The Left has tried this before. They wanted to accelerate the masses towards a proletarian revolution through terrorist violence, and instead got utterly BTFO. The reason is because, rather than following their example, the normies ran into Big Brother's arms for protection. Even if the lefties were bombing corporate offices and killing corrupt officials, the average American is so mindfucked on capitalism that it seemed they were target ordinary people like them. Remember, your typical person probably thinks that Jews are white.
The difference now, with our side, is that there's nowhere to hide. As Saint Tarrant correctly said, we live in a target rich environment. Only the most cucked consider shitskins "one of them", even moreso when they practice an alien religion. On top of that, when we attack them there is almost assured to be a violent reaction. Nigs chimping out are good for this too, but they're rarely organized into trained militant cells.
Why is this good? Because while their mosques are breeding grounds for Salafism, there is no Natsoc Headquarters they can hit us back at. Their only recourse is to go shoot up a church full of normal Christcucks or a shopping mall full of whites. This inevitably brings more and more people to our side. The reason the Left failed here is because the only violent backlash was by the State. There was no UDF equivalent going door-to-door icing cop killers. The Left were seen as antisocial psychopaths, while we must endeavor to be cast as folk heros.
You've all seen the people labelling Tarrant as Mossad for "not naming the Jew". Personally, the very thing I'd expect Mossad to do is publish a list of high value targets, thus giving those assets time to beef up security or leave the country. I'm not saying that the Jew's day isn't coming, or may even be here with how fast things are accelerating now. The same problem remains though, that most normies consider Jews to be fundamentally American (based Stan Lee!!1!1) while a lot of magapedes probably even sympathize with us for this shooting. To be honest, Jews cranking up the immigration to import even more soldiers might benefit us in the short term, because violence will escalate that much quicker.
Remember that we haven't accomplished anything until we've attained the final victory. Do not be satisfied with any appeasement measures or half-baked settlements. Trump's election is the most glaring of these, as it took the steam out of our movement for two and a half years. Even if we got everything he promised, it was only ever a holding tactic. Anyone who's read Mein Kampf will know this is precisely what the Viennese government did to neuter the militant workers' unions.
Hail victory. If I get v& for posting this you faggots better make it count.