Why Muslims are the key enemy of our struggle

The Left has tried this before. They wanted to accelerate the masses towards a proletarian revolution through terrorist violence, and instead got utterly BTFO. The reason is because, rather than following their example, the normies ran into Big Brother's arms for protection. Even if the lefties were bombing corporate offices and killing corrupt officials, the average American is so mindfucked on capitalism that it seemed they were target ordinary people like them. Remember, your typical person probably thinks that Jews are white.

The difference now, with our side, is that there's nowhere to hide. As Saint Tarrant correctly said, we live in a target rich environment. Only the most cucked consider shitskins "one of them", even moreso when they practice an alien religion. On top of that, when we attack them there is almost assured to be a violent reaction. Nigs chimping out are good for this too, but they're rarely organized into trained militant cells.

Why is this good? Because while their mosques are breeding grounds for Salafism, there is no Natsoc Headquarters they can hit us back at. Their only recourse is to go shoot up a church full of normal Christcucks or a shopping mall full of whites. This inevitably brings more and more people to our side. The reason the Left failed here is because the only violent backlash was by the State. There was no UDF equivalent going door-to-door icing cop killers. The Left were seen as antisocial psychopaths, while we must endeavor to be cast as folk heros.

You've all seen the people labelling Tarrant as Mossad for "not naming the Jew". Personally, the very thing I'd expect Mossad to do is publish a list of high value targets, thus giving those assets time to beef up security or leave the country. I'm not saying that the Jew's day isn't coming, or may even be here with how fast things are accelerating now. The same problem remains though, that most normies consider Jews to be fundamentally American (based Stan Lee!!1!1) while a lot of magapedes probably even sympathize with us for this shooting. To be honest, Jews cranking up the immigration to import even more soldiers might benefit us in the short term, because violence will escalate that much quicker.

Remember that we haven't accomplished anything until we've attained the final victory. Do not be satisfied with any appeasement measures or half-baked settlements. Trump's election is the most glaring of these, as it took the steam out of our movement for two and a half years. Even if we got everything he promised, it was only ever a holding tactic. Anyone who's read Mein Kampf will know this is precisely what the Viennese government did to neuter the militant workers' unions.

Hail victory. If I get v& for posting this you faggots better make it count.

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Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=muslim rape children uk&ia=web


Nice. Haven't thought of this before.

Brenton Tarrant is a hero!!!

because this is another awesomely pro Jewish thread, the kind 8pol is known for

Not being able to read for more than 30 seconds straight should be grounds for sterilization

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Except they do. Most normies do, and the more violence you perpetrate against them the more they will start to identify with them and not us.

It's ogre at this point. You retards have fucked it all up, the end is inevitable and you've all played your part in it.

Progress was inevitable

What wasn't inevitable was the end of this epoch

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Interesting suggestions bump

Islam is a hound- Jews released the hounds. Their Muslims diaspora is largely Israel adjacent due Israeli and NATO weapons as forced resettlement.
Brenton outright declared a gimme for the left as his cause- so he only provided points most profitable to them- the firearms, censorship, xenophilia,etc. Doesn't involve Jews as any lever on demography, either via immigration,feminism etc.

Still glowing, nigger?

Your end is inevitable.
That's why you're hear trying desperately to demoralize this momentum.
You stick out like a sore thumb, nigger.
It's time to go.

This is why accelerationism works. Terrant is just following the guidelines set down by people like WLP.




You glow niggers are extremely butthurt today.

All outcomes are their gain, do you even Hegels dialectic?

they want a complete war with islam when the west is weak enough for both sides to be destroyed. kikes are weakening the west through many means, muslim immigration being one of them. they don't want us fighting the invaders off our land before their war is set up.

removing muslims from your home =/= war with muslims

kikes could possibly stir up muslims to keep accelerating it, but since the west isn't weak enough we can easily defend our borders if we put our minds to it. if it is accelerated more at this time it will be very easy to show the masses who is behind the muslim problem to begin.


It's nice that Tarrant has bought newfags to this board, but geez am I tired of hearing about muslims. It's the Jews! They're the real enemy! Remember this.
These newfags must be from kikechan or some civnat groups.

I'm beginning to get the same vibes from these "newfags" as those that supported Trump and then Q.

It is the Jews. Obviously. That doesn't absolve Muslims one bit, and you can't put the cart before the horse. Lone wolves are effective to stir up the hornets' nest nest of Islam, but you need full on RWDS to go after the Jews with any real impact. We aren't there quite yet.

Muslims have always been true friend of the West and of the White Man against the Jew.

map of all the battles against Muslims in Europe. LOL. now overlay battles between Europeans.

but what about all the White slaves the Muslims had? again, compare to White on White slavery that was going on as late as 1800s in democratic jolly old England and colonies.

fact is the pro-American Muslim nations were a key factor in winning in the Cold War. Reagan asked the Saudis (and others) to pump oil at max rate to starve the Jewish Evil Empire of funds. Lots of Muslim based socialist Govts accepted weapons and other aid from the Jews of USSR, but their based Muslim culture prevent the Kikes from introducing the sort of degeneracy you see raging in the USA today.

Want to Make America Great Again for reals? Ask any Muslim what we are doing wrong and he will tell you the truth (except of course for his understandable misconception that Muslims themselves are "good for America").

Muslims like Americans more than any other group because USA was founded by like minded religious nuts, and we had Prohibition, and Mormons. Hard core Muslims are in awe of Mormons. They think the Mormons are "closer to God" due to their more recent Prophet.

There are reasons its called the Arab-American Company (state oil of Saudi Arabia).

Left on their own, Muslims are happy to live and die with 10miles of their birth in their extended family compound.

Jews are forever "on the move" looking for next unsuspecting victims.

Muslims are wise to the Jews. ALWAYS ask a good Muslim about the Jew, whenever considering dealing with Jews, or when Jews show up at your kid's school with a "new program".

If Muslims didn't exist, Jews would be using Mexicans, etc to ruin White nations.

Muslims are, at worst, merely a symptom; Jews are THE disease.

It's all of them dumb dumb.

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We live in exciting times
Thank god the White World is wide enough to accommodate another Tarrant

These are just some hard truths people are going to have to learn before there is ever going to be a revolutionary White Nationalists movement. Many will object to some of the things I am going to say, but I can assure you, if you study it enough, you will find out these things are true.
1. Capitalism means you don't have a Nation. Capitalists are liberals, and when this class rules society, the dominate ideology is their ideology. In that thing called "America," there aren't really any political parties, just different messages that motivate people to vote for a candidate. All candidates are backed by differing sections of capitalists, and in reality, the only real political possibilities present within the "American" electoral system are about the differences between Monopoly Finance Capital (bankers, money manipulators, Soros types) and Industrial Capital (the bottom rung of the capitalist class proper, usually the most right-wing and often slightly more respectable). Nationalism is antithetical to both of these groups.
2. Anti-communism has always been pushed by Christfags. This is one that most people are never going to accept, though anyone here who has dealt with typical "American" "Right" wing trash enough knows this is true. Anyone who has seriously studied communist revolutions every except Russia knows they were all based on Nationalism. Capitalist politics is based on outright fraud, where the people who lead the parties don't actually believe any of the shit they spew, but communism is slightly different. The political danger in all communist societies always comes from being a communist, because communists like to kill each other. When you oppose the communists, it is just an opportunity to shape you into the kind of opposition they want, which has always been Nationalism. The struggle playing out in the Arab world is one between Nationalism and religious obscurantism, and the same thing happened in Vietnam, Korea, China, etc. The ZOG knows this, and has always allied itself with religious fanatics.
3. It is the Zionist Occupation Government, not the Kike Occupation Government. Dylan Storm Roof once remarked that is Jews had blue skin, there would be no Jewish question. In the Turner Diaries, Earl Turner once pretends to be a Jew to fool some ZOG-thugs into leaving a store controlled by the organization, just by putting on a stupid accent and saying shit like "Oy vey!" The Ashkenazi (Euro) Jew is dangerous to the European precisely because most people will accept them as belonging to their same race, when their identity make them Other the white people around them. This is the real social-basis of Jewish parasitism, and has happened in other places in the world. The Manchu fulfilled the same role in China, and the Tutsis/Hima have done the same thing to the blacks in central Africa. The reason why the Jew hasn't been destroyed yet is because their identity is based on a religious narrative accepted by the majority of Europeans. The Christian Zionist would sacrifice the entirety of the white race (all "sinners" in their eyes, anyway) if it would save a handful of Kikes. The non-Jewish Zionists are worse than the Kikes, and millions of them are gonna have to die in that thing called "America" before the White Nation can free itself. And yes, it is going to be a war of Nationalism versus Religious Identity.

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

my Japanese friends tell me in Japan they study history using a TIME LINE (whatta concept!) instead of vague meme based Jewish written American textbooks.

One thing they learn is that Spain got suddenly rich BEFORE any gold showed up from new world after 1520. Old king Ferd had been dead for 7 years by that time, yet many "casa grande" had been built (and paid for) by suddenly wealthy Spanish.

Spain got suddenly rich by being the first nation in Europe to solve their Jewish Problem, which caused "Peace to Breakout" between Christian Spain and the advanced Muslims of North Africa, which allowed Spain to become the middleman between the two groups, a "license to print money". One of the main products was cotton for underwear. If you've ever tried some old school woolen undies you understand. :)

Good point. Although I kinda wish we had NatSoc Headquarters..

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This is true. Anyone whose been downrange can tell you how retarded and childish liberal ideas that lead to policy are. Every swinging dick knew the mosques were breeding grounds for extremism. It's where they hid and received instructions and had depots of weapons.

The problem clueless white liberals and naive conservatives have always had is that they treat it like a sacred institution and thus kept the bombs and soldiers away from them. I shit you not we couldn't even go in them uninvited thanks to these assholes. Now it was a shitty war but one that gave me a lot of experience regarding muslims. Not a single Liberal or Conservative will beat them. They can't. Their ideology and belief system doesn't quit, similar to ours. We will go until we devour or destroy everyone that stands in our way. In a very similar way we are both barbarians as seen from the perspective of our ancestors (i.e. uncivilized still developing ourselves). That is why its formidable.

Even though its ironic both sides are the only ones talking about the true enemy (the jews) by stirring them up without hatred, just an awareness that they're here brought in by jews and traitors that we have to deal with, the opportunity to capitalize on such an escalation is great. The truth of the matter is Islam is providing Europe a chance to be strong by bringing a fight to them that will never end as history has shown until they are all removed. Not pushing them over the top would be a wasted opportunity and give you a slow death like the U.S. and Brazil where everything just gets so bad with nothing but a whimper.

I fully agree. However, I would like to create some kind of ideological basis first. Itried this earlier, but the thread died so here I go again. One of the most frustrating things is that we all know what Accelerationism generally means, or refers to, but it doesn't seem to exist in the world of literature, at least in the way we use that term.

So I have taken the libery, autism, to read up some books, papers and definitions of what the term Accelerationism means, and compiled it. Afterwards, I tried to add a definition that bottles what pol thinks and how it works. However, "How to accelerate" will be a topic of its own.

I am not entirely done yet, but I would gladly appreciate some feedback to this preliminary draft. For the lack of better terminology, and greater distinction, I have dubbed this strand "National-Accelerationism" (6 Minute reading time)


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This fucking thread is jewish. This is why you cant not-have pogroms anywhere you go in history, schlomo

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The Jewish and the Islamic question are not mutually exclusive. Dealing with one doesn't mean ignoring the other. You could go ahead and compile jews subverting your countries, surely people would be interested to listen.

Most people support Brenton Tarrant and his actions.

How about we all agree to just be anti-semitic? You know: Anti jew and anti arab.

Reminder that the Punic Wars were an existential struggle between an Aryan republic and a multicultural Semitic hegemony

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It’s crazy how jews took ownership of that word so that muslims had to invent islamophobia. Yet what most actually want is anti islamist and anti zionist.

This user gets it.

Can someone tell the new alphabet agents or IDF agents on this site to stop making so many threads, or at least make the OPs shorter? We did not have nearly as many of these threads before last week

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Shill thread.

Kill yourself kike, as gruesomely as you can.

but user… don't you know that the NatSoc headquarter is where the heart is?

Muslim bro…you should nuke them then, don't you think? BTW WTF does your war with Israel have to do with Europeans?


Daily reminder that Judaism has a vested interest in seeing a large scale “End Time” war between Europe and Islam and that the OP is a faggot. He's also about to GBTFO.

See the Jewish scripture referenced further below that details my former claim explicitly.

Therefore, Jewish politicians, Jewish lobbying interests, Jewish academics, and Jewish media that are constantly pushing this tense imbalance between Europeans and Islam should be wholly rejected from western society to avoid that fate.

Send all of the Semites back to avoid total war that will be the end of us, according to the Jewish Zohar.

They are pushing a religious supremacist agenda by stoking war between Islam and the West:



By Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David (Greg Killian)

>Below are the excerpts that give the required context for the identity of Edom and Esau. These terms refer to all of the West, since the Jews see the West as using Roman government systems and Rome as Edom:

Start article excerpt:

Jewish tradition gives us the following formula:


These two, Yaaqov and Esau, are going to be fighting throughout history. Later, these powers coalesce; Rome gives rise to the Western culture and its religion and it continues to fight the Jewish people.

The present exile is seen as an extension of the Roman exile (Edom is Rome), since culturally and legally, Western civilization shares the values and worldview of ancient Rome.

/article excerpt

Zohar Torah portion of Va’era page 32a


Soncino Zohar, Shemoth, Section 2, Page 32a

Start Zohar excerpt from article:

In the future, the children of Yishmael will rule over the Holy land for a long time while the land is empty, just as their circumcision is empty and without completion. And they will hinder the children of Israel from returning to their place, until their merit in the Holy land runs out.

In the future the children of Yishmael will stir great wars in the world. And the children of Edom [the West] will gather against them, and make war with them, one on the sea, and one on the land, and one by Jerusalem; and each one will prevail over the other but the Holy land will notfall to the hands of Edom.

At the same time, a nation from the end of the world will be awakened against wicked Rome. (Rome here is said to refer to the spiritual center of western civilization) and it will make war against her for three months, and many nations will gather there, and they will fall by her hand, until all the children of Edom will gather against her from all corners of the earth.

And then G-d will awaken Himself against them, as it says, “a sacrificial slaughter for the Lord in Batzra”, and it says, “to shake the corners of the Land”. And after this, the children of Yishmael will be finished from the world.

And all the supernal powers of the nations will be broken, and no power will remain above except for the power of Israel alone.

/Zohar excerpt from article



Start article excerpts:

Our festival readings during Succoth also speak to the war between Edom and Ishmael

The Haftorot for both the first day of Succoth, from Zechariah 14:1-21, and Shabbat Chol HaMoed Succoth. from Yechezkel 38:18 – 39:16, describe the wars of Gog and Magog, the battles preceding the advent of the Messianic Era.

These battles revolve around Jerusalem with the chief combatants being Edom and Yishmael (see Malbim to Yechezkel 38:2).

Certainly the recent tragic events, once again pitting Christian (the traditional inheritors of the Edom dynasty) countries against Moslem (descendants of Yishmael) countries, are frightening reminders of the eventual fulfillment of these prophecies.

"Edom will be demolished”

– This refers to David, (as it is written [Cf. II Shmuel 8:6 and 8:14], “Edom became the servants of David”); “his enemy, Seir, will be destroyed” – This refers to Mashiach, (as it is written [Ovadiah 1:21], “Saviors will ascend Mount Zion [to judge the mountain of Esau….]”).

The small book written by the prophet Ovadiah contains a prophecy regarding the end of Edom:

Ovadiah 1:17-21 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph aflame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be [any] remaining of the house of Esau;


If Esau / Edom’s success is inversely proportional to that of Yaaqov / Israel, then it follows naturally that the punishment of Edom who now enslaves us in exile will come at the same time as the redemption.

/article excerpts.

(the Jews see our governments as their slavery)


Our War with Islam is Judaism's grand design to destroy all nations with finality and then rule the world, as detailed in their texts. I would imagine that nukes are going to be a major part of that. I would expect Israel to be helping the Muslims with their nukes while raising the alarm against them in the press. Get the fuck out, OP.

The double space shill strikes again

You're right, we should do nothing! If we kill Muslims the kikes win! Once we lynch all the Jews, Abdullah and his nine kids will pack up and go home peacefully.

You schizoposters are causing all the real nationalists to exodus from this board. I'm sure that's fine with you though, since your grand strategy consists of nothing more than sitting in a basement bunker jerking yourself off about Gematria.

Muslims are not the key enemy of our struggle.
Kikes are the key enemy of our Struggle then the local invaders. The local invaders are hispanic, not muslim.

Jews. Reported.

Judaism is 10x worse than islam. Go shill somewhere else.

I like to rape tight little white girl ass

Ha ha Kafir, we can anal rape your children every day and you can not do anything. They cry for mum as I shoot my sperm into them for Allah!

duckduckgo.com/?q=muslim rape children uk&ia=web

You will be removed shitskin.

At this stage in the game the kikes are still rather untouchable. You can't checkmate the king without baiting out the pawns. Once Islamic terror ramps higher and yet policy makers push for even more immigration, normal people will start to ask questions and dig deeper. Targeting Hispanics for this kind of violence will get a less reliable response and could alienate the Christian right. Also, the counter-Islamic struggle is common ground between all White Nationalist groups, whereas the Hispanic Question pertains solely to the American theater.

No, muslims are not target #1 it is zionist.
Many muslims are also antisemetic and agree with your family values.
This thread has one or two thoughts of value but for the most parts sucks ma dik.

your lack of content in your response shows everyone all my points are valid.

thx for the reach-around. :)

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The post in OP doesn't make any sense though. Everything still moved leftward. There was no pause or backtracking. How exactly have those groups failed? Seems like a case of leftists pretending leftist dominated society isn't leftist enough.

There are anti-zionist Jews. Should we ally with them to fight the Zionists? By your logic, yes.

The more extremist groups did indeed fail to garner public support. The Left still moved ahead with its plans due to the colonization of important Western institutions over the following generations. Now you can barely find a judge or academic who isn't a leftist.

I need to read more into it, but there is something that happens that when an extreme fringe violent group attacks another, larger group, that group may put down the violent fringe, but ends up adopting or conceding to the larger group the violent fringe spawned from. Sort of how in the wake of 9/11 you have a general american culture that would love to seen Al-Queda/ISIS of whatever CIA/Mossad organization put down with extreme prejudice, but then there is this simultaneous push against "islamophobia". Jews may fuel all of it for their own ends, but there is some base psychological impulses already present for them to exploit.

Are you fucking soft?

Gladio plan B look it up.

Any alternative to the strategy laid out in Tarrant's manifesto relies on a harebrained notion of a white alliance with Muslims that will never happen in a thousand years. I only make exception in that statement for Shias, who have better praxis, much more Aryan heritage and are generally less kiked than Sunnis. They are also much less of an existential threat to the West due being around 13% of the Muslim population.

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True which is why they won't give any motive for the las vegas shooting because it was mudslimes going to plan b , which is kill Whites at a country concert.

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Why does this "muslim" looks like a kike?

Could he be an (((Arab masquerader)))?

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The Enemy's weak points are their most flagrant lies.

* The Religion of Peace is actually the world's largest hate group that will destroy you for talking about it
* The Poor Palestinians and their long Palestinian heritage in Palestine dating back to 1994
* Transgenders were exposed as a PR campaign for biotech stockholders named Soros and Rothschild and they made you pay for it
* The left's economic policies fail basic math if you just think about them

What you will need:

* Basic facts about Islam from Islamic sources. Everyone should have on hand copies of Qutb's Milestones, The Reliance of the Traveller, The Islamization of Knowledge, and the Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America. Save copies on your hard drive.
* Basic facts about psychological warfare: it exists, how to recognize it. Teach people to question the media. A PR campaign in multiple media is only one source. Keep a copy of the CIA's Simple Sabotage Field Manual so you can point out how it is being used on us.
* Defend science and the scientific method. Biotech billionaires hijacked the school system to force teachers to sell sex change services. Global warming is a scam not because the science is wrong but because all of the money goes to the mafia to "raise awareness".
* Attack Islam from both right-wing atheism and left-wing atheism – screw all religions – as well as from the perspectives of defending Christianity and Judaism. Pick whichever is most comfortable to you and promote writers who attack from the other perspectives. Zionist authors are among the most persuasive so bite the bullet and use their material.
* Name the Rothschild. Leave the Jew out of it unless you're in friendly company. Point out the Rothschild and Soros ownership of all of the media and call 'em Fake Jews.
* Evidence that these shooting victims were actually terrorists. Utoya was a Palestinian recruiting ground. One of the attacked mosques had people join ISIS. Why is the news not covering this? Make people question the media and encourage them to do more research on their own.

What you will need to do today is push one image into the public eye:

Oriana Fallaci throwing off her chador in front of Ayatollah Khomeini

Contrast that act with the dhimmi New Zealand government


You first jew.

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All true, brother.
Worldwide violence is the remedy that will cure the disease of pacifism, by having the weak die, and by making the strong start fighting.
There is nothing that can stop us from making the world ours, or making everyone die so none of our enemies can have the world.
Sieg heil.


Terrorism pushes normies to the other side.
We should push the enemies to do terrorism and have more people come to us.
And read OP's pic related

This is amazin'
This is old/pol/ tier material.
We wuz academics.

oy vey shadow ban captcha trick

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Thank you very much. I feel there needs to be a further distinction between passive (peaceful,resistant) and active (violent, offensive) accelerationism.

Additionally, it should further elaborate how the west will fail one way or another, even if no "violent outbreak" of some sort occours.

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It's both of them dumbass, they've been working together for quite a while now.

Keep re-rolling faggot. It has not as forecasted.

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Muslims would have stayed in Muslim countries if it weren't for JEWISH SUPREMACISTS.

It's an orchestrated state raid on the board to give the image of Zig Forums's enemies as anything other than jewish interests. Also, they are testing blocking sites for speaking against their narrative. The new push to prevent access to information, so they say Zig Forums wants accelerationism to a civil war. Which some do, but not as much as what us being shilled.

Yes it's the Jews. But you don't ignore the rabid dogs they're letting loose either.
We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
I'm actually happy to see more discussion about mudslimes again.
These boards were fucking inundated with

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Back to >>>/reddit/ jewish shil

Good one, Rafiq.

I specifically implied that we didn't get everything he promised. Your poor English comprehension makes it painfully obvious how many of you are being paid to post here by the House of Saud.

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refugees free-for-alls are not result of JewSA War machine?

lol pussy.

during the second half of the 19th century, the Marxist bred Russian to create 25-million strong Red Army in their attempt to overthrow all of Europe, but Hitler stopped them at Berlin during the first half of the 20th century

during the second half of the 20th century, development aid has bred billions of Arabs/Africans, which will be used to overthrow Europe & kill off all European men during the first half of the 21st century

So, if Muslims are the key to accelerationism, i.e. social polarization and action, wouldn’t it make sense for a hypothetical group that wants to spur action to false flag them? Case in point, the 9/11 attacks were used to garner public support to go after Al Qaida, and to feed the MIC. If, on the other hand, Muslim groups in the United States e.g. CAIR, could be linked to a major infrastructure attack on say, the extremely large transformers in several major substations that could cause a cascade in the Eastern US interconnection, you would have a situation where major metropolitan areas would be under immense strain in the span of several weeks, with millions of Americans demanding answers, and a huge backlash against anyone who dared to allow ANY dangerous groups to flourish inside the United States. I would never suggest any such action be taken, especially on this illustrious board of peace, to be absolutely clear.

every step of the way in Muslim invasions of Europe, Jews were holding the door open and spying for Muslim invaders against White Christians.

Jews "flourished" in the vast and long lived Ottoman Empire, never expelled and rarely disciplined. Arabs, Turks, etc have no problem with Slavery, White Slavery, and swindling as long as "the streets are safe". IMO the Muslims would have no problem with Jewish baby's blood murder as long as the baby was a duly and legally held slave, or slave's baby.

On the other hand, Jews have been repeatedly expelled from every White European nation, always for the same group of crimes.

If they Islam spread so much worries you, compare to map of its forerunner Christianity. Hint: it will include a hold other HEMISPHERE and 4x the genocides in that hemisphere alone.

Unlike Christianity, Islam never oppressed science and learning, which is why even North Africans were on par with Europeans prior to about 1500.

I blame Muslim incursions into Europe as much on how the Jew's "Christian Church" was repressing and degrading Europe in the Dark Ages as anything. Put yourself in the position of Muslim leader. You see all these dumbfucks being obviously lead astray and repressed by an evil cult, and your religion says its a DUTY to "spread the truth".

Nothing to see here, let’s steer the conversation away from Muslims. Zig Forums should just slam all the normies with the JQ and demonize the standard white non-progressive religion of Christianity. I’m sure no hardworking, blue collar, firearm owning veterans who could be red pilled after seeing how trash Muslims are in their own countries are Christians.

Reminder that the vast majority of science during the "Islamic Golden Age" was done by Persian Zoroastrians who were forced to adopt Islam and write in Arabic under pain of death.

Reminder that the rest of "Islamic" knowledge was just pilfered wholesale from the Greeks in the Byzantine Empire.

Reminder that the myth of a Christian "dark ages" is an utter fabrication.

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Lead claim was that muzzies are fundamental- they are contestants but they are pawns. This is not countered.

Of course they are pawns. You could look at the post above you that has my UID on it to see that bringing them into a negative light would lead normies to the rabbit hole instead of chucking them down it. You don’t just hit someone upside the face with the JQ, you show them something bad and ask them, “who is responsible for that?” The answer of course, is liberal academia, Hollywood, major media corporations, leftist politicians, etc. Who are these people, specifically? Why are so many Jewish?

Have you ever spoken to a person about these topics in person? We have more and more opportunities every day, and the Overton window IS moving as people realize that “the poor NZ mosque” is covered for 50 deaths while hundreds of Christian deaths elsewhere are ignored during the very same week. Who is responsible for THAT story selection?

As a Jew, I have to admit that Muslims truly are the grand enemy.

Nothing is worse than a Muslim, especially a Muslim in Israel. Now, personally, I don't mind Muslims in Europe or the United States, or even in Australia, New Zealand, or anywhere.

But I certainly don't want them in Israel. They're incredibly dangerous and volatile, and of course, their religion is a slave religion, much like Christianity, so if they end up converting a fellow Jew, then that's quite a troubling situation. Jews need to be masters, not slaves.

Jews "flourished" in the vast and long lived Ottoman Empire, never expelled and rarely disciplined. Arabs, Turks, etc have no problem with Slavery, White Slavery, and swindling as long as "the streets are safe". IMO the Muslims would have no problem with Jewish baby's blood murder as long as the baby was a duly and legally held slave, or slave's baby.
The hell? Explain what is the Damascus affair then where a Christian monk was murdered and the blame pinned on Jews who were massacred by the Turks as a result?

Hahahahaha nice for giving yourself away, Abdel Rahman.

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Let me fucking say this once, ALL nonwhites are our enemy yet jews outclass all of them in terms of priority. Focusing on eliminating only islam from europe is focusing on only a small fraction of our enemies. In a way this post is redundant because it gives off a "no duh" aspect that we should all know by now. Calling them our "key enemy" is the biggest stretch since they are all slaves to jews. Whatever happened to keeping shitskins in the middle east and let them fight jews aswell?

Start with the core problem and work your way out.
1: Overview-Demographic shift through immigration, destruction of the family, unaffordable housing and children, destruction of morality and self sufficiency must be fought by shifting the Overton window in order to affect the necessary changes in the zeitgeist to achieve enough popular support to even have the option of recourse.
2: There are studies that show whites on the scale of moderate through "conservative" have maintained birth rates over 2.06, some figures put it as high as 2.67, while "liberal" whites fail to hit replacement rates, with figures in the 1.67+ range. This indicates that there is a core moral/family oriented/population.
3: What are the threats this population faces? A)Foreigners who do not share the culture, with obscenely high birth rates. B)Socially-engineered brainwashing that corrupts their children and adds them to the morally defunct "liberal" white population. C)Governmental, legal, and other institutional/structural pressures that make it difficult to build and sustain a family to reduce the ability of this core population to propagate.
4: In order to combat these things, you need the support of the core population and any allies you can get. Most conservative whites have been taught to support Israel, but to hate Muslims. What happens when Muslims become a threat inside America, and it is shown that progressives/media/Hollywood/ et al. are responsible for the policies that brought them here? What happens when the question is asked as to whom these people answer to or who they actually are, and the disproportionate weight of influence is from Jewish individuals? Does the Overton window shift? Can the zeitgeist be changed?

Everything here is correct

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Nigger most ultraleftards from that era that were killing people back then got away with it, served only nominal jail sentences, and are now part of many westcuck governments. If anything its proof that using violence it works because it got them the help of other less brave leftards who donated their money, time and influence to the cause by helping these fags get out of jail and into the inner circle of governments everywhere.