Australia cuts annual immigrant cap, puts key cities off-limits to some

Australia being based all over the place.

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omg so racist!!!
America will need to take in 10 times as many beaners and niggers now to make up for it.

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Violence always works. Kill more mudslimes, shitskins and start killing jews.
The more of our enemies are killed, the more we win.

need to develop ships with hulls able to flush out everyone below decks into the ocean

Well time to go home lads looks like Australia is saved

through some kind of massive chipper turning them into chum i imagine

Yeah, only 160k non-Whites are permitted to swamp us per year now, down from 190k. Big deal. If this continues much longer we're still utterly fucked.

I hope you enjoyed your comfy all white rural community while you could. You are about to have it fucking ruined by niggers.


Down by 30,000 per year from 200,000.
It's nothing.

We are already ruined by niggers

This is an effort to diversify the Whitest parts of Australia. This is mico-targetting of White genocide.

They're trying to ease the pressure slightly so as to prevent extreme backlash.

Trips checked. The niggers are a nuisance, but the real demographic threat is pajeets and chinese bugmen.

And retards on here consider this a win for white nationalism. The problem is you think impulsively, and don't plan for the long term. Oh well what can I say, some people are dumb.

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Did you seriously expect more? You can't go from cuck to white nationalist in one swipe, at least without proper revolution

ehhh they cut by 15% but they're pushing the diversity out of the cities.

See you soon Shlomo. :)

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The immigration is to push down wages. It's the answer to unions opposing slavery. They can order an IT worker or a project manager by Mumbai like a pizza, sent the next day. The anti-racism agenda is to make you look like the bad guy when you're not happy about your job being taken or the infrastructure being overwhelmed because they brought the people first before building beforehand in preparation. It's all about the rich becoming greedy, self interest and corruption. Thank you Kevin Rudd, the bankers and your mates for all of this. You are ruining what was a great country.

tv said it was a cut, but the number it's cut down to is around the same number as last year's intake
why can't i grab mp4s from this

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This. They've only turned the burner down a little so the frog doesn't notice it's boiling so quickly.

I read recently that:
1) immigrants really are desperately poor
2) the mostest desperatelyest poor ones aren’t the ones who migrate
3) the migrants actually represent a brain drain destabilizing third world economies for what is really only a marginal and not at all egalitarian gain in economic growth for first world economies

I think we should pay migrants to go home. Not (only) to get rid of them, but also as foreign aid. Maybe offer them zero-interest thirty year home-building loans so returnees from the first world will make gentrified nega-ghettoes in poor countries.

Oh boy, so instead of sending 15% of it's immigrants to the already diversified cities, they'll be sending 15% of shitskins to diversify the white rural communities.

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They just move them to another category. The total numbers continue to move inexorably up.

We have seen this BS before.

"more an accounting trick than a real cut"

that and nothing will protect them from Muslim/Hindu/Negro/Gook invasion in the near future.

Country people have guns and hate shitskins. They wont sit around being cucked by nignogs like city folk. First time they piss off locals shit will go down.


this is in Australia, dumbass. They don't have guns.

Hasn't been white in decades east coast is fucked

Still too many and all this will do is ruin whatever towns and cities are exempt from the three year protection. In other words, this favours the multiculturalism position.

We do


Just send them to point nemo and launch a nuke just make sure.


What a tiny little brain you have.

The only way the nation will ever recover and forge a new, brighter future is to have a revolution. Australia was referred to as 'the lucky country' for the fact that unlike the majority of others, especially the British/Celtic/European powers and America, it never had a civil war or revolution; there was never the struggle of blood and sacrifice as was commonplace to forge a nation beforehand.

Fuck you all. Burn in Australia 🔥

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This is just stupid normie shit stfu idiot…

75%-85% of "long term visa holders" stay forever…

They don't count any of that.

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Lol and people say accelerationism doesn't work

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Uhuh, now expatriate the foreign criminals.

Or you faggots, they are simply trying to turn down the heat of the flame.
This does nothing except slow the burning of the pot. Someone was spurred to action because they recognized their replacement, OY VEY?!

Don't worry cuckservatives and racetraitors we aren't really bad look how based we are. There's no threat here, in fact taking less is bad we should import more no?

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Look, I can do that too!

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on the contrary this doesn't put a stop to anything, it just makes the fire rise higher everywhere else outside of the big cities.
In large urban areas "small immigrant communitties" aren't that noticeable unless you walk by them, but with muslims and "asians" in smaller towns and rural areas they are much more noticeable and since muslims and africans are loud and an eyesore this can only cause an even bigger grind with the white communities in australia

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ROFL this thread is awesome, we had a cap of 190,000 and 160,000 applied…. so Scomo says lets lower out limit to 160,000 since that was how many applied.

lol, this thread is hilarious

Less people living in 100% white areas scolding us for being racist, more people who have been personally effected by immigration, some of which may even be future BTs.

Damn once you include those student visas…. why do we keep giving long stay visa's to students…. oh wait it takes several years to do a degree, so they need long stay visas.

But why do they come? we spend hundreds of millions on advertising trying to get them to come over here. They inject billions into our economy and create jobs… so… not sure your point here?

"Someone was spurred to action because they recognized their replacement,"

just to check, you are saying that he realised he was inferior? and that is why he bought a gun and did it? and you also feel inferior too?

So why is it that most rural towns are actively lobbying the federal government for increased immigration to their area?

The point, you daft faggot, is that MOST OF THEM NEVER GO HOME. Christ.

so true, if you actually study economics at a macro level you can see just how much of an impact this is having on "third world" countries.

Well, not sure about most but maybe we should keep more as only the ones we want to stay don't go home… we have this thing called an immigration process, which we decide who comes to our country… they have to apply and Australia then assess them and says 'we want you to stay'.

The government actively tries to get university graduates, at least the best and brightest from other countries to move to our country bringing with them innovation and skills sets we have shortages of in this country.

But why is Scomo and the Nationals saying we should have a policy to push people out of the cities to country areas. It isn't to change ethnicity in white areas it is at the request of the country areas saying we want these people to stay in our country and we want them to come live in our communities.

so if your area has been identified as part of the policy it because your local government / council has specifically lobbied the federal government to asking that they encourage people to move to your town.

Is any of this "urban congestion" caused by based fucking commandos making the grand tour of area mosques and jamming up traffic?

Mission partly accomplished, Brent.

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I was in Christchurch, and cause of that fuckin arsehole they shut down half the fuckin streets. Took me nearly 2 hours to get home from what is normally a 15 minute commute, what a dickhead!

That is what i call 'urban congestion' fuckin Australian cunt; "No respect", we should ban those fuckin Australians from coming to our country.


The cities have been thoroughly fucked for at least a decade or two now. They are already lost.

The rural areas are the last stronghold…
First they push poverty, drugs and porn onto the farmers….
and now they push the darkness into the hinterlands…
How I hope the people have seen enough and realize that they need to resist this. My fear is that the old ones are too tires and the young ones too stupid to stand against it.
But I still have hope.

Fuck off.


Where the fuck are you from?
Because you're definitely not from around here.
Do you where you are little one?
Did you lose your mommy?

Oh, really? Well I guess it wasn't worth it then. Lame attempt at shitposting, cunt. Try harder.

He's obviously a blow-in from the publicity this board got in the wake of Christchurch.

Well you have one thing right I did lose my mummy but lucky i found yours, tho her used up cunt wasn't very satisfying…

awe tiddums, did someone entering your little safe place where you and your 10 friends you found on the internet hurt your widdle feelings and upset you….. are you going to go buy a gun and shoot random children to show how tuff you are?

Actually been on Zig Forums for years, just never bothered to talk to the couple of losers in this board who are so scared of being white, Jesus Christ you guys seem like you have an inferiority complex due to being white. OMG the superior foreigners are coming to my country…. be scared guys, be scared with me guys, lets buy guns i am so scared.

A valiant effort, cocksucker, but you're not worth the time. Savor your last (you).

Can I have the link to the Tel Aviv source on this?

On that point he's actually correct. The chinese/foreign student scam in Australia does feed billions into the economy; so much so that there's an entire industry that has popped up to perpetuate it. But being a rootless cosmopolitan cocksucker he doesn't see having millions of foreigners on our soil wrecking our social capital and destroying our norms as bad, even when they never leave the country, because it props up 'muh GDP'.

If only the whole idea of a civilization was to have an "economy" get "injected" with money while your birthrates plummet and your culture dies.

Wow, we should totally make you the next leader.

And those extra dollars are used to put feminists into every department and create a communist nation.

Not to mention all the spies ASIO says are in that lot stealing our tech that is being developed in these same universities.

Great job.

They give money to scam institutions that hurt our people. This whole economy worship bullshit needs to die.


wait so they're even paying them for this?

Exactly. We're not here to create an economy.

The economic cost of street shitting parasites and bugkin far outweighs the blip in cash they bring in. The social and cultural cost is unfathomable.

Estimate number of legal immigrants that have entered Australia since the end of World War Two: 7.2 million

fuck niggers

We only accepted 162k last year, so he only 'decreased' the total by 2k effectively. I wish I could lynch Scomo he's a fucking coward and a traitor

For those saying the "communities" are requesting this have no fucking idea what they are talking about. Wealthy farmers use the visas to drive wages all the way fucking down. This destroys small town communities forcing people to move to the cities to find whatever meagre jobs are left. Then the farmers and slaughterhouse owners complain they can't find people to work their unlivable wages so they lobby the government for visas and immigration. The townspeople who do stay become multi-generationally unemployed and hooked on drugs because of the corrupt police and immigration scam. The well-off country folk scoff at the worse-off and consider them losers and are ridiculously arrogant. It's an absolutely unbelievable fucking scam that no one questions it in this country and it can only lead to, realistically, the worst possible civil war in the world. Hey ASIO, go fuck yourselves.

Fuck me that third nigger is dark.

we do you fucking retard, and all of them hate niggers and the government.

I guess so… if having sex with them helps you

Yeah, lets make Australia a third world nation way immigrants will stop wanting to come here.

Estimate of illegal immigrants since 1788… 25

Better but not good.
Apparently we weren't even reaching our cap annual migration, and this has just reduced it to about how many we were getting anyway.

Also there are new visa rules to promote immigrants working rural for an amount of time to extend their visas. Great.
Now the accelerating burden of immigrants is going to be spread out and diluted, meanwhile white rural enclaves will be mixed out.

Bullshit you have motherfucker. Duplicitous lies straight from a Yiddish gob.

No, it's deceleration.
Slowing down the white genocide so it's easier for the spergs to accept the change.

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