—The White Kangzian Mentality—
Surprisingly, this NZ shooter admits that he is envious of superior ethnic/religious groups. He says repeatedly that he targeted local muslims for being members of an ethnic group with “higher social trust, stronger traditions, faith, and higher fertility” – all the things he wants for his own ethnic group – and yet does nothing to engender. He’s the ethno-political version of the sulking incel, out for revenge against all the women who didn’t want to fuck him – never stopping to consider that maybe he never invested the effort into becoming worthy of being fucked.
He calls for white families and a “blitz to dominant positions” in politics, military, education, etc. – yet achieved nothing, lead no one, started no family. He is the epitome of the despised slacktivist who rages against the world with manifestos and hashtags, while their own room and life lay in utter disarray and irrelevance. Are we to take orders and commands from someone so deeply unworthy of power – whose only noteworthy deed was one of massacring unarmed, praying civilians while desecrating meme culture? He invokes the Nobility and Wisdom of our ancestors and European heritage – while calling us to follow his words – the words of a man obsessed with murder, self-destruction, delusions of grandeur – with no family, business, or legacy of his own. He is the consummate Child of Entitlement – demanding to inherit the World, demanding that others build families and “blitz to dominant positions” of power and business leadership – while spending his days shitposting on the internet. It’s a “gibs” mentality – a “we wuz kangz” mentality of unearned and undeserved prestige – so absurd as to be memeably pathetic and hilarious.
Which isn't to say that he's 100% full of shit - the lengthy manifesto is filled with legitimate and painful observations about the state of decay of European civilization, late-stage capitalism, and our growing faithlessness. But, the credibility of this guy's prescription for a revival are highly dubious.
—Git Gud, Ethnic Edition—
Last year, a popular Twitch streamer partnered with SteelSeries for a disastrous publicity stunt called "Bully Hunters." The idea was that people who get "cyber bullied" by "misogynists" could ask a "Bully hunter" to join their counterstrike game to spawn camp and kill whoever is bothering them. This concept was endlessly ridiculed for a variety of reasons, but one meme in particular was relevant: "git gud."
"Git gud" is the meme you use when someone is complaining about other players dominating them and "cyber harassing" them. Which is to say, stop crying, and GET BETTER. The root cause of your suffering is not superior (or toxic) gamers, but your own badness. Gaming has produced a ruthless culture of competition and survival of the fittest. It's not so different from IRL group competition. Instead of crying, rage quitting, or harboring some bizarre fantasy of revenge against people beating you in the game, get good. Get better.
1) Don't scapegoat better players for your own badness.
2) Don't try to foment some "final showdown" where you can Navy Seal them once and for all.
3) Admit your mistakes, or the mistakes of your (ethnic) Group/culture
4) Adapt and learn from the groups you admire