Brenton must be so ashamed of us right now

Hello everyone, I'm a white nationalist yet pretty new to Zig Forums, so excuse my noobishness. I came here because I was highly inspired by Brenton's action, and when I saw all the people here talking about accelerationism I knew I was surrounded by good people.

But my question is: why aren't we doing anything? Brenton's whole goal was to get this shit into motion for us, but somehow we're still not accelerating, nobody seems to be doing/planning anything.

Are we gonna patiently sit around for another 8 years until the next one of us is going to do something?

The Muslims, Jews and Blacks are still:
-outfucking the whites
-outmurdering the whites
-outsmarting the whites

I really hoped this was the starting signal of whites uniting and hitting the streets to get this shit going, but now I'm feeling sad again because it seems nothing is going to happen at all….

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-15 Brenton Tarrant Mosque Shooting - YouTube.png (750x575, 334.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Brenton Tarrant is a hero!!!

Zig Forums is a board of peace

We dont condone violence here brother.

Please report yourself to the nearest authority

You first :^)

i was talking about "peaceful" actions of course


Speak for yourself. OP is right.

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thanks for another (((Brenton Tarrant))) thread jews

Assuming one was preparing for a real life effort, he would need some preparation, I guess

He is one of my heroes goddammit

It flicked a switch in me. Now my life goal is to follow Brenton's lead. It is always in the front of my mind.

i know, in seriousness fuck the complacency – more action, niggers. chop chop.

when will you do it?

thanks Irgun fan club presudent

fuck off CIAnigger

We have to do this at least in 2019, preferable in this summer

Way to early for ETA. I need to train and prepare so it is successful like Brenton.

Anons that claims the Christchurch shooting was the psyops aren't asking themselves the right question, to whom does discrediting the attack benefits to?

Islam and Zionism are two faces of the same coin. Because Brenton chose to address the Islamic problem doesn't make him wrong.
His operation was in part aimed toward spreading a message to the mass that are more open to hearing problems that impacts them directly (Islamism).
The rats pulling the strings are hidden from the mass and exposing them in a manifesto after a massacre would turn them off.
What Brenton has done is a good move. Because it furthers the leftist into their authoritarian insanity, pushing the moderates further to the right.
And at the same time, people that read the manifesto are being exposed to factual redpills regarding demographic changes.

What white nationalist disagree on mainly is the method of addressing the problem, they acknowledge both the Jewish problem and the demographic threat that poses Islam, the problem is that they're either focused on either one or the other. When you autistically sperg because someone in your camp didn't do the thing the way you wanted, you are playing against your own camp, you are either delusional or controlled op. Do not fall for that binary perception of reality, as I said above they're both a problem.

Brenton chose to target muslims because they were a direct threat to European demographics and it's true.
If somehow you managed to eradicate all the jews from the world you'd still be stuck by the demographic rate of replacement of the muslims, the result would still be the same in the sense that european genes would be erased.

To the argument that Brenton should have gone for the head of the snake, you should understand that this isn't technically easy to accomplish when you're a lonewolf.
Of course this is just my opinion but I think this man decided to take matters into his own hands, it was an attempt at spreading a message, to be heard by those who refuses to see what's coming.
The manifesto was also designed to be accelerationist, he knew that the leftist and gvt would crack down harder on everything they deemed too conservative.

And to those that whine that now " things are going to be worse", they were going to get worse regardless, look at us, people like pewdiepie are being witch hunted as if they were actual nazis.
You can crawl, apologize and suck the system dick's all you want they will never be satisfied until your gene-pool and history is erased from the face of the earth.

My tl;dr Brenton did nothing wrong if he's any psyops he's a pol psyops, his manifesto is well designed to confused the NPC and awaken the people that can read through the lines.
Those who screams falseflag or try to strawman his decision are either moralfags(npc) or controlled opposition, shitskins and jews BOTH have an interest in discrediting him, because they both have the same interest. They want westerners gone, because they hate each other doesn't mean they can't collaborate. And of course we have leftists, traitors to their own kind.

I'll reiterate that this is my opinion so feel free to disagree, I just wanted to share my thoughts here with you.

Islam is the sword of zionism and antisemitism is its shield.

It is accelerating.

Same here my friend I am making preperations and alliances with various people and groups to try and get training,assets,equipment and some money. I was thinking of starting out small with like drug dealers or something to see if I actually have the guts to take someones life.

As long as we don't attack the "head of the snake" I think simultaneous actions on mosques and synagoges will be a good message

I certainly hope so, it's now or never

nice try jew

Be careful who you trust. Don't tell people more than you need them to know.

Attacking NATO HQ, EU parliament, AIPAC, IMF and those globohomo nest is technically super hard to properly execute.

Thank you for outing yourself, anti white.

You all know that the FBI is like, serrrrrriously on fucking top of this board, right? Actually no, don't splinter off, stay here where we all can see you.

I dream big, I rather die trying hitting a hard target then settle for easy ones, but this is just my own preference of course

Authorities have never scared me, not gonna happen now either. Let them watch, they're gonna get it right after the Jews

Dude. It took two and half years for Brenton to achive his dream. Brenton know how important are memes. We doing our best to make some for him. If you want to do something radical like he did, don't talk about it here. Don't talk about it anywhere.

Brenton know how hard is to do something real. Don't expect miracles. This war started before your grandfather was even born.

tltr u kike

I understand, but you do realize that we're still losing this war right? We can't let everything depend on Saint Brenton, we need to get this shit going or pack our bags and leave Europe, which is not an option

Fuck off as take your Mossad asset with you.

Just post pictures of your dick for them to admire,but yeah i agree with you the authorities dont scare me as well and it shouldnt scare anyone else, as long as they dont talk about their "attack" in detail. Dont talk about it here or anywhere online, mouth to mouth is the way just careful who you trust.

Why aren't you doing anything ?

Yeah, because islam goes out of their way to subvert our nation and culture, by controlling our media, politians and entertainment, right? Go to 4chan with this low-effort idiocies you absolute brainlet

Right, it's not that you are a coward, I'm Mossad.

Whatever helps you sleep at night buttercup

I am, you'll see me this summer in the news, dont worry

I still live in 99% white country, so I don't need to do anything


"The birth rates
The brith rates
The birth rates"

Some of us have to focus on getting a good, skilled job and birthing white children.
Everyone here has a different job to do.

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Utterly pathetic larp

ok brainlet.

Will everyone have to write their own manifesto? I don't see a united effort coming out of this. Probably for the best. Any coordinated effort will be snuffed out before it can happen, but come to think of it, a group attack is the last step before some kind of all out war starts. Even if it's another soft target, a group attack will scare everyone straight. But you are not ready yet, none of are.

Frankly I want none of it. I don't want to see this happen, but I know in my heart it will. It's only a matter of time before some creative loon amasses an arsenal and puts it to work. But for now it will be lone wolf attackers. Even as I speak there is someone writing their manifesto and training. But for the rest of you, just think about it. Just think about why you would do the same. I can't think of any reason for myself, but maybe you can. Train yourselves.

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I assumed there were real men on this website, not cowards, I'm sorry for wasting your time, I will go somewhere else.

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We don't discuss that here. We talk about it on the .onion site, but if you have to ask, then you're not in the loop. Ancientfags and and anons that prove themselves know, it's eluded feds for over 7 years now… nobody is talking.

I spend 4 years on Zig Forums. Maybe even more. It is much better now than ever before. Redpill people. Make some memes or vidoes or something. And if you are brave enough you can even visit some mosque and learn more about Allah and Mohamed.

Nobody can give you easy answer. We can't organize anything IRL, because feds will infiltrate and shut down everything. Reality is that more than 50% europeans want muslims and all non whites out of Europe. Dead or alive. It is not first time they tried to invade Europe. It is not first time we have jewish problem. Survive blackpill and do your best. Good luck.


I will revoke your hitler dubs.

Hello fellow (((white nationalist)))


The best thing you can do right now is LIFT!

The second best thing you can do right now is FUCK!

Be in shape, get a girlfriend, have white babies. There will come a day when you will have to protect your family. There will come a day when they will come for your family. You must be prepared to defend yourself and your family.

Once the left attacks then you will be able to do anything you want.

or you could just jump in a truck and get a score of 80 like that sandnigger in paris. training is overrated and whites overthink too much. just make a flamethrower or something and walk into your local mosque, easy.

Same. I'm 23 and this guy is the only person I've ever truly admired/looked up to in my life. He's a real hero and as embarrassing as it is to say, I'll probably cry when (((they))) murder him in prison.

I believe history is cyclical, victory shall come when the Spaniard awakes.

Most kiked post I read today

People are awakening.
Actions take time and need to planned for success.

Friday Prayers are soon.

there truly is a rat infestation on this board look at all these replies

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Nice blog post faggot!

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Brenton is a propaganda expert, but a complete fuckwit good goy being red pilled then black pilled on every subject except the most important one, the jewish question.

His target wasn't the worst one possible, but it was a far cry from the best, whats the fucking point formenting social unrest when you have a huge overbearing authoritarian ZOG oppressing every one of us, and is currently largely unbeatable for us when they truly turn their attentions on us as they currently are??

Never attack or get autistic about SYMPTOMS of the real disease, the real cancer at the heart of the west, and the world itself, is fractional reserve banking, debt-based private currency, and globalism, all pushed by both bottom feeding jews and the puppet masters at the 0.0001% laughing down at all of us on high while they drink baby blood and rape kids for fun.

You wanna do something that will actually HURT them? get on Minecraft and take out a central banking authority, Frances central bank, Deutsche Bundesbank, the Bank of England, Brussels European Central Bank, the many Fed Res buildings in america, either find out who's the director, and who he serves (because you can be sure elites like the Rothschilds and other dynasties have better things to do than micromanage the economic system they created, they don't need to do that anymore), and try to take THEM out.

Spergs on here with no clue will read this and think "hurr thats too hard, ill just go shoot the local bank manager in minecraft" no you retard, 99% of people involved in banking, even the jews, are just serving the system and have no vested interest in it past their own employment, their deaths achieve nothing. People with real power dont reside in a fucking mosque, or a government building for the most part either, they reside in a country mansion estate or the top office of a high rise banking authority, or Wall Street or whatever.

Hell, attacking infrastructure to said central banks, cutting off power/water etc with big damaging explosions or emps will do huge damage to economies if you do it right, we live under a cancerous ponzi scheme run by jewish dynasties from the shadows, and how do ponzi schemes fall apart? screw up the internal infrastructure, stop more people signing onto the scam en masse somehow, or force a huge schizm and make a chunk of the goyim cattle break free from the system. You pick the method you use in Minecraft goy.

Zig Forums is a board of peace though no killy.

Attached: kike bank notes.mp4 (500x215 114.43 KB, 215.18K)

You can't stop us. Lol
We grow stronger by the day. The world sees our suffering.
Your government has already submitted.
Your men protect us from their feeble male children. All new Zealand to wear head scarfs on 22 march. Your women are ours now. Lol.

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we dont need to stop you yet goy, we just need to take out your puppet masters that let you get this close to begin with. Fuck off shill.

Attached: suggestion, KYS.jpeg (651x768, 53.94K)

I don't know OP why aren't YOU doing anything?

Do something and post it, deal?

This is our land now. Nowhere left to hide.

You're one generation away from being full blown homosexuals and trannies. Most muslims in the west are in the closet. You won't fuck any woman, they'll turn your kids into trannies and fags.

good post. gonna spread this among normies while pretending to be a shitskin

It will be the Turks who push back the pagans, into the sea.

This, this smells like CIAnigger thread.

Once Erdogan is taken care of Turkey will be the center of LGBT

Holy Dub


This. There's Zig Forums&Zig Forums anons who post pics of literally tons of ammo and hundreds of weapons in their isolated cabin in the wilderness that is PERFECTLY camouflaged. They train non-stop for years and years until they have the skill comparable to a US Navy SEAL but all they really have to do is get in their cars during some non-White holiday/ festival and take down 50 muds… easily.

Elaborate plans are great but people in World of Warcraft need to take a page from Hamas. The simpler and fewer moving parts a plan has, the better.

Than scream jew.

NZ's harlot PM decked herself like a Muslim and went around hugging Muslim men. And now they're gonna have Allah prayers on the radio and tv this Friday.

This is hilarious because it is that pathetic.

I think CIA would have asked for a link to the onion site, the fact OP didn't makes me think OP is genuine, but Im just another idiot on teh internet

This. Without kikes muslims would never pose a threat nor even have a reason to come to us without first getting bombed into oblivion by mechanized kike golems that destabilized their functioning societies in the first place. The eternal kike is the only real target. Anything else is just smoke and mirrors.

I hope you all come to your senses and follow the true path to glory. The future is Muslim.
Even your far right are coming to this understanding. You make it worse for yourselves.
I see you have no real world power, but still they come for you. We speak our minds.


We will prove our history superior.

The Jews will convert and be protected, just like you.

The Jews will convert to Orthodox Christians or be killed

Hey Invaders, you have 90 Days to Leave these Nations:

San Marino
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States of America

We grant you 90 days to leave our White Nations. If you are still to this date within the borders of our Nations you will be considered free game.

We do not care if you have a job here or that you have a white girlfriend, she will be considered a Race Traitor and be executed on the spot with you.

You will nowhere be save anymore.
Not even the Politicans will be able to protect you, we have Cells within most Police & Armed Forces in all these proud White Nations.

To long did we close our eyes and let the politicans destroy our Families by letting Rapists & Murders into our Lands.

We will no more look away. No more pray for better days.
Instead we choose to fight back.

This war is not about Catholic Christians, not about Jews.
Only about our Race. No matter if you are Catholidc, Orthodox Greek, Orthodox Serbian or following Odin.

See you in Valhalla my Brother & Sisters.

On 18th June 2019 every day Invaders will die until White Nations are cleansed again.

95% of jews out there have no ability to endanger us anyway, the only real threat they pose other than voting demographics and propaganda would be if we took out the head dynasties in minecraft ruling and ruining the world, a few members of the tribe would eventually move into a theoretical vacuum and repeat their success. In which case mass deportation to Israel, Madagascar or the gas chambers is the solution.

hell, taking out railroads that service industry, or major ports would do astronomical damage long term aswell, if someone could figure out how to cause a few major ships to crash or sink right in the heart of port bays in europe or the USA. Power plant disruptions help too. Peons dont make much of a difference if they live or die either way, if you're looking to break down the system for real.

reddit tier jew blog post

You are in Europe only because jews let you in. Majority of Europe want you dead. You are so shitty in PR. And your religion is also shit. And you are also shit people. You never manage to take over Europe and you never will.

Danke dir, du Jude.

You're in good company, now get your ass out there and do something m8. You have to get at least 45 in order to rank highly, and you need to hit a politically impactful target.

I don't recommend synagogs or mosques right now as that point has already been made. If you have access to a social media conglomerate site, or a banking hub site, those would be my recommendations. Bonus points for a go-pro livestream.

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Me and my brothers will come here to help convince you. Peace.
Or you will face the sword.

jewish incitement to violence in a honeypot

Am I still banned from this jew cock sucking piece of shit board? No? GOOD!

Just in case you don't know, this site IS a fucking HONEYPOT of epic proportions since the owner Jim Watkins is a total Jew/gov sell out.

typical jew.

hey guys,
im looking for the thread where someone wrote philosophical ( only for big brains) in the title.
Could someone post a link, icant find it in the catalog..^^

We are getting ready buying weapons and training user you should too

aw the goyim aren't doing what you want, time to kys