is a prisoner, and neither prisoner has first notified the prison manager of his or her intention to correspond; or
it is correspondence that the manager believes on reasonable grounds is likely to—
threaten or intimidate a person to whom it is being sent by the prisoner; or
endanger the safety or welfare of any person; or
pose a threat to the security of the prison; or
promote or encourage the commission of an offence, or involve, or facilitate the commission or possible commission of, an offence; or
prejudice the maintenance of the law (including the prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution, and punishment of offences, and the right to a fair trial); or
breach an order or direction of any court or constitute contempt of court.
If mail or an unauthorised item found in any mail is withheld, the prisoner to or from whom the mail was directed must be informed that the mail or item, as the case may be, has been withheld, unless it is to be forwarded to an enforcement officer.
fly in empty vials by drone, pick up cum-filled vials by drone
beaners have been doing drone transport to/from prisons for years now
the women should be warriors too
Affordable Collection Kit:
Apparently sperm can survive at room temp for some time:
Sending mail instructions here. Semen collection equipment not outlawed and we might get it through and out before they catch on.
When he is allowed visitors a Kiwi user has to smuggle out a pre-prepared package of his sperm and then take it to a sperm bank and donate it there. Do that once every month and in 20 years from now, there will be an army of Brentons walking around on this earth, trigger fingers itching. It's only the right thing to do.
Who? His grandmother Marie? His uncle Terry? They're either coming out against him or at least roleplaying it. If they legit betray him, they deserve death, and if they didn't, they would be happy to know that someone lashing out against them would only accelerate things further.
Excellent find!
The Israel visit is a (((red herring))), it's his visit to Pakistan (known al Qaeda networks) and his alleged contact with Shia extremists that is questionable… I'm NOT saying it's proof of anything, but it needs to be addressed.
8/pol/ is a Shia board now, lol
Basically you need to ship him a kit right now along with money to ship it back. Total cost roughly $100. The sooner the less likely they'll stop it. Be prepared to store it locally at right temp until you find wombs.
There's no point in me storing it here in Canada. We need to put together a working idea, but ultimately if we can't network with a group of interested NZ/Aussie women, it's pointless.
Though I suppose there could be women in US/Britain/Canada who are interested. We should find the places with the largest decline and amount of affirmed interest.
One problem is we will need to vet the women because when leftists inevitably find out this plan they will attempt to infiltrate to gain the precious sperm and then make victory videos of them flushing it down the toilet and stuff to troll us with. The supply must be limited to those with background checks done to affirm they've been allies to our cause for a long period.
Time is against you. When you ask for it ask for proof it's him. Basically have him write a statement with date stamp that he can confirm via a letter to a paper or relative. Once you have the semen and proof it's him all you need to do is announce it along with contact and you'll have women swarming.
Women love violent men.
Lobby for home detention on humanitarian grounds.
More logistics are needed. Unless we're given home addresses of women directly to him (this could be a danger for them if it's intercepted) then there would need to be an intermediary who we can trust not to swap them.
It goes like this
1. You ←semen + proof of identity — Tarrant
2 You –proof of identity + your email-→ internet
3. ladies —- proof of their identity + application → you
4. ladies ←— semen —– you
No fancy logistics involved. You get semen from tarrant. Publish .Take applications. Select. Send semen.
If it's not clear that man is you.
You guys are sick freaks. No woman is going to do this. Ok maybe Evelion.
This is an extremely insane and honestly kind of gross idea. However considering all hes done and if i were in his situation i would anything to be able to have children. lets figure something out
no, I live with my mom and we share the same mailbox, I need a man of culture in the Eastern hemisphere to do this.
how can you say you love the white race if you won't temporarily imbibe your own semen to further it?
Whatever it takes to get the job done.
My small brain had to see what the fuck imbibe meant.
What are you talking about? Every high profile killer gets thousands of thots throwing their vagina at them.
He’s right, I knew two girls in high school who were obsessed with the columbine shooters. Don’t overestimate the female mind. It’s as beastial as ours if not more so.
If you lads manage to do this for him, I think this would make his wae 1000x more appealing. God speed.
I am sure there are thousands of women dripping to get impregnated by a WHITE legit alpha roach killer.
OP is such a transparent troll. A real comedian.
Why cannot he Donate Sperm from Jail for extra money?
Let's leave that problem to some obsessed fangirl-femanon, that is probably already writing him letters.
If I was available, I would so breed children off of him if I could get access to him. As many as I could, hoping to get some of that non-cucked European DNA for my childrens future.
Because it might go to the kikes instead.
It is not beastial to 'secure the future of the White race' faggot.
Men secure the future of their people by WAR and DEFENDING them. Women secure the future of their people by FUCKING those who are not SLAVES. This is the way things are supposed to be. When Semitic beliefs took over they CUT OFF womens ability to secure the future of their people through FUCKING and now all we have a SLAVES and BETA MALES because women can only raise SLAVES off the meager crumbs of masculinity that we are afforded due to the semitic belief systems that YOU ALL have bought hook line and sinker.
The semites DOOMED YOU and YOU COOPERATE AND DOOM YOUR RACE in compliance with their 'standards' and 'ideas'.
This. We need to breed Brent.
Shit thread
Off yourself degenerate
they're trying to shut us down guys
what do you mean available? Are you a man hypothesizing if you were a woman, or a wife hypothesizing she was single? Keep in mind that even if you are obligated to bear only your white husband's offspring (if you are married to a non-white, divorce him!) you might have cousins or friends to whom you could give the semen, so you should still be interesting in serving Saint Terrant as a semen courier.
Heterosexual wives: it is your moral duty to become "heteroflexible" and bisexually titillate your husband by fingerbanging other women in front of him using Tarrant's semen as lubricant. When she becomes pregnant, encourage her to keep the child, help her care for them.
Many fangirls who have the wisdom to want to bear his young may lack the experience on the internet that we have for securing information like mailing addresses, the legal rights of prisoners to send and receive care packages, etc. They may also be terrified of being targetted by leftists for communicating with Saint Tarrant, so if we can set up intermediary mailing networks where brave/safe middle-men send and receive mail to him on behalf of wet and willing young women, we may better facilitate pregnancies from more unions, a larger harem for Tarrant.
I want to hope that Tarrant's DNA is so powerful that even if it was used to impregnate a Jewess, it would just burn out all Semitic factors and create a superhuman anti-Jew instead of a pathetic Mischling. Isn't that basically what Zeus did when he cucked Joseph by raping the Virgin Mary to create the Messiah?
You two nooblets are thinking from an American perspective. As mentioned in the first post: New Zealand doesn't allow conjugal visits for prisoners like in the United States, so prisoners impregnating thots isn't as easy in NZ as in USA.
Although posted 2004 legislation which indicates that at some point conjugal visits were allowed in NZ ~15 years ago, reports from 2 years ago about it being banned indicate to me that they somehow changed this. So it may be more feasible to sneak out Tarrant's semen and do artificial insemination that it would be to get him some actual in-house poon.
I'd prefer to do this the natural way, but if all we can tactically manage is artificial insemination then it's better than nothing. Every fertile white female in the world should be bearing Tarrant children right now. If you have a teenage daughter who aspires to be a coalburner, you should be lubricating her BBC dildo in Tarrant's semen so she becomes pregnant the next time she masturbates with it.
fixed that for you
I salute your autism OP. Together we match towards a better world.
Calling all femanons to mail Tarrant semen collection kits with money for return package.
Bump for true love.
Fuck off, yid.
White children? I think the guy is half Jew. By the Nuremberg laws, that means his children aren't white.
>I think
Reminder that all spam threads are allowed to remain up.
Great idea, OP. I believe that Brenton Tarrant has already strategically impregnated multiple women before his valiant act, but deliberately mislead the media in his manifesto to prevent violence towards his offspring. This should in no way however prevent us from enabling the generation of further aussie memeshooter shitpostwaffen.
0% attracted to him. Hes F*ugly. Not to mention unemphatic mass killing scumbag. Women arent attracted to mean assholes sorry
Go back to your Nintendo switch. I’m sure your wife’s boyfriend thinks the same thing, shill
Some are tbh, if you sit down for longer than 5 minutes here you would notice that there are some that totally want his seed.
Not to mention he's a hero to some lol.
And idk, he's kinda cute.
This isn't actually the case, a lot of murderers have women writing to them in prison for some reason. I also don't understand it.
Some women, and by some I'm giving a rough estimate of at least more than half notoriously get off on men who can cross the mental barrier and have taken lives by the dozens. See military or serial killers for reference.
He’s a sadsack who an-heroed after his deer sweet papa hacked up a lung to entropy.
Ack-chew-ally, my favorite thing about this guy is, he’s most of everything this place can talk about right now, and yet he’s a daily reminder that no, the fire is not rising. The modern world remains statistically peaceful. Every day something happens that defines soneone’s life, but for eveeyone else that day was just (day of the week).
You realize ids exist you fucking faggot.
Hi, Mossad
so THAT's how it's done, good to know
Yes? I wasn’t pretending to be a different person that time.
Now I am! Loll your head in shame, for I P Freely.
You're only a cuck if you unwillingly support another man's brood. In a sense, anyone who pays taxes that support welfare for moms is a cucl, for example.
Knowingly and willingly supporting another man's brood is not being cucked.
The invaders ALREADY use those tactics, and if they accelerate any further, they'll lose their hidey holes.
you gonna volunteer, user?
what a fucking retarded thread
Femanon, shows your tits or GTFO
No, I live in Canada not NZ/Aus just trying to brainstorm a plan for locals to carry out.
Were you responding to or some other post?
You'd be surprised how many letters these mass murders get from female admirers, even the less attractive ones
Let's see the journalists spin this without looking insane
Oh man
Oh my good heavens
why do I fell that this thread was made by a Canadian?
Hi Reddit!
Get to work on those white children faggots.
He gets my standard answer. Dick or GTFO (timestamp).
I don't show my tits off to niggers anyway and that is a nigger/subhuman thing to say.
(((They))) want people to have kids, because there is a significantly less likelihood you're gonna start the Turner Diaries if you have to change a future-"Americans" diapers inbetween reloads.
reported for degeneracy.
Murdoch Chan would have a tones body
All this won't be necessary if we just take out the prison guards and free him from the jail and kill all the race traitor and invader inmates while freeing all the pro-white ones to help us start the revolution after the jailbreak.
Sounds like a plan! "Number One, Make it so!"
No user, they want White slaves, they plan on taking the children you produce with your wife into slavery, rape and full castration, both the males and the females. They want you to 'have White children' because they presume that they will win the coming war and that there will be White children to divide as plunder between them in a life that will be worse than death for your offspring.
"While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape."
The day of the Black Sun will happen and only a handful of White Humans will survive that, everyone else will be Harvested and Processed for their soul. When I talk to time travelers (on occasion) they assure me that there is only Whites left on the planet #1 and that we were whittled down to the smallest handful of people imaginable by the Great War.
Drones don't cost much.
Just have your mom to go down there and fuck him through the holes in the fence. duh.
I live in Canada as well.
Pill me on this.
Do you want to know what to expect?
They have been warning humanity for AGES not to be immoral. There are much greater intelligence on this planet than humans…but their warnings fall on deaf ears…The music video Black Hole Sun is not really an exaggeration about what is about to occur but the date of it is VERY SECRET. And certain criteria have to be met first…the evil has to become as evil as they can get (the Abrahamic religions are a HUGE FUCKING SHIT TEST to see if you are MORAL OR NOT)…If you fail the shit test, you get cast into the Void as a waste product and not viable. This is covered extensively in all the religions of the Globe but NEVER TAUGHT.
So Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden…
And I suppose this guy (attached video) as well but he doesn't understand the reason WHY it happens, he thinks it is a physical event that you can 'choose to avoid' or prepare for in some way. In the Aether is where the Soul Harvest happens and there is no place you can 'go to' to avoid being spotted because it is an energetic plain, everything is exposed and open to view and there is no 'geographical place to hide' like the fucktards who are digging their underground bases think…so humorous for sure…all their planning and then in that day they wake up to view the Aether and have no way to repair the damage they have done on the Earth…flushed out of this Universe they go…into the garbage like a turd in a bowl.
Anyway, he has a lot of stuff right in terms of the PHYSICAL environment (this will be meaningless to everyone because they simply won't care in the slightest) but he is clueless or hiding information about the spiritual aspects…and as he points out the Aesir AND the Vanir (elven or the EL's) have been warning us about it for the history of this cycle so NO EXCUSE FOR IGNORANCE!
I will link the account of someone who saw it with their own eyes uno moment…I have to find it.
Nick Redfern
Final Events
Redfern, Nick. FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife (p. 100). Anomalist Books.
This very same thing is covered with different religious symbolism in Revelations and many other religious writtings.
As I have pointed out numerous times on Zig Forums that ALL of the Muzzie/kike/turks are taken and discarded for their personal and genetic defects. But they will point this out as well in their Haddiths.
From Dabbat al-Ard (the beast of the Earth/ruler/owner of the Earth):
>The Beast is mentioned in the Quran (in Sura An-Naml) and is also mentioned in the ahadith, which expand upon the characteristics of the beast. Islamic tradition holds that the Beast will precipitate the death of all true believers and the removal of the Quran from the world. (this isn't a 'positive' thing for them like they think…this is their final end for crimes against Life and FAILING THE SHIT TEST OF THE ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS).
— Qur'an, sura 27 (An-Naml), ayat 82
Can you tell me what exactly in the Bible is a shit-test? I've read the whole thing and I think people misinterpret is like crazy but I think there is at least an interpretation of it possible that is moral.
Faggot mods banned Tor again btw so have to find a proxy.
who? I didn't recognize that image
No journalist would have the courage to write about this thread.
Women aren't going to start that anyway. It's their job to change diapers and get impregnated by us while we collect raifus.
The offspring of Saint Tarrant won't be good slave material, they will an hero in a blaze of glory before they're 15, taking out 9 non-whites apiece.
The state of Zig Forums where we assume each other to have still-fertile mothers, fucking newfags.
I see you're a man of multiculture.
Banned TOR again? Lol those fags. I wonder how long? I am a part-time TOR user as well.
Ok…so it is not specifically a shit test any more than any of the other Abrahamic religions. But you are not supposed to follow something inanimate over and above your own internal morality. The shit test comes in when you either #1 go along with something you know is immoral (say homosexual parasitic predation on children; since this is how fag reproduce or any of the other crimes of the institution you have joined your 'body' to voluntarily). So, the original sin (moon god or missing the mark as is an arrow hitting a target) was to join bodily with evil, there is plenty of evidence that both Adam and Eve joined spiritually with something (they didn't have bodies yet so they would have been corrupting their spirits to end up here in the world of the dead; and yes, ADAM DIED the day God said that he would, that is why we are all here in the Grave), dead, though most people think they are 'alive' they are not.
So when Adam and Eve joined spiritually with Evil they did it as a voluntary act as much as you joining a BODY of a church is a voluntary act or voluntarily joining a people or religion is a voluntary act. Now, while a part of that BODY you are subject to all of the circumstances and crimes of the same BODY that you voluntarily joined. You have to separate, and scripture and all the higher rationalist thinkers are EXTREMELY SPECIFIC about this…you have to separate yourself from an impure body before you can ascend to heaven. So if you are a participant in the catholic or jewish or christian BODY and they sin, you too as a member of the body also bear the sin of that BODY. There are some really astonishing secrets I am learning about the material state of the 'world' that I can't share with anyone lest someone with bad intentions (demon parasites) try to ascend into heaven and devour it down as well. Anyway, BIOCHEM has a lot to say about why and how we came to be here and how to escape but so does the great works of Metaphysics (not an expert on this I just started to dip my toe in and begin to understand).
OK, so the SHITTEST…there are TONS of shit tests in the Bible. Cannibalism and vampirism and all of the SHITTESTS carry the penalty of unjust death if you do not 'conform to the bodies desires'…lets say communion. You know on a non-religious level when comparing it to IRL experiences that cannibalism is WRONG right…so there is a SHITTEST in the text which says that IF YOU WON'T PARTICIPATE in cannibalism and vampirism you will not be saved. But you KNOW that these are wrong…I mean you know it from the bottom of your heart so if you are expressly against them you are 'condemned' by the body even though you know it is WRONG on every level.
Or let's drag Lot out again and beat him for a while. Lot was a pedophile. Lot was an incestuous pedophile. Lot was an incestuous pedophile and a coward. So the bible tells people that Lot was a righteous man. But if you saw someone like Lot IRL I doubt that you would think that a coward incestuous pedophile was a 'righteous person'…the kikes fail on every one of these shittests BTW…all of the worst behaviors known to man are behaviors that they openly engage in and participate in as well.
So the way out of the SHITTEST is to not participate in SHITTEST BEHAVIOR. Do not join your spirit to institutions or 'bodies' that are evil. You are supposed to become transcendent and the only way to BE BORN into something greater than yourself and reunion with God is TO BE BORN into the higher life…many have transcended this realm and been born as Atman (the spiritual man) once more, while the rest remain trapped here in prison joined to evil in spirit (this is a far graver issue than being joined in flesh to evil but people regard it with a lightness that is undeserved for it is what prevents you from any ascension or TRUE birth).
Now transcendental rationalism is also a factor. One must measure oneself against the pattern of God to be born as Atman. Things like Empiricism prevent man from being measured against the Godly or higher realm ideologies, he must instead make judgments based on his material (faulty or dead) perspective.
Vico has an interesting quote about this while discussing Descartes proposition that "I think therefore I am."
The importance of fashioning oneself in the correct metaphysical configuration cannot be overemphasized. This is as important as a correctly folded protein vs a denatured protein…one is functional and the other is stripped of life because it no longers has the LIGHT within it.
Ok, I jumped around a bit because it is a complex subject but I know anons are brilliant critters and hopefully, you will understand something of the SHITTEST now more than you did. To close we should examine the mythos of the Birth of the Buddha into the higher realms as well…for he defeats Maya/Mara (she is the same mother) or the material but it is not a physical defeat but one of patterning himself metaphysically and spiritually into being born as a higher being. It is worth noting that someone who is going to be born into the higher realms MUST DIE HERE…you cannot occupy the two separate realms at the same time, polluting the spiritual body with the material realm. There is much left out of the Buddha's storyline like the fact that he was probably tortured to death during the 7 hours between his final test and his ascension. For he must die to this world to be born into the next as surely as an infant is tortured in birth here exiting the FLESH body of its mother's vagina and the excruciating trauma of being born.
There are much better more emotional and detailed descriptions of the TEST but I know you can find them and read them if you have an interest in the full story. Basically, this is the story of all men who are born into the higher realm and it is a template for you to follow so that you too can finally BE BORN, rather than stuck here dead with the rest of us. ;)
I will give a few lines from a paper I wrote on Transcendental Rationalism a month ago…perhaps this will help as well.
material environment or this hidden transcendental being whose presence is established
regardless of his fluid material environment.
As Leibniz will later point out in his Monadology;
I swear to g*d the larping gets weirder and weirder each passing month.
Imagine if he saved all of his faps and froze them in a bank. Lots of white babies could've been made.
Whatever you say kike ;)
You know the words are not for you because you will never understand them anyway since you are a material creation and have no connection to the spiritual or higher realms.
I wish he had done it before he committed to the mosque action. But it would have to be a secure bank not run or associated with kikes and other semites so that they could not interfere in our eugenics.