Brenton is a propaganda expert, but a complete fuckwit good goy being red pilled then black pilled on every subject except the most important one, the jewish question.
His target wasn't the worst one possible, but it was a far cry from the best, whats the fucking point formenting social unrest when you have a huge overbearing authoritarian ZOG oppressing every one of us, and is currently largely unbeatable for us when they truly turn their attentions on us as they currently are??
Never attack or get autistic about SYMPTOMS of the real disease, the real cancer at the heart of the west, and the world itself, is fractional reserve banking, debt-based private currency, and globalism, all pushed by both bottom feeding jews and the puppet masters at the 0.0001% laughing down at all of us on high while they drink baby blood and rape kids for fun.
You wanna do something that will actually HURT them? get on Minecraft and take out a central banking authority, Frances central bank, Deutsche Bundesbank, the Bank of England, Brussels European Central Bank, the many Fed Res buildings in america, either find out who's the director, and who he serves (because you can be sure elites like the Rothschilds and other dynasties have better things to do than micromanage the economic system they created, they don't need to do that anymore), and try to take THEM out.
Spergs on here with no clue will read this and think "hurr thats too hard, ill just go shoot the local bank manager in minecraft" no you retard, 99% of people involved in banking, even the jews, are just serving the system and have no vested interest in it past their own employment, their deaths achieve nothing. People with real power dont reside in a fucking mosque, or a government building for the most part either, they reside in a country mansion estate or the top office of a high rise banking authority, or Wall Street or whatever.
Hell, attacking infrastructure to said central banks, cutting off power/water etc with big damaging explosions or emps will do huge damage to economies if you do it right, we live under a cancerous ponzi scheme run by jewish dynasties from the shadows, and how do ponzi schemes fall apart? screw up the internal infrastructure, stop more people signing onto the scam en masse somehow, or force a huge schizm and make a chunk of the goyim cattle break free from the system. You pick the method you use in Minecraft goy.
Zig Forums is a board of peace though no killy.
Attached: kike bank notes.mp4 (500x215
114.43 KB, 215.18K)