A poll of over 2000 Chinese people was done on WeChat, the most popular Chinese social media app, and found that after reading the manifesto, 76% sympathized with Brenton Tarrant.
Read more: wp.me
A poll of over 2000 Chinese people was done on WeChat, the most popular Chinese social media app, and found that after reading the manifesto, 76% sympathized with Brenton Tarrant.
Read more: wp.me
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China is almost a modern version of national socialism. Their ideas are pretty spot on when it comes to the state benefiting the nation.
No one wants Muslims in their country except the governments of Europe and the US.
This is not representative at all.
Must be hard to get 2000 China men say Brenton Tarrant
What about Koreans? I've tried reading some ILBE comments with Google Translate but its pretty shit for translating ilbespeak. I saw someone say
or something like that though, lol.
Also curious about the Japanese reactions.
White guy living in China for years now, and this is definitely true. You wouldn't believe how nationalistic normal people, plus, once you know what to look for, socialism is literally everywhere. The grocery store I shop at is a SOE (State Owned Enterprise) for something called (I kid you not) China Resources Vanguard.
When you go around to the Museums and stuff, they go out of their way to make sure foreigners know things, like Mao was an alternate member of the Guomingand (KMT, the nationalists) central committee.
Normal people don't look at communism as some sort of stupid liberal fantasy, like Western faggots do. They basically see it as their version of Nationalism. Though if you listen to the ZOG-chinks here, you'd never know this.
wow, so shocked
You can't bring back your 50 dead goatfuckers.
I am not a shitskin, but you must admit using empathyless gooks to peddle your agenda is very pathetic
And all the whites (read: cucks) living there.
Based Bugmen. But really only the fucking degenerate trash of Europe and the USA want these walking pieces of human shit in their countries. The bugmen put them in concentration camps/reeducation centers. The west welcomes them in open arms, puts them on welfare and forces the populace to accept the non stop rapes. Every politician in both places need to be burnt to death for it.
Holy shit I love the chinks now.
I hate faggots (read: you) that type like this.
Media Explains How Brenton Tarrant Could Have Gotten a Way Higher Score
This makes me want to kill white cucks so bad! And if you aren't 1488 after reading this, you deserve death. Seriously, fuck you and your entire bloodline, you faggot shitface cuckold loser. Fuck you. Fuck this gay fucking earth.
user loves Muslim cock - the comment
Tear: The ones that got away.
Seriously they were a terrorist recruitment center and now we have people half way across the globe having a cry for a bunch of fucking mudskins.
So, you? Yeah, I guess so, dumbass.
No need just focus your rage on politicians, media and celebrity POI
he made a few mistakes actually, he didn't keep his corners tight and he skipped rooms without clearing, also didn't burn down mosque.
Well hindsight is 20/20.
No shit he did, but that isn't the point of the poster, you Autist. The point is: he didn't do anything morally wrong and that NEEDS to be drummed into the heads of the public.
Hey user! Can we ask you for a favour? Come join this Zig Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server we promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did… so join using this link right now:
Just because China is nationalist and socialist doesn't mean it's National Socialist. I know, you might struggle to wrap your head around that one. There are many, many, MANY things about China that are absolutely antithetical to NatSoc - Being authoritarian and patriotic doesn't cut it.
The ZOG hates China because they know the Han will never fall for Kike lies. They already took care of their Kikes (Manchus) long ago. They exist as nothing more than a tiny tourist attraction in the Northeast provinces now, 99% having re-identified as Han decades ago.
Time to get tested, fam. It's OK, you're in good company here.
Also the poster is pretty good. Will trigger a lot of spergouts, but they won't reveal the enemy's hand the same way "It's OK To Be White" did. Rather, seeing it will remind a lot of normalfags who secretly agree with us that there are sane people left in clown world.
If chinks were based they wouldn't allow such a high number
Nobody says chinks are based, just that they take care of their own.
Good, I'm glad. Doesn't mean I all of a sudden love subhuman pre-viral chinese bugmen. The enemy of my enemy is just that, indepentant factors will determine if he is my friend
I am a diagnosed Asperger. Apologies.
Ah, yes, infanticide, rampant disease from pollution, working people to death and suicide for shekels, jewing their fellow countrymen whenever possible, etc. Really brotherly bunch over there.
I appologize, the Chinese are like number two right below Jews for me. At least roaches and beaners are just dumb animals - chinks are an actively malicious virus.
I'm just so angry. I heard a cuckservative on the radio today (Ray Hadley for those in Oz) and he was virtue signalling about reasearch on white supremacist hangouts (white nationalist forums, websites, SocMedia (Gab)) and was whining about how they weren't banned and how we aren't all in prison. I could have literally killed him at that point if he was standing in front of me. Yes, make it illegal to be white. Ban white cultural symbols too. Even fucking Communist China has more freedom than we do. The whole situation is utterly sick.
Vid related is not a muslim, but still le baste
Didnt that faggot get cucked by another commentator?
One Chink is worth 50 cucks. Fuck it, I'm saying it.
Probably, mate. But I don't know. I was just channel surfing in the car and I tuned in because they were talking about /ourshitposter/. Usually, I'd never listen or pay attention to such a tremendous faggot, but I guess I've learned my lesson.
I don't have an argument for any of this though.
The chinese are colonizing africa, they are going to replace the niggers with chinks. They do look after their own interests and their people's long term interests.
When the White Nation Liberation War comes, we're going to be looking to make friends with all the enemies of the ZOG. The ZOG-faggots like yourself advising us otherwise are gonna have their throats slit.
There already lived there not to mention 20 million is a low number for a country with over a billion.
It isn't fantasy terms its the literal definition of the ideology.
Chinks hate them to. At first they gave them the benefit of the doubt, but now they know beyond doubt that Africans are permanent-fuckup subhumans.
in after
At least the commie government over there is open about putting the Han people first (which it should). The Chinese are also aware their government lies to them and spread propaganda.
In western European countries, the people aren't even aware of the multicultural propaganda. How all talking points are basically liberal talking points and how there is no deviating from it due to how the educational and media system is build up. In a lot of ways western societies have less freedom than China because the west hides the lack of freedom under the guise of liberalism. E.g. : democracy, just start your own party and movement! Lots of choices! While all the choices basically default to liberalism because if you go against it the media ignores you and if you grow popular you face countless attacks to reform, you get opportunists who infiltrate your party to corrupt it and cuck out for meagre parliamentry power gains and some shekels.
True. Every country watched what happens when you get these guys in your country. Even full on African nigger countries do not want muslims in their country since the muslims will fuck shit up even more.
I'd rather live in a Chinese dystopia where they invaded us and removed the brown than the current J-matrix
What are the chances we can get Russia and China to save the west without completely fucking us over?
I…don't know how I feel about that.
I think you have to take into account that the birth rate in China is below replacement and that they suffer from a fatal shortage of women. If Chinese are gonna populate the earth they'll have to mix with other races.
They have artificial wombs to make their own custom waifus
Muslioms can't fight for shit.
China literally has re-education camps for muslims.
Modern white cucks literally have intercourse with animals, so I don't know which one is worse.
Go fight the chinks yourself, ZOG
Seriously, again you niggers. I give you all 5-10 years left to repent for what you have done to Germany and Hitler's legacy.
Or this millennium will indeed belong to the bugmen.
No shit, 1 is infinitely more than zero.
China is fully jewish you dumb shill
Get Hitler 2.0 up before they just steamroll all of you.
Like Brenton is kosher, right?
Stay mad.
Nope, you stupid CIDF kike, Brenton is legit, your jeiwsh slave country isn't, fuck off.
This is where you have to be smart. Point out to mexicans that cartels and carlos slim control mexican government. Then show that slim is a lebanese jew and tool for the bankers, and how the cartels are CIA and also backed by the jews.
The more enemies jews have the better. Degenerates get the rope, but why wholesale slaughter eachother when that is exactly what the kikes want? We already made that mistake before. A unified front against them is much more terrifying, especially if it happens before they are ready for it.
This proves Communism can fuck your society in some ways, but it doesn't kill the manliness of its population, like Western Cuckracy does.
By the way, it's interesting how at 0:30, you can see the wife of the man wearing a leather jacket getting mad he wants to aid the other Chinese men in the soon-to-blow fight.
Could you imagine a Chinaman-nignog mongrel? I can. Low IQ, highly impulsive, lacking in empathy. You basically take the worst in both races and create a Frankensteins monster. I truly fear for the future.
criminally underrated
Wow amazing dream you guys have there.
I value intelligence over empathy, so no, not really.
But since your vagina rules your mind, I can see why you'd think that.
You're so funny Zig Forums
All hail glorious NatSoc China!
The Jumpkickness of this.
well yeah, obviously they are gonna sympathise with him since he praised their country lol, i was hyped for trump for a little bit after he praised poland multiple times during his presidency
That's because you can have negative feelings there, just as long as it isn't about the Chinese government.
Huh. That's a very kikey solution Moshe.
So basically Asian soymen are more manly than whites now.
Pretty sure that was sarcasm.
More manly? No, but they certainly have fewer jews in their country.
comparing a country that produced the volkswagen to a country that treats its citizens like farm animals (who have no sense of community)
literal bugman empire
Doesn't attack the Political Class who killed his father. Doesn't attack the Cultural Capitalist system in any way, only strengthening it.
Yeah maybe that was to make sure any free thinkers don't deviate from Cultural Capitalism and Exploitation.
Keep being MORONS.
I get that you're trying to make some people mad, but it won't work. Zig Forums regularly has threads dedicated to showing white people kicking the shit out of niggers, spics, pakis and antifa. Hats off to these Chinese men for doing God's work as well though.
Cultural Capitalist Christians are NOT CHRISTIAN.
Well, he is no match for you, my friend. You are a true hero. Sitting all comfy in your chair, slaming and genociding the enemies of the white race with your weaponized keyboard. Good job, the white world will remember your deeds forever.
Do you have the guts to kill at least someone? If you don't, then it is unwise to open your trap on someone who does.
China has always been incredibly based. Funny how the communist states with the least amount of Jews have all turned semi-fascistic, such as North Korea and China. The Jews fear China, just turn on the news and listen to the fearmongering from both pundits and ZOG alike. Brenton supported China for a reason, they are the future and greatest threat to the Jew
No Chinaman ever called me goy
Most of those are Uyghurs. Western China is not really China at all.
taking over western area of china is revenge for muds attacking em a long time ago.
Isn't there a state in China which has more Jews than Israel?
Can't recall it's name though.
China used the Umayyads to take down the Tibetan Empire. They have a long history of using them against foes. Nobody wants them in their own lands however. We know what China does to muds in their empire, they concentrate, put them to work, and breed them out of existance. Unfortunately, they aren't pilled on natsoc, so much as they are just anti Western I think. Plus they think they can do business with the Jew.
I don't believe so. Israel has the most, then the US. There's an oblast in Russia for jews, though.
They need to start valuing nature and their own lives, though.
No you don't, kike faggot.
(((Chinese))) (((poll)))