This shooting is different compared to everything else we've seen before. I see plenty of people actually defend Tarrant's actions, as well as glorifying and making lots of memes about what he'd done. You see people do this on Jewtube and Faceberg with hundreds of likes in support. The far right stopped denouncing this type of violence, and instead asks for more. This sort of far-right unity wasn't a thing previously with people like Anders Breivik or Dylann Roof. Things have definitely changed when it comes to how the far right thinks and acts during the last few years, and recent events are proof of that.
Times have changed
Other urls found in this thread:
Stay on reddit please, that's where this thread belongs.
Tarrant was one of us, he knows memetics and planned accordingly to get the most coverage and exposure possible. His IQ is likely in the 150 range and my estimate will be confirmed during his trial. The Jews and ZOGs of the world are desparate to hide all information about this. The fire rises
stfu irrelevant cunt
Shoo shoo jew
Definitely feels like momentum is building, but we're not doing as good job defending this in places like youtube comments, yahoo comments, etc. as we have been in the past, where a lot of the propaganda war is fought.
Brenton Tarrant looks like a homosexual. Look at that smile. You guys are fruits lol
Hahaha dude I often thought the same, he'll bend over in jail really often. Maybe that was is true wish :D
I don't know why, but the leftist cucks constantly mention prison rape, are you projecting your hidden desires? Not everyone's a twink like you, certainly not BT.
Tarrant is actually the real deal.
Sorry, bro, but the dude spent 90% of his time at the gym. You know who spends that much time at the gym? Faggots.
Jewish guy here.
You idiots couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery. Some guy killed a bunch of people on livestream to support your cause and you still don't even believe it. You're all cucked as fuck.
After hanging out here for a while since the shooting I'm now way less worried about you racists. I'm sure there will be more occasional lone-wolf attacks but you don't have any organizational capacity.
Totally kiked first post.
Look who it is: the jew.
Bro, he's the gay best friend of them. Every girl have them
Maybe, you think going on a killing spree is the way to go like Brad?
How you spot the jew? I am not I think, what would have that to do with anything anyway? xD
hello kike!
your a nigger, obviously. you can’t even use proper grammar
Yes, friend. Please lull yourself into a cozy sense of security for us.
We are toothless, and harmless.
There is nothing, and no one coming to skin you alive, and burn you to ash. Like, at all.
Enjoy your days!
Sleep well.
*wink emoji*
True. I have never seen a video that affected me as much as this one. I never had this epiphany other Zig Forums anons talk about, where they had their left-wing beliefs challenged and felt extremely betrayed and turned left-wing.
But he, Brenton Tarrant has shown us all something. I already watched the video like 3 times and I am lurking on every meme thread to download all of the memes about him.
I never felt this way about any other "meme".
I do sleep very well thank you. I love being Jewish and I don't hide it.
I'm not the slightest bit worried about white supremicists. You think you're smart but even the Muslims organise better than you.
The Muslims can get together and create ISIS you idiots can't organize anything because you all believe in different stupid conspiracies.
Mark my words you'll never be anything but occasional lone wolf attackers. I'm more sure of that than ever now that I've spent time lurking all the places you hang out.
I am an aryian white german dude, you are a jobless pleb, gtfo imbecile fuck
What is leaderless resistance?
Test post to see if tor is still banned
maybe because we would end in jail for it. we are not above law like you are. we can't cry about holocaust everytime something goes wrong.
Show your small, mutilated schwanz or fuck of shill
Because violence is, and always was, a glorious thing. Killing an enemy is glorious. It is pleasant. It is sacred.
We will keep killing more enemies of the white race. Jews included, of course. And we will keep making people desire to kill more, and make the number of killings grow. Killing the enemies of the white race will never be stopped.
I watched them too for a while now, most of them seem to be school dropouts or some other loser path they took. It's pretty clear to see very quickly. I am not worried either, but it's just sad to see such limited intelligence
The more times change, the more the Shoah keeps bobbing up to the surface like a turd in a bowl.
I really hope that the guy is real, but could someone identify the bottle that the guy with the dress is holding? Is it glass or plastic? Any information on what it could be?
Unrelated question: how do I use 8ch on tor? I complete the captcha for it, then get asked for it again.
Honestly, then why come here and tell us that? I am not at all worried Buddhists are going to kill me, guess what I don't care to mention that on buddhist forums even if one decided to gun down 50 hindus.
So why come here an mention it? Because you have to pretend that you are in order to feel safe at night, because you need to somehow belittle and humiliate the people you fear… basic psychology really.
Could be anyone of a million sports drinks user
its because he showed no hesitation or regret. giving them all dome piece finishes. people respect strength and conviction, not arguments.
Y-you zionist shill, the vengence slaying was a fa-false flag!
People were making jokes about 9/11 the day after it happened. Nothing has changed really. People continue to treat each other like shit, mostly because they have no choice. It's always going to be us vs. them because its human nature.
Goddamn you fucking rats. I cannot even read your fucked up english. Prepare your anus for the lasers, and oven hot clothes hangers like your grandmother.
i've had this same feeling before
Thank you for reminding us of your nepotistic long march through our institutions. We will be sure to repay you for your favors.
Now THAT is reddit-tier.
You can't shut it down kike.
Video Part 1: >>>/brentontarrant/1
Video Part 2: >>>/brentontarrant/2
Manifesto: >>>/brentontarrant/3
Thread: >>>/brentontarrant/4
You just can't read farsi. This is pretty much identical to the response of any other attack, just in english
That's because white people are inherently peaceful, accepting and loving unlike the racist imperialist devils that are invading us.
Also the US created ISIS. I'm not joking because the founder/leader of ISIS was detained in one of those US ran third world torture prisons for 10 years without a trial.
Jewish guy here.
The difference between us and them is, they aren't allowed to publicly organize, remember?
Our kind have advocated against explicit White advocacy… I mean let's be honest: We're cared of them. You are too.
It is the same reason you came here to make that post, assuming that's not just wild LARP for (you)'s to fulfill some sort of requirement for payment
You even admit it in your little bluff. Obviously, you realize that Zig Forums is not a place of organization - and that this in no way inhibits the people who use Zig Forums from organizing elsewhere. You do realize that, yes? I mean, you're a smart guy, right?
As a jew, I can't imagine any Jewish person stupid enough to want to come here and antagonize these people. Mark my words: The person who made these posts either is not a Jew and is trying to aggravate someone to copy this terrifying act, or is a Jew and is expressing false confidence to try to put up a strong front and demoralize (of course, he's not a very smart guy, especially for Jew, if he thinks you can just come here and spout some arrogant drivel and demoralize these kinds of people).
As a Jew, I beg you not to take this faggot seriously. We've all seen what happens when an 8channer gets serious.
Oh my fuck what a shit-tier meme
It really shows how incapable you are of creating OC. You are, and always will be, an imitator.
Get back in the >>>/oven/
No thanks. Trying to stay out of the oven is exactly what I posted, functionally speaking.
Hint: If you think we intelligent Jews aren't aware of what is most-likely going to transpire within the next decade, based on historical events, you're very wrong. Some of us are trying to get the rest of them to see that the only answer is a return to Israel and an end to the systemic attack upon White European society, before the next Hitler emerges (almost-certainly in the US).
Your kind literally gloats about it, when whites suffer. Fuck you.
Jews are the most xenophobic and hateful people in the world. Not even Brenton Tarrent, who literally killed 2 mosques full of people, hates other races as much as you hate us. He even expliciately says that he wouldn't hate them, if they were in their own countries. We are not a hateful people. If we were, we would be the only race of the human species and would have wiped out other phenotypes.
And nower days you are more and more open about this. Just look at how many screenshots Zig Forumsacks gathered about Jews laughing about how white europeans are miserable in some way.
You can't help it. You feel different than us. If you see lower-class behavior of some White Guy that acts degenerate, you aren't like us who just dislikes that lower class behavior, you associate him with all White Europeans and think of yourself as seperate from him.
I am like a Leftie about this. Mostly for the memes, because I love exposing how ultra extreme the Left would be, if we switched sides: The Jew is a mind virus. Simply by identifying as Jewish, you are prone to typical jewish behavior. We have to shatter jewish identity. You should all become Christians and drop that jewish identity.
or leftypol
literally chills of hope ran through my body
I am literally tearing up
white pilled
His IQ is around 90 like most here.
Anons are realizing the left and right are just gay jew shit. Political solutions aren't possible, they will keep pushing until we're ethnically replaced. The meme war is now beginning in earnest.
dub dubs
pay attention goys
This sentiment is exactly the sort of rational and reasoned commentary which makes my statement here all the more imperative for the sake of Jews worldwide.
If arrogant pricks like that putz above are allowed to have their way, there's gonna be another shoah, and we intelligent Jews don't want that. My people must return to Israel, and cease attempting to subvert or harm you White European goyim.
If we do not, I and many others are certain of this, Israel and the Jewish people will not survive. Its truly terrifying to live in days such as these, if I'm being honest with you.
Fact is, we are different than you. Its a fact. We are the Chosen People, but that does not mean what so many Jewish folk have internalized it as meaning.
We have a duty to fix the world, and that does not mean we can simply say "Everything you believe in is garbage and I'm going to destroy it" and think there won't be consequences. Thousands of times, those consequences have been felt, and its usually the result of young and arrogant Jews like that one above, who don't realize how tenuous the abusive grasp maintained over the goyim truly is until its too late, even when older Jews try to explain to them how dangerous such activity is for our people.
We will never become Christians, because Jesus was not the messiah and never will be, but that doesn't mean we have to be in conflict with each other.
I'm going to take Mr. Tarrant's rhetoric to heart and do everything in my power to get my fellow Jews to pursue a return to Israel as made possible by חֹוק הַשְׁבוּת. From there, if we stop antagonizing the White European Christian goyim by trying to subvert or harm them, and perhaps they will help us defeat the Muslims and reclaim Greater Israel.
I don't know what else I can do at this point. It seems the outcome is inevitable, but I didn't ask for this, and I don't want this. As a gay Jew who has lived on a kibbutz, I would say its much preferable to be living a simple life in the homeland of my ancestors than to enter war with the goyim after pushing them into a corner with no way out.
Any ACTUAL Jew who says otherwise is certainly amongst the naive and arrogant youth who think of themselves as untouchable. Those of us with tact know that is totally false, in that there are less than 15 million of us… If this comes down to it and we ACTUALLY get targeted for another shoah, I don't know how we're going to survive. And that is terrifying.
Right you are.
I predict that the streetshitters of hinduland will begin to worship Brenton as Virabhadra avatar, causing a nuclear war between india and pakistan. Thus will the cult of Esoteric Brentonism begin.
My IQ is tested at 142, I've managed a perfect score on the LSAT, and I've found more intelligent commentary on this board than I have in the entire combined whole of all other online social engagement platforms.
This is the sort of commentary that scares me and other intelligent Jews the most, because we know its 100% true and that, if not for the current systemtic controls in place - which WILL NOT LAST MUCH LONGER - you would have already brought the next Hitler to power.
And the next Hitler, whatever you might think of the last one, is going to be far far worse.
The holocaust didn't happen, but because we Jews have spent so much time talking about it and promoting it and holding it up as important, I think we've pursued a line of action that is going to make it happen. And that is terrifying to me and other intelligent Jews.
You should start speaking in the media, get your voice out there. There aren't any jews public with admitting how they're fucking with us and egging on an ethnic replacement of European stock. The longer you wait, the more obvious it will be that it was a half-hearted measure only down out of self-preservation, not repentnance.
You are talking about this like we are having an innocent negotiation on equal footing. It's not like you are talking to what the mainstream (media owned by your kind) would consider Extremists, who believe in conspiracy theories.
What have you done to make this conversation honest and public? Nothing I bet. You are doing nothing to help us in any way, but you still try to appeal to our endless compassion and sympathy.
"I am a good jew. I don't want to harm you. I recognize the Evil of my People and wish you the best. I want to stay in Israel and don't subvert or harm you."
Why do you say this here? Why don't you say that publically? You have your back turned to the publc and when you turn around to talk to them, you say something completly different.
It's fucking disgusting how you talk about us. Like we are your cattle. "Oh the young jews have so much foolish youth in them. They should be more careful."
Wow. You are fucking crazy. You think geopolitics are made just by ethnic romanticization? "Thiis ethnicity should own X, so let's start a giant war to increase their territory?" You are like a stereotype of a Nazi in the 1940s, who thinks just by the virtue of his Aryan DNA, he is going to win against the Untermensch. Geopolitics don't work that way. You don't gain air superiority or produce more tanks than the enemy, because of that.
You are so naive. You basically think that we can negotiate and "okay, let's stop subverting the goyim, let's go to Israel and in exchange for that you give us Greater Israel." Yeah. Sell that to the public please.
You know what I love about all of this? That you guys are even more degenerate than we are.
Make an AMA on reddit and talk openly about this and then I might consider taking your position seriously. Otherwise I will regard this as just another way of gloating.
yeah, your'e chosen all right…
take your hollywood scum with you
You, as a peoples, will be held accountable for your actions.
We have the creative intelligence to do so.
We also have something that the jew does not have - a sense of loyalty and duty to each other.
You may have a 142 IQ, but that does not take into account that you will not have the resources nor the means in which to exercise your mind.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your Dionysian decadence will be dealt with.
The media is full of arrogant Jews, young dipshits who think they're untouchable or hyper elite Jew uberrich Jews who basically ARE untouchable in that their wealth and influence will keep them safe for the most part - they can just flee to another land at the drop of a dime, whereas the rest of us are not so lucky.
To admit that Jews have done something against Europeans would invalidate decades of Jewish ideology, both internally and externally. You don't seem to understand that many Jews actually believe in the Shoah, for example, were raised to believe it just like many Christians were raised to believe that racism was evil, and are emotionally invested in it now.
I've tried to talk to so many Jews, and very few of them in the modern age express an understanding, fewer and fewer the younger the group you look at. The young Jewish population thinks they are untouchable in a sense, that's why they come and do antagonistic pestering pf people like you, like that petulant tool above.
I have no intention of repenting to be honest, and I'll admit outright: I only hold this position out of self-preservation.
The fact remains however that I AM SAYING IT, because its the truth: The Jews are the Chosen people, there's no changing that, ever, but that does not give us the right to deny Europeans the ability to choose the right path for themselves and our continued efforts to inhibit that choice, out of fear of an event that never even happened, is simply going to make that event actually happen.
And I don't want to see that. I want to take my partner and go to Israel and live a good life, but that will only be possible if ALL, or at LEAST the vast majority, of Jews worldwide make the return. The goyish European wolf has been backed into a corner, and we're at the point now wherein very soon it is going to leap out and attack as it always does, and conditions are primed for this to be an existential struggle for the Jewish people if they let it come to pass, their only hope of inhibiting it being to allow the goyish wolf out of the corner and to let it choose its own path.
Alright rabbi, lurker here, got a question for you.
You've said novel things. Let's suppose you really are a Jew in the know, what exactly is it about our dearest Aussie shitposter that terrifies you so much?
He's not the first to drop off a manifesto, and he's not the first to go and do a shoot 'em up. Why's this one different?
Is it just because he's the latest to do a happening, or because he put the accelerationist meme into action?
Go fuck yourself you little cocksucking kike rat, you deserve nothing short of extermination along with the rest of your despicable virus of a race. Go back to Israel, when we cut all unjustifiable aid you lot can die there alone.
You will, kike. Soon.
Also, reported for being Jewish.
It's too late to suck up now, Avram. The die is cast.
Well. I'm not sure if LARP or not considering the state on the board. If not, you do that then. You'll hear no qualms from me at least.
What about the mischlings though?
There is nothing I can do to make this conversation public and honest. I've done all I can, and no, I won't pretend its much, but its the best I can do as one man. I have no doubt that will not suffice by your reasoning, and I don't expect it to - only when others follow my lead in large numbers will it matter, and even then it might not because of the rage you feel over what has been done to you. I don't know what to say.
I can understand why people like you say there are no good Jews, and I can't say or do anything to change that perspective, I'm not even sure that I necessarily want to… But it bears stating nonetheless, especially when I see these dumb arrogant young Jews who don't realize what they're doing, coming here and rattling your metaphorical cage.
There is no such thing as a truly untouchable Jew, at least not that isn't sitting on millions of dollars pilfered from the pockets of others. Its a travesty. This is not improving the world. This is not going to result in a true upswing in a willingness to welcome the stranger. This is not going to create Greater Israel.
All their behavior will create is more angry White European goyim, and that's the most dangerous thing in the world right now for Jews, especially Jews like myself (married gay Zionists) who just want to live a good life.
I didn't say that. I just said that I don't want to harm you and I want to stay in Israel, maybe expand it some, and otherwise stop trying to subvert or harm you. That's doesn't make me a "good Jew" by your reasoning, I'm sure, and did not say that I wish you the best, because I don't: I merely wish to preserve my own existence and the existence of my people. If that means not longer holding you by the throat, an action that will only result in you eventually grabbing us by the throat much much tighter, then I and many other intelligent Jews are prepared to accept that existence.
After all, some kind of existence is better than none.
I am trying, but due to the upbringing of modern "I'm untouchable!" Jewish youth, so arrogant and vitriolic, and the actions of the hyper-elite amongst my people, aimed at your destruction and subversion, I am not making much headway. Its quite frustrating at times.
Does anyone here has an ACTUAL FOTAGE? I couldn't find it anywhere.
Hitler did nothing wrong though, aside from not gassing you all.
I know you do, that's kind of my point.
That's somewhat less accurate.
That's also pretty much my point.
Seeing rhetoric like yours spread is truly concerning.
You're thinking of Zig Forums.
The hood on the guitarist is swag
Are you slow. Hitler is on the same side as Stalin. The Founding Fathers would be at the bottom there.
who the hell really knows tho… I just want to find where did that footage gone lmao
I am a white man who has been in prison before and I was in an all black cell block and I was not raped. Not all white dudes get raped.
Probably because he has a whole manifesto but the guy had meme worthy stuff about him. Ask anyone outside of here though, they think what he's done was despicable and awful.
Your response to it. And not just yours.
Hell, the entire APPROACH to it… He wasn't hateful and angry, he wasn't like that guy from Pittsburh. It was like he took a Zig Forums thread and took it into reality, he made it REAL.
This manifestation, its form, its context, its content, all of it was very well crafted to achieve an end - and by all accounts, that end is being achieved even as we speak.
If you don't understand why that would be more concerning than other examples… Well, maybe you're not one of the smart goyim.
This sentiment is very simple, and many arrogant Jews might be inclined to try to antagonize you, but I am not.
I realize that you are the absence of the warbling of a canary in the coal mine.
And my inclination is to get the fuck out of the mine before it comes tumbling down on top of me. Take that as you will.
This board has the retarded setting of only allowing one image/video on the entire board. So you have to go to the old shooting threads at the bottom of the catalog to get it.
kys retard.
He didn't gas anyone, and, after all these years, I'm honestly inclined to say that he didn't do anything wrong.
We did.
And we're doing it again.
welp shit mate… but still, thanks for the help. appeciate it.
The Founding Fathers basically were Hitler son.
Don't be fooled by the narrative of lies my people have put forth against you to try to trick you.
Or you could just post it with literally any other file, such as those 10 pixel bypass images or even a 1x1 bypass square.
Nope, last I checked, bypass no longer works.
You can try to make a three image post, and if any of the three have been posted elsewhere, the post will not go through.
Unless they changed something.
A 90 IQ Untermensch wouldn't be able to pull off an operation like Brenton's and emerge successful
He Showed Whites how to Fight.
His actions Put every White Man into his Shoes, He Mad the Video First person Narative.
Brenton Empowered Whites to Call Niggers Niggers to their Faces.
He is a Hero Not because of his Actions. He is a Hero because He Put the anger into the First Person View of the White Man.
Its OK to Call a Nigger a Nigger. Its OK to be White.
That is what Brenton Did.
He Woke the White Man Up.
I knew it. You are just gloating. Laughing about the few people, who are seen as crazy for seeing the truth.
You are not Chosen by anyone. Your God doesn't exist. None of you even believe in a God. This is all just a legacy of the rabbinical dictatorships of the middle ages, that completly controlled all parts of jewish life. Your rules just come from these Rabbis, who thought up new ways to buttfuck his jewish slaves, while not being bound by the same rules.
Your entire religion is just rule-lawyering.
You aren't part of any ancient religion. Judaism is the youngest of the 3 abrahamic Religions. The oldest version of your holy book emerged after the Quran. I am not even a Christfag, but during the time of Jesu, the true hebrew line was absorbed by Christianity. What calls itself modern Judaism is just the heretical line of the original thing that doesn't exist anymore.
You are larpers without history.
Woah, Moishe, you made me almost puke up.
You already admitted that you are lying about this, Moishe.
I think it's hilarious that a gay guy like you cares so much about his culture. You aren't going to continue your lineage. Why do you even care?
I am going to continue my legacy. I am going to create another version of me out there in the world. I am going to redpill my gf and our kids.
Your existence antagonizes me, but it will pass shortly.
No, the Founding Fathers were ethno-nationalists, but back then that was status quo. That's the true natural center. Politically though, and economically, they were the polar opposite of Hitler. The believe in very minimal governance and absolute freedom.
I am not interested in arguing with your rage, righteous though it maybe.
How am I lying? What do you expect? I'm just one gay Jewish man. I can't change everything myself.
As for caring about my culture, we have two children that we adopted through surrogacy.
My line will carry on.
And I will make sure me and my partner raise our sons to understand how wrong it was to do this to you, how it only makes things worse to try to control the goyim in that way. I cannot debate emotions born from a century of abuse.
I can only say that that abuse must end, or it will only increase to a crescendo of horror which we Jews are the true craftsmen of.
Filtered. This has been adressed many times already, it was tactics as the manifesto was
A: designed to be read by the masses, so it had to be an easily digestible redpill
B: designed to not give the media the ability to play the antisemitism card as this would
B1: give them the ability to further frame him as "crazy conspiracy theorist"
B2: give all those neocon civcuck boomer "right wingers" a reason to fellate jewish dick by saying "oh look at that crazy antisemite, we would never do that, we love jews!"
Although clearly stated that he wanted all semites to be removed from Aryan and called himself a fascist which implies a certain stance on the jewish question anyways, the manifesto focusses on the racial issue as the most important issue of them all. Which is true, because the degeneration of the views on race in white countries has caused ZOG to begin with.