And by "white people", I mean the many European ethnicities and the many people of Native European Descendant. You can see in Hollywood, you can see in TV Shows or [[[ Netflix ]]] shows, you can see in advertisement banners, you can see it in video games…All of these that are made in the west make all white men and women absolutely disgusting, that be physically and/or in their behavior and thier marxist values. They always are globohomo SJW faggots, or they are ugly green hair lesbians, or they are effeminate cucks or they have funny faces, or they are FAT as fuck,…And obviously, all the FORCED and disgusting "diversity" and multiculturalism shaved in our faces…Really, the only time you see attractive white women acting feminine on screen is with a male nigger with her obviously. And in other times, you can see attractive white women but they are supposed to be dominant, to act like men and have leadership of men. This is ridiculous.
In Japan, at least in video games, when they display white people, they either display natural normal white people or they display pure and beautiful white people, in a very respectful way. Will Japan be the savior of the Europeans cultures ? Because we can't trust the (((marxists))) in our own countries.
Why do they "creative" force in the whole west hate white people ?
Other urls found in this thread:
And obviously, it's not factoring the fact that those (((marxists))) want to completely replace us and even rewrite our own history based on their racist lies that everyone wuz an African person in Europe. This is getting intolerable.
shit thread
don't do this again
Don't you agree that white skin people are always portrayed very badly in the whole Kiked West creative production ?
They diminish the white superiority to make inferior races look superior or equal. It's obvious in Netflix movies.
Answer:It's the Jew
wow, you are antisemitic? This is NOT ok.
Because its controlled by jews, thus the only people who work within are jews and those jews like.
Then if Jews love so much diversity, why don't they do they same in Israel ?
Who said anything about jews loving diversity in some kind of nebulous objective void?
Jews like diversity for the goyim. It keeps them confused and conflicted, mixed up… Divided.
And why would jews want a divided israel? That's dumb.
Major publishers and advertisers are jews.
Not in Japan ? Isn't Nintendo Japan Jewish ?
have you ever been to an art school
i made the mistake of joining one in my youth, expecting to learn the techniques Miguel Angle used to paint the Sistine Chapel, instead they kept shilling media hyped frauds and charlathans like Picasso, Polloc and Warhol, not a day went by without me hearing Marx name thrown around by teachers who were suposed to teach us how to use a brush or mix pain but instead chose to talk about muh social issues, lots of neohippies virtuesignaling in a pathetic attempt to score with thots
these kind of people then graduate and the ones that do get a job get it through connections and nepotism cos no way they're gonna get it through merit
Art was the first thing (((they))) pozzed
Any field where you have a small effort being rewarded with outsized profits, you will find jews. Entertainment, art, music, etc.
This is sad. What would you recommend for learning art properly? Foreign education? Online?
Hi newfriend
We think that Open Borders for Israel is a wonderful idea. After all diversity is a strength.
And Israel must accept change if they are to survive.
You're asking why kikes, our enemy, portray us negatively in the shows and movies they produce; using largely a cast and crew of their own people?
You don't make alliances based on who subverts the West the least. Japan will not be the saviour of European culture and anyone who looks to the Orient for a saviour needs readjustment of their priorities and values.
I doubt it, but I don't know.
Daily Reminder
A white nationalist wanting to raise awareness of the jewish problem and wanting worldwide support would target prominent jew elites and or zionist politicians
Not worshippers at prayer
That's what isreali jews would do, not national socialists
Both you and your jewish handlers are a leech upon European nations.
Well then why do you keep buying into it and giving it all the free publicity it wants. I thought you faggots were supposed to understand what "memory-hole" meant
Are you saying music is a low effort art?
Music has been referred to as the most plastic of all art forms, which is a fair description. Music can rouse the senses but in its current incarnation is mostly just further noise to drown out original thought and action; particularly with the niggerfication of pop culture.
It is absolutely wrong to say these can require small efforts, they always require many efforts to get recognized. It's not just buttons you push. It's way more complex than that.
Fat princess was published by Soyney who are Japanese as well. Also bingbing wahoos are for children
What about music other than the minoritarian part you are talking about? There is a metric ton of excellent music everywhere. Look at prog rock! Look at experimental music! Look at underground rap! Look at everything else besides pop subgenres.
Lame. OP reads like what regressive leftists pretended GamerGate was like. Shit like this just reveals who authored it.
The sad thing is, you've noticed what you wrote about but are blinded to the reality that those "women" you mention, are actually males dressed up as women.
Did you never ask yourself why every Hollywood "lady" has that gigantic bulldozer jaw? (one trait of many).
And before you "some women have a strong jaw" me, it's not "some", it's fucking ALL OR NEARLY ALL.
Grasping the inversion at play is essential to understanding what's happening.
What I mean with my other reply is that saying music is a plastic form of art is not that fair, because of the incredible amount of good music out there. And sure, pop subgenres aren't the best at being good, but they still have some gems as well. Oh and I know what you're gonna say when you hear less accessible music like noise music, atonal music or mathcore, but their best artists are just an example of how far we can go push into boundaries of music or how much we can create and experiment with in music. My problem with this kind of critic is that:
1. It's subjective, with very few objective aspects
2. There is too much music out there(other than mainstream pop) and too much of it is good/great to even dare say a statement like the one you just wrote.
3. There is too many people who listen to that other music for us to say "Music is doomed".
4. And finally, even in mainstream pop, there is some great stuff.
There you go, sorry if it was so long, it's just I'm a massive music nerd and musician so I just disagree really hard when I see that kind of statement. Thanks if you took the time to read it tho
The devs are Americans.
Titan Studios was an American video game developer founded in June 2008 by the core team previously working as DarkStar Industries.[1] It includes former members with experience at Epic Games, Ubisoft, Blizzard Entertainment and Lionhead Studios
You're clearly not from here, so lurk for another ten fucking years, faggot.
I'm from here.
lol you argue about a technicality like that but bot that bing bing wahoo soys are for children
the normie answer is that marketers want to reach as large an audience as possible and to reach non-whites corporate advertising diminishes whites. Remember that corporations are international now and whites are a global minority, so it makes sense for them to pander to other groups.
I just want pre 2009 back guys but White.
Jews. Lurk for 2 years.
Uhmmmmm Because they are jewish??????? like duh. The world is really very simple, people behave on a racial basis.
Only cowards long for an age not their own. Men forge their own age.
Fuck off nigger. This is 8ch. If you want baby's first red-pill head on over to 4channel.
Online, or at a local art studio. Visit before enrolling, look at the types of work they are creating. If they draw from life and/or do copies of the old masters, that's a good sign. You probably want to start with basic drawing, then still lifes, then move on to life studies. Becoming a great artist is a significant time investment, practice is more important than any instruction.
Constant brainwashing and fear of having clashing opinions
They're jews. Fuck off, retard. Rule 4.
dubs confirm Nintendo Japan still holding out against Jewish infestation
The top definitely is, If Trump has proved anything its all rich people are spiritually Judaic
Japan is literally the least jewish country on earth. The way a country gets kiked is when an Abrahamic religion (Christianity/Islam) becomes its religious majority. With the goyim worshipping the jew's god (which ethnocentrically favors its (((chosen))) people), the kikes have successfully spiritually displaced the native's religious beliefs. Japan not only has its own ethnocentric religion to counter this (Shinto), but also prefers Buddha's teachings (Buddhism) over that of Jesus and other biblical kikes. This is why the South Koreans (whose country's majority religion is Christianity) are the jew's main attack dogs in Asia. Only South Koreans residents living in Japan pushed for "hate speech" laws in Japan while the kikes (like george soros) notably funded their efforts.
The other reason why Japan isn't kiked is because it rejected (((Karl Marx's))) failed Communist/Socialist ideology. Unlike China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and other Asian countries that got their societies wrecked by these terrible policies, Japan was lucky. It went from being Imperial to Capitalist because the US fashioned its post-WW2 Constitution and government as an anti-Communist one. (This was back during the US' Cold War with Russia, in which the US tried to turn as many countries into anti-Communist ones.) Thankfully, Japan became a highly successful nation and avoided the Marx-induced suicide.
Here's a different answer from a person who actually studied art.
It's because it's European. In fact, it's always been like that in art. Not to the same extent like it is now, but depictions of minorities and fat women existed before in white majority Europe. Pic related were done in the 17th century.
You're likely talking about commercial art/illustration art in the 20th century. That's not necessarily "European". Japan was mostly influenced by commercial American art/animation, particularly Andrew Loomis and Disney. Both used skinny models. Andrew Loomis' book sold well in Japan to the point where outlets like Capcom and Ghibli followed it and used his techniques. Andrew Loomis was taught by George Bridgman, but their techniques are different.
Anyway, there's three distinct reasons why artists do it:
1. Contrast; an effective attention grabber, hence why you see a lot of it in advertisements. Whether people like it or not, they notice it and circulate discussion which is good for their product.
2. Indoctrination; a lot of artists have been fed the false narrative that minorities have never existed in art until the 21st century, which is hardly true.
3. Support; you get a lot of connections and support if you go for "diverse" stuff.
Do life drawing and gesture drawing, along with online courses or local studio.
For online courses, Watts Atelier ( and New Masters Academy ( teach Old School art without the thousands wasted on tuition. This goes without saying, but don't be a 1488 sperglord.
Yes, but this belongs in QTDDTOT, this is old news for years on here found in mutiple redpill threads
>The other reason why Japan isn't kiked is because it rejected (((Karl Marx's))) failed Communist/Socialist ideology.
t. Hasn't heard of the JRA
The Jews do this with the help of the political red herring White Nationalism.
Reminder that this user is paid to post lies here and that the mods allow it.
This thread is gay and so are you. Sage.
based and redpilled
Hmmm, hated everywhere except for the holes between our women's legs. I do wonder what all this degradation means. Perhaps (((we))) can ask for forgiveness!
Shut the fuck up.
Zelda is so pure.
Corporations hate white people. Artists are interested in making money.
It's because leftists hold all the power in our societies. Whether the artists agree with it or not, they have an obligation to satisfy their patrons. Of course, many do agree with it because of lifelong pressure to conform to those political views. Unless and until the right siezes power from them, mass media will continue to be a primary force in the degeneration of our culture.