Ideally in predominantly Muslim communities to spread fear create an uneasy atmosphere.
Spread the Image
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Bump. I will be posting a thread tomorrow with pictures of my gear for the upcoming op: 1000 Brenton Tarrant did nothing wrong posters with a Sonnentag under the text. Gonna hit the most Muslim heavy area in Brisbane, Australia. Wish me luck, Anons.
spray paint
"Replace white people"
This makes people feel attacked and also question if they're being replaced.
It puts the focus on who's attacking them.
also it's not incitement, so if you get caught you'll be only charge with graffiti
Hey man, post it in here too, im thinking about doing something of the sort but not sure of good poster ideas
Bump. I will be posting a thread tomorrow with pictures of my gear for the upcoming op: 1000 Brenton Tarrant did nothing wrong posters with a Sonnentag under the text. Gonna hit the most Muslim heavy area in Brisbane, Australia. Wish me luck, Anons.>>12985057
Most white people are fine with being replaced. They can see it happening in front of them. They lack care not eyesight. Thus, you need a different approach …
another one
"replace western culture" with a star of David next to it
Very true, push all avenues
Borrow my design, friend.
Wishing you luck, user. Do you have pictures of the gear yet? Will the posters be easily removed?
I'm using a combo of spary on plastic glue and letterbox drop. 1000 muzzies gon get some mail. Expect police presence and big news.
fuck off
Does Desmos count?
May the force be with you!
This may help you in spreading the posters:
How to do repill postering
Good luck, user. God bless you
black sun demon worshipers
spreading their lies, hate, death and destruction
they profess to believe not, yet stink of fear
hey shlomo, suddenly i love pissr… ehem israel
Imagine how Hortler’ed that could all go with twelve spokes and three circles?
Even swastikas are tricky for those unpracticed.
Make a cardboard stencil beforehand
Write 'subscribe to pewdiepie' underneath
ffs this is supposed to be an esoteric symbol used as a dog whistle to others, don't spread this shit around
I think encouraging people to sub pewdiepie is a better idea
Of cource you do, Cuckchan, but this isn't your board; and that idea sucks.
That symbol is used by the cult of the black sun you retards why do you want to spread it around
If you're going to vandalize, you use a fucking stencil. And you only do it on objects and architecture that is "modern"/disgusting
Furthermore, let's say we go through your greentext; wheel splattered in mudape enclave, media reports it. Then what? What is the result you expect or desire from this? What is the next move, have you thought the consequences of your idea through?
Remember to always ask yourself
How does this benefit me and my people?
Good to see that you can think for yourself and OP doesn't need to spell out every little detail for you.
Godspeed user. Remember Ebba.
You're lucky I'm too autistic to reckon you're being snide
If you want to garner media attention that will benefit you. Spray paint a church with
Shit like that.
An association between the wheel and Tarrent has been made in the media. By spreading this image you theoretically reinforce the idea that "Tarrents ideology" is widespread and close to home.
Do you not believe this to be so?
hey i'm 4163, I'd come along and help you but I've done my back in, maybe another time??
We can meet in a public place but any discussion after that would have to be planned behind encryption.
They will kill you.
The media won't give a shit about that. Also, the muzzies will do that shit on their own. Accelerationism doesn't mean doing your opponent's work for him, it means riling him up until he does something counterproductive.
Too late for that friendo, now everyone and their dog knows about it. In some ways I don't mind that this has become our calling card of sorts, it fits the purpose.
Do it faggot
You wont do shit, sandnigger.
God bless you
The normie knows they're being replaced.
But they don't understand race, they just think humans are all the same, just in different colors.
You will need a template to draw it quickly.
Remember to remove the color ink pack from your printer to evade the yellow dot matrix
Make the oatmeal paste (look up online) or something similar… It makes it so they're damn near impossible to remove without just tearing off little bits each time you try.
But regardless of if you use that particular method or not, DO make sure not to put them up in an easily removable way!!
Godspeed, Ozbro.
I would love to do a similar op but i live in a tiny town in the midwest that has zero muslims or niggers and people here are mostly redneck conservatives who hate both already so impact would be miniscule at best.
It's the least I can do for you Brenton.
I just used the first page of the manifesto for my posters I've put up so far but if anyone has any other posters they'd like me to also put up share your poster designs in here.
Beware the Black Sun prophecy.
Does it refer to sun in the sky?
Or a white man's "black son"?
Where do the yellow dots appear? Can I just go over that part with a marker?
hot off de press
Guys I want to upload video footage of me putting up posters but would there be exif data in the video and how would I remove that so I don't give away any info that the ZOG can use to end my free speech early?
Work in a large building in Melbourne cbd with roof access. Thinking of printing off some shit and dumping it over the side. Should I just do the plain symbol or add something to it?
Why not hakenkreuz?
Cheap ass camera from jb. Buy with cash, don't use it for anything else. Upload footage from a library or lan cafe but make sure you're not on camera.
Symbol + "" under or above it.
Your advice is incredibly shit. A cheap camera will have shit resolution and not be able to see anything and going to a library or cafe to do this is stupid.
I think maybe if I open the video in Blender and do some editing I can make sure it's free of exif data?
Then I'll just upload it to a darknet file host like is normally used for CP videos and then I'll link it here and then anons can download it and repost it.
Tards can't even get Swastikas correct. This just plain ain't happening.
Your videos going to be shit anyway. You're just putting up posters
Posters should be black and white only and simple… these are more like desktop backgrounds / phone backgrounds than posters to be printed.
I have good cameras so I'm going to use those. Even a cheap camera will leave exif data which will get me doxxed. You have no idea what you're talking about.
what are you even thinking
The whole world knows about us and more need to come and receive our redpills.
If they take Zig Forums down we'll just move to another Zig Forums. If they take Zig Forums down, we'll just flood the internet, and also use other imageboards at same time.
I agree. I was just posting something that might have digital value rather than use for irl posters.
They still begin thinking when they feel attacked. That phrase makes clear that at the very least non-white don't see white as the same, which is true.
I prefer to work with truth though, less chance of backlash from honest people.
They are all over the paper, user. Also to my knowledge most printers won't operate with one color cartridge removed, so b&w laser printers should be used(well, I THINK they don't leave any traces).
hi jidf
this is bigger than Zig Forums you branding it as different makes you look weak
What the fuck are you even saying to me?
Should I just not worry about those stupid dots and print everything out anyways?
They do though.
If they take Zig Forums fine we can take /polk/ on here.
Also they will leave and forget about this place existed.
/ourgirl/ Shakira her hips don't lie. Was well ahead of the curve. Kikes reached maximim overkvetch when she did this along with a boycott of Israel on her tour.
use youre fucked brain bitch anybody seeing the poster disregards it
you want them questioning where and who posted it, it makes you seem more numerous. retard.
I like that image. It makes something arise in my cells and it feels fuckin good man
Why are you using the black sun image?
using the first page from the manifesto is best and will actually let them know what this about
I'm obligated to adds this too.
Black sun worship is nothing new user
I of course know that. It isn't well known in the mainstream though.
Ok, that I agree with, that's also my worry about using only the black sun image on posters. There is an abundance of information on the black sun and people could easily get the wrong message. I think using the full first page of the manifesto would get more people to take the redpill we want them to get
Wheel graffiti is technically illegal and I can't officially condone it. I will suggest print a high resolution image and cuting a stencil. There are some technical aspects of stencil art I will get into breifly. Print four copies of this image. Fistly just cut a full circle this a good background layer. Spraypaint circle lightly. Allow to dry for about one minute. Cut out the second layer for the white space between. Paint that layer directly over the top of it.
Better yet. I mocked it up for you. Stencil paintings are easy. If you want more post a request.
Basically just cut out the black parts and use as stencil. Black over white works a lot better.
You do you (aka sit there and do fucking nothing because you're too much of a coward).
I'm going to put Zig Forums on my posters and you can't stop me.
Honestly I don't see how it's news to anyone that the black sun is a nationalist symbol. I mean, it's basically a swastika with more arms.
Dear OP, please die in an oven. Thanks.
When playing the video on your computer, screencap it with some software, then there is no data of the phone. But also erase the edges of the screencap or they can know the type of recorder, what OS you use. There will probably still be other sorts of data in the screencapped video, so use the most widely used software/free available. Preferably do it on a linux OS. But, altough posting posters isnt that much of a crime, I do recommend uploading from library or sorts.
ffmpeg -i "your video" -c copy -map_metadata -1 "new video"
This is nuts, I never realized printers left a dot matrix like this.
Is there anyone super familiar here with how this works? Does each printer manufactured have a unique dot matrix that can be traced back to the manufacturer, the store, and eventually user? Very fascinating stuff.
I you didn't buy the printer with a credit card it doesn't matter unless you are spreading something really illegal. Chances are unless you are caught red handed putting up flyers or posters nothing will come of it. But if you're worried about it just buy a cheap printer and then through it away when you are done.
yes, the serial number is embedded
they do it to track down counterfeit money printing. I'm not sure inkjet printers do it though.
Don't know if maybe these links might help with you for pictures and video files:
Its scared
Start up the printers
Wait for a day with high winds would be my recomendation.
also as said but be hard for newfags to navigate the site
exiftool -all= video.mp4
remember when that desert god killed his brothers?
Remember when his followers burned our groves?
Remember when they raped our children?
Remember when he stopped answering his faithful's prayers?
The north remembers.
Remember Rule one. We don't want an influx of normies. send them to Q.