School Deems Girl’s Concern About Changing in Front of Bio Male Unimportant

A tenth grade girl at Pennsylvania’s Honesdale High School was changing in the locker room when she heard a man’s voice. She turned around to discover a biological boy wearing female underpants staring at her.

When the child complained to school officials she was told that the boy who identifies as a girl had a right to be in the girls locker room. And if she had a problem changing in front of a boy, she was told to wait outside the locker room until the transgender child had changed.

The young lady (we are protecting her identity) has filed a civil rights complaint alleging the school district has violated her right to privacy.

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sure bet the left didnt see this coming

Good. Accelerate on all fronts.

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Honesdale has truly fallen. The tiny town of my ancestors, first has an Israeli firearms training camp and now trannies at the local school. Coincidence? Probably not.

literally anyone that doesn't sage this SLIDE POST is a kike.

Tranny thread? Some normalcy among the deluge of shill/newfag threads lately. It’s too bad it’ll be a decade before the tranny figures out what has happened enough to kill itself.

Not that I care

how do we reel in parents into the fight against marxism in education?

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We don't. They'll never listen to us. The only thing we can do is grab guns and start killing people. There is no "system within a system", there is no peaceful solution.

This was brought up back when the laws were being forced through and the activist NPR spoke to refused to discuss the possibility: her response was to simply say "nope" repeatedly or to insist that nothing like this was even possible.

play their game, kill their public figures

kill more than 50 jews

Glad this is happening. Get this happening in every girls locker room across the country. Red-pill an entire generation of female athletes on why tradition and values are important.

erm you cant red pill stupid women especially if their white

I long for nothing more than to watch this decrepit jewish society burn.

how is this not considered terrorism?

Also this isn't their fight. Women belong to whoever dominates. As a whole they will never lift a finger to fight for our survival or support us until we start dominating. Just because it's a cultural war doesn't mean the roles are any different from a traditional war. Men fight and if we lose our women are taken from us and we die. Only thing different is how the fight happens.

Those are some big trips.

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Probably just a guy playing the system. If you believe this is a tranny invasion as opposed to an excuse to look at titties, you may be retarded.

don't parents watch those current affairs shows? maybe tip a station to the story

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Yeah but that doesnt really happen bud

Did anyone ever pinpoint where exactly that compound was at?

they're not even hiding the fact that they're kiddie fuckers anymore. Jesus….


God fucking dammit I was like 5'2 and 100 lbs in the 10th grade, I should have done this to try and /ss/

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