Regardless of what the kikes say though, we've been able to show through EKG meters as well as isolated chambers weighed during the moment of death (21 grams experiment) that humans indeed have a soul, thus we are all brothers and sisters of the Lord. Nevertheless, even if we love our enemy as brothers, still we are forced with the issue of a self-serving and twisted elite who force images and worship of depravity in front of our children and families. This must end.
The cabalists have abused their supposed 'chosen people' position by enacting the most horrific and dysgenic social engineering they could possibly imagine without losing control. The ELITE Jews are a worthy enemy who must be dealt a swift justice, as you would your brother had he been bitten by a zombie. Make no mistake, this means war with our GOVERNMENT, not just the Jews. We cannot possibly hope to fix their iniquities by using normal Jews as a scapegoat, because it is not just them who are running the (((feminism, media, hollywood, porn, pedophilia, child sacrifice, social engineering, fiat currency, usury, organ farming, satanism, sex magic, memetic warfare, psychotronic weaponry, climate engineering))) programs. Once we have regained sovereignty in our own nation we can be fair about how to deal with the rest of the satanic diaspora.
Now I don't pretend to know how we are going to accomplish this, that's why I'm here after all. But our priority is taking down the global satanic network which operates out of the decorated and esteemed offices of our governments as well as the international groups I'm sure you all know and despise. Once the fuckers are out of our government we can look to more humane strategies. We could even let them decide: either register all Jewish groups as agents of a foreign government (such as AIPAC) and renounce their dual citizenship… or be expunged, as a whole people, from our nation(s). If they refuse, those who encourage or even condone the atrocities of (((9/11, USS Liberty, Occupation, censorship, abortion, Bolshevism, and Communism,))) just to name a few, should be swiftly executed without remorse. It is for the sake of our children and children's children that we must do so, unless you approve of them joining the ranks of the mongrelized 90-IQ caste system.
Even if you're a macrobe devotee, think about it - if 'as above, so below' is true, and if your blood sacrifice cult is true, would that not represent our body killing off it's healthiest cells? Which cells does our body actually kill? I wrote that rhetorically, but I'll answer it for you. The cancerous and parasitic cells are the immune system's priority. They have killed the best of us for hundreds of years. Think about that.
this. I've read every cited study that includes Jews regarding ethnic and multivariate differences in IQ. According to the results they are, on average, a couple points below whites. They have proportionately more geniuses due to the aforementioned mental illnesses, which lend themselves to seeing the world in novel and USEFUL ways only if combined with a high IQ and proper focus.
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